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Sinnoh Pokémon Pronunciation

Below are the most recent official pronunciations for Sinnoh Pokémon. In official media, there may have been different pronunciations for various Pokémon but this list includes the most up-to-date pronunciation.

No. Pic Name Type Pronunciation
Turtwig TUR-twig
Grotle GRAH-tul
Torterra tor-TER-ra
Chimchar CHIM-char
Monferno mon-FUR-no
Infernape in-FUR-nape
Piplup PIP-lup
Prinplup PRIN-plup
Empoleon em-POH-lee-on
Starly STAR-lee
Staravia star-EY-vee-a
Staraptor star-RAP-tor
Bidoof BEE-doof
Bibarel bee-BER-rel
Kricketot KRICK-eh-tot
Kricketune KRICK-eh-toon
Luxio LUCKS-ee-oh
Luxray LUCKS-ray
Budew buh-DOO
Roserade ROSE-raid
Cranidos CRANE-ee-dose
Rampardos ram-PAR-dose
Shieldon SHEEL-don
Bastiodon BAS-tee-oh-DON
Burmy BURR-mee
Wormadam WUR-muh-dam
Mothim MOTH-im
Combee COMB-bee
Vespiquen VES-pih-kwen
Pachirisu patch-ee-REE-sue
Buizel BWEE-zul
Floatzel FLOAT-zul
Cherubi chuh-ROO-bee
Cherrim chuh-RIM
Shellos SHELL-loss
Gastrodon GAS-stroh-don
Ambipom AM-bee-pom
Drifloon DRIFF-loon
Drifblim DRIFF-blim
Buneary buh-NEAR-ee
Lopunny LAH-pun-nee
Mismagius miss-MAG-ee-us
Honchkrow HONCH-krow
Glameow GLAM-meow
Purugly pur-UGG-lee
Chingling CHING-ling
Stunky STUNK-ee
Skuntank SKUN-tank
Bronzor BRAWN-zor
Bronzong brawn-ZONG
Bonsly BON-slye
Mime Jr. mime-JOO-nyur
Happiny hap-PEE-nee
Chatot CHAT-tot
Spiritomb SPIR-it-tomb
Gible GIB-bull
Gabite gab-BITE
Garchomp GAR-chomp
Munchlax MUNCH-lax
Riolu ree-OH-loo
Lucario loo-CAR-ee-oh
Hippopotas HIP-poh-puh-toss
Hippowdon hip-POW-don
Skorupi skor-ROOP-ee
Drapion DRAP-ee-on
Croagunk CROW-gunk
Toxicroak TOX-uh-croak
Carnivine CAR-neh-vine
Finneon FINN-ee-on
Lumineon loo-MIN-ee-on
Mantyke MAN-tike
Snover SNOW-vur
Abomasnow ah-BOM-ah-snow
Weavile WEE-vile
Magnezone MAG-nuh-zone
Lickilicky LICK-ee-LICK-ee
Rhyperior rye-PEER-ee-or
Tangrowth TANG-growth
Electivire el-LECT-uh-vire
Magmortar mag-MORT-ur
Togekiss TOE-geh-kiss
Yanmega yan-MEG-ah
Leafeon LEAF-ee-on
Glaceon GLAY-cee-on
Gliscor GLY-score
Mamoswine MAM-oh-swine
Porygon-Z PORE-ee-gon ZEE
Gallade guh-LADE
Probopass PRO-bow-pass
Dusknoir DUSK-nwar
Froslass FROS-lass
Rotom ROW-tom
Uxie YOOK-zee
Mesprit MESS-sprit
Azelf AZ-zelf
Dialga dee-AWL-gah
Palkia PALL-kee-ah
Heatran HEET-tran
Regigigas rej-jee-GIG-us
Giratina geer-ah-TEE-nuh
Cresselia creh-SELL-ee-ah
Phione fee-OH-nay
Manaphy MAN-ah-fee
Darkrai DARK-rye
Shaymin SHAY-min
Arceus ARK-ee-us