Unlike the previous games, Ranger: Guardian Signs has a mode set in the past. This mode has you needing to find Pokémon by collecting Litographs after capturing them. These Litographs have a small of appearing so you have to be observant. The Pokémon in the past are catalogued in a completely different manner to in the present. This page is to catalogue all the Pokémon in the past browser as well as give you their location in the past. When the Pokémon are your partner, you have the ability to bring them to the present with their Field Ability at 1. The Pokémon listed as being obtainable from are the ones you need to defeat in order to get the Litograph for this Pokémon
Ranger No. |
Picture |
Name |
Field Ability |
Assist |
Litograph Location |
Obtained Through |
N-001 |
Piplup |
Water |
Water |
Starter Pokémon |
N-002 |
Prinplup |
Water |
Water |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! - S Rank (90%)
N-003 |
Empoleon |
Slash |
Water |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! - S Rank (10%)
N-004 |
Bulbasaur |
Slash |
Grass |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
 | 10% | | Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way - A Rank |
N-005 |
Ivysaur |
Slash |
Grass |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way Dark Temple - A Fork in the Dark Road |
 |  | 90% | 50% | | Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way - S Rank (90%)
N-006 |
Venusaur |
Slash |
Grass |
Dark Temple - A Fork in the Dark Road |
 | 50% | | |
N-007 |
Pidgey |
Slash |
Flying |
Forest Temple - A Hoard of Treasure Chests |
Forest Temple - A Hoard of Treasure Chests - S Rank (90%)
N-008 |
Pidgeotto |
Slash |
Flying |
Forest Temple - Pidgeotto and the Switch Path Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
 | 20% | | Forest Temple - Pidgeotto and the Switch Path - S Rank (90%)
N-009 |
Pidgeot |
Slash |
Flying |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
 | 80% | | |
N-010 |
Sandshrew |
Break |
Ground |
Forest Temple - Where Are You, Sunkern? |
Forest Temple - Where Are You, Sunkern? - S Rank (90%)
N-011 |
Sandslash |
Slash |
Ground |
Forest Temple - Where Are You, Sunkern? |
Forest Temple - Where Are You, Sunkern? - S Rank (10%)
N-012 |
Oddish |
Slash |
Grass |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
 |  | 95% | 20% | | |
N-013 |
Gloom |
Slash |
Poison |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
 |  | 5% | 80% | | |
N-014 |
Vileplume |
Slash |
Poison |
Forest Temple - Torchic and Treasure Chests |
Forest Temple - Torchic and Treasure Chests - S Rank (10%)
N-015 |
Bellossom |
Slash |
Grass |
Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn - S Rank (90%)
N-016 |
Chikorita |
Slash |
Grass |
Forest Temple - Drapion of the Forest Temple |
Forest Temple - Drapion of the Forest Temple - A Rank |
N-017 |
Bayleef |
Slash |
Grass |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! |
 | 80% | | |
N-018 |
Meganium |
Slash |
Grass |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
 | 20% | | Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light - A Rank |
N-019 |
Totodile |
Water |
Water |
Forest Temple - Drapion of the Forest Temple Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! |
 | 5% | | Forest Temple - Drapion of the Forest Temple - S Rank (90%)
N-020 |
Croconaw |
Break |
Water |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! |
 | 95% | | |
N-021 |
Feraligatr |
Slam |
Water |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix - S Rank (10%)
N-022 |
Hoothoot |
Slash |
Flying |
Forest Temple - Pidgeotto and the Switch Path Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
 | 93% | | |
N-023 |
Noctowl |
Psy Power |
Flying |
Forest Temple - Pidgeotto and the Switch Path Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! |
 | 7% | | Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! - A Rank |
N-024 |
Bonsly |
Slam |
Rock |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
 | 100% | | |
N-025 |
Sudowoodo |
Break |
Rock |
Forest Temple - Torchic and Treasure Chests |
 | 100% | | Forest Temple - Torchic and Treasure Chests - A Rank |
N-026 |
Aipom |
Break |
Normal |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
 | 50% | | |
N-027 |
Ambipom |
Break |
Normal |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
 | 50% | | |
N-028 |
Sunkern |
Slash |
Grass |
Forest Temple - Where Are You, Sunkern? |
Forest Temple - Where Are You, Sunkern? - A Rank |
N-029 |
Sunflora |
Slash |
Grass |
Dark Temple - A Fork in the Dark Road |
Dark Temple - A Fork in the Dark Road - A Rank |
N-030 |
Pineco |
Slam |
Normal |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
 | 100% | | |
N-031 |
Forretress |
Slam |
Normal |
Forest Temple - A Hoard of Treasure Chests |
Forest Temple - A Hoard of Treasure Chests - S Rank (10%)
N-032 |
Delibird |
Break |
Ice |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
 | 100% | | |
N-033 |
Treecko |
Slash |
Grass |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
 |  | 80% | 20% | | |
N-034 |
Grovyle |
Slash |
Grass |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames |
 |  | 20% | 80% | | Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames - S Rank (90%)
N-035 |
Sceptile |
Slash |
Grass |
Forest Temple - Pidgeotto and the Switch Path |
Forest Temple - Pidgeotto and the Switch Path - S Rank (10%)
N-036 |
Torchic |
Flame |
Fire |
Forest Temple - Torchic and Treasure Chests |
Forest Temple - Torchic and Treasure Chests - S Rank (90%)
N-037 |
Combusken |
Break |
Fire |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? - S Rank (90%)
N-038 |
Blaziken |
Break |
Fire |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? - S Rank (10%)
N-039 |
Turtwig |
Slam |
Grass |
Forest Temple - Pidgeotto and the Switch Path |
Forest Temple - Pidgeotto and the Switch Path - A Rank |
N-040 |
Grotle |
Slam |
Grass |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? - S Rank (90%)
N-041 |
Kricketot |
Slam |
Bug |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
 |  | 80% | 20% | | |
N-042 |
Kricketune |
Slash |
Bug |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
 |  | 20% | 80% | | |
N-043 |
Shinx |
Electrify |
Electric |
Forest Temple - Pidgeotto and the Switch Path Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
N-044 |
Luxio |
Electrify |
Electric |
Forest Temple - Pidgeotto and the Switch Path Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
N-045 |
Luxray |
Electrify |
Electric |
Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
 | 80% | | |
N-046 |
Mothim |
Slash |
Flying |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
 | 100% | | |
N-047 |
Chingling |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Forest Temple - A Hoard of Treasure Chests Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
 |  | 5% | 99% | | |
N-048 |
Chimecho |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Forest Temple - A Hoard of Treasure Chests Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
 |  | 95% | 1% | | |
N-049 |
Chatot |
Slam |
Flying |
Forest Temple - A Hoard of Treasure Chests |
Forest Temple - A Hoard of Treasure Chests - A Rank |
N-050 |
Skorupi |
Break |
Bug |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
 | 100% | | |
N-051 |
Drapion |
Break |
Bug |
Forest Temple - Drapion of the Forest Temple |
Forest Temple - Drapion of the Forest Temple - S Rank (10%)
N-052 |
Carnivine |
Slash |
Grass |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
 | 100% | | |
N-053 |
Tangrowth |
Break |
Grass |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way - S Rank (10%)
N-054 |
Eevee |
Slam |
Normal |
Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! |
 | 100% | | |
N-055 |
Vaporeon |
Water |
Water |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! |
 | 100% | | |
N-056 |
Jolteon |
Electrify |
Electric |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
 | 100% | | |
N-057 |
Flareon |
Flame |
Fire |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames |
 | 100% | | |
N-058 |
Espeon |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! |
 | 100% | | |
N-059 |
Umbreon |
Slash |
Dark |
Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
 | 100% | | |
N-060 |
Leafeon |
Slash |
Grass |
Forest Temple - A Pokémon Forest in the Way |
 | 100% | | |
N-061 |
Glaceon |
Break |
Ice |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
 | 100% | | |
N-062 |
Charmander |
Flame |
Fire |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames |
 |  | 90% | 20% | | |
N-063 |
Charmeleon |
Flame |
Fire |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames |
 |  | 10% | 80% | | |
N-064 |
Zubat |
Slash |
Poison |
Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
 | 80% | | |
N-065 |
Golbat |
Slash |
Poison |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
N-066 |
Crobat |
Slash |
Poison |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
 |  | 20% | 20% | | |
N-067 |
Geodude |
Break |
Rock |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
N-068 |
Graveler |
Break |
Rock |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
N-069 |
Golem |
Break |
Rock |
Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
 |  | 1% | 80% | | |
N-070 |
Tyrogue |
Break |
Fighting |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames |
 | 100% | | |
N-071 |
Hitmonlee |
Break |
Fighting |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames |
 | 100% | | |
N-072 |
Hitmonchan |
Break |
Fighting |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames |
 | 100% | | |
N-073 |
Hitmontop |
Break |
Fighting |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? |
 | 100% | | |
N-074 |
Magby |
Flame |
Fire |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames - A Rank |
N-075 |
Magmar |
Flame |
Fire |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames |
 | 100% | | |
N-076 |
Magmortar |
Flame |
Fire |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames - S Rank (10%)
N-077 |
Cyndaquil |
Flame |
Fire |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames |
 | 80% | | |
N-078 |
Quilava |
Flame |
Fire |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
N-079 |
Typhlosion |
Slam |
Fire |
Fire Temple - A Scorching Shower of Flames Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
 |  | 5% | 20% | | |
N-080 |
Shuckle |
Break |
Rock |
Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
 | 100% | | |
N-081 |
Teddiursa |
Break |
Normal |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
 |  | 80% | 20% | | |
N-082 |
Ursaring |
Slam |
Normal |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks Odd Temple - Deoxys and the Odd Temple |
 |  | 20% | 80% | | |
N-083 |
Houndour |
Slam |
Dark |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! |
 |  | 100% | 80% | | |
N-084 |
Houndoom |
Flame |
Dark |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! |
 | 20% | | |
N-085 |
Phanpy |
Slam |
Ground |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
 | 20% | | Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple - A Rank |
N-086 |
Donphan |
Slam |
Ground |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? |
 | 80% | | |
N-087 |
Larvitar |
Break |
Ground |
Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks - A Rank |
N-088 |
Pupitar |
Break |
Ground |
Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks - S Rank (90%)
N-089 |
Tyranitar |
Break |
Rock |
Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks - S Rank (10%)
N-090 |
Poochyena |
Break |
Dark |
Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
 | 20% | | Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness - A Rank |
N-091 |
Mightyena |
Break |
Dark |
Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
 | 80% | | |
N-092 |
Makuhita |
Break |
Fighting |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
 |  | 80% | 80% | | |
N-093 |
Hariyama |
Break |
Fighting |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
 |  | 20% | 20% | | |
N-094 |
Aron |
Slam |
Steel |
Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! |
 | 20% | | |
N-095 |
Lairon |
Slam |
Steel |
Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! |
 |  | 80% | 80% | | |
N-096 |
Aggron |
Slam |
Steel |
Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! Odd Temple - Deoxys and the Odd Temple |
 | 20% | | |
N-097 |
Numel |
Flame |
Fire |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix |
 |  | 80% | 20% | | |
N-098 |
Camerupt |
Flame |
Fire |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix |
 |  | 20% | 80% | | |
N-099 |
Shieldon |
Slam |
Steel |
Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
 | 80% | | Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! - A Rank |
N-100 |
Bastiodon |
Slam |
Steel |
Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
 | 20% | | Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! - S Rank (90%)
N-101 |
Mime Jr. |
Slam |
Psychic |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? - A Rank |
N-102 |
Munchlax |
Break |
Normal |
Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! |
 | 100% | | |
N-103 |
Hippopotas |
Slam |
Ground |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
 |  | 80% | 80% | | |
N-104 |
Hippowdon |
Break |
Ground |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
 |  | 20% | 20% | | |
N-105 |
Croagunk |
Break |
Poison |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
 |  | 80% | 20% | | |
N-106 |
Toxicroak |
Break |
Poison |
Fire Temple - Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? Fire Temple - Graveler's Terrible Rocks |
 |  | 20% | 80% | | |
N-107 |
Probopass |
Slam |
Rock |
Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! |
Fire Temple - Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! - S Rank (10%)
N-108 |
Vulpix |
Flame |
Fire |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix - A Rank |
N-109 |
Ninetales |
Flame |
Fire |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! Odd Temple - Deoxys and the Odd Temple |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! - S Rank (90%) Odd Temple - Deoxys and the Odd Temple - S Rank (90%)
N-110 |
Mankey |
Break |
Fighting |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
 |  | 80% | 20% | | |
N-111 |
Primeape |
Break |
Fighting |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
 |  | 20% | 80% | | |
N-112 |
Dodrio |
Slam |
Normal |
Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
 | 100% | | |
N-113 |
Koffing |
Slam |
Poison |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! |
 |  | 95% | 10% | | |
N-114 |
Weezing |
Break |
Poison |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! |
 |  | 5% | 90% | | |
N-115 |
Kabuto |
Break |
Rock |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
 |  | 95% | 5% | | |
N-116 |
Kabutops |
Slash |
Rock |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
 |  | 5% | 95% | | |
N-117 |
Togepi |
Slam |
Normal |
Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
 | 95% | | |
N-118 |
Togetic |
Slash |
Flying |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
 | 5% | | Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix - S Rank (90%)
N-119 |
Togekiss |
Slash |
Flying |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
 | 100% | | |
N-120 |
Mareep |
Electrify |
Electric |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
 | 15% | | Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! - A Rank |
N-121 |
Flaaffy |
Electrify |
Electric |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
 |  | 80% | 80% | | |
N-122 |
Ampharos |
Electrify |
Electric |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
 |  | 5% | 20% | | |
N-123 |
Marill |
Water |
Water |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! |
 | 80% | | |
N-124 |
Azumarill |
Water |
Water |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! |
 | 20% | | Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! - S Rank (90%)
N-125 |
Politoed |
Water |
Water |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! |
 | 100% | | |
N-126 |
Wooper |
Water |
Water |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix |
 |  | 95% | 80% | | |
N-127 |
Quagsire |
Water |
Water |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix |
 |  | 5% | 20% | | |
N-128 |
Girafarig |
Slam |
Psychic |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! - A Rank |
N-129 |
Dunsparce |
Break |
Normal |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
 | 100% | | |
N-130 |
Sneasel |
Slash |
Dark |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix |
 | 100% | | |
N-131 |
Weavile |
Slash |
Dark |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! - S Rank (10%)
N-132 |
Swinub |
Slam |
Ground |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
 |  | 80% | 20% | | |
N-133 |
Piloswine |
Slam |
Ground |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
 |  | 20% | 80% | | |
N-134 |
Smoochum |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! - A Rank |
N-135 |
Mudkip |
Water |
Water |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix Dark Temple - A Fork in the Dark Road Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon |
 |  | 20% | 5% | | Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon - A Rank |
N-136 |
Marshtomp |
Water |
Water |
Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix Dark Temple - A Fork in the Dark Road |
 |  | 80% | 15% | | |
N-137 |
Swampert |
Water |
Ground |
Dark Temple - A Fork in the Dark Road |
 | 80% | | |
N-138 |
Wingull |
Slash |
Water |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
 |  | 80% | 20% | | |
N-139 |
Pelipper |
Slash |
Water |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! Odd Temple - Deoxys and the Odd Temple |
 |  | 20% | 80% | | |
N-140 |
Anorith |
Slash |
Rock |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! |
 |  | 95% | 80% | | |
N-141 |
Armaldo |
Slash |
Rock |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! |
 |  | 5% | 20% | | |
N-142 |
Spheal |
Break |
Ice |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix |
 |  | 80% | 18% | | |
N-143 |
Sealeo |
Break |
Ice |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix |
N-144 |
Walrein |
Break |
Ice |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! |
 |  | 2% | 20% | | |
N-145 |
Buizel |
Water |
Water |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! Ice Temple - Save the Frightened Vulpix |
 |  | 90% | 30% | | |
N-146 |
Floatzel |
Water |
Water |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! |
 |  | 10% | 70% | | |
N-147 |
Glameow |
Slash |
Normal |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
 |  | 90% | 10% | | |
N-148 |
Purugly |
Slam |
Normal |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
 |  | 10% | 90% | | |
N-149 |
Stunky |
Slam |
Poison |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! |
 |  | 95% | 20% | | |
N-150 |
Skuntank |
Slam |
Poison |
Ice Temple - Time, Time, Time! |
 |  | 5% | 80% | | |
N-151 |
Snover |
Break |
Ice |
Ice Temple - Round and Round! Find the Floor! |
 | 100% | | |
N-152 |
Abomasnow |
Break |
Ice |
Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! - S Rank (10%)
N-153 |
Froslass |
Break |
Ice |
Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! |
Ice Temple - Rush Ahead! Don't Look Back! - S Rank (90%)
N-154 |
Pikachu |
Electrify |
Electric |
Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
 | 20% | | Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! - S Rank (90%)
N-155 |
Raichu |
Electrify |
Electric |
Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
 | 80% | | |
N-156 |
Voltorb |
Electrify |
Normal |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
 |  | 80% | 20% | | |
N-157 |
Electrode |
Electrify |
Normal |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
 |  | 20% | 80% | | |
N-158 |
Natu |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
 |  | 95% | 20% | | |
N-159 |
Xatu |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
 |  | 5% | 80% | | |
N-160 |
Snubbull |
Slam |
Normal |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! |
 |  | 95% | 70% | | |
N-161 |
Granbull |
Slam |
Dark |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! |
 |  | 5% | 30% | | |
N-162 |
Skarmory |
Slam |
Flying |
Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
 | 100% | | |
N-163 |
Electrike |
Electrify |
Electric |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
 |  | 80% | 80% | | |
N-164 |
Manectric |
Electrify |
Electric |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
 |  | 20% | 20% | | |
N-165 |
Baltoy |
Break |
Psychic |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
 |  | 80% | 20% | | |
N-166 |
Claydol |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
 |  | 20% | 80% | | |
N-167 |
Beldum |
Break |
Steel |
Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
 |  | 80% | 20% | | |
N-168 |
Metang |
Break |
Steel |
Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
 |  | 20% | 80% | | |
N-169 |
Metagross |
Break |
Normal |
Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! |
Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! - S Rank (10%)
N-170 |
Starly |
Slash |
Flying |
Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn - A Rank |
N-171 |
Staravia |
Slash |
Flying |
Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
 |  | 98% | 80% | | |
N-172 |
Staraptor |
Slash |
Flying |
Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
 |  | 2% | 20% | | |
N-173 |
Cranidos |
Break |
Rock |
Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
 |  | 80% | 80% | | |
N-174 |
Rampardos |
Break |
Rock |
Thunder Temple - Pikachu Pursuit! Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
 |  | 20% | 20% | | |
N-175 |
Pachirisu |
Electrify |
Electric |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
 | 100% | | |
N-176 |
Bronzor |
Psy Power |
Steel |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
 |  | 80% | 20% | | |
N-177 |
Bronzong |
Psy Power |
Steel |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
 |  | 20% | 80% | | |
N-178 |
Riolu |
Break |
Fighting |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? - A Rank |
N-179 |
Lucario |
Break |
Fighting |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? |
Thunder Temple - Are You for Riolu? - S Rank (10%)
N-180 |
Magnezone |
Electrify |
Electric |
Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn |
Thunder Temple - A Shock Everywhere You Turn - S Rank (10%)
N-181 |
Electivire |
Electrify |
Electric |
Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple - S Rank (10%)
N-182 |
Porygon-Z |
Break |
Normal |
Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple |
Thunder Temple - Panic at the Perplexing Temple - S Rank (90%)
N-183 |
Gastly |
Psy Power |
Ghost |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
 |  | 80% | 15% | | |
N-184 |
Haunter |
Psy Power |
Ghost |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
 |  | 20% | 80% | | |
N-185 |
Gengar |
Psy Power |
Ghost |
Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
 | 5% | | Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness - S Rank (90%)
N-186 |
Murkrow |
Slash |
Dark |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! - A Rank |
N-187 |
Honchkrow |
Slash |
Dark |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon |
 | 100% | | |
N-188 |
Slowking |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
 | 100% | | |
N-189 |
Wobbuffet |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon |
 | 100% | | |
N-190 |
Heracross |
Slam |
Fighting |
Dark Temple - A Fork in the Dark Road Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon |
 | 100% | | |
N-191 |
Stantler |
Slam |
Normal |
Dark Temple - A Fork in the Dark Road Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon |
 | 100% | | |
N-192 |
Ralts |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon |
 |  | 95% | 5% | | |
N-193 |
Kirlia |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon |
 |  | 5% | 95% | | |
N-194 |
Gardevoir |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon - S Rank (90%)
N-195 |
Gallade |
Slash |
Fighting |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
 | 100% | | |
N-196 |
Duskull |
Psy Power |
Ghost |
Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
 |  | 95% | 80% | | |
N-197 |
Dusclops |
Psy Power |
Ghost |
Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
 |  | 5% | 20% | | |
N-198 |
Dusknoir |
Psy Power |
Ghost |
Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness - S Rank (10%)
N-199 |
Absol |
Slash |
Dark |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! |
 | 100% | | |
N-200 |
Bagon |
Slam |
Dragon |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon |
 |  | 80% | 20% | | |
N-201 |
Shelgon |
Slam |
Dragon |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon |
 |  | 20% | 80% | | |
N-202 |
Salamence |
Flame |
Dragon |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon - S Rank (10%)
N-203 |
Chimchar |
Flame |
Fire |
Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
N-204 |
Monferno |
Flame |
Fire |
Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
N-205 |
Infernape |
Flame |
Fighting |
Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
 | 80% | | |
N-206 |
Combee |
Slash |
Flying |
Dark Temple - A Fork in the Dark Road Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
 | 100% | | |
N-207 |
Vespiquen |
Break |
Bug |
Dark Temple - A Fork in the Dark Road |
Dark Temple - A Fork in the Dark Road - S Rank (10%)
N-208 |
Gible |
Break |
Dragon |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
 |  | 90% | 9% | | |
N-209 |
Gabite |
Slash |
Dragon |
Dark Temple - Ground-Shaking Dragon Pokémon Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
N-210 |
Garchomp |
Break |
Dragon |
Dark Temple - Glowing Roads in the Darkness |
 |  | 1% | 20% | | |
N-211 |
Lickilicky |
Break |
Normal |
Dark Temple - A Fork in the Dark Road |
Dark Temple - A Fork in the Dark Road - S Rank (90%)
N-212 |
Gligar |
Slash |
Ground |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
 | 100% | | |
N-213 |
Gliscor |
Slash |
Ground |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! |
Dark Temple - Danger! Surrounded by Pokémon! - S Rank (10%)
N-214 |
Blastoise |
Water |
Water |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light - S Rank (88%)
N-215 |
Misdreavus |
Psy Power |
Ghost |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
 |  | 95% | 50% | | |
N-216 |
Mismagius |
Psy Power |
Ghost |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
 |  | 5% | 50% | | |
N-217 |
Blissey |
Slam |
Normal |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
 | 100% | | |
N-218 |
Sableye |
Slash |
Dark |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
 | 100% | | |
N-219 |
Drifloon |
Slam |
Ghost |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
 |  | 90% | 1% | | |
N-220 |
Drifblim |
Psy Power |
Ghost |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
 |  | 10% | 99% | | |
N-221 |
Arceus |
Slam |
Normal |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light - S Rank (10%)
N-222 |
Mew |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light |
Light Temple - At Last, Arceus and the Light - S Rank (2%)
X-001 |
Deoxys |
Psy Power |
Psychic |
Odd Temple - Deoxys and the Odd Temple |
Odd Temple - Deoxys and the Odd Temple - S Rank (10%)