Flygon, the Mystic Pokémon. Known as the Desert Spirit, this Pokémon hides in the sandstorms it causes by beating its wings. The sound of its wings flapping resembles singing. Those entranced by this sound get lured into a sandstorm and become Flygon's prey.
Another fan favorite from the third generation, this antlion inspired dragon has done much to capture trainers’ hearts both aesthetically and mechanically. Levitate is what really has Flygon stand out from its peers. In conjunction with its Ground Dragon typing, Flygon is amazingly resilient to passive damage, immune to all entry hazards while resisting Stealth Rock, all but freeing it from having to rely on Heavy-Duty Boots, as it can switch in and out repeatedly with little punishment. Immunities to both Ground and Electric further bolsters Flygon’s defensive profile and Levitate is just a fantastic ability to have in general with Terastalization, enabling potent combinations that are hard to break through. Base 100 Speed is also nice, a fantastic benchmark to hit allowing Flygon to outspeed most defensive Pokémon and even some prominent offensive ones allowing Flygon to make the most of its movepool. While Dragon types are already known for wide movepools, Flygon’s is outright eclectic, with incredibly rare moves like Boomburst, Vacuum Wave, and First Impression complimenting the expected STABs, Rock and Fire moves. This, with Flygon’s usable offenses makes it an unpredictable attacker, able to attack from both sides of the spectrum with wide coverage that defies easy answers.
That would be the dream anyways. Flygon’s offensive movepool is let down by its attacking stats. 80 Special Attack is at the very edge of usable, and with Flygon having no way to address it, leaves its rather large special movepool hard to justify. While Base 100 Attack is more usable, especially with Dragon Dance, Flygon just lacks the direct power Dragons and Ground types are known for, leaving it stopped cold by defensive Pokémon that teams will already be running answers for other prominent Ground and Dragon types like Krookodile, Mamoswine, Rhyperior, Salamence, Haxorus and especially Garchomp who all do Flygon’s job better. Flygon is all but forced to compete with these offensive behemoths since its utility moves have been gutted in repeated generational shifts, losing Toxic, Defog and Roost, greatly limiting what utility it can provide. Flygon gets even harder to justify when considering its crippling quadruple Ice weakness, an already common weakness on many popular Pokémon, further raising the opportunity cost of using Flygon. Flygon has many attributes going for it but is let down by lackluster stats after generations of power creep.
Frankly absurd movepool giving Flygon numerous coverage options both physically and specially, making predicting its moveset after STABs difficult.
Levitate is an amazing ability, being part of why Flygon is all but immune to Entry Hazards and synergizes with Terastalization well.
Ground Dragon STAB is fierce, leaving Flygon not wanting for high powered STABs with good synergy.
Base 100 Speed is the gold standard, tying with many popular offensive Pokémon and outspeeding nearly every defensive one.
Defensive merits are let down by crippling weakness to Ice and an exploitable Fairy weakness.
Merely usable offenses, leaving Flygon reliant on boosting, advantageous matchups, and items to deal significant damage.
Average defenses with no recovery greatly limit Flygon’s hit taking ability.
Desert Storm
-Stone Edge
Ability: Levitate
Item: Choice Band
EVs and Nature:
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
Flygon stands out from other Choice users thanks to its near immunity to entry hazards, allowing it to repeatedly pivot with little repercussion unlike other similar Choice users who are more limited in the number of times they can pivot in. Earthquake is Flygon's primary STAB and preferred move of choice with its wide coverage and lack of downside making it easy to pick, especially to break through a team's opposing Steel and Poison types like Empoleon, Hisuian Goodra, Magnezone, and Registeel. Outrage is a far stronger STAB but cannot be used recklessly, as it is a free switch in for any Fairy types. Once an opposing team's Fairy types have been removed, Outrage is a devastating clean up tool, reliably one to three shotting most non-Steel targets with few safe switch ins that aren't going to be compromised. Stone Edge is recommended as coverage, punishing Flying types looking to switch into Earthquake when Outrage isn't the right option to click. U-Turn returns as the Choice Item classic, easing prediction in the early game, to counter predicted switches and chip the new switch in, maintaining momentum on Flygon's side.
Tera Types:
Given the mileage Flygon gets out of its typing, it is not wholly reliant on Terastalization to excel, though its lacking power, crippling Ice weakness and Levitate mean that Flygon can get a lot of mileage out of Terastalization as well. Tera Steel is a strong recommendation on any Flygon set. As stated before, Ground immune Steel types wall a huge portion of the game and are some of the most difficult to deal with. Flygon also appreciates turning all its weaknesses into resistances while still able to threaten opposing Fire types with Ground STAB. Tera Fire is a decent option, granting resistances to Ice and Fairy, immunity to Burns and boosts Fire Punch, guaranteeing a OHKO on opposing Tera Steel Flygon and 2HKOs on Bronzong, Skarmory, and Corviknight. Tera Bug is an offensive option if running First Impression, giving Flygon a nuclear priority move, while boosting U-Turn to the point where it can rip chunks out of even bulky Pokémon, like doing a third to Max HP Bronzong, and a fourth to Rhyperior. Teras Dragon and Ground are incredibly niche, but go all in on power, pushing Outrage and Earthquake to their zenith, allowing Flygon to 2HKO Slowbro and 3HKO Avalugg with Tera Dragon Outrage, while Rhyperior can be OHKO'd after chip damage from Spikes.
EVs and Items:
Max Speed and Attack are recommended. Choice Band Flygon's job is to break Pokémon down quickly, so being able to outspeed and KO as many targets as possible is paramount. Base 100 Speed is an incredibly crowded Speed tier, where dropping down to a neutral nature, leaves Flygon outsped, not only by those that have the same base Speed like Salamence, Entei, Staraptor, Jirachi, and Galarian Zapdos, but Jolly Mimikyu, Timid Porygon-Z, Haxorus and Hydreigon. However, Adamant, is invaluable in reaching one hit knockouts, allowing Flygon to remove Basculegion, Blastoise, Cobalion, Mamoswine, Keldeo, and Galarian Slowbro, as well as 2HKO Eviolite Chansey. Choice Band is the namesake item, giving Flygon considerable power to break through bulky Pokémon. Choice Scarf can also work, though it changes Flygon's role from breaker to revenge killer, as +1 at 100 base Speed is hard to outstrip, though Outrage still makes for a great cleanup tool in the late game.
Steel types make for good partners for Flygon, easily taking on the Fairy and Ice types that threaten it while Steel types generally love Flygon for its ability to switch into the Ground and Fire attacks that threaten them. Empoleon and Magnezone are particular stand outs, their special offense complimenting Flygon's physical, allowing them to break through physical walls like Avalugg, Rhyperior, and Slowbro that otherwise trouble Flygon, in addition to obliterating the Fairy types that stop Outrage from running rampant. Volcanion, despite not being a Steel type, fits much of the same criteria with its incredible matchup into Fairy and Ice moves while loving Flygon blanking Ground and Electric moves and possessing the same contrasting offense.
Given Flygon's adeptness at removing Steel types, Pokémon that struggle against them appreciate Flygon's services for enabling their own offenses. Scarf Gardevoir becomes a much more effective revenge killer when the Steel types that would switch in on its STABs are removed, while Scarf Gardevoir handles faster targets that can be awkward for Flygon to handle. Fezandipiti also adore's Flygon for this reason, being able to freely spread Toxic Chain Toxics weakening everything for eventual cleanup and even taking advantage of the Dragons Flygon draws in for setup.
Other Options:
Fire Punch is great for ungrounded Steels and Orthworm, who otherwise resist Flygon's STAB combination, though Fire Punch is rather underwhelming otherwise without Tera Fire or Sun support.
First Impression is a brutal priority attack that allows Flygon to address naturally faster opponents or slower Pokémon packing their priority while punishing potential Grass Switch ins looking to punish Earthquake, though being non STAB cuts its power a bit.
Dance of the Desert
-Dragon Dance
-Scale Shot
-Fire Punch
Ability: Levitate
Item: Life Orb
EVs and Nature:
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
Dragon Dance is Flygon’s biggest point of divergence from Garchomp aside from Levitate and enables Flygon to remedy its unimpressive Attack and push its good speed to amazing levels for a game ending assault. Between Levitate and its Ground typing, Flygon can find plenty of opportunities to come in and setup. Earthquake is again the main mover and shaker for Flygon, being a potent STAB move with wide coverage. Scale Shot is preferred Dragon STAB, as in combination with Dragon Dance makes Flygon impossible to outrun on top of its good damage without having a crippling drawback like Outrage. Fire Punch rounds out the set, punishing the ungrounded Steel types that resist Flygon’s STABs like Bronzong, Orthworm and Tera Steel Flygon, while punishing Grass types looking to switch into Earthquake like Chesnaught and Wo-Chien.
Tera Types:
This Flygon set is more reliant on Terastalization due to needing to survive to setup and sweep. Tera Steel is still strongly recommended. Levitate with the Steel typing walls a huge portion of the game, enabling far safer setup, and works as an emergency pivot or mind games, given Steel resists all of Flygon’s weaknesses. Tera Fire is a strong offensive defensive option, pushing Fire Punch to the point it can break through the bulky ungrounded Steel types it is expected to answer while providing resistances to Ice and Fairy and preventing Flygon’s sweep being stopped by an untimely Burn.
EVs and Items:
Max Speed and Attack investment are recommended to get the most out of Dragon Dance. Flygon once again occupies a very crowded Speed Tier and many Base 100 Speed Pokémon are popular as Choice Scarf users, meaning Flygon wants to run Jolly to at least speed tie such Pokémon after a single Dragon Dance. Max Attack investment is just as hard to let go given Flygon’s unimpressive Attack. Life Orb is recommended given the massive power boost with move flexibility but does reduce the number of Pokémon Flygon can safely setup on given the subsequent chip damage. Loaded Dice is a potent alternative, making Loaded Dice a reliably powerful Dragon STAB. Leftovers is a more defensive option, but keeps Flygon healthy while setting up and can enable multiple Dragon Dances to seal the game.
Dragon Dance Flygon appreciates partners that covers what gaps Flygon has in its coverage. If running Fire Punch, Empoleon stands out its Steel STAB great at striking down Enamrous and Levitate Galarian Weezing, both of whom give Flygon trouble while drawing Electric and Ground attacks that Flygon can use as a free switch in for easy setup. If running Stone Edge, Fire types like Volcanion would be preferred, its Fire STAB melting ungrounded Steels while still luring Electric and Ground attacks for Flygon to pivot in on.
Other Options:
Stone Edge is fantastic for the potent Rock Ground coverage combination and handling Flying types immune to Flygon’s Ground STAB while being a stronger option for ungrounded Fairy types that Flygon can’t hurt with its STABs.
Countering Flygon
Flygon’s Ground Dragon STAB combination is brutal but has exploitable blind spots that can be taken advantage of.
Steel types immune to Ground attacks, whether it be through Levitate, Earth Eater or Flying typing slow down Flygon lacking Fire coverage. As such, Orthworm is a near immovable wall for Flygon, who requires Tera Fire to get a 2HKO on Orthwrom, while Orthworm can outlast thanks to Earth Eater and Iron Defense, while threatening significant damage with Body Press. Bronzong also does similarly well, though Banded Outrage or First Impression can 3HKO on merely Max HP Bronzong. Tera Steel Flygon ironically works well against opposing Flygon, though it does need Fire Punch to win a mirror match and Banded Outrage easily two shots Tera Steel Flygon despite resistance.
Fairy types immune to Ground are even more troublesome given their immunity to both STABs affording them many opportunities to come in freely. Levitate Galarian Weezing is nightmarish for Flygon, only being 4HKO’d by Choice Band Stone Edge, able to cripple it with Will-O-Wisp and outlast with Pain Split. Enamorus-Therian fears Stone Edge but soaks up any other hit well and threatens back with Fairy STAB. Mimikyu also deserves mention for its ability to blank any attack with Disguise and threaten an OHKO back with Play Rough.
Avalugg also works despite the lack of immunities due to its sheer physical bulk, with even Choice Band Outrage unlikely to 3HKO while Body Press easily 2HKOs back. Slowbro also possesses the sheer physical bulk to work, and can cripple with Scald, but Choice Band Outrage can 2HKO after Stealth Rocks so Slowbro must be kept pristine.
Flygon’s good natural bulk, numerous Speed boosting options and own access to priority makes can make checking it tricky. Mamoswine is one of the best blanket offensive answers, Ice Shard a guaranteed OHKO pre-Tera and First Impression can’t OHKO Mamoswine even after 3 Layers of Spikes. However, First Impression is only common on Choice sets and forces Flygon to switch out after, being rather exploitable. If outside of First Impression’s window, the pool of checks greatly expands. Weak Armor Weakness Policy Armarouge can turn the tables on Flygon, using Endure to survive the subsequent Earthquake, before easily outspeeding Flygon even at +1 and OHKOing with Stored Power, through it must watch out for giving Dragon Dance sets free turns to setup. Scarf Mienshao easily outruns +1 Flygon and instantly removes it with Ice Spinner. Hisuian Zoroark lacks the bulk and power to answer a healthy Flygon, but its natural Speed and ease in running Choice Scarf to ensure +1 Flygon isn’t an issue wants knocked to half health. Otherwise, other Scarf users like Gardevoir, Scarf Salamence, Scarf Staraptor, etc. can handle an unboosted Flygon with ease.
Locations in Games
Not in game
Not in game
Evolve Vibrava
Trade from Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
Evolve Vibrava
Evolve Vibrava
Evolve Vibrava
Evolve Vibrava
Black 2/White 2:
Evolve Vibrava
Evolve Vibrava
Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire:
Evolve Vibrava
Evolve Vibrava
Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon:
Evolve Vibrava
Let's Go, Pikachu!/Let's Go, Eevee!:
Not in game
Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage
Max Raid Battles: Axew's Eye, Dusty Bowl, Rolling Fields, Challenge Beach, Courageous Cavern, Stepping-Stone Sea
Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl:
Evolve Vibrava
Legends: Arceus:
Not in game
Savanna Biome
Tera Raid Battles: 5 Star Raid Battles, 6 Star Raid Battles

Anime Appearences