Mystery Gift
One of the new features within Pokémon Gold & Silver was the Mystery Gift feature which allowed you to connect with a player utilising the GameBoy Color port in order to both receive special items. These items tended to be rare items or decorations for your room. As it required two players, it can't be done with a single player. There is, however, another way. Before you enter White City, where all the Pokémon Stadium gameplay is, you have the ability to go up to the Mystery Gift option. In here, you will be able to Mystery Gift with the girl who unlocks Mystery Gift in Goldenrod City. You can do this once a day. Even if you have other players to do this with, there are numerous items that are exclusive to the Pokémon Stadium 2 connection.
Item | Rarity | Item Type |
Berry | 5% | Item |
Przcureberry | 5% | Item |
Mint Berry | 5% | Item |
Ice Berry | 5% | Item |
Burnt Berry | 5% | Item |
Psncureberry | 5% | Item |
Guard Spec. | 5% | Item |
X Defend | 5% | Item |
X Attack | 5% | Item |
Bitter Berry | 5% | Item |
Dire Hit | 5% | Item |
X Special | 5% | Item |
X Accuracy | 5% | Item |
Eon Mail | 5% | Item |
Morph Mail | 5% | Item |
Music Mail | 5% | Item |
Jigglypuff Doll | 5% | Decoration |
Poliwag Doll | 5% | Decoration |
Diglett Doll | 5% | Decoration |
Staryu Doll | 5% | Decoration |
Magikarp Doll | 5% | Decoration |
Oddish Doll | 5% | Decoration |
Gengar Doll | 5% | Decoration |
Shellder Doll | 5% | Decoration |
Grimer Doll | 5% | Decoration |
Voltorb Doll | 5% | Decoration |
Clefairy Poster | 5% | Decoration |
Jigglypuff Poster | 5% | Decoration |
Super NES | 5% | Decoration |
Weedle Doll | 5% | Decoration |
Geodude Doll | 5% | Decoration |
Machop Doll | 5% | Decoration |
MiracleBerry | 1% | Item |
Gold Berry | 1% | Item |
Revive | 1% | Item |
Great Ball | 1% | Item |
Super Repel | 1% | Item |
Max Repel | 1% | Item |
Elixer | 1% | Item |
Ether | 1% | Item |
Magna Plant | 1% | Decoration |
Tropic Plant | 1% | Decoration |
NES | 1% | Decoration |
Nintendo64 | 1% | Decoration |
Bulbasaur Doll | 1% | Decoration |
Squirtle Doll | 1% | Decoration |
Pink Bed | 1% | Decoration |
Polkadot Bed | 1% | Decoration |
Water Stone | 0.20% | Item |
Fire Stone | 0.20% | Item |
Leaf Stone | 0.20% | Item |
Thunderstone | 0.20% | Item |
Max Ether | 0.20% | Item |
Max Elixer | 0.20% | Item |
Max Revive | 0.20% | Item |
Scope Lens | 0.20% | Item |
Red Carpet | 0.20% | Decoration |
Blue Carpet | 0.20% | Decoration |
Yellow Carpet | 0.20% | Decoration |
Green Carpet | 0.20% | Decoration |
Jumbo Plant | 0.20% | Decoration |
Virtual Boy | 0.20% | Decoration |
Big Onix | 0.20% | Decoration |
Pikachu Poster | 0.20% | Decoration |
HP Up | 0.10% | Item |
PP Up | 0.10% | Item |
Big Lapras Doll | 0.10% | Decoration |
Surf Pikachu Doll | 0.10% | Decoration |
Pikachu Bed | 0.10% | Decoration |
Unown Doll | 0.10% | Decoration |
Tentacool Doll | 0.10% | Decoration |