Gender is a concept that originally seemed to only exist with the Nidorans but then expanded in Gold & Silver to be a fairly large dynamic in the games. Almost every Pokémon has a specific gender ratio and the ratio determines how likely it is that you'll get a male Pokémon or a female Pokémon. Some Pokémon have a simple 50/50 ratio while others have a 75/25 and even some as low as 87.5/12.5. Some Pokémon have various differences in appearance based upon their gender
There is only one case of a Pokémon having a different gender ratio as its evolution. Azurill has a 25/75 ratio while Marill has a 50/50 one meaning that one third of female Azurills may change gender to male upon evolution. This was fixed with Pokémon Sword & Shield where even though the ratio is different, the gender would never evolve
In addition to that, there are certain Pokémon which are only male or only female. These are listed below.
Since Generation IV, there have been a few Pokémon who evolved based upon their gender. Sometimes the genders provide an alternate evolution while on others, such as Combee, the Pokémon will only evolve if it is a female..
There are a few moves that are affected by gender. These moves require the opponent to be of the opposite gender before their effect is implemented. There are currently no attacks which only affect the Pokémon of the same gender of the user.
In addition to the various moves, there are numberous abilities.
Finally, there are a few dozen Pokémon who are immune to all of these effects and are in fact devoid of Gender, some still breedable with Ditto but others not being breedable. That said, Mew and Cryogonal both learn Attract which will infatuate other Genderless Pokémon
Since Generation IV, there have been a few Pokémon who have different appearances based on their gender. These differences are set in stone and cannot be altered. These propogate across both the main series games and spin-off series games such as Pokémon GO.
No. | Male | Female | Name | Description |
#003 |  |  | Venusaur | Female Venusaur's Flower has a Seed in it |
#012 |  |  | Butterfree | Butterfree's Wing Pattern is different |
#019 |  |  | Rattata | Female Rattata's Whiskers are Smaller |
#020 |  |  | Raticate | Female Raticate's Whiskers are Smaller |
#025 |  |  | Pikachu | Female Pikachu's Tail has a groove in it |
#026 |  |  | Raichu | Female Raichu's Tail lacks the point at the end |
#041 |  |  | Zubat | Female Zubat's teeth are smaller |
#042 |  |  | Golbat | Female Golbat's teeth are smaller |
#044 |  |  | Gloom | Female Gloom has a different flower pattern |
#045 |  |  | Vileplume | Female Vileplume has a different flower pattern |
#064 |  |  | Kadabra | Female Kadabra has a smaller moustache |
#065 |  |  | Alakazam | Female Alakazam has a smaller moustache |
#084 |  |  | Doduo | Female Doduo have beige necks. Male Doduo have black necks |
#085 |  |  | Dodrio | Female Dodrio have beige necks. Male Dodrio have black necks |
#097 |  |  | Hypno | Male Hypno has a smaller collar |
#111 |  |  | Rhyhorn | Female Rhyhorn has a smaller horn |
#112 |  |  | Rhydon | Female Rhydon has a smaller horn |
#118 |  |  | Goldeen | Female Goldeen has a smaller horn |
#119 |  |  | Seaking | Female Seaking has a smaller horn |
#123 |  |  | Scyther | Female Scyther has a bigger abdomen |
#129 |  |  | Magikarp | Female Magikarp has white whiskers |
#130 |  |  | Gyarados | Female Gyarados has white whiskers |
#133 |  |  | Eevee | Female Eevee's tail pattern is more rounded |
#154 |  |  | Meganium | Female Meganium has smaller antennae |
#165 |  |  | Ledyba | Female Ledyba has smaller antennae |
#166 |  |  | Ledian | Female Ledian has smaller antennae |
#178 |  |  | Xatu | Female Xatu has less stripes on her body |
#185 |  |  | Sudowoodo | Female Sudowoodo has smaller antennae |
#186 |  |  | Politoed | Female Politoed has smaller spots on their cheek |
#190 |  |  | Aipom | Female Aipom has longer hair |
#194 |  |  | Wooper | Female Wooper have less bars on their antennae |
#195 |  |  | Quagsire | Female Quagsire have smaller back-fins |
#198 |  |  | Murkrow | Female Murkrow has a smaller 'hat' |
#202 |  |  | Wobbuffet | Female Wobbufet appear to wear lipstick |
#203 |  |  | Girafarig | Female Girafarig have a bigger yellow pattern on their body |
#207 |  |  | Gligar | Male Gligar have a bigger stinger |
#208 |  |  | Steelix | Male Steelix have extra teeth |
#212 |  |  | Scizor | Female Scizor have a bigger abdomen |
#214 |  |  | Heracross | Female Heracross' horns are shaped similar to hearts |
#215 |  |  | Sneasel | Female Sneasel have smaller head feathers |
#215 |  |  | Sneasel | Female Sneasel have smaller head feathers |
#217 |  |  | Ursaring | Male Ursaring's have longer shoulder hair |
#221 |  |  | Piloswine | Female Piloswine have smaller tusks |
#224 |  |  | Octillery | Female Octiller have smaller yellow bumps & feelers |
#229 |  |  | Houndoom | Female Houndoom have smaller horns |
#232 |  |  | Donphan | Female Donphan have smaller tusks |
#255 |  |  | Torchic | Male Torchic have a small speck on their rear |
#256 |  |  | Combusken | Female Combusken have smaller head feathers |
#257 |  |  | Blaziken | Female Blaziken have smaller head feathers |
#267 |  |  | Beautifly | The red spot on Female Beautifly is smaller |
#269 |  |  | Dustox | Female Dustox have smaller antennae |
#272 |  |  | Ludicolo | Female Ludicolo's Body Stripes are thinner |
#274 |  |  | Nuzleaf | Female Nuzleaf have smaller head leaves |
#275 |  |  | Shiftry | Female Shiftry have smaller hand-leaves |
#307 |  |  | Meditite | Female Meditite's ears are lower on their head |
#308 |  |  | Medicham | The top of Female Medicham's head is smaller |
#315 |  |  | Roselia | Female Roselia have bigger body leaves |
#316 |  |  | Gulpin | Female Gulpin have smaller head feathers |
#317 |  |  | Swalot | Female Swalot have smaller whiskers |
#322 |  |  | Numel | Female Numel have bigger humps |
#323 |  |  | Camerupt | Female Camerupt have bigger Volcanic Humps |
#332 |  |  | Cacturne | Female Cacturne has a giant diamond on their body |
#350 |  |  | Milotic | Female Miltoic have larger eyebrows |
#369 |  |  | Relicanth | Female Relicanth have smaller jaws |
#396 |  |  | Starly | Male Starly have larger foreheads |
#397 |  |  | Staravia | Male Staravia have larger foreheads |
#398 |  |  | Staraptor | Male Staraptor have larger foreheads |
#399 |  |  | Bidoof | Male Bidoof have extra lumps to their tails |
#400 |  |  | Bibarel | Male Bibarel have bigger faces |
#401 |  |  | Kricketot | Female Kricketot have larger collars |
#402 |  |  | Kricketune | Female Kricketune have smaller moustaches |
#403 |  |  | Shinx | Female Shinx have shorter head hair |
#404 |  |  | Luxio | Female Luxio have shorter head hair |
#405 |  |  | Luxray | Female Luxray have shorter head hair |
#407 |  |  | Roserade | Female Roserade have larger capes |
#415 |  |  | Combee | Female Combee have a Red spot on the bottom face's forehead |
#417 |  |  | Pachirisu | Male Pachirisu's forehead pattern is longer |
#418 |  |  | Buizel | Male Buizel have two stripes on their back. Female Buizel only have one. |
#419 |  |  | Floatzel | Male Floatzel have two stripes on their back. Female Floatzel only have one. |
#424 |  |  | Ambipom | Female Ambipom have longer head hair |
#443 |  |  | Gible | Male Gible have a groove in their fin |
#444 |  |  | Gabite | Male Gabite have a groove in their fin |
#445 |  |  | Garchomp | Male Garchomp have a groove in their fin |
#449 |  |  | Hippopotas | Male & Female Hippoptas have their colour scheme switched |
#450 |  |  | Hippowdon | Male Hippowdon are brown. Female Hippowdon are Grey |
#453 |  |  | Croagunk | Female Croagunk's have smaller chests |
#454 |  |  | Toxicroak | Male Toxicroak have larger chins |
#456 |  |  | Finneon | Female Finneon have larger tails |
#457 |  |  | Lumineon | Female Lumineon have larger fins |
#459 |  |  | Snover | Female Snover's trunks are more snow covered |
#460 |  |  | Abomasnow | Female Abomasnow have larger hair |
#461 |  |  | Weavile | Male Weavile have larger ear feathers |
#464 |  |  | Rhyperior | Female Rhyperior have smaller horns |
#465 |  |  | Tangrowth | Female Tangrowth have larger hands |
#473 |  |  | Mamoswine | Male Mamoswine have larger tusks |
#521 |  |  | Unfezant | Male Unfezant have a mask on and have a greenish tinge to their feathers while female Unfezant lack the mask and are more brown. |
#592 |  |  | Frillish | Male Frillish are blue while female are pink. Female's tips on tentacles are more curved. |
#593 |  |  | Jellicent | Male Jellicent are blue while female are pink. Male's collar lare thicker, covering the mouth while female's are smaller |
#668 |  |  | Pyroar | Male Pyroar have a full mane that looks like the kanji symbol for fire (大) while female Pyroar have a smaller mane |
#678 |  |  | Meowstic | Male Meowstic is blue while female is white. Male Meowstic get more Status moves while Female Meowstic are more focused on attacking. They have different Hidden Abilities |
#876 |  |  | Indeedee | Male Indeedee has prominent horns while female's are perched down. Male has blue specks around the eye while female has pink. They have different stats, moves and abilities |
#902 |  |  | Basculegion | Male Basculegion have a red stripe while Female Basculegion have a blue stripe. The male ones are more physically focused while the female ones are more Special focused |
#916 |  |  | Oinkologne | Male Oinkologne have a fully dark skin tone while the female Oinkologne are more beige, with a split tail. They have different stats |