Other Glaceon Cards
Other Pokémon-ex Cards

Triumphant Light - #22  Glaceon ex
Glaceon ex 140 HP  
When Pokémon-ex has been Knocked Out, your opponent gets 2 Points.

Ability Snowy Terrain
During Pokémon Checkup, if this Pokémon is in the Active Spot, do 10 damage to your opponent's Active Pokémon

WaterWaterColorless Freezing Wind

Weakness +20 Retreat Cost

22 of 75
Illustration: PLANETA CG Works


Available Booster Packs

Triumphant Light - Arceus
4th Slot: 0.333%
5th Slot: 1.332%

Pack Purchase Cost

Pack Point Exchange:
500 Pack Points

<--- #21 / 75
#23 / 75