Explosion Details Pokémon AttackDex

Name Type Strength
Explosion ★★★★★
Hits Direction Distance
1 All Directions Long Distance
Speed Toys Needed to Teach in Axle Town
? 5 Toys knowing the move
Knocks out the user.

Pokémon Listings

No. Pic Name Type Attack Defence Speed Location
Geodude •• ••• •• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Canyon
Graveler ••• ••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Canyon
3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Magma
4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Golem ••• •••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Magnemite ••• •• ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Factory
Magneton •••• ••• ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Factory
Grimer •• •• •• 4-2 Everspring Valley Cave
Muk ••• ••• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Cave (After Game Completion)
Shellder •• •• ••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Beach
Cloyster ••• ••••• ••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Beach (After Game Completion)
Gastly ••• ••• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Hauntyard
Haunter •••• •• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Hauntyard
World Axle B1F Hauntyard
Gengar ••••• ••• •••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Hauntyard
World Axle B1F Hauntyard
Onix •••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Canyon
4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Voltorb •• •• •••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Factory
Electrode ••• ••• ••••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Factory
Exeggcute •• •• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Forest
Exeggutor •••• ••• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Forest
Koffing •• ••• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Cave
Weezing ••• •••• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Cave (After Game Completion)
Mew ••• •••• •••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Factory (After meeting 80 people)
Sudowoodo ••• •••• ••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Autumnwood
Pineco •• •• •• World Axle B1F Forest
Forretress ••• •••• ••• World Axle B1F Forest
Steelix •• ••••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Qwilfish ••• ••• ••• World Axle B1F Beach
Magcargo •• •••• ••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Magma
4-3 Sunny Seashore Magma
World Axle B1F Magma
Corsola •• ••• ••• 1-3 Echo Valley Beach
Seedot ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Autumnwood
Nuzleaf •• ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Autumnwood (After Game Completion)
Shiftry ••• •• ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Autumnwood (After Game Completion)
Nosepass ••••• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Cave
Gulpin •• ••• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Cave (After Game Completion)
Swalot •• ••• ••• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Cave (After Game Completion)
Camerupt ••• ••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Magma
Torkoal •• ••••• •• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Magma
4-3 Sunny Seashore Magma
World Axle B1F Magma
Lunatone ••• ••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Canyon
Solrock ••• ••• ••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Canyon
Baltoy •• ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Tower
Claydol •• ••••• ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Tower
Glalie ••• ••• ••• 4-1 Frozen Tundra Glacier
Metang •• •••• ••• World Axle B2F Factory
Metagross ••••• ••••• ••• World Axle B2F Factory
Regirock ••• ••••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon (After Game Completion)
Regice ••• ••••• ••• 4-1 Frozen Tundra Glacier (After Game Completion)
Registeel •• ••••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Factory (After Game Completion)
Drifloon •• ••• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Forest
4-2 Everspring Valley Hauntyard
Drifblim ••• •• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Hauntyard
World Axle B1F Hauntyard
Stunky •• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Forest
Skuntank ••• •• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Forest
Bronzong ••• ••••• ••• 4-1 Frozen Tundra Tower
Bonsly •• ••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Autumnwood
Magnezone •••• •••• ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Factory (After Game Completion)
Probopass •• ••••• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Cave
Azelf ••••• ••• •••• 2-4 Shimmering Lake Lake (After meeting 10 people)
Heatran ••••• ••••• ••• All Magmas After game completion
Roggenrola •• •• •• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Magma
Boldore ••• ••• •• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Magma
World Axle B2F Cave
Gigalith •••• •••• •• World Axle B2F Cave
Trubbish •• ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Tower
Garbodor ••• ••• ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Tower (After Game Completion)
Solosis ••• •• 2-3 Soothing Shore Tower
3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Tower
Duosion •••• •• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Tower
3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Tower
World Axle B2F Tower
Reuniclus •••• ••• ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Tower
World Axle B2F Tower
Vanillite •• •• ••• 4-1 Frozen Tundra Glacier
Vanillish •• ••• ••• World Axle B2F Glacier
Vanilluxe •••• •••• ••• World Axle B2F Glacier
Ferroseed ••• World Axle B2F Factory
Ferrothorn ••• ••••• •• World Axle B2F Factory
Cryogonal ••• ••• •••• World Axle B2F Glacier
Landorus ••••• ••• •••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope - Autumnwood (Requires defeating both Tornadus and Thundurus) (After Game Completion)