Classroom |
GameBoy Game Required: No
Saved at the Pokémon Centre: No
The Classroom is the first option in the academy. When in here, you get three different choices of things to do; Lecture, Written Test and VS Test. These are done over three different difficulties which unlock as you progress through the lessons. Each class covers a different variety of battle aspects. Once you have earned a star in all of the categories, you get a medal signifying you have passed the course
Classroom - Lecture |
GameBoy Game Required: No
Saved at the Pokémon Centre: No
The Lectures here provide multiple different explanations of all the various battle aspects. To get a gold star to pass the lecture, you have to read through all of the lectures. These lectures include examples and images demonstrating the various aspects. At the end of each lecture, you'll be asked a question about the contents of the lecture. The subject matters in each class are as follows.
Subject Matter | Trainer Class | Gym Leader Class | Elite Four Class |
Common rules
Battle rules
Level evolution notes
Special evolutions
Type match-ups
Type combinations
Exploiting weaknesses
Type changes
Status Problems
Status problems
Moves & Pokémon types
Support moves
Added effects of moves
Recovery moves
Set damage moves
Moves & tactics
Move changes
Residual-effect changes
Trainer battles
Special Attack & Special Defense
Physical & special attacks
New features
Holding an item |
Type match-ups
Dual-type Pokémon
Multiplied damage
Status problems
Status problems
Set damage moves
Moves & tactics
Multi-type moves
Trainer battles
Lead-off Pokémon
Reading the situation
New features
Holding an item
Notes on Eggs
Type match-ups
Multiplied damage
Support moves
Moves & tactics
Multi-type moves
Move combos
Situational combos
Trainer battles
Reading the situation
Reading the foe's moves
New features
Holding an item
Notes on Eggs
Classroom - Test |
GameBoy Game Required: No
Saved at the Pokémon Centre: No
The tests take the subject matter of the various lectures and create a ten question quiz in order for you to pass. These vary from specific moves of Pokémon to questions about the best strategies in certain situations. To pass, you need to correctly answer eight of the ten questions. To answer, you just have to press the corresponding C-Button to the answer.
Classroom - Test Battle |
GameBoy Game Required: No
Saved at the Pokémon Centre: No
The battle test takes the various subject matters into consideration and have you challenge various different trainers using special rental Pokémon. Each trainer will use a specific strategy for you to defeat. However, to get a gold star on the battle, you have to win against the trainer using the correct three Pokémon out of the six from which you can choose. If you win the battle without using those specific Pokémon, you get a flame icon for it. Luckily, Earl will give you a hint before the start of battle. The battles are as follows
Trainer Class |
Trainer | Their Strategy | Your Strategy | Pokémon To Use |
Camper Cole | Use Grass-type Pokémon | Exploit weakness | Growlithe, Pidgeotto, Beedrill |
Super Nerd Melvin | Use Fire-type Pokémon | Exploit weakness | Furret, Stantler, and Miltank |
Schoolboy Carson | Use different Pokémon | Switch to exploit weakness | Hitmonlee, Bellossom, Magmar |
Swimmer Clayton | Boost defences | Use set damage moves | Dragonair, Murkrow, Pinsir |
Youngster Jonathan | Use moves that require charging | Use moves that can evade e.g. Fly | Delibird, Aerodactyl, Croconaw |
Picnicker Cyndy | Boost Sp. Def with Amnesia | Use physical attacks | Lickitung, Granbull, Fearow |
Lass Nancy | Use Double Team to evade | Moves that never miss or target | Eevee, Noctowl, Golbat |
Gym Leader Class |
Pokémaniac Joseph | Use female Pokémon | Use Attract & Confusion | Lanturn, Gastly, Raichu |
Kimono Girl Naomi | Use Murkrow then Ghost-types | Show item use and defeat | Primeape, Poliwhirl, Politoed |
Lass Tammy | Use dual typed Pokémon | Exploit dual weakness | Mareep, Wooper, Spinarak |
Youngster Dustin | Use Fly & Dig to dodge | Use moves that hit during those moves | Aerodactyl, Magneton, Seadra |
Schoolboy Nolan | Use Light Screen to boost Sp. Def | Use physical attacks | Staryu, Jynx, Mr. Mime |
Elite Four Class |
Cooltrainer Connor | Use Hyper Beam | Switch & Defeat | Pikachu, Shuckle, Cubone |
Cooltrainer Becky | Use fast Hyper Beamers | Reversal | Raticate, Raichu, Scyther |
Juggler Ferris | Use powerful Pokémon | Utilise move combos | Steelix, Golem, Poliwrath |
Swimmer Julian | Increase evasion with Minimize | Use weather | Houndoom, Jumpluff, Exeggutor |
Library |
GameBoy Game Required: No
Saved at the Pokémon Centre: No
The library contains an extensive database about Pokémon. It has six sub-categories for Pokémon, Moves, Items, Controls, Type Match-up and Egg Groups. Originally, this just holds information from Red, Blue & Yellow with Gold & Silver being unlocked when you finish the Classroom. To unlock Crystal, you need to have finished the classroom and played the game with Crystal in the N64 Transfer Pak
Library - Pokémon |
GameBoy Game Required: No
Saved at the Pokémon Centre: No
The Pokémon part of the library allows you to search for Pokémon. You can search for all 251 Pokémon straight away and search for them by name and by type. Once you've narrowed it down, you can select the Pokémon and it will come up with its entire movepool. When you hover over the moves it can learn, it will show you how it is obtained within each game and what the move itself does.
Library - Items |
GameBoy Game Required: No
Saved at the Pokémon Centre: No
The Items part of the library allows you to search the items first by game, selecting between Red, Blue & Yellow's items or Gold, Silver & Crystal's items. After that, you can then search by name, or by the effect within the following categories
Can be used in battle
Stat Enhancement
Once you have selected a means of searching, you can see all the items within that search criterea. Hover over the item and you'll get a brief description about what the item can do.
Library - Moves |
GameBoy Game Required: No
Saved at the Pokémon Centre: No
The Moves part of the Library will give you the details on the various attacks. You first have the ability to search by name, type or effect. Once in the category desired, you will see a list of attacks. Flashing attacks indicate that they have a special effect. Hover over the move and you will receive all the basic details of the attack including strength, PP and effect. If you select the attack, you shall see a list of all the Pokémon capable of learning it. Select those Pokémon and it will tell you how it is learned
Library - Type Match-up |
GameBoy Game Required: No
Saved at the Pokémon Centre: No
The Type-Matchup part of the Library will give you a simple type table showcasing all the weaknesses and resistances of moves on the attack. Moves run along the y-axis while Pokémon types run across the x-axis. You have the ability to move around this chart and, if you press C Up or C Left, you will get a list on all the Pokémon or move of the currently highlighted type. If you press the A Button, it will switch the chart into a chart listing the weaknesses for dual-typed Pokémon.
Library - Egg Groups |
GameBoy Game Required: No
Saved at the Pokémon Centre: No
Finally, the Egg-Group section allows you to search by Pokémon, type or baby; Once you start searching, you have the ability to select each Pokémon. When the Pokémon is selected in the Baby mode, you can select the mother you desire to use and it will show you all the possible fathers. In addition to that, when you search just by Pokémon, you also get to see all of the Pokémon within that Pokémon's Egg Group.