
Pokémon Café Mix's puzzles, much like its predecessors, include a variety of gimmicks that are implemented to alter gameplay and this time they have more intricate features

Each of these gimmicks typically appears around a specific dish, but they can mix and match so sometimes you'll get Caramel in a drink.


List of Gimmicks

BasilMove the Basil to the basket at the bottom of an area to clear it
BubblesMake a combo near it to clear it. Bubbles will float up to the top if possible.
ButterClear by making 2 combos or hitting with a skilll. Multiplies every turn. Cannot be moved
Candy JarClear by using skills or Pokémon Specialities. One hit opens the jar, the other gives candy that can move around
Canned FruitCan only be cleared with skills or megaphones
CaramelClear by making a combo or hitting with a skilll. Multiplies every 2 turns.
CheeseHit the barrier 3 times or use a skill to clear it.
ChocolateMake a combo next to a Chocolate five times, or with 1 skill, to clear it. Cannot be moved
Choux PastryClear by making 2 combos or hitting with a skilll. Once cleared, it clears surrounding icons and gimmicks.
Coffee IceCan only be cleared with skills or megaphones
Condensed MilkClear by making 2 combos or hitting with a skilll. Multiplies every turn.
Dutch OvenClear by making 3 combos or hitting with a skill. Contains various items including Café Skills, sometimes covered in ice or oil
EggsMake a combo touching it to activate an Egg. Can be moved around
GummyCovers an icon with gummy. Can only be cleared with skills or megaphones
HoneyClear by making a combo or hitting with a skilll. Multiplies every 2 turns. Cannot be moved
Ice CubeMake a combo touching it to break it.
Ice PopHit an ice pop with a skill or megaphone two times to clear it.
JellyClear by making 2 sequential combos or hitting with a skill. Reverts to base stage if you miss a combo in sequence
KetchupMake a combo next to Ketchup four times, or with 1 skill, to clear it.
MarshmallowAlternates between open and closed every turn. Can only be cleared when open.
MayoNeeds to be next to cleared icons twice, or cleared by a skill or Megaphone
Mayo JarNeeds to be next to cleared icons twice, or cleared by a skill or Megaphone. Releases Mayo after opening
MilkBoth the shaker and milk need to connect in order to clear
NutsNuts can only be cleared with skills or megaphones
OliveMake a combo next to an Olive two times, or with 1 skill, to clear it. Upon clearing, all nearby icons will be covered in Olive Oil
Olive OilIcon needs to be cleaned by making a combo next to it or hit with a skill to clear
Parchment PaperRequires two combos or a skill to clear. Contains various items including Café Skills, sometimes covered in ice or oil
PickleAlternates between open and closed every turn. Can only be cleared when open.
Piping BagWhen an icon is cleared by it or it is hit by a skill or megaphone, it releases a Whipped Cream into the play area
PopcornRequires clearing icons next to them 3 times sequentially or use of a skill or megaphone to clear
PumpkinClear by hitting with a skill or megaphone twice
Salt and PepperClear by making 2 combos or hitting with a skill. Can only be cleared when open. Opens & Closes every turn.
Soda BottleClear by making 3 sequential combos or hitting with a skill. Activating it releases bubbles on adjacent icons
StrawberriesMake a combo or use a skill 5 times to clear the Strawberries
Sugar CubesMake a combo next to a Sugar Cube three times, or with 1 skill, to clear it. Cannot be moved
TeaCan only be cleared with skills or megaphones twice
TomatoMove the tomato to the basket at the bottom of an area to clear it
TurnipClear by making 4 sequential combos or hitting with a skill.
VegetablesMake a combo touching it to activate a Vegetable.
WalnutClear by moving the Walnut into the Nut Cracker. This can be done manually or by pushing through other combos. It cannot be cleared with skills or megaphones
Warp FunnelTransports any icon to the end of the funnel
WatermelonClear by hitting with a skill or megaphone twice
Whipped CreamMake a combo next to a Sugar Cube three times, or with 1 skill, to clear it