Location: Petalburg City
Gym Leader: Norman
Specialty: Normal-type
Reward: Balance Badge, TM42
Your father Normal heads the fifth gym, which has a series of doors with trainers using Pokemon focusing on one strong stat like Attack, Speed, etc. Norman himself uses two Slaking, which have some of the best stats in the game, but a terrible ability called Truant, which makes them totally inactive every other turn. He also uses the pre-evolution of Slaking, Vigoroth, which has high attack and speed and can't be put to sleep. If you beat him you you get TM42 (Facade) and the Balance Badge. You can also Surf across water now.
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Gym Leader Norman |
Slaking | Vigoroth | Slaking |
Battle Type
Single Battle |
Level 28 | Level 30 | Level 31 |
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