Zone 11: Safari Jungle

Name: Safari Jungle

Area Anchors

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3 Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3 Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3 Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3 Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3 Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3 Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3
Zone 11


Stage 1

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Rattata normal None None
Dunsparce normal None None
Stantler normal None None
Castform normal None Capture Stantler with a Super Effective attack
Numel fire None None
Unown psychic None Requires capturing Numel with a Super Effective attack
Bidoof normal None None
Buneary normal None None
Glameow normal None None
Slakoth normal None None
Vigoroth normal ☆☆ None None
Slaking normal ☆☆☆ True Strength Requires flawless capture of Vigoroth

Stage 2

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Raticate normal ☆☆ None None
Magmar fire ☆☆ None None
Aipom normal None None
Teddiursa normal None None
Ursaring normal ☆☆ None Requires high combo & flawless capture of Teddiursa
Slugma fire None None
Smeargle normal None None
Miltank normal ☆☆ None None
Simisear fire ☆☆ None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Bibarel normal ☆☆ None None
Lopunny normal ☆☆ None None
Machoke fighting ☆☆ None None
Machamp fighting ☆☆☆ Power of Six None

Stage 3

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Magcargo fire ☆☆ None None
Spinda normal None None
Zangoose normal ☆☆ None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Kecleon normal ☆☆ None None
Purugly normal ☆☆ None None
Munchlax normal None None
Camerupt fire ☆☆ None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Cinccino normal ☆☆ None None
Diggersby ground ☆☆ None None
Throh fighting ☆☆ Flinch Attack None
Sawk fighting ☆☆ Flinch Attack None


Stage 1

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Sandshrew ground None None
Diglett ground None None
Dugtrio ground ☆☆ None Requires high combo & score
Hoppip grass None None
Bellsprout grass None None
Cubone ground None None
Houndour dark None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Barboach ground None None
Sandile ground None None
Foongus grass None None
Tangela grass None None
Tangrowth grass ☆☆☆ None None

Stage 2

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Sandslash ground ☆☆ None None
Weepinbell grass ☆☆ None None
Bellossom grass ☆☆☆ None Capture Weepinbell with a Super Effective attack
Skiploom grass ☆☆ None None
Simisage grass ☆☆ None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Poochyena dark None None
Mightyena dark ☆☆ None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Cacnea grass None None
Whiscash ground ☆☆ None None
Baltoy ground None None
Hippopotas ground None None
Krookodile ground ☆☆☆ None None

Stage 3

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Marowak ground ☆☆ None None
Jumpluff grass ☆☆☆ None None
Houndoom dark ☆☆ None None
Victreebel grass ☆☆☆ None None
Claydol ground ☆☆ None None
Hippowdon ground ☆☆ None None
Leafeon grass ☆☆☆ None Bring Eevee as Support
Liepard dark ☆☆ None None
Amoonguss grass ☆☆ None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Vullaby dark None None
Mandibuzz dark ☆☆ None None


Stage 1

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Goldeen water None None
Seaking water ☆☆ None Requires Super Effective attack
Misdreavus ghost None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Luvdisc water None None
Corphish water None None
Feebas water None None
Buizel water None None
Shuppet ghost None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Clamperl water None None
Clauncher water None None
Banette ghost ☆☆ None None

Stage 2

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Qwilfish water ☆☆ None None
Corsola water None None
Crawdaunt water ☆☆ None None
Duskull ghost None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Huntail water ☆☆ None None
Simipour water ☆☆ None None
Palpitoad water ☆☆ None None
Alomomola water ☆☆ None Requires combo of 30 or more on Palpitoad
Clawitzer water ☆☆ None None
Lapras water ☆☆ None None

Stage 3

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Politoed water ☆☆☆ None None
Remoraid water None None
Octillery water ☆☆ None None
Gorebyss water ☆☆ None None
Drifblim ghost ☆☆ None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Seismitoad water ☆☆☆ None None
Tirtouga water None None
Phantump ghost None None
Trevenant ghost ☆☆ True Strength None
Milotic water ☆☆ None None


Stage 1

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Sunkern grass None None
Lotad grass None None
Burmy bug None None
Abra psychic None None
Unown psychic None Requires high score & combo
Drowzee psychic None None
Omanyte rock None None
Kabuto rock None None
Spoink psychic None None
Munna psychic None None
Ludicolo grass ☆☆☆ None None

Stage 2

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Sunflora grass ☆☆ None None
Lombre grass ☆☆ None None
Wormadam bug ☆☆ None None
Geodude rock None None
Hypno psychic ☆☆ None None
Unown psychic None Requires high score & combo
Bonsly rock None None
Grumpig psychic ☆☆ None None
Lileep rock None None
Cradily rock ☆☆ None Requires high score & combo
Musharna psychic ☆☆ None None
Unown psychic None Requires high score & combo
Kabutops rock ☆☆ None None

Stage 3

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Onix rock ☆☆ None None
Kadabra psychic ☆☆ None None
Unown psychic None Requires high score & combo
Steelix steel ☆☆☆ None None
Relicanth rock ☆☆ None None
Sudowoodo rock ☆☆ None None
Elgyem psychic None None
Beheeyem psychic ☆☆ None None
Omastar rock ☆☆ None None
Carbink rock None None
Skarmory steel ☆☆ None None


Stage 1

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Grimer poison None None
Koffing poison None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Chinchou electric None None
Mareep electric None None
Swinub ice None None
Plusle electric None None
Minun electric None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Gulpin poison None None
Shinx electric None None
Cubchoo ice None None
Beartic ice ☆☆ True Strength None

Stage 2

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Muk poison ☆☆ None None
Voltorb electric Flinch Attack None
Tynamo electric None None
Piloswine ice ☆☆ None None
Swalot poison ☆☆ None None
Snorunt ice None None
Luxio electric ☆☆ None None
Pachirisu electric None None
Glaceon ice ☆☆☆ None Bring Eevee as Support
Croagunk poison None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Nidoqueen poison ☆☆☆ True Strength None
Nidoking poison ☆☆☆ Brute Force None

Stage 3

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Electrode electric ☆☆ Flinch Attack None
Lanturn electric ☆☆ None None
Flaaffy electric ☆☆ None None
Delibird ice None None
Seviper poison ☆☆ None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Glalie ice ☆☆ None None
Luxray electric ☆☆☆ None None
Toxicroak poison ☆☆ None None
Froslass ice ☆☆ None None
Ampharos electric ☆☆☆ Flinch Attack None


Stage 1

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Spearow flying None None
Hoothoot flying None None
Lillipup normal None None
Patrat normal None None
Watchog normal ☆☆ None None
Poliwag water None None
Marill fairy None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Wingull flying None None
Pidove flying None None
Granbull fairy ☆☆ True Strength None

Stage 2

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Fearow flying ☆☆ None None
Doduo flying None None
Noctowl flying ☆☆ None None
Unfezant flying ☆☆ None Requires high combo & score
Cherubi grass None None
Poliwhirl water ☆☆ None None
Wooper water None None
Snubbull fairy None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Herdier normal ☆☆ None None
Rufflet flying None None
Braviary flying ☆☆ None None

Stage 3

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Dodrio flying ☆☆ None None
Pelipper flying ☆☆ None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Cherrim grass ☆☆ None None
Poliwrath water ☆☆☆ None None
Quagsire water ☆☆ None None
Azumarill fairy ☆☆ None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Stoutland normal ☆☆☆ None None
Swablu flying None None
Chatot flying None None
Altaria dragon ☆☆ None None


Stage 1

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Paras bug None None
Ledyba bug None None
Wurmple bug None None
Cascoon bug None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Surskit bug None None
Masquerain bug ☆☆ None Capture Surskit flawlessly using a Flying-type attack
Kricketot bug None None
Sewaddle bug None None
Karrablast bug None None
Dwebble bug None None
Crustle bug ☆☆ True Strength None

Stage 2

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Parasect bug ☆☆ None None
Ledian bug ☆☆ None None
Spinarak bug None None
Caterpie bug None None
Metapod bug None Requires high combo & score
Butterfree bug ☆☆ None Requires high combo & score
Silcoon bug None None
Dustox bug ☆☆ None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Kricketune bug ☆☆ None None
Mothim bug ☆☆ None None
Combee bug None None
Escavalier bug ☆☆ None None
Vespiquen bug ☆☆ None None

Stage 3

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Beedrill bug ☆☆ None None
Ariados bug ☆☆ None None
Shuckle bug None None
Beautifly bug ☆☆ None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Volbeat bug None None
Illumise bug None None
Unown psychic None Requires high combo & score
Joltik bug None None
Shelmet bug None None
Accelgor bug ☆☆ None None
Galvantula bug ☆☆ None None