Zone 13: Infinite Ruins

Name: Infinite Ruins
Unlock Criterea: Defeat Zone 10 Stage 4

Area Anchors
Stage 1 | Stage 2 | Stage 3 |

Zone 13

Stage 1

Pokémon Listings

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Purrloin dark None None
East Sea
water None None
water None None
water ☆☆ None None
Whismur normal None None
Loudred normal ☆☆ None None
Exploud normal ☆☆☆ None None
Budew grass None None
Roselia grass ☆☆ None None
Roserade grass ☆☆☆ Power of Six None
Seedot grass None None
Nuzleaf grass ☆☆ None None
Shiftry grass ☆☆☆ None None
Skorupi poison None None
Drapion poison ☆☆ None None
Pineco bug None None
Forretress bug ☆☆ None None
Ralts psychic None None
Kirlia psychic ☆☆ None None
Gardevoir psychic ☆☆☆ Power of Five None

Stage 2

Pokémon Listings

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
water None None
water ☆☆ None None
West Sea
water ☆☆ None None
Blue-Striped Form
water ☆☆ None None
Meditite fighting None None
Medicham fighting ☆☆ None None
Spheal ice None None
Sealeo ice ☆☆ None None
Walrein ice ☆☆☆ None None
Klefki steel None None
Phanpy ground None None
Donphan ground ☆☆ None None
Rhyhorn ground None None
Rhydon ground ☆☆ None None
Wynaut psychic None None
Wobbuffet psychic ☆☆ None None
Mawile steel ☆☆ None None
Gligar ground ☆☆ None None
Gliscor ground ☆☆☆ None None
Rhyperior ground ☆☆☆ Flinch Attack None

Stage 3

Pokémon Listings

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Nidoran♀ poison None None
Nidorina poison ☆☆ None None
Mankey fighting None None
Primeape fighting ☆☆ None None
Oddish grass None None
Gloom grass ☆☆ None None
Vileplume grass ☆☆☆ None None
Nidoran♂ poison None None
Nidorino poison ☆☆ None None
Exeggcute grass None None
Exeggutor grass ☆☆ None None
Anorith rock None None
Armaldo rock ☆☆ None None
Venonat bug None None
Venomoth bug ☆☆ None None
Dratini dragon None None
Dragonair dragon ☆☆ None None
Lickitung normal ☆☆ None None
Lickilicky normal ☆☆☆ None None
Dragonite dragon ☆☆☆ Power of Six None