Other Mesprit Cards

Space-time Smackdown - #76  Mesprit
Mesprit 70 HP  

PsychicPsychicPsychic Supreme Blast
You can use this attack only if you have Uxie and Azelf on your Bench. Discard all Energy from this Pokémon

Weakness +20 Retreat Cost

76 of 155
Illustration: AKIRA EGAWA


Available Booster Packs

Dialga Palkia
Space-time Smackdown - Dialga Space-time Smackdown - Palkia
4th Slot: 0.357%
5th Slot: 1.428%
4th Slot: 0.357%
5th Slot: 1.428%

Pack Purchase Cost

Pack Point Exchange:
150 Pack Points

<--- #75 / 155
#77 / 155