Dustox, The Poison Moth Pokémon. It is instinctively drawn to light. Swarms of Dustox are attracted by the bright lights of cities, where they wreak havoc by stripping the leaves off roadside trees for food. When it flaps its wings, a fine dust is scattered all over. This dust is actually a powerful poison that will even make a pro wrestler sick. It searches for food using its antennae like radar. It scatters horribly toxic dust when it senses danger. They tend to gather in the glow of streetlamps at night. Battle Moveset A Good Moveset for Dustox would have to be this: Attacks:
Sludge Bomb Items Attached:
Preferred Nature: Careful Strategy Using Dustox Dustox is a far low tier Pokémon, NU or low-UU at best. It gets some decent tanking moves though. With Light Screen it can tank a few special hits that aren't super effective as well as support it's team and with Moonlight it has some staying power. Sludge Bomb gets STAB and has a chance of Poison so it makes for a nice damage move, even off of it's low attack. Whirlwind, Toxic and Thief are all filler, they have their merits but are of questionable worth. Another attack could be used in it's place as well since Dustox has a reasonable set of offensive options. EV Corner:
EVs: 236 HP / 116 Atk / 156 SDef~ Other Optional Sets
Dustox @ Choice Band It'll do 'some' damage but don't expect to be sweeping. It has reasonable versatility and Double-STAB so the potential for a KO or two is there, especially with paralysis support. Other Optional Moves A fair few Pokémon used in UU/NU have a 4x weakness to Grass attacks so Giga Drain is viable, even without Special Attack EVs it'll do some good damage. Aside from that everything mentioned in the Choice Band set and Tanking set is all that's available. Strategy Against Dustox It has plenty of weaknesses in both Special and Physical. If it gets Light Screen up neutral Special Attacks won't do much damage. Steel types resist pretty much everything it has available (barring Hidden Powers) so they make suitable counters in 90% of situations. Contest Moveset A good Contest Moveset for Dustox would have to be this for the Smart Contest best with Calm, Gentle, Careful, Sassy Nature: Attacks:
Sleep Powder Items Attached:
Strategy Using Dustox If you do the attacks in this following order you should have very few problems; 1st - Sleep powder, 2nd - Stun spore, 3rd - Whirlwind, 4th - Shadow ball, 5th - Sleep Powder Locations in Games
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