Nintendo Events
Nintendo Events are events held in real life where Nintendo give away certain Pokemon or Tickets in accordance with the event such as Pokemon Rocks America in 2004 which revealed Deoxys allowed you to download Deoxys.
At Nintendo Events, you connect with Wonder Spots or other Wireless equipment and go to the Mystery Gift/Event function on your game (unless it's a Ruby/Sapphire compatible event) and you will get the Ticket sent to your game.
Unfortunately these are the only way to get certain Pokémon and are not done all around the world or sometimes all around a country which makes them a pain. So if you are not near a planned event then chances are you'll be unable to get to these areas
The below Pokémon are not the only Pokémon that are obtained in events. Click here for a complete list of event Pokémon
The following game events are obtainable only through Nintendo Events:
Southern Island - Latios & Latias - Eon Ticket

Southern Island is an island only accessible in Hoenn via the Eon Ticket. Originally with Ruby & Sapphire it was obtainable through an e-card given at Nintendo Events but with Emerald it's done through the Wonder Spots.
In it you can find Latios or Latias, depending on the one you get in the wild grasses in Hoenn at Level 50 always holding the Soul Dew
Below Are the Only Games that you are capable of getting the Eon Ticket and going to Southern Island in:
Navel Rock - Lugia & Ho-oh - MysticTicket

Navel Rock is an island in the Sevii Islands but accessible from both Hoenn and Kanto via the MysticTicket. In it is a cave with many floors.
On the top of the cave is a Level 70 Ho-oh (and Sacred Ash if you use an ItemFinder) and at the bottom is a Level 70 Lugia.
Below Are the Only Games that you are capable of getting the MysticTicket and going to Navel Rock in:
Birth Island - Deoxys - AuroraTicket

Birth Island is an island in the Sevii Islands but accessible from both Hoenn and Kanto via the AuroraTicket. It is a relatively small Island with a puzzle where you have to get to the triangle in as few steps as possible and get it Red Hot
Once completed Deoxys will appear at Level 30 and battle you. After you catch it it will transform into the form native to the game. >Click here for more details
Below Are the Only Games that you are capable of getting the AuroraTicket and going to BirthIsland in:
World's Edge Island - Mew - Old Sea Chart

World's Edge Island is an Island far away, accessible only from Hoenn with the Old Sea Chart. It is a basically untouched area. No Wild Pokémon but a few Mazes to get through. Once you get in to the Forest, Mew will spot you and hide in the grass
Chase after Mew and corner it and Mew will jump out and battle you at Level 30.
Below Are the Only Games that you are capable of getting the Old Sea Chart and going to World's Edge Island in:
Fione & Manaphy - Manaphy Egg

If you go to an event that Nintendo holds for Manaphy, they will download access to a special mission, which allows you to battle the Go-Rock Gang and obtain the Manaphy Egg. WIth the Egg obtained, you can transfer it to Diamond & Pearl and hatch it as you would a normal egg.
Manaphy will hatch at Level 1. To get Fione, all you need to do is Breed Manaphy with a Ditto and hatch that and it will be at Level 1.
Below Are the Only Games that you are capable of getting the the Egg in:
New Moon Island - Darkrai - Membership Pass

Once you obtain the item Members Pass at a Nintendo event, Go to Canalave City and you will be able to access the Motel which has previously been locked. Go there for a night's sleep and you will be disturbed by Darkrai in your sleep. When you wake up, a Diary will be there which contains Darkrai's location. Go to the Sailor at the bottom of the city and he will take you there.
When you get to the island, you can go up and battle Darkrai. It is at Lv. 40
Below Are the Only Games that you are capable of getting the Membership Pass and going to New Moon Island in:
Flower Elysium - Shaymin - Oak's Letter

After you go to the Nintendo Event that is giving away Shaymin, you will receive the item called: Oak's Letter. With this item in your bag, go to the White Rock in Route 224. You will notice that the Route has been extended. Now as an extra long route, the Flower Elysium, all the way to the top right of the map, you must travel it all the way.
At the end, in a flower filled field, you will find Shaymin awaiting you. It is at Lv. 30
Below Are the Only Games that you are capable of getting Oak's Letter and going to Flower Elysium in:
Hall of Origin - Arceus - Azure Flute

Once you go to the Nintendo Event, you will receive the item called: Azure Flute. With this item in your bag, go to the Spear Pillar in Mt Coronet where you battled Dialga or Palkia. Go to the symbol between the pillars and use the Azure Flute. Some stairs will appear that will go up to the Hall of Origin. Here Arceus resides.
Be warned as it is the highest level Wild Pokémon at Lv. 80 so be prepared
Below Are the Only Games that you are capable of getting Azure Flute and going to Hall of Origin in: