Thursday: Pokémon Legends Z-A - New Details + Pokémon Champions - Reveal + Pokémon UNITE - First to 500 + Honda Koraidon Project + Pokémon Café ReMix - Slaking Announcement
27-02-2025 04:00 GMT / 23:00 EST by Serebii.
This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 16:29 GMT
Edit @ 04:40: Koraidon Honda | Edit @ 06:06: Pokémon Café ReMix | Edit @ 06:15: Melmetal Distribution | Edit @ 14:00: Pokémon Presents
In The Games Department
Pokémon Legends: Z-A
The latest news for Pokémon Legends: Z-A has been released. The game will launch late 2025. We're currently compiling all details so keep checking back
Pokémon Legends Z-A has its first Pokémon Partner be Chikorita, Tepig and Totodile
In it, the battle system has you move around to decide positions for your Pokémon in the battle as they attack. The combat is real time so you need to think of timing for swapping out, the length moves take to launch and the side of the area the moves encounter
There are Wild Zones where you can encounter wild Pokémon. You can obtain them by throwing the Poké Ball at them or by weakening them first
Edit @ 14:40: We have added dozens of Pre-Release Screenshots to our section
Edit @ 15:35: We have added more Available Pokémon to our section
Edit @ 15:45: We have created a preliminary page on Battle Mechanics
Edit @ 16:09: We have created a preliminary page on Characters
Edit @ 16:29: We have created a preliminary page on Wild Zones
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In The Games Department
Pokémon Champions
During the Pokémon Presents, a new game was revealed. This game is Pokémon Champions and is to be releaased on Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android. It features battles between Pokémon including Mega Evolution and Terastallisation. It also connects to Pokémon HOME for you to use your Pokémon
Edit @ 14:40: We have added dozens of Pre-Release Screenshots to our section
It has been confirmed that, at time of release, not all Pokémon will be available to use in Pokémon Champions. Pokémon can only be sent from Pokémon HOME to Pokémon Champions if they appear in the game. Pokémon obtained within Pokémon Champions cannot be deposited within Pokémon HOME
Pokémon Champions has a Private Battle mode, a Ranked Battle Mode and a Casual Battle mode
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In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The next Tera Raid Battle event has been announced for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet during the Pokémon Presents. These are all 7 Star Tera Raid battles. Meowscarada will run from February 28th 2025 to March 6th 2025
Skeledirge will run from March 6th through March 13th
Quaquaval will run from March 14th through March 20th 2025
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The next Mass Outbreak event has been announced for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This event will feature a focus on various Pokémon throughout the regions. This runs from February 28th 2025 through March 20th 2025
Paldea: Charcadet, Smoliv, and Finizen
Kitakami: Applin, Sewaddle, and Poliwag
Blueberry Academy: Porygon, Scyther, and Lapras
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
A new serial code distribution has begun in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. From now until the service ends, you can get a Scarlet Case in Pokémon Scarlet or Violet Case in Pokémon Violet by using the following codes: SB00KC0VER (Scarlet) VB00KC0VER (Violet)
In The Games Department
Pokémon TCG Pocket
The latest set for Pokémon TCG Pocket has been officially revealed during the Pokémon Presents. This set is called Triumphant Light and will release tomorrow, February 28th. This set focuses on the Pokémon Arceus and has a number of cards that tie in with it in their Ability
In addition, Ranked Mode has been announced to be coming in March
Finally, if you log in from today you'll be given some Genetic Apex booster packs that are guaranteed to have a 4 Diamond or higher card in them
In The TCG Department
Pokémon TCG
It has been confirmed that Pokémon Trading Card Game is to feature the return of Mega Pokémon later this year. These are done in a different manner to how they were before
In The TV Department
Pokémon Concierge
During the Pokémon Presents, it was confirmed that the second season of Pokémon Concierge will be released globally on Netflix this September. With this, a variety of new Pokémon are going to be featured including Shinx, Luxray and Arcanine
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX
Pokémon Masters EX has announced the next event during the Pokémon Presents. This event is the Going Beyond Primal Nature event and introduces the Sync Pair of May (Champion) & Shiny Primal Kyogre and Brendan (Champion) & Shiny Primal Groudon into the game. It runs from February 28th 2025
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
During today's Pokémon Presents, it was confirmed that the Pokémon Alolan Raichu will come as a playable Pokémon in April 2025, with Alcremie being released as a playable Pokémon shortly afterwards. At present no further details have been given but we'll provide them as they come
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sleep
During today's Pokémon Presents, Pokémon Sleep had a new event announced. This will add the Pokémon Darkrai and Cresselia into the game. This event will run in late March 2025. Psychic-type Pokémon will be helpful during the event
In addition to that, players are being given 1000 Diamonds and 10 Poké Biscuits
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
During today's Pokémon Presents, Pokémon GO's next season, Might and Mastery was announced. This season runs from March 4th through June 3rd and introduces Kubfu and Urshifu into the game
In addition to that, a new code has been releases, GOTOURUNOVA which will give a special Timed Research to celebrate Pokémon Day
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
Pokémon Café ReMix has announced the next event. This event is to celebrate the new Menu item and has you choose between selecting a Flapple or an Appletun. It runs from tomorrow, February 28th through to March 14th 2025. Alongside this a new set of packs will go on sale starting tomorrow and going every two weeks to get Sprigatio in a Sweets outfit, Fuecoco in a sweets outfit and Quaxly in a Sweets outfit
In The Games Department
Pokémon Presents
Today marks the Pokémon Presents. This is a presentation showcasing the latest news for Pokémon across all facets of the franchise. This will air from 14:00 UTC / 09:00 EST / 06:00 PST / 15:00 CET / 23:00 JST. We'll post full details of all reveals live as they happen, and host the stream here, so be sure to keep checking back
Pokémon Concierge's next episodes will release on Netflix in September
Pokémon Sleep is to add Darkrai and Cresselia soon
Pokémon UNITE is to add Alolan Raichu in April and Alcremie soon
Pokémon GO's next season focuses on Kubfu & Urshifu
Pokémon Champions is a Nintendo Switch and iOS Android game t
The Scarlet & Violet Cases can be obtained with these codes in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet: SB00KC0VER (Scarlet) VB00KC0VER (Violet)
In The Games Department
Pokémon UNITE
Pokémon UNITE has received a small update which adds a variety of things to the game.
First, the new Battle Pass is now live which gives new Holowear for Ho-Oh and Scizor.
Remoat Stadium is now back as the stage for Ranked Battles for the next two weeks.
Finally, the brand new mode, First to 500, is now live. This mode was introduced in the Pokémon World Championships last year and has two teams battle until they have 500 Points, but with a variety of special items to aid in the gameplay. We're currently compiling all details of this new mode so be sure to check back
Edit @ 04:39: We have compiled a page on the First to 500 Mode
In The Pokémon Department
Honda Koraidon Project
While photos of it leaked out recently, The Pokémon Company and Honda have announced the Honda Koraidon Project by the Honda Engineering Society. This has created a lifesize Koraidon motorbike which is to be on display in the Honda Welcome Plaza Aoyama in Minaato-ku Tokyo from March 7th through March 9th.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu & Let's Go Eevee
A new distribution has been announced for the Chinese version of Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! & Let's Go, Eevee!. From today until April 30th, to celebrate Pokémon Day, a Melmetal is being distributed. This is being given with the code W1THY0U29YEARS
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
Pokémon Café ReMix has announced that a new menu item will be available in the game from tomorrow, February 28th. This item, when you make it, will allow for you to recruit Slaking into your staff. Slaking has a Drinks focus and the gimmicks of Vegetables, Coffee Ice and Pumpkins. We'll provide full details when the update comes tomorrow so be sure to check back.