#0068 Machamp
Gen VII Dex

| Giovanni | Gavin | Noland | Emily | Expert | Dr. Yung | Raymond | Rocket | Bruno (Generations) | Bea | Special/Other Trainers | Wild |

Giovanni's Machamp

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
63 The Battle of the Badge Viridian Gym! The Last Badge! Pics

Gavin's Machamp

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
404 From Brags to Riches Opening! EverGrande Tournement!! Pics

Noland's Machamp

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
412 Numero Uno Articuno First Battle! Battle Factory (Part 1) Pics

Emily's Machamp

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
417 Sitting Psyduck Psyduck's Depression! Pics

Expert's Machamp

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
525 Bibarel Gnaws Best Bibarel! Understood! Pics

Dr. Yung's Machamp

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
S20 The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon The Terrifying Mirage Pokémon Pics

Raymond's Machamp

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
M1 Mewtwo Strikes Back Mewtwo Strikes Back Pics
M22 Mewtwo Strikes Back EVOLUTION Mewtwo Strikes Back EVOLUTION

Rocket's Machamp

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
1097 The Sinnoh Iceberg Race! Don't Give In, Piplup! An Ice Floe Race in the Sinnoh Region!! Pics

Bruno (Generations)'s Machamp

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
G3 Pokémon Generations - The Challenger To be confirmed Pics

Bea's Machamp

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
1123 Solitary and Menacing! Bea, the Lone Warrior! The Grapploct Menace!! Pics
1174 Battle Three with Bea! Rival Showdown! Ash VS Bea!! Pics
1175 A Battle of Mega vs Max! Mega Evolution VS Gigantamax! Pics
1181 The Winding Path to Greatness! Gengar Does Its Best! The Road to Gigantamax!! Pics
1188 Battling Turned Up to Eleven! Marnie from Spikemuth Pics
1210 TBC The Climax Begins: Ash's Masters Tournament Experience Pics
1225 These Could be the Start of Something Big! Ash and Goh! Setting Off Anew!! Pics

Special/Other Trainers's Machamp

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
29 The Punchy Pokémon Pokémon Match! Serious Battle! Pics
101 The Mandarin Island Miss Match Lorelei of the Elite Four! Ice Duel! Pics
171 Beauty and the Breeder Sayonara Vulpix! Beauty Contest! Pics
196 The Ring Masters Feraligatr Vs. Blastoise! Sumo Match! Pics
211 Machoke, Machoke Man Cianwood City Gym! Wrestling Match! Pics
230 Extreme Pokémon! Ride the Swiftly Running Pokémon!! Pics
273 Playing with Fire!! Blaziken Returns! Battle with Harrison!! Pics
402 Like a Meowth to a Flame EverGrande City Arrival! Meowth in Boots!? Pics
403 Saved by the Beldum Start The Preliminaries! Morrison Appears!! Pics
437 Harley Rides Again! Munchlax's Battle Debut! Harley & Taking the Game Seriously! Pics
525 Bibarel Gnaws Best Bibarel! Understood! Pics
592 To Thine Own Pokemon Be True! Pokémon PingPong Competition! Ambipom Perseveres!! Pics
651 League Unleashed! Opening! Sinnoh League - Suzuran Tournament!! Pics
854 When Dark and Light Collide! Hawlucha & Dark Hawlucha!! Pics
G2 Pokémon Generations - The Chase To be confirmed Pics
940 Battling With a Clean Slate! We Start at Zero! Clemont's Decision!! Pics
944 Alola to New Adventure! Alola! New Islands, New Pokémon!! Pics
947 First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-style! Enter Rowlet! I Got A Pokémon in Alola!! Pics
952 To Top A Totem! The Totem Pokémon is Gumshoos! Pics
993 Faba's Revenge! Faba Strikes Back! Nebby Gets Abducted!! Pics
1006 Pushing the Fiery Envelope! Burn with Passion, Litten! Down with Incineroar!! Pics
1007 TBC Ash and Passimian! A Touchdown of Friendship!! Pics
1009 Smashing with Sketch! Smashing with Sketch! The Fierce Poké-Ping Pong Match!! Pics
1024 A Young Royal Flame Ignites! The Young Flame of Alola! The Birth of Royal Ash!! Pics
1026 Dummy, You Shrunk the Kids! Ash Becomes Tiny Pics
1035 Turning the Other Mask! Kukui Up Against the Wall! A Second Masked Royal!! Pics
1056 This Magik Moment! A New Show?! The Tiny Melody of Magikarp Pics
1058 The Dealer of Destruction! Guzma, Emperor of Destruction! Pics
1115 Splash, Dash, and Smash for the Crown! Splash! Magikarp
Crown Yourself, Slowking
M23 Pokémon: Secrets of the Jungle Pokémon: Koko
1198 Aim for the Eight! VS Raihan! A Fight with Masters Eight on the Line!! Pics
SP TBD The Distant Blue Sky Pics
22 Charge! Galar Mine! Clash! The Galar Mine Pics
69 TBC I'm a Pokémon and You're Me?! Pics
89 TBC At the End of the Adventures Pics

Wild Machamp

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
M2 The Power of One Revelation Lugia Pics
M2 The Power of One Revelation Lugia Pics
838 The Forest Champion The Forest Champion! Enter Hawlucha!! Pics
1004 A Mission of Ultra Urgency! Set Off! You Are Our Ultra Guardians!! Pics
M21 Pokémon: The Power of Us Pokémon: Everyone's Story Pics

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