Remoat Stadium - First to 500

Remoat Stadium - First to 500

Modes Available
Standard Battle

Players: 5 vs 5
Match Time: 5 Minutes

This stage was available for the First to 500 Mode

Remoat Stadium - First to 500 Map

 Research Map

List of Pokémon Opponents

Note: Opponent HP and stats scale up as the stage progresses

PicturePokémonPointsSpawn TimeFinal Timer ChangeSpecial Effect
Magnemite Magnemite Points 2 Minutes
When both of your forward zones are destroyed, a Magnemite with limited view appears. When both of your middle goal zones are destroyed, a Magnemite with a wide field of vision appears
Match TimeBase HPBase AttackBase XP
Stantler Stantler Points 2 Minutes - Respawns after 90 seconds
Defeating it will raise your Pokémon's Attack, Sp. Atk and bassic attack Speed
Match TimeBase HPBase AttackBase XP
Rotom Rotom Points 1 Minutes
After defeating, it will move to the nearest enemy goal and give a quick boost to give instant scoring
When in the top path, it will use Light Screen to reduce damage. When on the bottom path, it will use Discharge to deal damage
Match TimeBase HPBase AttackBase XP
Claydol Claydol Points 2 Minutes - Respawns after 90 seconds
Defeating it will raise your Pokémon's max HP, Defense and Sp. Def.
Match TimeBase HPBase AttackBase XP
Regieleki Regieleki Points 2 Minute - Respawns after 90 seconds
After defeating, the team that defeats will gain increased goal-scoring speed and be unstoppable when scoring
Match TimeBase HPBase AttackBase XP
Regidrago Regidrago Points 2 Minute - Respawns after 90 seconds
After defeating, the team that defeats will gain increased goal-scoring speed and be unstoppable when scoring
Match TimeBase HPBase AttackBase XP
Zapdos Zapdos 20 Points 8 minutes - reappears every 30 seconds
After defeating, it will advance towards one of the opposing team's goals. When it reaches, it will charge for a set time and make the goal zone defenseless. This can be interrupted if affected by a hinrance or its shield is destroyed
Match TimeBase HPBase AttackBase XP