
Picture Name Roles
Espeon Pokémon Unite Image Espeon
Attack StyleSpecial Attacker

Evolution Data

EeveeLevel 4Espeon


Pokébuki StyleOrange Unite StylePurple Unite Style
Tuxedo StyleJingle Bells StylePerformer Style
Checkered StyleFairy-tale Style

Obtaining Method

Aeos Emporium - 10,000 Aeos Coins / 575 Aeos Gems


Anticipation Anticipation
When the Pokémon would be affected by a hindrance, the hindrance is negated and the Pokémon becomes immune to hindrances for a short time. This Ability goes on cooldown after it's triggered

Eevee only
Magic Bounce Magic Bounce
When the Pokémon would be affected by a hindrance, the hindrance is negated and the Pokémon becomes immune to hindrances for a short time. At the same time, this Ability deals damage to the opposing Pokémon that attempted to inflict the hindrance and decreases its movement speed for a short time.
This Abiliy goes on cooldwon after it's triggered

Espeon only


PicNameCategoryStyleL15 Base DamageCooldown


Basic Attack Basic Attack Special 289 (Std)
Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, dealing increased damage when it hits

Eevee only
Basic Attack Basic Attack Special 289 (Std)
591 (Boosted)
Becomes a boosted attack whenever a set amount of time passes, firing a beam in front of the user.
The beam deals increased damage to opposing Pokémon it hits and decreases their movement speed for a short time

Eespeon only

Special 1

Swift Swift Ranged Special 2127 6
Shoots star-shaped rays at opposing Pokémon, dealing damage to them.

Upgrade at Level 4: Upgrades to 1 of the following moves
Psyshock Psyshock Ranged Special 1295 first
1548 second
2843 total
Has the user materialize psychic projectiles and hurl them at a designated location, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon hit by the projectiles and decreasing their movement speed for a short time.
If an opposing Pokémon is hit by all of these psychic projectiles, that Pokémon is left unable to act for a short time

Upgrade at Level 10: Increases the speed at which the projectiles travel
Stored Power Stored Power Sure Hit Special 313 per hit
1025 first hit
2277 total
Has the user unleash blasts of psychic power at random opposing Pokémon in the area of effect, dealing damage to them and decreasing their movement speed for a short time.
The user stores one blast of psychic power whenever a set amount of time passes or after the user hits an opposing Pokémon with a boosted basic attack. Up to five blasts of psychic power can be stored at once. After this move is used, the user's movement speed increases for a short time

Upgrade at Level 10: Also deals additional damage to opposing Pokémon with a low percentage of remaining HP

Special 2

Growl Growl Sure Hit Special 1049 7
Has the user growl at a designated opposing Pokémon, dealing damage and decreasing its movement speed for a short time

Upgrade at Level 6: Upgrades to 1 of the following moves
Psybeam Psybeam Ranged Special 1631
5999 second
7630 total
Has the user fire a peculiar ray in the designated direction. If the ray hits an opposing Pokémon, it will then split beyond the first Pokémon and deal damage to other opposing Pokémon in range. These split rays deal more damage the higher the max HP of the first Pokémon hit by the ray. Furthermore, if the first Pokémon hit by the ray has its movement speed decreased or unable to act, those same effects will be applied to the Pokémon hit by the split rays

Upgrade at Level 12: Deals additional damage to opposing Pokémont hat are unable to act. If Psybeam then splits beyond its initial target, its split rays will also deal additional damage to opposing Pokémon and leave unable to act
Future Sight Future Sight Sure Hit Special Max HP: 1142 total 7
Has the user lock on to an opposing Pokémon, then deal damage a few seconds later to opposing Pokémon in an area of effect centered on the locked-on Pokémon. More damage is dealt the lower the locked-on Pokémon's remaining HP is.
When the user is locked onto an opposing Pokémon, its other moves will target that Pokémon whenever possible. Each time one of those moves deals damage, Future Sight's cooldown is reduced.
If the locked-on Pokémon is on the opposing team and is knocked out before the area-of-effect damage is dealt, a single powered-up use of Psyshock or Stored Power becomes available for a short time. When Psyshock is powered up, it hurls stronger psychich projectiles at a designated location that also cause an explosion, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect. When Stored Power is powered up, it unleashes an increased number of power blasts and restores the user's HP when the blasts hits.

Upgrade at Level 12: The user deals increased damage to the opposing Pokémon that Espeon's Future Sight is locked on to


Psychic Solare Psychic Solare Area Special 1543
Has the user throw opposing Pokémon in the area of effect into the air and suspend them using Psychic power. After a dela, an explosion occurs that deals damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect and shoves them.

Activates at Level 8

Viability Stats

8 4 3 4 6


LevelHPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
Level 1 3200 134 35 50 27 3700
Level 2 3269 137 39 71 30 3700
Level 3 3349 141 44 95 34 3700
Level 4 3753 161 69 218 54 3700
Level 5 3858 166 75 250 59 5200
Level 6 3979 172 82 287 65 5200
Level 7 4118 179 90 329 72 6700
Level 8 4278 187 100 378 80 6700
Level 9 4462 196 111 434 89 8200
Level 10 4674 207 124 499 99 8200
Level 11 4918 219 139 573 111 9700
Level 12 5199 233 156 658 125 9700
Level 13 5522 249 176 756 141 9700
Level 14 5893 268 199 869 159 9700
Level 15 6320 289 225 999 180 9700