Pokémon TCG Pokémon TCG Pocket

Pokémon TCG Pocket Card Database

Welcome to the Serebii.net TCG Pocket Card Dex. This section is an encyclopedic representation of each Pokémon's appearances in the Pokémon TCG Pocket mobile app. Click the Pokémon names to go to their page:

The cards can also be checked out by navigating via Card Set Pages & Promo Set Pages

There are also a variety of subsections of the Cardex for many other Pokémon card kinds.

This Cardex will be constantly updated whenever new cards are revealed so it will always be up to date. It also includes a database of all Trainer, Supporter, Stadium and Pokémon Tool Cards

Standard Trainer Cards Supporter Cards
Pokémon Tools Cards

This section is an encyclopedic list of every artist that has worked on the Pokémon Trading Card Game, listing each card they have done. Click the artist names to go to their page:

In addition to this, if you wish to search for Pokémon that know particular moves, you can navigate our move database below

In addition to this, if you wish to search for Pokémon that have a specific ability, you can navigate our ability database below