Lapis Lakeside |
Unlocked by: Register 240 Sleep Styles A thin mist hangs over this eerie lakeside, where the only sound is the gentle lapping of waves. Dragon-type Pokémon rule here.
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List of all Pokémon Available on Lapis Lakeside
Sleep Style Unlock Chart
Rank | Strength | Styles |
Basic 1 | 0 | Pikachu - Curled-Up Sleep Pikachu - Droopy-Eared Sleep Eevee - Curled-Up Sleep Meowth - Curled-Up Sleep Meowth - Seated Sleep Pichu - Peaceful Sleep Pichu - Seated Sleep Bulbasaur - Sunbathing Sleep Bulbasaur - Sturdy Sleep Jigglypuff - Seated Sleep Squirtle - Sheltered Sleep Squirtle - Unsheltered Sleep Slowpoke - Zonked Sleep Slowpoke - Dazed Sleep Togepi - Rocking Sleep Togepi - Overturned Sleep Ekans - Coiled Sleep Ekans - Springy Sleep Mankey - Angry Sleep Mankey - Upright Sleep Bellsprout - Stretched-Out Sleep Bellsprout - Acid-Dripping Sleep Weepinbell - Acid-Dripping Sleep Igglybuff - Bouncy Sleep Igglybuff - Spacey Sleep Sudowoodo - Pseudo-Wood Sleep Sudowoodo - Pseudo-Slacking Sleep Psyduck - Headache Sleep Psyduck - Big-Yawn Sleep Doduo - Lookout Sleep Doduo - Lazy-Lookout Sleep Chikorita - Leaf-Twirling Sleep Chikorita - Droopy-Leaf Sleep Wobbuffet - Tail-Hiding Sleep Swablu - Roosting Sleep Swablu - Flapping Sleep Wynaut - Tail-Shifting Sleep Wynaut - Biding Sleep Riolu - Knee-Hugging Sleep Riolu - Mid-Training Sleep Cleffa - Rocking Sleep Cleffa - Nodding-Off Sleep Clefairy - Peaceful Sleep Dratini - Coiled Sleep Ralts - Flattened Sleep Stufful - Flailing Sleep Sprigatito - Tucked Sleep Quaxly - Seated sleep Munna - Dream Mist Sleep |
Basic 2 | 12,938 | Eevee - Droopy-Eared Sleep Jigglypuff - Spacey Sleep Wobbuffet - Biding Sleep Clefairy - Nodding-Off Sleep Ralts - Fidgeting Sleep |
Basic 3 | 29,756 | Ivysaur - Sunbathing Sleep Wartortle - Sheltered Sleep Bayleef - Stretching Sleep Primeape - Angry Sleep Togetic - Sitting-Flutter Sleep Dratini - Wriggly Sleep |
Basic 4 | 48,515 | Dodrio - Lookout Sleep Ditto - Rock-Formed Sleep Sprigatito - Kneading Sleep Quaxly - Styling Sleep Munna - Floaty Rocking Sleep |
Basic 5 | 71,156 | Pichu - Electrifying Sleep Togepi - Shell-Tucked Sleep Ekans - Uncoiled Sleep Mankey - Peaceful Sleep Bellsprout - Rooted Sleep Weepinbell - Floating Sleep Igglybuff - Singing Sleep Slowbro - Cozy-Duo Sleep Doduo - Duo Sleep Swablu - Cotton-Cloud Sleep Wynaut - Signature-Pose Sleep Persian - Elegant Sleep Kirlia - Seated Bowing Sleep Stufful - Sturdy Sleep |
Great 1 | 97,031 | Meowth - Pay Day Sleep Bulbasaur - Vines-Out Sleep Squirtle - Overturned Sleep Slowpoke - Goofy Sleep Psyduck - Tantrum Sleep Chikorita - Belly-Up Sleep Altaria - Feather-Nestled Sleep Bulbasaur - Atop-Belly Sleep Squirtle - Atop-Belly Sleep Ekans - Atop-Belly Sleep Pikachu - Atop-Belly Sleep Jigglypuff - Atop-Belly Sleep Meowth - Atop-Belly Sleep Psyduck - Atop-Belly Sleep Mankey - Atop-Belly Sleep Bellsprout - Atop-Belly Sleep Weepinbell - Atop-Belly Sleep Doduo - Atop-Belly Sleep Eevee - Atop-Belly Sleep Chikorita - Atop-Belly Sleep Pichu - Atop-Belly Sleep Igglybuff - Atop-Belly Sleep Togepi - Atop-Belly Sleep Swablu - Atop-Belly Sleep Wynaut - Atop-Belly Sleep Riolu - Atop-Belly Sleep Cleffa - Overturned Sleep Dragonair - Coiled Sleep Ralts - Atop-Belly Sleep Dedenne - Tail-Curled Sleep Floragato - Curled-Up Sleep Quaxwell - Knee-Up Sleep |
Great 2 | 130,668 | Pikachu - Electrifying Sleep Ivysaur - Sturdy Sleep Wartortle - Unsheltered Sleep Sudowoodo - Seriously Slacking Sleep Bayleef - Bud-Shaking Sleep Primeape - Stomping Sleep Togetic - Upright-Flutter Sleep Riolu - Knee-Up Sleep Comfey - Flower-Stroking Sleep |
Great 3 | 171,420 | Eevee - Energetic Sleep Jigglypuff - Singing Sleep Wobbuffet - Signature-Pose Sleep Dodrio - Lazy-Lookout Sleep Ditto - As-Is Sleep Wartortle - Atop-Belly Sleep Bayleef - Atop-Belly Sleep Togetic - Atop-Belly Sleep Clefairy - Metronome Sleep Ralts - Snickering Sleep |
Great 4 | 219,936 | Slowbro - Drooling Sleep Persian - Sturdy Sleep Ditto - Dragonite Sleep Dodrio - Atop-Belly Sleep Ditto - Atop-Belly Sleep Dratini - Uncoiled Sleep Kirlia - Reverent Sleep |
Great 5 | 272,333 | Altaria - Roosting Sleep Dragonair - Wriggly Sleep Bewear - Seated Sleep Dedenne - Face-Rubbing Sleep Sprigatito - Belly-Up Sleep Floragato - Upright Sleep Quaxly - Disheveled Sleep Quaxwell - Styling Sleep Munna - Dream Eater Sleep |
Ultra 1 | 328,610 | Weepinbell - Suction Sleep Victreebel - Shuddering Sleep Ivysaur - Atop-Belly Sleep Persian - Atop-Belly Sleep Primeape - Atop-Belly Sleep Slowpoke - Atop-Belly Sleep Slowbro - Atop-Belly Sleep Sudowoodo - Atop-Belly Sleep Wobbuffet - Atop-Belly Sleep Altaria - Atop-Belly Sleep Cleffa - Atop-Belly Sleep Clefairy - Atop-Belly Sleep Dratini - Atop-Belly Sleep Kirlia - Atop-Belly Sleep Stufful - Log-Hugging Sleep Stufful - Atop-Belly Sleep Dedenne - Atop-Belly Sleep Comfey - Floaty Nodding Sleep Sprigatito - Atop-Belly Sleep Quaxly - Atop-Belly Sleep |
Ultra 2 | 388,122 | Clefable - Peaceful Sleep |
Ultra 3 | 452,809 | Ivysaur - Vines-Out Sleep Wartortle - Flattened Sleep Bayleef - Aroma-Wafting Sleep Primeape - Peaceful Sleep Togetic - Floating-Flutter Sleep |
Ultra 4 | 522,025 | Venusaur - Sunbathing Sleep Blastoise - Sheltered Sleep Dodrio - Trio Sleep Ditto - Pikachu Sleep Meganium - Peaceful Sleep Espeon - Foreseeing Sleep Leafeon - Tail-Swinging Sleep Bewear - Upright Sleep |
Ultra 5 | 596,086 | Slowbro - Tail-Gnawing Sleep Persian - Apologetic Sleep Victreebel - Vine-Held Sleep Kirlia - Dancing Sleep |
Master 1 | 675,330 | Altaria - Cotton-Cloud Sleep Victreebel - Atop-Belly Sleep Clefable - Nodding-Off Sleep Dragonair - Uncoiled Sleep Dragonair - Atop-Belly Sleep Gardevoir - Skirt-Fluttering Sleep Dedenne - Cheek-Stroking Sleep Comfey - Atop-Belly Sleep Floragato - Play Rough Sleep Floragato - Atop-Belly Sleep Meowscarada - Curled-Up Sleep Quaxwell - Messy Tresses Sleep Quaxwell - Atop-Belly Sleep Quaquaval - Knee-Up Sleep Musharna - Floaty-Rubbing Sleep |
Master 2 | 760,123 | Comfey - Flower Wave Sleep |
Master 3 | 850,851 | Venusaur - Sturdy Sleep Blastoise - Unsheltered Sleep Meganium - Head-Bobbing Sleep Espeon - Sitting Sleep Leafeon - Sturdy Sleep Gallade - Gallant Sleep Suicune - Energy-Storing Sleep |
Master 4 | 958,702 | Venusaur - Atop-Belly Sleep Blastoise - Atop-Belly Sleep Meganium - Atop-Belly Sleep Espeon - Atop-Belly Sleep Leafeon - Atop-Belly Sleep |
Master 5 | 1,075,709 | Gardevoir - Bashful Sleep Bewear - Log-Hugging Sleep Meowscarada - Bowing Sleep Quaquaval - Signature-Pose Sleep Musharna - Face-Rubbing Sleep |
Master 6 | 1,202,596 | Victreebel - Overturned Sleep Clefable - Atop-Belly Sleep Dragonite - Curled-Up Sleep Gardevoir - Atop-Belly Sleep Bewear - Atop-Belly Sleep Meowscarada - Atop-Belly Sleep Quaquaval - Atop-Belly Sleep |
Master 7 | 1,340,143 | Clefable - Metronome Sleep Gallade - Cutting Sleep Suicune - Meditative Sleep |
Master 8 | 1,489,190 | Gallade - Atop-Belly Sleep |
Master 9 | 1,650,645 | Venusaur - Vines-Out Sleep Blastoise - Overturned Sleep Meganium - Bloom-Filled Sleep Espeon - Belly-Up Sleep Leafeon - Leaf-Grabbing Sleep |
Master 10 | 1,825,483 | Dragonite - Seated Sleep |
Master 11 | 2,014,758 | Dragonite - Atop-Belly Sleep Gardevoir - Dress-Flaring Sleep Meowscarada - Magician Sleep Quaquaval - Dream-Dance Sleep Musharna - Dream Mist Sleep |
Master 12 | 2,219,603 | |
Master 13 | 2,441,243 | Gallade - Dreaming Cut Sleep Suicune - Northern-Wind Sleep |
Master 14 | 2,680,993 | |
Master 15 | 2,925,574 | |
Master 16 | 3,188,730 | Dragonite - Tummy-Up Sleep |
Master 17 | 3,454,577 | |
Master 18 | 3,739,033 | |
Master 19 | 4,166,848 | |
Master 20 | 5,193,272 |