Pokemon Yellow offers a few gift Pokemon throughout the game. Some are given after a task is fulfilled, some simply by asking, and some you have to make a choice for. Generation I didn't have the breeding feature introduced in future titles, so this is the only way you can nab any of these Pokemon.
#025 Pikachu |
Location: Pallet Town
The only Pikachu you'll find in the game, this Electric-type cannot be evolved in Yellow and follows you around, similar to Ash's Pikachu on the television show. Unique to this Pikachu is the fact that it has emotions, which can be checked by talking to it. This Pikachu gets Thunderbolt at level 25 as well. To see Pikachu's emotions and what affects them, click here.
Pikachu |  |
Level 5 |
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#001 Bulbasaur |
Location: Cerulean City
A girl in Cerulean City will offer you her Bulbasaur if your Pikachu is in good spirits. The easiest way to do this is to give Pikachu a Potion when at full health over and over again. Pikachu's happiness will climb, and you'll hold onto the Potion. Venusaur, to whom Bulbasaur evolves into, is a fantastic Grass/Poison-type with good Special and balanced other stats that will fair better than a Vileplume or Victreebel on your team.
Bulbasaur |  |
Level 10 |
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#004 Charmander |
Location: Route 24
Right after the Nugget Bridge, a trainer awaits you on a plateau to give you his Charmander. The young Fire-type, who comes very early in the game, becomes a powerhouse after evolving into Charizard. The Fire/Flying-type dragon Pokemon learns powerful attacks like Flamethrower and Slash and has magnificent Speed and Special. Unlike in Red and Blue, Charizard gets access to Fly. A good alternative to Arcanine or Flareon if they don't tickle your fancy.
Charmander |  |
Level 10 |
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#007 Squirtle |
Location: Vermillion City
Officer Jenny, found in the heart of Vermillion City, will hand you a Squirtle after you get the Thunderbadge. Upon evolving into Blastoise, this Pokemon carries very balanced stats with an emphasis on Defense. Blastoise makes for a good alternative to Lapras or Vaporeon should you not be interested in either of those.
Squirtle |  |
Level 10 |
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#106 Hitmonlee & #107 Hitmonchan |
Location: Saffron City
Received at the Fighting Dojo gym in Saffron City after the Karate King is defeated. Both are Fighting-types and work well on any team, especially against Lorelei of the Elite Four's Ice-types and Bruno of the Elite Four's two Onix. Hitmonchan learns the three elemental punches as well as a few other fist-based moves, though the elemental punches are useless on a Pokemon with such a terrible Special stat. Hitmonlee is kicking oriented and will learn high risk attacks like Jump Kick that have a terribly high base power.
Hitmonlee |  |
Level 30 |
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Hitmonchan |  |
Level 30 |
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#131 Lapras |
Location: Saffron City - Silph Co
Given at Saffron City in the Siph Co. room with your rival, Lapras is an extremely capable Pokemon. Water/Ice-type, it learns many powerful attacks like Blizzard, Surf, Thunderbolt, and Psychic. It is recommended that you use Lapras if you want a sturdy Water Pokemon with a good moveset.
Lapras |  |
Level 15 |
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#133 Eevee |
Location: Celadon City
The backdoor of the Celadon Mansion leads to a secret entrance with several flights of stairs. At the very type there's a room where an Eevee awaits, an extremely flexible Normal-type Pokemon. What makes Eevee so special is that it can evolve into three different Pokemon: Flareon, the Fire-type, Vaporeon, the Water-type, and Jolteon, the Electric-type. The method of evolution is via stones, which can be bought on the 4th floor of the Celadon Department Store. Flareon has great Attack and Special, Vaporeon has excellent HP and Special, and Jolteon has superb Speed and Special. A welcome addition to any team.
Eevee |  |
Level 25 |
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#138 Omanyte & #140 Kabuto |
Location: Mt. Moon
The choice between the Helix and Dome fossils is given at Mt. Moon after being the top Super Nerd near the exit. When handed over at the Pokemon Lab on Cinnabar Island, a revived prehistoric Pokemon will be later available. Omanyte derives from the Helix Fossil and Kabuto from the Dome Fossil. Both are decent in their own right, Omastar having superior Defense and Kabutops superior Attack once they evolve.
Omanyte |  |
Level 30 |
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Kabuto |  |
Level 30 |
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#142 Aerodactyl |
Location: Pewter City
Aerodactyl must be resurrected from the Old Amber, which is found in the Pewter City museum (back entrance, requires Cut). Like with other fossil Pokemon, the item must be taken to Cinnabar Island Pokemon Lab and handed to a scientist before Aerodactyl is given. Aerodactyl is a formidable Rock/Flying-type with high Attack and Speed that can tear through enemy teams with attacks like Fire Blast, Sky Attack, and Hyper Beam.
Aerodactyl |  |
Level 30 |
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