#0036 Clefable
Gen VII Dex

| Lusamine | Gladion | Special/Other Trainers | Wild |

Lusamine's Clefable

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
987 A Dream Encounter! Ash and Nebby! A Mysterious Encounter!! Pics
993 Faba's Revenge! Faba Strikes Back! Nebby Gets Abducted!! Pics
996 Rescuing the Unwilling! Hurry Up! Operation: Rescue Lusamine!! Pics
997 10,000,000 Reasons to Fight! Shine, Z-Power Ring! A Super Fully Powered 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt!! Pics
998 The Professors' New Adventure! Thank You, Solgaleo! You are Our Nebby!! Pics
1004 A Mission of Ultra Urgency! Set Off! You Are Our Ultra Guardians!! Pics
1010 Love at First Twirl! Pika Pika Sparkling Love! Poipole Spins Round and Round!! Pics
1012 Rise and Shine, Starship! Shine On, Starship Celesteela! Pics
1028 The Long Vault Home! Leap 'n' Climb: Stakataka! Pics
1030 Filling the Light with Darkness! Crisis in Alola! The Darkness that Eats Radiance!! Pics
1038 Sparking Confusion! Wela Volcano: The Golem, the Graveler and the Hikers! Pics
1054 Show Me the Metal! Arrival in Alola! Melty Metal Panic!! Pics
1055 Got Meltan? A New Species Has Been Discovered! I Got a Meltan!! Pics
1057 Beauty is Only Crystal Deep! Beauty and the Meowth Pics
1067 Living on the Cutting Edge! Perfect Sharpness! Kartana has Arrived! Pics
1069 Pikachu's Exciting Adventure! Pikachu's Exciting Expedition! Pics

Gladion's Clefable

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
1021 Twirling with a Bang! Ultra Beast Clash! Operation: Boom Boom Crackle!! Pics

Special/Other Trainers's Clefable

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
92 Stage Fight Dance! Pokémon Showboat! Pics
171 Beauty and the Breeder Sayonara Vulpix! Beauty Contest! Pics
399 Deceit And Assist! Fierce Fighting! Grand Festival! (2)! Pics
450 New Plot - Odd Lot! Harley & Team Rocket! The Formation of the Villanious Alliance! Pics
1024 A Young Royal Flame Ignites! The Young Flame of Alola! The Birth of Royal Ash!! Pics
1035 Turning the Other Mask! Kukui Up Against the Wall! A Second Masked Royal!! Pics

Wild Clefable

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
6 Clefairy and the Moon Stone Clefairy and the Moon Stone Pics
P1 Pikachu's Vacation Pikachu's Summer Vacation Pics
411 A Real Cleffa-Hanger Mt. Moon! With Cleffa, Clefairy & Clefable! Pics
1209 Infinite Possibilities! The Possibilities are Endless for Chloe and Eevee! Pics
1225 These Could be the Start of Something Big! Ash and Goh! Setting Off Anew!! Pics
85 TBC Arrival! The Paradise of Laqua Pics
87 TBC The Guidance of the Black Rayquaza Pics

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