
Picture Name Roles
Suicune Pokémon Unite Image Suicune
Attack StyleSpecial Attacker

Evolution Data



Fairy-Tale Style

Obtaining Method


Pressure Pressure
When this Pokémon deals damage to a frozen Pokémon on the opposing team whose HP is below a set percentage, that Pokémon is instantly knocked out.
When this Pokémon hits opposing Pokémon with moves, the Pokémon is granted a shield, and its crystal gauge increases.
This shield can stack up to 2 times.
When this Pokémon uses Whirlpool or Surf, the area the move passes through will become flooded.
If the Pokémon freezes a flooded area, opposing Pokémon in the flooded area will also be frozen.


PicNameCategoryStyleL15 Base DamageCooldown


Basic Attack Basic Attack Special 290 (Std)
When the crystal gauge is full, the user's next basic attack becomes a boosted attack. Boosted attacks shoot water continuously and deal additional damage to frozen opposing Pokémon

Special 1

Water Pulse Water Pulse Ranged, Hindrance Special 688 6
Has the user fire a pulse of water in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits and shoving them. Also marks the opposing Pokémon by leaving them drenched

Upgrade at Level 5: Upgrades to 1 of the following moves
Whirlpool Whirlpool Area Special 275 per hit
1100 total
Has the user generate a vortex of water at the designated location, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon, puilling them toward its center, and leaving them drenched.
If this move is used again, the vortex is moved in the designated dirction, flooding the area it passes through

Upgrade at Level 11: Reduces this move's cooldown
Surf Surf Ranged, Hindrance Special 908 5
Has the user create a big wave in the designated direction, dealing damage to and shoving opposing Pokémon it hits and leaving them drenched. The area the wave passes through becomes flooded.
If the wave hits a pillar of ice created by Icy Wind, the pillar breaks, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits

Upgrade at Level 11: Increases the damage dealt by this move

Special 2

Avalanche Avalanche Area, Hindrance Special 344 per hit
1548 total
Has the user make snow continuously fall at the designated location, dealing damage and applying a slowing effect to the opposing Pokémon it hits.At the end of the move, the user drops a clump of snow, leaving flooded areas frozen. Also, if opposing Pokémon are drenched when hit, they are left frozen

Upgrade at Level 7: Upgrades to 1 of the following moves
Ice Beam Ice Beam Ranged Special 1035 0.5
Has the user fire an icy-cold beam of energy in the designated direction, dealing damage and applying a slowing effect to opposing Pokémon it hits. If the opposing Pokémon are drenched when hit, they are left frozen.
If this move hits a flooded area, that area becomes frozen.
A maximum of 2 uses can be kept in reserve for this move

Upgrade at Level 13: Strengthens the slowing effect applied to opposing Pokémon hit by this move
Icy Wind Icy Wind Area Special 987 hit
497 broken
Has the user blow a gust of freezing air at the designated location, applying a slowing effect to opposing Pokémon it hits
Once the freezing air builds up, it creates a pillar of ice, dealing damage and applying a slowing effect to opposing Pokémon it hits.
After a short time, the pillar of ice breaks, dealing damage to nearby opposing Pokémon. If a pillar of ice is created in a flooded area, that area becomes frozen. A maximum of 2 uses can be kept in reserve for this move.

Upgrade at Level 13: Reduces the move's cooldown


Endless Ice Spikes Endless Ice Spikes Ranged, Hindrance Special 1364 first hit
2728 total
This move can be used while the user is unable to act, and when it is, all status conditions on the user are removed.
Has the user create ice spikes in the desigfnated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon they hit and leaving them frozen.
After a short time, the spikes explode, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon they hit.

Activates at Level 9

Viability Stats

10 5 5 4 4


LevelHPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
Level 1 3250 134 70 80 60 3700
Level 2 3398 140 80 105 68 3700
Level 3 3561 146 91 132 76 3700
Level 4 3740 153 103 162 85 3700
Level 5 3936 160 116 195 95 3850
Level 6 4152 168 130 231 106 3850
Level 7 4390 177 145 271 118 4000
Level 8 4652 187 162 315 132 4000
Level 9 4941 198 181 364 147 4150
Level 10 5259 210 202 418 164 4150
Level 11 5610 223 225 477 182 4300
Level 12 5995 237 250 542 202 4300
Level 13 6419 253 277 614 224 4300
Level 14 6886 271 307 693 248 4300
Level 15 7400 290 340 780 275 4300