#0195 Quagsire
Gen VII Dex

| Jackson | Rocky | Crasher Wake | Lisa | Professor Kodama | Ludlow | Special/Other Trainers | Wild |

Jackson's Quagsire

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
270 Tie One On! Meganium vs. Bulbasaur! Spirit of the Grass Types! Pics

Rocky's Quagsire

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
372 Training Wrecks Muscle Battle! Double Battle! Pics

Crasher Wake's Quagsire

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
551 A Crasher Course in Power Pastoria Gym! VS Crasher Wake! Pics
646 For The Love Of Meowth Goodbye Team Rocket! Meowth's Love! Pics

Lisa's Quagsire

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
M3 The Spell of the Unown The Lord of the Unknown Tower Pics

Professor Kodama's Quagsire

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
617 Sticking With You Know Who Pikachu & Piplup Keep Away! Pics

Ludlow's Quagsire

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
12 The Future I Choose! The Future I Choose Pics
22 Charge! Galar Mine! Clash! The Galar Mine Pics
26 Terapagos's Adventure! Terapagos' Adventure Pics
30 Slip and Crash! A Mystery Pokémon?! The Mystery Pokémon Behind the Slipping and Clanging?! Pics
31 Song Within the Mist The Song in the Mist Pics
32 Lapras's Feelings for its Friends Lapras' Thoughts for its Companions Pics
38 The SOS is from Tandemaus? The SOS Comes from Tandemaus? Pics
43 A Challenge from the Explorers A Letter of Challenge from the Explorers Pics
44 The Plan to Capture Rayquaza The Plan for Capturing Rayquaza! Pics
45 From So Far Away To Places Far Far Away Pics
46 Welcome to Naranja Academy! How Thrilling! Naranja Academy! Pics
68 TBC Taking to New Skies! The Brave Olivine!! Pics
69 TBC I'm a Pokémon and You're Me?! Pics
71 TBC An Encounter at Crystal Pool! Pics
76 TBC Wynaut? Sohdayo! Pics
77 TBC Ludlow Returns to His Hometown Pics
78 TBC A Fierce Fight Against Entei! The Noble Roar of Flame!! Pics
82 TBC At the End of the Shining Rainbow Pics
84 TBC The Place Where Heaven and Earth Meet Pics
88 TBC The White Zygarde Causes Shock Waves Pics
89 TBC At the End of the Adventures Pics

Special/Other Trainers's Quagsire

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
148 Tricks Of The Trade Wobbuffet and the Pokémon Exchange! Pics
149 The Fire-ring Squad Burn Squirtle Squad! Like a Fire!! Pics
155 Love, The Totodile Style Dancing Totodile! Steps of Love!! Pics
196 The Ring Masters Feraligatr Vs. Blastoise! Sumo Match! Pics
218 Dueling Heroes Whirlpool Cup! Great Battle in the Water Colosseum! Pics
C1 Legend of Thunder Raikou! Legend of Thunder! Pics
264 You're A Star, Larvitar Try Your Best Larvitar! Pics
437 Harley Rides Again! Munchlax's Battle Debut! Harley & Taking the Game Seriously! Pics
528 Journey to the Unown! Unown of Solaceon Ruins! Pics
628 A Marathon Rivalry! Get Fired Up Snorlax! Prince of Pokéthlon! Pics
M21 Pokémon: The Power of Us Pokémon: Everyone's Story Pics
1127 Restore and Renew! The Colossal Restoration and the Fossil Pokémon! Pics
1152 On Land, In the Sea, and to the Future! Challenge! The Pokémon Water Obstacle Course!! Pics
1228 Must Be Our Heroes and the Witch! Brock, Cilan and the Forest Witch! Pics
1230 A Squad Worth of Passion! Enter the Squirtle Fire Brigade! Pics
1233 Getting to the Heart of it All! What Banette Is Looking For! Pics
1 The Pendant That Starts It All: Part One The Pendant It All Started With! (Part 1) Pics

Wild Quagsire

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
129 Once in a Blue Moon Quagsire and the GS Ball!? Pics
150 No Big Woop Lots of Wooper! Pics
194 The Wayward Wobbuffet Wobbuffet! Disaster? Pics
M4 Celebi: Voice of the Forest Celebi: A Timeless Encounter Pics
209 Got Miltank! Mother Miltank! Desert Secret!! Pics
227 Bulbasaur...The Ambassador! Goodbye Bulbasaur! Adventure at Oak's Residence!! Pics
P7 Not Aired Pikachu's Summer Festival Pics
429 On Olden Pond! Dragonair's Lake! Pics
472 Dawn of a New Era Piplup VS Budew! Dawn's First Battle!! Pics
475 Like It or Lup It Piplup Hangs On!! Pics
496 Drifloon in the Wind Drifloon and the North Wind Messenger! Pics
M10 The Rise of Darkrai Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai Pics
P10 Not Aired Pikachu's Exploration Club Pics
588 Not Aired Mysterious Creatures: Pokémon Pics
P12 Not Aired Pikachu's Great Sparking Search Pics
607 A Faux Oak Finish! Rescue Professor Oak! Politoed VS Croagunk!! Pics
S30 Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Magnagate & The Infinite Labyrinth Pics
872 Defending the Homeland! A Fight in the Wetlands! Goodra VS Florges!! Pics
873 Beyond the Rainbow! Conclusion! Goodra, Somewhere Over the Rainbow!! Pics
915 Master Class is in Session! The Master Class Begins! A Maidens' Fight Where Sparks Fly!! Pics
916 Performing a Pathway to the Future! Aria VS Serena! Open the Door to the Future!! Pics
926 A Diamond in the Rough! Find Carbink! Goodra and Dedenne!! Pics
934 Down to the Fiery Finish Kalos League Victory! Ash's Ultimate Match!! Pics
942 Facing the Needs of the Many Farewell, Ash-Greninja! Xerosic Strikes Back!! Pics
989 Deceiving Appearances! C'mon, Search for the Transformed Ditto! Pics
1039 Don't Ignore the Small Stufful! Team Rocket & Stufful! Pics
M23 Pokémon: Secrets of the Jungle Pokémon: Koko
1228 Must Be Our Heroes and the Witch! Brock, Cilan and the Forest Witch! Pics

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