#0361 Snorunt
Gen VII Dex

| Ash | Rising Volt Tacklers | Special/Other Trainers | Wild |

Ash's Snorunt

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
P7 Not Aired Pikachu's Summer Festival Pics
385 Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snorunt! Catch Snorunt! Pics
386 Do I Hear A Ralts? Rescue Ralts! Hurry Max!! Pics
387 The Great Eight Fate! Sootopolis Gym! Juan, Artist of Water! (Part 1)! Pics
388 Eight Ain't Enough Sootopolis Gym! Juan, Artist of Water! (Part 2)! Pics
391 Date Expectations Rollout! Loving Donphan! Pics
392 Mean With Envy Disorderly Melee! Pokémon Contest - Pacifidlog Convention! (Part One) Pics
393 Pacifidlog Jam! Disorderly Melee! Pokémon Contest - Pacifidlog Convention! (Part Two) Pics
394 Berry, Berry Interesting! 'May-Delicious' Captures Munchlax Pics
395 Less Is Morrison! Rival Enters! Morrison & Beldum! Pics
397 Not Aired Ash & May! Heated Battles In Hoenn! Pics
398 Hi Ho Silver Wind! Begin! Grand Festival! (1)! Pics
399 Deceit And Assist! Fierce Fighting! Grand Festival! (2)! Pics
400 Rhapsody In Drew Decisive Battle! Grand Festival! (3)! Pics

Rising Volt Tacklers's Snorunt

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
2 The Pendant That Starts It All: Part Two The Pendant It All Started With! (Part 2) Pics
4 The Treasure After the Storm! The Treasure That Washed Ashore Pics
5 Found You, Fuecoco! I Found You, Fuecoco Pics
8 The Door That Never Opens! The Secret Behind the Off-Limits Door Pics
18 Flying Pikachu, Rising Higher and Higher! The Sky Is The Limit For Flying Pikachu! Pics
19 The Bittersweet Truth The Truth About Alcremie Pics
21 The Lonely Hatenna A Hatenna All Alone Pics
26 Terapagos's Adventure! Terapagos' Adventure Pics
30 Slip and Crash! A Mystery Pokémon?! The Mystery Pokémon Behind the Slipping and Clanging?! Pics
35 The Wild Pair, Friede and Cap! A Duo in the Wilderness: Friede and Cap Pics
37 Fuecoco... Becomes a Crook?! Fuecoco Becomes a Bad Boy?! Pics
38 The SOS is from Tandemaus? The SOS Comes from Tandemaus? Pics
43 A Challenge from the Explorers A Letter of Challenge from the Explorers Pics
44 The Plan to Capture Rayquaza The Plan for Capturing Rayquaza! Pics
45 From So Far Away To Places Far Far Away Pics
46 Welcome to Naranja Academy! How Thrilling! Naranja Academy! Pics
49 Dot and Nidothing Dot & Nidothing Pics
57 The Terapagos I Don't Know A Terapagos I Don't Know! Pics
68 TBC Taking to New Skies! The Brave Olivine!! Pics
76 TBC Wynaut? Sohdayo! Pics
83 TBC The Truth Revealed? Amethio's Resolve! Pics
89 TBC At the End of the Adventures Pics

Special/Other Trainers's Snorunt

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
443 Curbing the Crimson Tide! The Red Inazuma SkyScraper! Pics
444 What I Did For Love Decisive Game! May VS Brock! Pics
556 Camping It Up The Pokémon Summer School Offer Pics
650 An Old Family Blend! The Eve of the Fierce Fighting! The Big Gathering of Ash's Pokémon! Pics
1003 Getting a Jump on the Competition! Lillie is Soaring Through The Air! The PokéSled Jump Tournament! Pics
62 A New Song for Fuecoco Me and Fuecoco's Song Pics

Wild Snorunt

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
P11 Not Aired Pikachu's Great Ice Adventure Pics
584 The Drifting Snorunt Froslass In A Blizzard Pics
M12 Arceus & The Jewel of Life Arceus - Towards Conquering Space-Time Pics
1153 Absol Absolved The Detested Absol!! Pics
60 Roy and Fuecoco's First Snow! Seeing Snow for the First Time! Fue-Fuecoco! Pics

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