Ever Since Attachable Items were introduced into the World of Pokémon, Wild Pokémon have been able to hold. Ruby and Sapphire are no different. Here is the list of which pokémon have items and what those items are:

Number Pkmn Picture Pkmn Name Item Attached Chance
#010 Poochyena Pecha Berry Rare
#012 Zigzagoon Oran Berry Rare
#013 Linoone Oran Berry
Sitrus Berry
#039 Abra Twistedspoon Rare
#045 Whismur Chesto Berry Rare
#046 Loudred Chesto Berry Rare
#049 Hariyama King's Rock Rare
#057 Geodude Everstone Rare
#058 Graveler Everstone Rare
#061 Skitty Leppa Berry Rare
#070 Aron Hard Stone Rare
#071 Lairon Hard Stone Rare
#082 Magnemite Metal Coat Rare
#083 Magneton Metal Coat Rare
#092 Doduo Sharp Beak Rare
#093 Dodrio Sharp Beak Rare
#094 Roselia Poison Barb Rare
#095 Gulpin Big Pearl Rare
#101 Numel Rawst Berry Rare
#106 Grimer Nugget Rare
#108 Koffing Smoke Ball Rare
#112 Sandshrew Quick Claw Rare
#114 Spinda Chesto Berry Rare
#116 Trapinch Soft Sand Rare
#119 Cacnea Poison Barb Rare
#125 Lunatone Moon Stone Rare
#126 Solrock Sun Stone Rare
#143 Staryu Stardust
Star Piece
#145 Kecleon Chesto Berry Rare
#146 Shuppet Spell Tag Rare
#147 Banette Spell Tag Rare
#148 Duskull Spell Tag Rare
#149 Dusclops Spell Tag Rare
#153 Vulpix Rawst Berry Rare
#156 Pikachu Oran Berry
Light Ball
#164 Girafarig Persim Berry Rare
#176 Clamperl Blue Shard Rare
#179 Relicanth Green Shard Rare
#180 Corsola Red Shard Rare
#181 Chinchou Yellow Shard Rare
#183 Luvdisc Heart Scale Sometimes
#184 Horsea Dragon Scale Rare
#187 Bagon Dragon Scale Rare