#0181 Ampharos
Gen VII Dex

| Jasmine | Watt | McCauley | Karsten | Ellie | Meyer | Eliphas | Molayne | Special/Other Trainers | Wild |

Jasmine's Ampharos

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
210 Fight for the Light Lighthouse Radiance! Olivine City Battle!! Pics
225 Throwing in the Noctowl! Fly Proud Hoothoot! Aim for Olivine!! Pics
611 An Egg Scramble Johto Festa! Chikorita and Totodile Appear!! Pics

Watt's Ampharos

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
335 Manectric Charge! Return To Mauville Gym! VS. Manectric! Pics

McCauley's Ampharos

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
425 Achip off the Old Brock Mudkip & Flaaffy! Wonder Drug of Love!? Pics

Karsten's Ampharos

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
496 Drifloon in the Wind Drifloon and the North Wind Messenger! Pics

Ellie's Ampharos

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
774 The Light of Floccesy Ranch! The Foggy Floccesy Ranch! Ampharos' Light! Pics

Meyer's Ampharos

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
812 Clemont's Got a Secret! Capture Lumiose Gym! Clemont's Secret! Pics
813 Mega-Mega Meowth Madness! Chespin VS Mega Mega Meowth! Pics
851 A Campus Reunion! Clemont's Campus of Memories! An Electrifying Reunion!! Pics

Eliphas's Ampharos

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
M19 Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel Volcanion & The Ingenious Magearna Pics

Molayne's Ampharos

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
1185 Lighting the Way Home! Reach Space! Ampharos' Light Pics

Special/Other Trainers's Ampharos

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
C17 Those Darn Electabuzz! Casey & Charizard! Intensive Fire Training! Pics
463 The Unbeatable Lightness Of Seeing! May VS Drew! Rivals Forever! Pics
559 One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team! The Final Showdown! Pokémon Triathlon! Pics
598 Frozen on Their Tracks Ampharos Train! Looker Appears!! Pics
628 A Marathon Rivalry! Get Fired Up Snorlax! Prince of Pokéthlon! Pics
766 Lost at the League! Axew Gets Lost! Pics
M16 Genesect & The Legend Awakened Extremespeed Genesect: Mewtwo Awakens Pics
795 The Journalist from Another Region! Alexa Appears! Helioptile & Gogoat!! Pics
S33 TBC Cilan and Brock! Gyarados' Outrage!! Pics
804 Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin! We've Come to Kalos Region! Dreams and Adventures Begin! Pics
819 A Jolting Switcheroo! Dedenne is Pichu and Pichu is Dedenne...!? Pics
M17 Diancie & The Cocoon of Destruction The Cocoon of Destruction & Diancie Pics
S42 Pokémon Mega Evolution Special IV Strongest Mega Evolution ~Act IV~ Pics
M21 Pokémon: The Power of Us Pokémon: Everyone's Story Pics
1105 A Chilling Curse! Ash Has Been Cursed...! Pics
1185 Lighting the Way Home! Reach Space! Ampharos' Light Pics
46 Welcome to Naranja Academy! How Thrilling! Naranja Academy! Pics
89 TBC At the End of the Adventures Pics

Wild Ampharos

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
244 As Clear As Crystal Zapdos and the Crystal! Secret of the Lake! Pics
S35 Pokémon XY Mega Evolution I Strongest Mega Evolution ~Act 1~ Pics
836 Calling From Beyond the Aura! Hearts Calling Out to One Another! Go Beyond Aura! Pics

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