Snorlax, The Sleeping Pokémon. When its belly is full, it becomes too lethargic to even lift a finger, so it is safe to bounce on its belly.Its stomach's digestive juices can dissolve any kind of poison. It can even eat things off the ground. What sounds like its cry may actually be its snores or the rumblings of its hungry belly. It stops eating only to sleep. It doesn't feel full unless it eats nearly 900 pounds a day.
Snorlax has always been a good Pokémon. 2nd gen was where it hit its prime, with the introduction of Curse, and Sleep Talk being able to pick Rest and fully heal. 3rd gen it was still amazing, being pretty much an auto-win if Snorlax was your last Pokémon. It was so hard to take down, it was insane. 4th gen it was less effective and seen more as a Choice Bander than a Curser. With the introduction of more powerful Fighting moves and special Fighting moves, Snorlax didn't really do too well in 4th gen OU, and it has just gotten worse with 5th gen. Everything took a step forward, but Snorlax stayed rooted in place. It gained nothing in terms of drastic improvement, and with the amount of hugely powerful attackers 5th gen brought to the table, Snorlax seriously finds it hard to switch in and take hits. It's still pretty good as a Choice Bander thanks to STAB Selfdestruct (even though it got nerfed in 5th gen) and a nice base Attack.
Immunity: immune to poison. Good for sets that don't run Rest, but Thick Fat is better in general.
Thick Fat: allows you to switch into Fire and Ice moves with a resistance. Really useful, as it makes you more effective at taking hits.
Gluttony: You eat a berry at 50% health when you'd normally eat it at 25%. I guess you can use a berry with Belly Drum, but that's about it.
Choice Band
- Body Slam / Return
- Earthquake / Superpower
- Fire Punch / Crunch
- Selfdestruct
Item Attached: Choice Band
Ability: Immunity / Thick Fat
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
The Normal attack depends whether you want power or chance for paralysis. Body Slam if you want paralysis, Return for some added power. Earthquake doesn't hit Flying types but doesn't have the –Atk and –Def that comes with Superpower. Fire Punch really hurts Ferrothorn and other Steels, whereas Crunch destroys Ghost switch ins. Selfdestruct is your final move, and it'll seriously be hitting whatever it touches hard.
Classic Curser
- Curse
- Body Slam / Return
- Fire Punch / Earthquake / Crunch
- Rest / Selfdestruct
Item Attached: Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat / Immunity
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
Curse boosts your Attack and Defence, but lowers your already pointless Speed. Body Slam or Return, same choice with the same reasoning. Fire Punch hits Ferrorthorn, Earthquake hurts most Steels and Crunch decimates Ghosts. Rest keeps your healthy and Selfdestruct does the opposite, but probably takes something out.
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Curse / Whirlwind
- Body Slam / Return
Item Attached: Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
Do stuff whilst you sleep. Rest and Sleep Talk are the main combo here, allowing you to fully heal and then attack whilst you snooze. Curse is great but make sure to have their Ghost taken out first. Whirlwind forces the opponent to switch, which is brilliant on top of entry hazards. Body Slam or Return, blah blah.
- Body Slam / Return
- Counter
- Selfdestruct
- Crunch / Earthquake / Fire Punch
Item Attached: Leftovers
Ability: Immunity / Thick Fat
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
A Snorlax set that wants to be hit with a physical attack? Hell yeah. Body Slam or Return is getting tedious and boring to type out. Counter abuses Snorlax's huge HP stat perfectly, hitting the opponent for huge damage. Selfdestruct works amazingly after a Counter, potentially allowing you to take out two Pokémon. Crunch beats Ghosts, Earthquake beats Steels, Fire Punch beats Forretress and Ferrothorn.
- Substitute
- Focus Punch
- Body Slam / Return
- Crunch
Item Attached: Leftovers
Ability: Immunity / Thick Fat
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 120 Atk / 136 Def / 252 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
Substitute and Focus Punch has been a favourite strategy since Focus Punch was invented. With more than 404 HP, Snorlax gets over 101 subs, which means Seismic Toss won't break your Substitute in one move. Focus Punch has 150 base power and combos well with your Dark attack. It's a great move. Body Slam can paralyze, Return hits harder.
EVs & Natures
Choice Bander
You really want max Attack, and max HP spreads out your bulk so you can take hits better.
You are boosting your Attack and Defence anyway, so just run max HP and max Special Defence.
Sigh... again, you're running Curse, and even if you aren't, you want to be taking special hits.
Max HP means Counter does more damage. Max Attack means when you boom you take out half of a planet.
No HP is needed as you have all the HP you need for 101 subs. Max Special Defence to take better hits, although you could go for max Attack. The Attack and Defence was spread pretty evenly, but you could run a lot more of one if you wanted.
Other Options
Belly Drum, Block, Charm, Fire Blast, Heavy Slam, Ice Punch, Pursuit, Recycle, ThunderPunch, Wild Charge, Zen Headbutt
Belly Drum gives you huge attack, and combined with Gluttony and a berry you could prove to be quite dangerous.
Block stops the opponent from switching.
Charm lowers the opponent's Attack, which is cool.
Fire Blast really hurts Skarmory, Forretress and Ferrothorn.
Heavy Slam works well with Snorlax's weight but... it's unSTABbed Steel, it won't do much good.
Ice Punch is another elemental punch which could sometimes prove useful.
Pursuit would be cool, but it's illegal with Selfdestruct.
Recycle can abuse a berry like Starf Berry or Sitrus Berry, which could be a fun gimmick.
ThunderPunch is the final elemental punch to use.
Wild Charge hits harder than ThunderPunch, but has that recoil.
Zen Headbutt hits Fighting types hard on the switch in, but only a little harder then Return would anyway.
Double & Triple Battle Options
Thick Fat really helps out with taking Blizzards and multi hitting Fire moves, and without a weakness to Water and Ground, Snorlax has less to worry about as it doesn't need to think about Surf or Earthquake. It has access to a strong Earthquake and Selfdestruct, which is always good. That said, Snorlax doesn't bring too much else to the table. It's usable, but eh...
Stuff that resists Normal is your worst nightmare. Steels, Rocks, and Ghosts all want to ruin Snorlax's day. You could run a strong Pursuit user like Tyranitar, and a Steel trapper like Magnezone, which would sort out those issues. The Rock Pokémon you just need a Grass or Water attack and you practically beat most of them. You also want to be able to take Fighting hits well, otherwise you'll be stuck with nothing to switch into a Drain Punch. Zapdos, Skarmory, Jellicent, they all work well.
Countering Snorlax
Oh how the mighty have fallen... this beast used to have such few counters, and now the list is endless. A Curselax's worst nightmare is being phased, so running Skarmory to Whirlwind it away is a great plan. If it isn't running Rest, being hit with burn ruins Snorlax completely. You want to be able to take its strong Normal attacks, so Ferrothorn, Skarmory, Forretress, Regirock, Metagross... just run something that resists Normal, and be aware than most Snorlax carry a move to take out something that resists Normal, be it Crunch, Fire Punch or Earthquake. Fighting types destroy Snorlax, especially the new Conkeldurr, who uses Drain Punch and steals Snorlax's huge amount of HP. Speaking of stealing HP, Leech Seed is a huge thorn in Snorlax's side. Whimsicott and Serperior make good users of SubSeed, which really kills Snorlax fast. As I said, the mighty have fallen, and Snorlax has fallen below ground level. From being one of the best to now always overlooked and overshadowed, it really has come a long way. Sure, you'll get a kill with Choice Band every now and then, but look at the bigger picture... how many more would you have gotten with something simply... better? Snorlax is too slow and too predictable in this hard hitting metagame. It's a shame, but it's the truth.

Pre-Evolution Corner
Munchlax with Evolution Stone can actually takes hits just as well as Snorlax. Yeah, this is pretty pointless in OU (although Munchlax does have higher defences, but less HP and Attack), but in Little Cup or even UU (unless Snorlax gets sent down there) it will do well. It runs pretty much the exact same sets as Snorlax, it's just a little smaller... and a bit more green... greeny blue... colour.
Locations in Games
Trade from FRLGXD.
Route 12, Route 16.
Snagged from Cipher Admin Ardos in Citadark Isle (XD)
Trade from FRLG (Colosseum)
Evolve Munchlax.
Route 11, Route 12(If knocked out in Route 11).
Evolve Munchlax
Animé Appearences
Snorlax has had numerous anime appearances. Most notably, it was one of Ash's Pokémon which he used in a variety of battles including his league matches, his Battle Arena match and various gyms.
# |
-English Episode Name- |
-Jp. Episode Name- |
Pics |
41 |
Wake up Snorlax |
Get Up! Snorlax | Pics |
67 |
Showdown at the Poke Corral |
Dueling with the Rival! Oak's Laboratory | Pics |
P1 |
Pikachu's Vacation |
Pikachu's Summer Vacation | Pics |
96 |
Snack Attack! |
Hungry Snorlax! Great Panic! | Pics |
100 |
A Way Off, Day Off |
It's the Southern Islands! Everyone Gather! | Pics |
M2 |
The Power of One |
Revelation Lugia | Pics |
P2 |
Pikachu's Rescue Adventure |
Pikachu's Exploration Party | Pics |
109 |
Pokémon Food Fight |
Snorlax's Power! | Pics |
113 |
Hello Pummelo |
Winner's Cup! 6 vs. 6! | Pics |
117 |
A Tents Situation |
Return to Pallet Town! | Pics |
147 |
A Farfetch'd Tale |
Ilex Forest! Search for Farfetch'd! | Pics |
P3 |
Pikachu & Pichu |
Pichu & Pikachu | Pics |
C20 |
Trouble In Big Town |
We Are The Pichu Brothers |
Pics |
162 |
Air Time |
Radio Tower Battle! Center Crossover! | |
169 |
A Hot Water Battle |
Three in the Jungle! Hot Spring Battle! | Pics |
C4 |
Pikachu's Winter Vacation: Delibird's Dilemma |
Delibird's Present! |
Pics |
Pikachu's Winter Vacation: Snorlax Snowmen |
White Story! |
Pics |
196 |
The Ring Masters |
Feraligatr Vs. Blastoise! Sumo Match! | Pics |
248 |
Wish Upon a Star Shape |
Cleffa, Clefairy, and the Shoooting Star! | Pics |
256 |
Better Eight Than Never |
Blackthorn City Gym! The Final Badge! | Pics |
257 |
Why? Wynaut! |
Wynaut! Wobbuffet and the Gym Badges! | Pics |
272 |
Can't Beat the Heat! |
Rival Confrontation! Charizard VS Blatoise! | Pics |
273 |
Playing with Fire!! |
Blaziken Returns! Battle with Harrison!! | Pics |
C8 |
Showdown at the Oak Corral! |
Epic Battle at Oak's Lab! | Pics |
C21 |
Big Meowth, Little Dreams |
The Millennium Town Encounter! |
Pics |
Piece'a Pizza Peace Pizazz |
Meowth's Part-time Job Trouble! |
Pics |
C14 |
Journey To The Starting Line! |
Pallet Town! The Setting off of the Pokémon Trainer! | Pics |
P7 |
Not Aired |
Pikachu's Summer Festival | Pics |
362 |
Lights, Camerupt, Action |
The Film's Riding on Camerupt! | Pics |
364 |
The Garden Of Eatin'! |
The Snorlax in Slakoth's Banana Garden!! | Pics |
399 |
Deceit And Assist! |
Fierce Fighting! Grand Festival! (2)! | Pics |
410 |
The Right Place at the Right Mime |
Oak's Laboratory! All Member's Gather! | Pics |
426 |
Wheel...of Frontier! |
Battle Arena! Fighting Confrontation!! | Pics |
435 |
Queen of the Serpentine |
Fierce Fighting at the Battle Pike! VS Pike Queen Lucy! | Pics |
493 |
Oh Do You Know the Poffin Plan! |
The Gifted Roserade & The Flower Legend! | Pics |
544 |
A Full Course Tag Battle! |
Restaurant Seven Stars! Tag Battle for a Full Course!! | Pics |
M11 |
Giratina & The Sky Warrior |
Giratina & The Bouquet of the Sky - Shaymin | Pics |
P12 |
Not Aired |
Pikachu's Great Sparking Search | Pics |
609 |
Challenging A Towering Figure! |
Tower Tycoon! That Man, Palmer! | Pics |
626 |
Regaining the Home Advantage! |
Explosion! Magnezone vs Metagross!! | Pics |
628 |
A Marathon Rivalry! |
Get Fired Up Snorlax! Prince of Pokéthlon! | Pics |
629 |
Yes, in Dee Dee It's Dawn |
Pokemon Contest! Asatsuki Tournament!! | Pics |
648 |
Four Roads Diverged in a Pokémon Port |
Ash VS Kenny! Setting Sail for Each Destination! | Pics |
650 |
An Old Family Blend! |
The Eve of the Fierce Fighting! The Big Gathering of Ash's Pokémon! | Pics |
651 |
League Unleashed! |
Opening! Sinnoh League - Suzuran Tournament!! | Pics |
652 |
Casting a Paul on Barry! |
Sinnoh League Third Round! Barry VS Paul! | Pics |
S29 |
Sing, Meloetta: Search for the Rinka Berries |
Pics |
M15 |
Meloetta's Sparkling Recital | Pics |
803 |
Dream Continues! |
My Dream: Pokémon Master! | Pics |
821 |
Awakening the Sleeping Giant |
Wake Up Snorlax! Battle in Parfum Palace!! | Pics |
924 |
Seeing the Forest for the Trees! |
The Winding Woods...The Dawn of Evolution! | Pics |
971 |
Pulling Out the Pokémon Base Pepper |
The Fierce Pokébase Match! Aim for a Home Run to Turn the Tide!! | Pics |
989 |
Deceiving Appearances! |
C'mon, Search for the Transformed Ditto! | Pics |
991 |
Night of a Thousand Poses! |
Strike a Fully Powered Pose for a Sleepover! | Pics |
1003 |
Getting a Jump on the Competition! |
Lillie is Soaring Through The Air! The PokéSled Jump Tournament! | Pics |
1004 |
A Mission of Ultra Urgency! |
Set Off! You Are Our Ultra Guardians!! | Pics |
1015 |
Sours for the Sweet! |
Ta-Dough! Burn with Passion, Mallow's Family! | Pics |
1026 |
Dummy, You Shrunk the Kids! |
Ash Becomes Tiny | Pics |
1039 |
Don't Ignore the Small Stufful! |
Team Rocket & Stufful! | Pics |
1072 |
Battle Royal 151 |
Brawl! Battle Royal 151!! | Pics |
1073 |
Battling Besties! |
Mallow & Lana! A Fully Powered Battle of Friendship!! | Pics |
1081 |
Final Rivals! |
The Finals! The Ultimate Rival Showdown!! | Pics |
1090 |
Enter Pikachu! |
Pikachu is Born!! | Pics |
1091 |
Legend? Go! Friends? Go! |
On Lugia They Go, Ash and Gho! | Pics |
1094 |
Mind-Boggling Dynamax! |
Snorlax Grows Gigantic?! The Mystery of Dynamax!! | Pics |
1095 |
Working My Way Back To Mew! |
I'm Gonna Get a Ton of Pokémon! The Road to Mew!! | Pics |
1096 |
Serving Up the Flute Cup! |
The Hoenn Region, Site of Fierce Fights! The Battle Frontier Challenge!! | Pics |
1131 |
Sword and Shield: Slumbering Weald |
Sword & Shield I: Slumbering Weald | Pics |
1132 |
Sword and Shield: The Darkest Day! |
Sword & Shield II: Darkest Day | Pics |
1136 |
Crowning the Chow Crusher! |
Pokémon Champion! The Battle of Big Eaters!! | Pics |
1147 |
A Rollicking Roll... / Eyes on the Goal! |
Panic! The Gulpin Ball!! Come On, Chewtle Turtle Race | Pics |
1156 |
Sleuths for Truth! |
Pikachu the Suspect!? | Pics |
1157 |
Advice for Goh! |
Rivals for Goh?! The Road to Mew!! | Pics |
1158 |
Errand Endurance! |
I'd Like To Keep An Eye On Their First Errand! | Pics |
1165 |
All Out, All of the Time! |
Fully Powered! The Alola Desert Island Race!! | Pics |
1203 |
Friends, Rivals, Lend Me Your Spirit! |
Fire Training Battle! Ash VS Paul!! | Pics |
1207 |
Battling as Hard as Stone! |
Ash Heads Into Battle! VS Steven!! | Pics |
1212 |
Bewitch, Battle, and Bewilder! |
The Semifinals II: Dazzle | Pics |
1213 |
Valor: A Strategic Part of Battling! |
The Semifinals III: Valor | Pics |
1214 |
Whittle While You Work! |
The Semifinals IV: Impact | Pics |
1216 |
Just a Scone's Throw From Here |
Goh and Cinderace! The Place Where It All Began!! | Pics |
1218 |
A Flood of Torrential Gains |
The Finals I: Torrent | Pics |
1219 |
Toying With Your Motions! |
The Finals II: Toying | Pics |
1220 |
Paring Pokémon While Parrying! |
The Finals III: Smashing | Pics |
1221 |
Partners in Time! |
The Finals IV: Partner | Pics |
1224 |
Heroes Unite! |
Pokémon! I Am Glad I Got To Meet You | Pics |
1225 |
These Could be the Start of Something Big! |
Ash and Goh! Setting Off Anew!! | Pics |
1226 |
The Road Most Traveled |
The Wind of Beginnings! The Eon Path!! | Pics |
1229 |
Kindness Right on the Tic! |
Beartic's Sigh! | Pics |
1 |
The Pendant That Starts It All: Part One |
The Pendant It All Started With! (Part 1) | Pics |