
Picture Name Roles
Urshifu Pokémon Unite Image Urshifu
Attack StylePhysical Attacker

Rapid Strike

Picture Name Roles
Urshifu Pokémon Unite Image Urshifu
Attack StylePhysical Attacker

Evolution Data

KubfuLevel 5Urshifu


Holiday StyleGhost StyleNinja Style
Dark Suit StyleGuardian Style

Obtaining Method


Inner Focus Inner Focus
Reduces the duration of hindrance effects inflicted on the Pokémon.

Kubfu only
Unseen Fist Unseen Fist
When the Pokémon deals damage to an opposing Pokémon with a shield effect, it pierces part of the shield and deals damage.

Urshifu only


PicNameCategoryStyleL15 Base DamageCooldown


Basic Attack Basic Attack Physical 480 (Std)
624 (Boosted)
Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, dealing increased damage.

Kubfu only
Basic Attack Basic Attack Physical 480 (Std)
720 (Boosted)
Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, dealing increased damage and granting the user a shield when it hits.

Urshifu Single Strike only
Basic Attack Basic Attack Physical 480 (Std)
360 per hit
720 total (Boosted)
Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, dealing increased damage with two consecutive blows and reducing the user's move cooldowns.

Urshifu Rapid Strike only

Special 1

Rock Smash Rock Smash Melee Physical 761 6
Charges power before punching in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon. The longer power is charged, the more damage this move deals. The user receives reduced damage while charging.

Upgrade at Level 5:
Wicked Blow Wicked Blow Melee Physical 801 7
Charges power before striking in the designated direction with a fierce blow.
The user's next basic attack after hitting an opposing Pokémon with this move becomes a boosted attack.
While the user is charging, its movement speed is decreased, but it receives reduced damage and becomes immune to hindrances.
If the user charges power for a set amount of time or longer before striking, it deals damage to opposing Pokémon in an area of effect. The lower the opposing Pokémon's remaining HP is, the more damage is dealt. Opposing Pokémon in the center of the area of effect receive a critical hit and are shoved.
If the user does not charge power for that set amount of time, it deals damage to opposing Pokémon in an area of effect, decreasing their movement speed, and this move's cooldown is reduced.

Upgrade at Level 11: Further reduces the damage the user receives while charging. Also, when the user strikes after charging power, opposing Pokémon in the center of the area of effect are also left unable to act.
Surging Strikes Surging Strikes Melee Physical 613 per hit 11
Has the user dash in the designated direction and strike with a flowing motion, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits. This move can be used an additional two times, and the third time it is used, any hits are always critical hits, and it throws opposing Pokémon. The user's next basic attack after using this move becomes a boosted attack, and if the boosted attack hits, it restores the user's HP.

Upgrade at Level 11: Also, while using this move, the user receives reduced damage.

Special 2

Headbutt Headbutt Dash Physical 739 9
Has the user charge in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits and leaving them unable to act for a short time.

Upgrade at Level 7:
Throat Chop Throat Chop Dash Physical 1283 7
Has the user dash in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits and leaving them unable to act. The user's next basic attack after using this move becomes a boosted attack.

Upgrade at Level 13: Also reduces this move's cooldown when Wicked Blow hits.
Liquidation Liquidation Melee Physical 717 10
Has the user deal damage to and decrease the Defense of opposing Pokémon in the area around it. When this move hits, the user is granted a shield whose strength is based on the number of opposing Pokémon hit.

Upgrade at Level 13: Reduces this move's cooldown to 9 seconds


Ebon Fist Ebon Fist Sure Hit Physical 2367
Has the user dash at the designated opposing Pokémon. Then, if the user designates a direction, it deals damage to the opposing Pokémon and shoves it in that direction. The shoved Pokémon then also deals damage to and throws other opposing Pokémon it hits. But if the user does not designate a direction, it instead deals damage to the opposing Pokémon and throws it, leaving it unable to act when it lands. Using this move will reset Wicked Blow's cooldown.

Activates at Level 9
Flowing Fists Flowing Fists Melee Physical 551 per hit
3306 total
Has the user deal damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect and shove them. The user's movement speed is increased for a short time, and all of the user's move cooldowns are reduced. If this move is used again, the user unleashes five consecutive blows upon the designated opposing Pokémon, dealing damage and shoving it. In the time between activating this move and activating the follow-up attack, every three times the user deals damage to opposing Pokémon, the number of consecutive blows the follow-up attack will deal is increased by one, up to 10 times maximum. While dealing the consecutive blows, the user receives reduced damage and becomes immune to hindrances. After the consecutive blows have finished, the user deals damage and shoves opposing Pokémon in an area of effect in front of itself.

Activates at Level 9

Viability Stats

9 6 5 5 2

Viability Stats - Rapid Strike

9 5 7 5 1


LevelHPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
Level 1 3200 150 80 20 60 3700
Level 2 3304 157 89 22 66 3700
Level 3 3424 165 99 24 73 3700
Level 4 3562 175 111 27 81 3850
Level 5 4191 219 164 40 119 3850
Level 6 4373 232 179 44 130 4000
Level 7 4583 247 197 48 143 4000
Level 8 4824 264 218 53 157 4150
Level 9 5102 284 242 59 174 4150
Level 10 5421 306 269 65 193 4300
Level 11 5789 332 300 72 215 4300
Level 12 6212 362 336 81 240 4300
Level 13 6698 396 377 91 269 4300
Level 14 7257 435 425 102 302 4300
Level 15 7900 480 480 115 340 4300