
Forest Temple | Fire Temple | Ice Temple
Thunder Temple | Dark Temple | Light Temple

Ice Temple Missions

Time, Time, Time!

Difficulty: 2
Recommended Level: 19+
Time Limit: 01:00

The first mission in the Ice Temple has you running against the clock. When you start, you get given just a minute. The best thing to do here is rush through the level, collecting clocks as you can go without getting into battles. When you have sufficient clocks, go around and capture six Girafarig. At the recommended level, these should take about half a minute to capture depending on your assist. Once all six are captured, head to the room to see the Yoroibito guard. This boss is a Weavile. Weavile is incredibly fast and of the Dark type so bring a Fighting type assist. It uses simle dark slices and creates dark puddles on the ground.

Litograph Prizes
S Rank (Rare) S Rank A Rank
Available Litographs
Ranger No. Picture Name Field Ability Assist
N-055 Vaporeon Water Water
N-129 Dunsparce Break Normal
N-130 Sneasel Slash Dark
N-132 Swinub Slam Ground
N-133 Piloswine Slam Ground
N-138 Wingull Slash Water
N-139 Pelipper Slash Water
N-140 Anorith Slash Rock
N-141 Armaldo Slash Rock
N-142 Spheal Break Ice
N-143 Sealeo Break Ice
N-144 Walrein Break Ice
N-145 Buizel Water Water
N-146 Floatzel Water Water
N-149 Stunky Slam Poison
N-150 Skuntank Slam Poison

Save the Frightened Vulpix

Difficulty: 2.5
Recommended Level: 21+
Time Limit: 08:30

The next mission has you looking through a Warp Tile maze for six frightened Vulpix. There are numerous Vulpix in the area, but only the ones that are frightened will count towards the capture. There are numerous bonuses around the stage for you to get as well as clocks to help you find the Vulpix. Once all six frightened Vulpix are found and captured, you get access to the next room. The boss the Yoroibito guard uses this time is Feraligatr. Feraligatr has a powerful Water Pulse attack that can track any Pokémon you have in play and it creates Hydro Pumps on the ground. In addition to that, it will also create massive pools of water on the floor that will damage you.

Litograph Prizes
S Rank (Rare) S Rank A Rank
Available Litographs
Ranger No. Picture Name Field Ability Assist
N-061 Glaceon Break Ice
N-097 Numel Flame Fire
N-098 Camerupt Flame Fire
N-110 Mankey Break Fighting
N-111 Primeape Break Fighting
N-115 Kabuto Break Rock
N-116 Kabutops Slash Rock
N-126 Wooper Water Water
N-127 Quagsire Water Water
N-129 Dunsparce Break Normal
N-130 Sneasel Slash Dark
N-135 Mudkip Water Water
N-136 Marshtomp Water Water
N-138 Wingull Slash Water
N-139 Pelipper Slash Water
N-142 Spheal Break Ice
N-143 Sealeo Break Ice
N-145 Buizel Water Water

Round and Round! Find the Floor!

Difficulty: 2.5
Recommended Level: 23+
Time Limit: 11:00

The next mission has you going through another maze in search for 5 Smoochum. However, unlike previous stages, this temple has special hidden floors to get you between platforms. You may be able to spot it by Pokémon walking upon it or it sometimes glistening. Once the five have been captured, you can go to the boss room. The boss here is an Empoleon. Empoleon creates massive and multiple slashes with its wings that can cause massive damage. In addition to that, it creates jets of water on the ground.

Litograph Prizes
S Rank (Rare) S Rank A Rank
Available Litographs
Ranger No. Picture Name Field Ability Assist
N-026 Aipom Break Normal
N-027 Ambipom Break Normal
N-113 Koffing Slam Poison
N-114 Weezing Break Poison
N-120 Mareep Electrify Electric
N-121 Flaaffy Electrify Electric
N-122 Ampharos Electrify Electric
N-123 Marill Water Water
N-124 Azumarill Water Water
N-125 Politoed Water Water
N-147 Glameow Slash Normal
N-148 Purugly Slam Normal
N-151 Snover Break Ice

Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back!

Difficulty: 3.5
Recommended Level: 26+
Time Limit: 06:30

The final mission of the Ice Temple is a relatively desceptively simple one. In it, you just need to capture one Mareep to pass and the Mareep is right at the start of the stage. However, your task is to get through the entire temple which follows linear progression. You can do this quickly without battling Pokémon if you do so wish. At the end, you'll face the final boss of the temple; Abomasnow. Abomasnow creates massive pillars blocking areas of the stage and uses attacks such as Powder Snow to prevent loops being made around it. Capture it and you have beaten the Ice Temple
Capturing Abomasnow activates the hidden cave in Faldera Volcano.

Litograph Prizes
S Rank (Rare) S Rank A Rank
Available Litographs
Ranger No. Picture Name Field Ability Assist
N-026 Aipom Break Normal
N-027 Ambipom Break Normal
N-032 Delibird Break Ice
N-061 Glaceon Break Ice
N-110 Mankey Break Fighting
N-111 Primeape Break Fighting
N-112 Dodrio Slam Normal
N-115 Kabuto Break Rock
N-116 Kabutops Slash Rock
N-121 Flaaffy Electrify Electric
N-122 Ampharos Electrify Electric
N-129 Dunsparce Break Normal
N-132 Swinub Slam Ground
N-133 Piloswine Slam Ground
N-138 Wingull Slash Water
N-139 Pelipper Slash Water
N-147 Glameow Slash Normal
N-148 Purugly Slam Normal

After defeating the "Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back!" mission, you unlock the Thunder Temple