Available Pokémon |
Pokémon Café ReMix is different to previous puzzle games by Genius Sonority in that you only select one Pokémon for use. You gain various Pokémon as staff members by giving them enough Acorns or by completing their challenges. Once done, you will be able to use them as your Selected Pokémon. Each Pokémon has got a specific specialty, skill and Friendship levels. The higher the friendship level, the better the Skill effect If you wish to search by Speciality, then use the anchors below.
| ![]() |
Available Pokémon
No. | Pic | Name | Specialty | Skill | ||
#001 |
Bulbasaur フシギダネ |
Small Plates | Clears icons and gimmicks in an X pattern, then replaces surrounding icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#001 |
Bulbasaur フシギダネ |
Small Plates | Clears icons and gimmicks in an X pattern, then replaces surrounding icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#004 |
Charmander ヒトカゲ |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the right | ||
#006 |
Charizard リザードン |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the left in a fan shape | ||
#006 |
Charizard リザードン |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the left in a fan shape | ||
#007 |
Squirtle ゼニガメ |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the right in a fan shape | ||
#007 |
Squirtle ゼニガメ |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the right in a fan shape | ||
#025 |
Pikachu ピカチュウ |
Small Plates | Clears surrounding icons and those above and replaces surrounding icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#025 |
Pikachu ピカチュウ |
Small Plates | Clears surrounding icons and those above and replaces surrounding icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#026 |
Raichu ライチュウ |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks below | ||
#037 |
Vulpix ロコン |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks below, replaces a few Pokémon icons with megaphones, then sets them off | ||
#037 |
Vulpix ロコン |
Small Plates | Clears icons and gimmicks above, replaces a few Pokémon icons with megaphones, then sets them off | ||
#038 |
Ninetales キュウコン |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above in a fan shape, then replaces surrounding Pokémon with the most common Pokémon | ||
#039 |
Jigglypuff プリン |
Sweets | Clears surrounding icons and gimmicks, then replaces surrounding icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#039 |
Jigglypuff プリン |
Sweets | Clears surrounding icons and gimmicks, then replaces surrounding icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#052 |
Meowth ニャース |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a block to the left | ||
#052 |
Meowth ニャース |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks on either side in two rows. | ||
#054 |
Psyduck コダック |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks diagonally, replaces a few surrounding icons with megaphones, then sets them off | ||
#058 |
Growlithe ガーディ |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in two rows to the left | ||
#067 |
Machoke ゴーリキー |
Small Plates | Clears surrounding icons and gimmicks, replaces a few icons to either side with megaphones, and then sets them off | ||
#077 |
Ponyta ポニータ |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the upper left, then replaces surrounding Pokémon icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#079 |
Slowpoke ヤドン |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the left horizontally and to the lower left vertically, ten replaces surrounding icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#079 |
Slowpoke ヤドン |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks diagonally | ||
#079 |
Slowpoke ヤドン |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks diagonally | ||
#083 |
Farfetch'd カモネギ |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a y pattern, then replaces surrounding Pokémon icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#094 |
Gengar ゲンガー |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon and gimmicks in an X pattern, then sets off megaphones created in place of other surrounding icons | ||
#100 |
Voltorb ビリリダマ |
Sweets | Clears surrounding Pokémon icons and gimmicks and those in a zigzag pattern, then replaces surrounding Pokémon icons with icons fo the most common Pokémon. The section it clears and replaces will change eacch time you use the skill | ||
#101 |
Electrode マルマイン |
Sweets | Clears surrounding icons and gimmicks three times. The section it clears changes every time you use the skill. | ||
#103 |
Exeggutor ナッシー |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side and above | ||
#103 |
Exeggutor ナッシー |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side and above | ||
#103 |
Exeggutor ナッシー |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side and above | ||
#113 |
Chansey ラッキー |
Small Plates | Clears surrounding icons and gimmicks twice. The section it clears the second time changes every time you use the skill | ||
#129 |
Magikarp コイキング |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above. The section is clears changes every time you use the skill | ||
#129 |
Magikarp コイキング |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above. The section is clears changes every time you use the skill | ||
#130 |
Gyarados ギャラドス |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side | ||
#130 |
Gyarados ギャラドス |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side | ||
#131 |
Lapras ラプラス |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above, then replaces a few surrounding Pokémon icons with megaphones | ||
#132 |
Ditto メタモン |
Small Plates | Clears surrounding Pokémon Icons and Gimmicks | ||
#133 |
Eevee イーブイ |
Drinks Sweets Small Plates Entrées |
Clears surrounding Pokémon icons and gimmicks | ||
#133 |
Eevee イーブイ |
Drinks Sweets Small Plates Entrées |
Clears surrounding Pokémon icons and gimmicks | ||
#133 |
Eevee イーブイ |
Drinks Sweets Small Plates Entrées |
Clears surrounding Pokémon icons and gimmicks | ||
#134 |
Vaporeon シャワーズ |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above and below, then replaces surrounding icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#135 |
Jolteon サンダース |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks below and in a zigzag pattern. | ||
#136 |
Flareon ブースター |
Sweets | Clears a few Pokémon icons and gimmicks both surrounding nad to the left, then replaces a few surrounding icons with megaphones and sets them off | ||
#143 |
Snorlax カビゴン |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks below | ||
#149 |
Dragonite カイリュー |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the right | ||
#150 |
Mewtwo ミュウツー |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the right | ||
#151 |
Mew ミュウ |
Drinks Sweets Small Plates Entrées |
Clears surrounding Pokémon icons and gimmicks | ||
#152 |
Chikorita チコリータ |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a ring shape, then replaces Pokémon icons to the upper right with icons of the leader Pokémon | ||
#155 |
Cyndaquil ヒノアラシ |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above | ||
#157 |
Typhlosion バクフーン |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks below on either side, then replaces surrounding Pokémon icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#158 |
Totodile ワニノコ |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks vertically in two columns to either side | ||
#162 |
Furret オオタチ |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the left | ||
#172 |
Pichu ピチュー |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above in a zigzag pattern | ||
#173 |
Cleffa ピィ |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side. | ||
#175 |
Togepi トゲピー |
Drinks | Clears surrounding icons and gimmicks, then replaces icons to either side with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#175 |
Togepi トゲピー |
Drinks | Clears surrounding icons and gimmicks, then replaces icons to either side with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#178 |
Xatu ネイティオ |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side and above | ||
#182 |
Bellossom キレイハナ |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above, then sets off megaphones created in place of some icons below | ||
#183 |
Marill マリル |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the upper right and upper left, as well as those surrounding. The section it clears the second time changes every time you use the skill | ||
#185 |
Sudowoodo ウソッキー |
Small Plates | Clears icons and gimmicks to the upper righht and upper left, and replaces surrounding icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#185 |
Sudowoodo ウソッキー |
Small Plates | Clears icons and gimmicks to the upper righht and upper left, and replaces surrounding icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#195 |
Quagsire ヌオー |
Entrées | Clears surrounding Pokémon icons and gimmicks, as well as those above | ||
#196 |
Espeon エーフィ |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a V pattern, then replaces Pokémon icons below with icons of the most common Pokémon. | ||
#197 |
Umbreon ブラッキー |
Drinks | Clears surrounding Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a semicircle shape twice | ||
#202 |
Wobbuffet ソーナンス |
Entrées | Replaces surrounding Pokémon icons with megaphones, then sets them off | ||
#202 |
Wobbuffet ソーナンス |
Entrées | Replaces surrounding Pokémon icons with megaphones, then sets them off | ||
#209 |
Snubbull ブルー |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks below | ||
#209 |
Snubbull ブルー |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks below | ||
#212 |
Scizor ハッサム |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the right | ||
#215 |
Sneasel ニューラ |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the left | ||
#215 |
Sneasel ニューラ |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the left | ||
#215 |
Sneasel ニューラ |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in two rows to the right | ||
#215 |
Sneasel ニューラ |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in two rows to the right | ||
#216 |
Teddiursa ヒメグマ |
Entrées | Clears surrounding Pokémon icons and gimmicks, then replaces diagonal Pokémon icons with the most common Pokémon | ||
#222 |
Corsola サニーゴ |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side | ||
#233 |
Porygon2 ポリゴン2 |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a circular shape, then replaces Pokémon icons with a few megaphones and icons of the most common Pokémon. The section it clears and replaces change each time you use the skill. | ||
#249 |
Lugia ルギア |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks diagonally | ||
#250 |
Ho-Oh ホウオウ |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks diagonally | ||
#251 |
Celebi セレビィ |
Drinks | Replaces many Pokémon icons with megaphones twice, then sets them off | ||
#251 |
Celebi セレビィ |
Entrées | Replaces many Pokémon icons with megaphones twice, then sets them off | ||
#259 |
Marshtomp ヌマクロー |
Entrées | Clears surrounding icons and gimmicks and those above, and replaces surrounding icons with icons of the most common Pokémon. | ||
#272 |
Ludicolo ルンパッパ |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side, replaces a moderate number of icons with megaphones, then sets them off | ||
#281 |
Kirlia キルリア |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks diagonally | ||
#281 |
Kirlia キルリア |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks diagonally | ||
#282 |
Gardevoir サーナイト |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks diagonally | ||
#282 |
Gardevoir サーナイト |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks diagonally | ||
#289 |
Slaking ケッキング |
Drinks | Replaces a moderate number of surrounding Pokémon icons with megaphones. The section it replaces will change each time you use the skill | ||
#303 |
Mawile クチート |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the lower left in a fan shape | ||
#311 |
Plusle プラスル |
Entrées | Clears icons and gimmicks in a + pattern and rpelaces surrounding icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#311 |
Plusle プラスル |
Entrées | Clears icons and gimmicks in a + pattern and rpelaces surrounding icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#312 |
Minun マイナン |
Sweets | Clears icons and gimmicks to either side, and replaces surrounding icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#312 |
Minun マイナン |
Sweets | Clears icons and gimmicks to either side, and replaces surrounding icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#330 |
Flygon フライゴン |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a V Pattern | ||
#334 |
Altaria チルタリス |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side and above, and replaces surrounding icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#350 |
Milotic ミロカロス |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a ring shape | ||
#354 |
Banette ジュペッタ |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side, then replaces Pokémon icons to the left with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#359 |
Absol アブソル |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a block to the right | ||
#363 |
Spheal タマザラシ |
Sweets | Clears surrounding Pokémon icons and gimmicks, then replaces Pokémon icons below withicons of the leader Pokémon | ||
#376 |
Metagross メタグロス |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a X pattern | ||
#380 |
Latias ラティアス |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in an inverted triangle, then advances gimmicks by two stages. It also replaces a horizontal line of icons with a few megaphones pointing right | ||
#381 |
Latios ラティオス |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a triangle, then advances gimmicks by two stages. It also replaces a horizontal line of icons with a few megaphones pointing left | ||
#385 |
Jirachi ジラーチ |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a star shape | ||
#389 |
Torterra ドダイトス |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks below, and replaces icons above with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#390 |
Chimchar ヒコザル |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above and below, and replaces surrounding icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#390 |
Chimchar ヒコザル |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above and below, and replaces surrounding icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#393 |
Piplup ポッチャマ |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks vertically in two columns to either side | ||
#393 |
Piplup ポッチャマ |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks vertically in two columns to either side | ||
#396 |
Starly ムックル |
Sweets | Clears surrounding icons and gimmicks, then sets off megaphones created in place of other icons above and below | ||
#396 |
Starly ムックル |
Sweets | Clears surrounding icons and gimmicks, then sets off megaphones created in place of other icons above and below | ||
#403 |
Shinx コリンク |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a + pattern | ||
#417 |
Pachirisu パチリス |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side | ||
#417 |
Pachirisu パチリス |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side | ||
#418 |
Buizel ブイゼル |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks diagonally | ||
#418 |
Buizel ブイゼル |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks diagonally | ||
#429 |
Mismagius ムウマージ |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a ring shape | ||
#445 |
Garchomp ガブリアス |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks diagonally twice, forming an x | ||
#446 |
Munchlax ゴンベ |
Entrées | Clears surrounding icons and gimmicks, then sets off megaphones created in place of other surrounding icons | ||
#446 |
Munchlax ゴンベ |
Entrées | Clears surrounding icons and gimmicks, then sets off megaphones created in place of other surrounding icons | ||
#448 |
Lucario ルカリオ |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a + pattern | ||
#448 |
Lucario ルカリオ |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a + pattern | ||
#470 |
Leafeon リーフィア |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above. | ||
#471 |
Glaceon グレイシア |
Entrées | Clears surrounding Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side and replaces a few surrounding Pokémon icons with megaphones, then sets them off | ||
#478 |
Froslass ユキメノコ |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks both above and below | ||
#483 |
Dialga ディアルガ |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above | ||
#484 |
Palkia パルキア |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks below | ||
#492 |
Shaymin シェイミ |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the left | ||
#492 |
Shaymin シェイミ |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the right | ||
#494 |
Victini ビクティニ |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons in a V pattern and advances gimmicks by two staqes | ||
#495 |
Snivy ツタージャ |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks below | ||
#498 |
Tepig ポカブ |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a V pattern. | ||
#501 |
Oshawott ミジュマル |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side and below | ||
#501 |
Oshawott ミジュマル |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side and below | ||
#508 |
Stoutland ムーランド |
Drinks | Clears icons and gimmicks below, replaces very few surrounding Pokémon icons with megaphones, then sets them off | ||
#508 |
Stoutland ムーランド |
Drinks | Clears icons and gimmicks below, replaces very few surrounding Pokémon icons with megaphones, then sets them off | ||
#511 |
Pansage ヤナップ |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side, then replaces Pokémon icons above with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#517 |
Munna ムンナ |
Small Plates | Clears surrounding Pokémon icons and gimmicks. | ||
#531 |
Audino タブンネ |
Small Plates | Replaces Pokémon icons in a ring with megaphones, then sets them off | ||
#531 |
Audino タブンネ |
Small Plates | Replaces Pokémon icons in a ring with megaphones, then sets them off | ||
#547 |
Whimsicott エルフーン |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the left in a wave shape | ||
#549 |
Lilligant ドレディア |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side, then replaces surrounding Pokémon icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#559 |
Scraggy ズルッグ |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks below twice | ||
#570 |
Zorua ゾロア |
Entrées | Replaces a moderate number of Pokémon icons above and below with megaphones, then sets them off, and replaces icons with icons of the most common Pokémon. | ||
#570 |
Zorua ゾロア |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in an inverted Y pattern, then replaces surrounding Pokémon icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#570 |
Zorua ゾロア |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in an inverted Y pattern, then replaces surrounding Pokémon icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#572 |
Minccino チラーミィ |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the left | ||
#572 |
Minccino チラーミィ |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the left | ||
#575 |
Gothorita ゴチミル |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above | ||
#587 |
Emolga エモンガ |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a Y pattern right where it's used | ||
#607 |
Litwick ヒトモシ |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks both surrounding and above | ||
#609 |
Chandelure シャンデラ |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above. | ||
#609 |
Chandelure シャンデラ |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above. | ||
#610 |
Axew キバゴ |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side, then replaces Pokémon icons above with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#613 |
Cubchoo クマシュン |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks below. | ||
#620 |
Mienshao コジョンド |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a V pattern, then replaces Pokémon icons below with icons of the most common Pokémon. | ||
#654 |
Braixen テールナー |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the left | ||
#656 |
Froakie ケロマツ |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side. | ||
#658 |
Greninja ゲッコウガ |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side. | ||
#658 |
Greninja ゲッコウガ |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side. | ||
#673 |
Gogoat ゴーゴート |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks below to either side | ||
#674 |
Pancham ヤンチャム |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks diagonally | ||
#677 |
Espurr ニャスパー |
Small Plates | Clears surrounding Pokémon icons and gimmicks and replaces a few Pokémon icons on either side with megaphones, then sets them off. | ||
#685 |
Slurpuff ペロリーム |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above. | ||
#685 |
Slurpuff ペロリーム |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above. | ||
#700 |
Sylveon ニンフィア |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above and below | ||
#702 |
Dedenne デデンネ |
Small plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the upper right and upper left and those in a zigzag pattern. | ||
#704 |
Goomy ヌメラ |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above in two columns | ||
#719 |
Diancie ディアンシー |
Drinks | Clears icons and gimmicks above and below, then replaces surrounding icons with icons of the leader Pokémon | ||
#720 |
Hoopa フーパ |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a ring shape twice. The section is clears changes each time you use the skill | ||
#722 |
Rowlet モクロー |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the right | ||
#722 |
Rowlet モクロー |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the right | ||
#725 |
Litten ニャビー |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above and below, then replaces Pokémon icons on the upper left with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#730 |
Primarina アシレーヌ |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a ring shape, and replaces a few Pokémon icons in a ring shape with megaphones, then sets them off. | ||
#733 |
Toucannon ドデカバシ |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the left | ||
#743 |
Ribombee アブリボン |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks diagonally, then replaces surrounding icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#760 |
Bewear キテルグマ |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side twice. The section it clears changes every time you use the skill | ||
#762 |
Steenee アママイコ |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above | ||
#778 |
Mimikyu ミミッキュ |
Sweets | Clears icons and gimmicks to the upper left, lower right, and diagonally. Then replaces icons with the leader Pokémon | ||
#789 |
Cosmog コスモッグ |
Entrées | Clears surrounding Pokémon icons and gimmicks, then replaces Pokémon icons diagonally up on either side with the most common Pokémon | ||
#807 |
Zeraora ゼラオラ |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in three columns to the upper left and those in a zigzag pattern. | ||
#810 |
Grookey サルノリ |
Sweets | Clears icons and gimmicks to the right, and replaces very few Pokémon icons with megaphones | ||
#813 |
Scorbunny ヒバニー |
Small Plates | Clears icons and gimmicks to the left, and replaces very few Pokémon icons with megaphones | ||
#816 |
Sobble メッソン |
Sweets | Clears icons and gimmicks below, and replaces very few Pokémon icons with megaphones | ||
#818 |
Inteleon インテレオン |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the right, then replaces Pokémon icons to the right with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#820 |
Greedent ヨクバリス |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks below | ||
#835 |
Yamper ワンパチ |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a heart shape | ||
#841 |
Flapple アップリュー |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the upper right and upper left | ||
#842 |
Appletun タルップル |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks toeither side | ||
#857 |
Hattrem テブリム |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the lower right and lower left | ||
#869 |
Alcremie マホイップ |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above | ||
#869 |
Alcremie マホイップ |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above | ||
#869 |
Alcremie マホイップ |
Entrées | Clears surrounding Pokémon icons and gimmicks, then replaces Pokémon icons above with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#872 |
Snom ユキハミ |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in three columns to the upper right | ||
#880 |
Dracozolt パッチラゴン |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the left. | ||
#886 |
Drakloak ドロンチ |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a V pattern, and replaces a few Pokémon icons above with megaphones pointing down, then sets them off. | ||
#898 |
Calyrex バドレックス |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks below, then replaces Pokémon icons above with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#906 |
Sprigatito ニャオハ |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above | ||
#908 |
Meowscarada マスカーニャ |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side and above | ||
#909 |
Fuecoco ホゲータ |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks below | ||
#912 |
Quaxly クワッス |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above | ||
#915 |
Lechonk グルトン |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks below, then replaces surrounding Pokémon icons with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#922 |
Pawmo パモット |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side | ||
#925 |
Maushold イッカネズミ |
Entrées | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks below. | ||
#926 |
Fidough パピモッチ |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the lower right and lower left | ||
#929 |
Dolliv オリーニョ |
Drinks | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks below in a fan shape. | ||
#937 |
Ceruledge ソウブレイズ |
Small plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the lower right and lower left. | ||
#939 |
Bellibolt ハラバリー |
Sweets | Clears surrounding Pokémon icons and gimmicks in a zigzag pattern | ||
#959 |
Tinkaton デカヌチャン |
Small Plates | Clears surrounding icons and gimmicks and replaces a few Pokémon icons with megaphones, then sets them off | ||
#978 |
Tatsugiri シャリタツ |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side, then replaces Pokémon icons above with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#978 |
Tatsugiri シャリタツ |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side, then replaces Pokémon icons above with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#978 |
Tatsugiri シャリタツ |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side, then replaces Pokémon icons above with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#980 |
Clodsire ドオー |
Drinks | Clears surrounding Pokémon icons and gimmicks, as well as those to the left. | ||
#985 |
Scream Tail サケブシッポ |
Sweets | Clears surrounding Pokémon icons and gimmicks, then replaces a few Pokémon icons with megaphones | ||
#1000 |
Gholdengo サーフゴー |
Small Plates | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above in a fan shape | ||
#1007 |
Koraidon コライドン |
Entrées | Clears surrounding Pokémon icons and gimmicks, and replaces a few Pokémon icons on either side with megaphones, then sets them off | ||
#1008 |
Miraidon ミライドン |
Drinks | Clears surrounding Pokémon icons and gimmicks and replaces a few Pokémon icons above and below with megaphones, then sets them off. | ||
#1012 |
Poltchageist チャデス |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks above and below, then replaces Pokémon icons above with icons of the most common Pokémon | ||
#1017 |
Ogerpon オーガポン |
Sweets | Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to either side, then replaces Pokémon icons below with icons of the most common Pokémon. |