In the past missions, you don't obtain Pokémon for your browser through just capturing them. Instead, you need to capture them and they'll have a chance of dropping a Litograph. These litographs then have their own chances of being one of a certain number of Pokémon. Below is a list of all the Pokémon that drop Litographs, their locations as well as the Pokémon you can obtain through the litographs and the rarity of that Pokémon.
Ranger No. |
Picture |
Name |
Field Ability |
Assist |
Litograph Location |
Litographs |
N-005 |
Ivysaur |
Slash |
Grass |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way Dark Temple - A Fork in the Dark Road |
90% |
10% |
N-006 |
Venusaur |
Slash |
Grass |
Dark Temple - A Fork in the Dark Road |
50% |
50% |
N-009 |
Pidgeot |
Slash |
Flying |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
80% |
20% |
N-012 |
Oddish |
Slash |
Grass |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
95% |
5% |
N-013 |
Gloom |
Slash |
Poison |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
80% |
20% |
N-017 |
Bayleef |
Slash |
Grass |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! |
80% |
20% |
N-020 |
Croconaw |
Break |
Water |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! |
95% |
5% |
N-022 |
Hoothoot |
Slash |
Flying |
Forest Temple - Pidgeotto and the Switch Path Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
93% |
7% |
N-024 |
Bonsly |
Slam |
Rock |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
100% |
N-025 |
Sudowoodo |
Break |
Rock |
Forest Temple - Torchic and Treasure Chests |
100% |
N-027 |
Ambipom |
Break |
Normal |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
50% |
50% |
N-030 |
Pineco |
Slam |
Normal |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
100% |
N-032 |
Delibird |
Break |
Ice |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
100% |
N-033 |
Treecko |
Slash |
Grass |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
80% |
20% |
N-034 |
Grovyle |
Slash |
Grass |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames |
80% |
20% |
N-041 |
Kricketot |
Slam |
Bug |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
80% |
20% |
N-042 |
Kricketune |
Slash |
Bug |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
80% |
20% |
N-043 |
Shinx |
Electrify |
Electric |
Forest Temple - Pidgeotto and the Switch Path Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
97% |
3% |
N-044 |
Luxio |
Electrify |
Electric |
Forest Temple - Pidgeotto and the Switch Path Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
80% |
20% |
N-045 |
Luxray |
Electrify |
Electric |
Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
N-046 |
Mothim |
Slash |
Flying |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
100% |
N-047 |
Chingling |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Forest Temple - A Hoard of Treasure Chests Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
99% |
1% |
N-048 |
Chimecho |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Forest Temple - A Hoard of Treasure Chests Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
95% |
5% |
N-050 |
Skorupi |
Break |
Bug |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
100% |
N-052 |
Carnivine |
Slash |
Grass |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
100% |
N-054 |
Eevee |
Slam |
Normal |
Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! |
100% |
N-055 |
Vaporeon |
Water |
Water |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! |
100% |
N-056 |
Jolteon |
Electrify |
Electric |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
100% |
N-057 |
Flareon |
Flame |
Fire |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames |
100% |
N-058 |
Espeon |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! |
100% |
N-059 |
Umbreon |
Slash |
Dark |
Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
100% |
N-060 |
Leafeon |
Slash |
Grass |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
100% |
N-061 |
Glaceon |
Break |
Ice |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
100% |
N-062 |
Charmander |
Flame |
Fire |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames |
90% |
10% |
N-063 |
Charmeleon |
Flame |
Fire |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames |
80% |
20% |
N-064 |
Zubat |
Slash |
Poison |
Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
80% |
20% |
N-065 |
Golbat |
Slash |
Poison |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
80% |
20% |
N-066 |
Crobat |
Slash |
Poison |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
20% |
80% |
N-067 |
Geodude |
Break |
Rock |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
80% |
20% |
N-068 |
Graveler |
Break |
Rock |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
N-069 |
Golem |
Break |
Rock |
Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
N-070 |
Tyrogue |
Break |
Fighting |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames |
100% |
N-071 |
Hitmonlee |
Break |
Fighting |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames |
100% |
N-072 |
Hitmonchan |
Break |
Fighting |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames |
100% |
N-073 |
Hitmontop |
Break |
Fighting |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? |
100% |
N-075 |
Magmar |
Flame |
Fire |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames |
100% |
N-077 |
Cyndaquil |
Flame |
Fire |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames |
80% |
20% |
N-078 |
Quilava |
Flame |
Fire |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
95% |
5% |
N-079 |
Typhlosion |
Slam |
Fire |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
20% |
80% |
N-080 |
Shuckle |
Break |
Rock |
Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
100% |
N-081 |
Teddiursa |
Break |
Normal |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
80% |
20% |
N-082 |
Ursaring |
Slam |
Normal |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks Odd Temple - Deoxys and the Odd Temple |
80% |
20% |
N-083 |
Houndour |
Slam |
Dark |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! |
100% |
N-084 |
Houndoom |
Flame |
Dark |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! |
20% |
80% |
N-086 |
Donphan |
Slam |
Ground |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? |
80% |
20% |
N-091 |
Mightyena |
Break |
Dark |
Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
80% |
20% |
N-092 |
Makuhita |
Break |
Fighting |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
80% |
20% |
N-093 |
Hariyama |
Break |
Fighting |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
20% |
80% |
N-095 |
Lairon |
Slam |
Steel |
Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! |
80% |
20% |
N-096 |
Aggron |
Slam |
Steel |
Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! Odd Temple - Deoxys and the Odd Temple |
20% |
80% |
N-097 |
Numel |
Flame |
Fire |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix |
80% |
20% |
N-098 |
Camerupt |
Flame |
Fire |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix |
80% |
20% |
N-099 |
Shieldon |
Slam |
Steel |
Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
80% |
20% |
N-102 |
Munchlax |
Break |
Normal |
Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! |
100% |
N-103 |
Hippopotas |
Slam |
Ground |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
80% |
20% |
N-104 |
Hippowdon |
Break |
Ground |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
20% |
80% |
N-105 |
Croagunk |
Break |
Poison |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
80% |
20% |
N-106 |
Toxicroak |
Break |
Poison |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
80% |
20% |
N-110 |
Mankey |
Break |
Fighting |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
80% |
20% |
N-111 |
Primeape |
Break |
Fighting |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
80% |
20% |
N-112 |
Dodrio |
Slam |
Normal |
Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
100% |
N-113 |
Koffing |
Slam |
Poison |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! |
95% |
5% |
N-114 |
Weezing |
Break |
Poison |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! |
90% |
10% |
N-115 |
Kabuto |
Break |
Rock |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
95% |
5% |
N-116 |
Kabutops |
Slash |
Rock |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
95% |
5% |
N-117 |
Togepi |
Slam |
Normal |
Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
95% |
5% |
N-119 |
Togekiss |
Slash |
Flying |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
100% |
N-121 |
Flaaffy |
Electrify |
Electric |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
N-122 |
Ampharos |
Electrify |
Electric |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
20% |
80% |
N-123 |
Marill |
Water |
Water |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! |
80% |
20% |
N-125 |
Politoed |
Water |
Water |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! |
100% |
N-126 |
Wooper |
Water |
Water |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix |
95% |
5% |
N-127 |
Quagsire |
Water |
Water |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix |
20% |
80% |
N-129 |
Dunsparce |
Break |
Normal |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
100% |
N-130 |
Sneasel |
Slash |
Dark |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix |
100% |
N-132 |
Swinub |
Slam |
Ground |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
80% |
20% |
N-133 |
Piloswine |
Slam |
Ground |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
80% |
20% |
N-136 |
Marshtomp |
Water |
Water |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix Dark Temple - A Fork in the Dark Road |
80% |
20% |
N-137 |
Swampert |
Water |
Ground |
Dark Temple - A Fork in the Dark Road |
N-138 |
Wingull |
Slash |
Water |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
80% |
20% |
N-139 |
Pelipper |
Slash |
Water |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! Odd Temple - Deoxys and the Odd Temple |
80% |
20% |
N-140 |
Anorith |
Slash |
Rock |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! |
95% |
5% |
N-141 |
Armaldo |
Slash |
Rock |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! |
20% |
80% |
N-142 |
Spheal |
Break |
Ice |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix |
80% |
20% |
N-143 |
Sealeo |
Break |
Ice |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix |
N-144 |
Walrein |
Break |
Ice |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! |
20% |
80% |
N-145 |
Buizel |
Water |
Water |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix |
90% |
10% |
N-146 |
Floatzel |
Water |
Water |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! |
70% |
30% |
N-147 |
Glameow |
Slash |
Normal |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
90% |
10% |
N-148 |
Purugly |
Slam |
Normal |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
90% |
10% |
N-149 |
Stunky |
Slam |
Poison |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! |
95% |
5% |
N-150 |
Skuntank |
Slam |
Poison |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! |
80% |
20% |
N-151 |
Snover |
Break |
Ice |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! |
100% |
N-155 |
Raichu |
Electrify |
Electric |
Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
80% |
20% |
N-156 |
Voltorb |
Electrify |
Normal |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
80% |
20% |
N-157 |
Electrode |
Electrify |
Normal |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
80% |
20% |
N-158 |
Natu |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
95% |
5% |
N-159 |
Xatu |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
80% |
20% |
N-160 |
Snubbull |
Slam |
Normal |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! |
95% |
5% |
N-161 |
Granbull |
Slam |
Dark |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! |
30% |
70% |
N-162 |
Skarmory |
Slam |
Flying |
Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
100% |
N-163 |
Electrike |
Electrify |
Electric |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
80% |
20% |
N-164 |
Manectric |
Electrify |
Electric |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
20% |
80% |
N-165 |
Baltoy |
Break |
Psychic |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
80% |
20% |
N-166 |
Claydol |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
80% |
20% |
N-167 |
Beldum |
Break |
Steel |
Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
80% |
20% |
N-168 |
Metang |
Break |
Steel |
Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
80% |
20% |
N-171 |
Staravia |
Slash |
Flying |
Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
98% |
2% |
N-172 |
Staraptor |
Slash |
Flying |
Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
20% |
80% |
N-173 |
Cranidos |
Break |
Rock |
Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
80% |
20% |
N-174 |
Rampardos |
Break |
Rock |
Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
20% |
80% |
N-175 |
Pachirisu |
Electrify |
Electric |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
100% |
N-176 |
Bronzor |
Psy Power |
Steel |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
80% |
20% |
N-177 |
Bronzong |
Psy Power |
Steel |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
80% |
20% |
N-183 |
Gastly |
Psy Power |
Ghost |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
80% |
20% |
N-184 |
Haunter |
Psy Power |
Ghost |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
N-187 |
Honchkrow |
Slash |
Dark |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon |
100% |
N-188 |
Slowking |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
100% |
N-189 |
Wobbuffet |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon |
100% |
N-190 |
Heracross |
Slam |
Fighting |
Dark Temple - A Fork in the Dark Road Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon |
100% |
N-191 |
Stantler |
Slam |
Normal |
Dark Temple - A Fork in the Dark Road Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon |
100% |
N-192 |
Ralts |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon |
95% |
5% |
N-193 |
Kirlia |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon |
95% |
5% |
N-195 |
Gallade |
Slash |
Fighting |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
100% |
N-196 |
Duskull |
Psy Power |
Ghost |
Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
95% |
5% |
N-197 |
Dusclops |
Psy Power |
Ghost |
Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
20% |
80% |
N-199 |
Absol |
Slash |
Dark |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! |
100% |
N-200 |
Bagon |
Slam |
Dragon |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon |
80% |
20% |
N-201 |
Shelgon |
Slam |
Dragon |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon |
80% |
20% |
N-203 |
Chimchar |
Flame |
Fire |
Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
80% |
20% |
N-204 |
Monferno |
Flame |
Fire |
Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
80% |
20% |
N-205 |
Infernape |
Flame |
Fighting |
Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
N-206 |
Combee |
Slash |
Flying |
Dark Temple - A Fork in the Dark Road Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
100% |
N-208 |
Gible |
Break |
Dragon |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
90% |
10% |
N-209 |
Gabite |
Slash |
Dragon |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
N-210 |
Garchomp |
Break |
Dragon |
Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
20% |
80% |
N-212 |
Gligar |
Slash |
Ground |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
100% |
N-215 |
Misdreavus |
Psy Power |
Ghost |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
95% |
5% |
N-216 |
Mismagius |
Psy Power |
Ghost |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
50% |
50% |
N-217 |
Blissey |
Slam |
Normal |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
100% |
N-218 |
Sableye |
Slash |
Dark |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
100% |
N-219 |
Drifloon |
Slam |
Ghost |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
90% |
10% |
N-220 |
Drifblim |
Psy Power |
Ghost |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
99% |
1% |