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Kanto Pokémon Pronunciation

Below are the most recent official pronunciations for Kanto Pokémon. In official media, there may have been different pronunciations for various Pokémon but this list includes the most up-to-date pronunciation.

No. Pic Name Type Pronunciation
Bulbasaur BUL-ba-sore
Ivysaur EYE-vee-sore
Venusaur VEE-nuh-sore
Charmander CHAR-man-der
Charmeleon char-MEE-lee-un
Charizard CHAR-iz-ard
Squirtle SKWIR-tul
Wartortle WOR-TORE-tul
Blastoise BLAS-toyce
Caterpie CAT-ur-pee
Metapod MET-uh-pod
Butterfree BUT-er-free
Weedle WEE-dull
Kakuna kah-KOO-na
Beedrill BEE-dril
Pidgey PIDG-ee
Pidgeotto PIDG-ee-OH-toe
Pidgeot PIDG-ee-ott
Rattata RA-TAT-ta
Raticate RAT-ih-kate
Spearow SPEER-oh
Fearow FEER-oh
Ekans ECK-kins
Arbok ARE-bock
Pikachu PEE-ka-choo
Raichu RYE-choo
Sandshrew SAND-shroo
Sandslash SAND-slash
Nidoran♀ NEE-do-ran
Nidorina NEE-do-REE-na
Nidoqueen NEE-do-kween
Nidoran♂ NEE-do-ran
Nidorino NEE-do-REE-no
Nidoking NEE-do-king
Clefairy kleh-FAIR-ee
Clefable kleh-FAY-bull
Vulpix VULL-picks
Ninetales NINE-tails
Jigglypuff JIG-lee-puff
Wigglytuff WIG-lee-tuff
Zubat ZOO-bat
Golbat GOHL-bat
Oddish ODD-ish
Vileplume VILE-ploom
Paras PAIR-us
Parasect PARA-sekt
Venonat VEH-no-nat
Venomoth VEH-no-moth
Diglett DIG-let
Dugtrio DUG-TREE-oh
Meowth mee-OWTH
Persian PER-zhun
Psyduck SY-duck
Golduck GOL-duck
Mankey MANG-key
Primeape PRIME-ape
Growlithe GROWL-lith
Arcanine ARE-ka-nine
Poliwag PAUL-lee-wgg
Poliwhirl PAUL-lee-wirl
Poliwrath PAUL-lee-rath
Abra AB-ra
Kadabra kuh-DAB-ra
Alakazam AL-a-kuh-ZAM
Machop muh-CHOP
Machoke muh-CHOKE
Machamp muh-CHAMP
Bellsprout BELL-sprout
Weepinbell WEE-pin-bell
Victreebel VICK-tree-bell
Tentacool TEN-ta-cool
Tentacruel TEN-ta-crool
Geodude JEE-oh-dude
Graveler GRAV-el-ler
Golem GO-lum
Ponyta POH-nee-tah
Rapidash RAP-id-dash
Slowpoke SLOW-poke
Slowbro SLOW-bro
Magnemite MAG-ne-mite
Magneton MAG-ne-ton
Farfetch'd FAR-fetched
Doduo doe-DOO-oh
Dodrio doe-DREE-oh
Dewgong DOO-gong
Grimer GRY-mur
Shellder SHELL-der
Cloyster CLOY-stur
Gastly GAST-lee
Haunter HAUNT-ur
Gengar GHEN-gar
Onix ON-icks
Drowzee DROW-zee
Hypno HIP-no
Krabby KRAB-ee
Kingler KING-lur
Voltorb VOLT-orb
Electrode ee-LECK-trode
Exeggcute ECKS-egg-cute
Exeggutor ecks-EGG-u-tore
Cubone CUE-bone
Marowak MARE-oh-wack
Hitmonlee HIT-mon-LEE
Hitmonchan HIT-mon-CHAN
Lickitung LICK-it-tung
Koffing KOFF-ing
Weezing WEEZ-ing
Rhyhorn RYE-horn
Rhydon RYE-don
Chansey CHAN-see
Tangela TANG-ghel-a
Kangaskhan KANG-gas-con
Horsea HOR-SEE
Seadra SEE-dra
Goldeen GOL-deen
Seaking SEE-king
Staryu STAR-you
Starmie STAR-mee
Mr. Mime MIS-ter-MIME
Scyther SY-thur
Electabuzz eh-LECK-ta-buzz
Magmar MAG-marr
Pinsir PIN-sir
Tauros TORE-ros
Magikarp MADGE-eh-karp
Gyarados GARE-uh-dos
Lapras LAP-rus
Ditto DIT-toe
Eevee EE-vee
Vaporeon vay-POUR-ree-on
Jolteon JOL-tee-on
Flareon FLAIR-ee-on
Porygon PORE-ee-gon
Omanyte AH-man-ite
Omastar AH-mah-star
Kabuto ka-BOO-toe
Kabutops KA-boo-tops
Aerodactyl AIR-row-DACK-tull
Snorlax SNOR-lacks
Articuno ART-tick-COO-no
Zapdos ZAP-dose
Moltres MOHL-trace
Dratini dra-TEE-nee
Dragonair DRAG-gon-AIR
Dragonite DRAG-gon-ite
Mewtwo MUE-TOO