As we approach the build up for Sun & Moon, various Pokémon are to be revealed for the game. This page will be updated and moved accordingly as more information is brought
#722 Rowlet |
English Name: Rowlet
Jp. Name: Mokuroh (モクロー)
Type: Grass/Flying-type
Classification: Grass Quill Pokémon
Height: 1'00"
Weight: 3.3lbs
Ability: Overgrow
Known Moves
Rowlet was revealed as the Starter Pokémon in the Alola Region. Rowlet can attack without making a sound! It flies silently through the skies, drawing near to its opponent without being noticed, and then lashing out with powerful kicks. It can also attack from a distance using the razor-sharp leaves that form part of its feathers. Its visual abilities are impressive. The darkness of night is no obstacle to Rowlet! It can twist its neck nearly 180° from front to back so it can see directly behind itself. It has a habit of turning its head in battle to face its Trainer and receive instructions.
The move Leafage attacks an opponent by striking it with leaves. Rowlet knows this move from the moment it becomes your partner!
#723 Dartrix |
English Name: Dartrix
Jp. Name: Fukuthrow (フクスロー)
Type: Grass/Flying-type
Classification: Blade Quill Pokémon
Height: 2'04"
Weight: 35.3lbs
Ability: Overgrow
Known Moves
Razor Leaf
Dartrix is extremely sensitive to other presences in the area and can detect opponents behind it and throw feathers to strike them without even seeing them. This Pokémon conceals sharp-bladed feathers inside its wings, showing astounding precision as it sends them flying in attack. And it goes beyond propelling its blade quills in simple straight lines—it can even bend these feathers to change their trajectories!
Revealing a certain snobbiness in its personality, Dartrix cares a great deal about its appearance, grooming its feathers in every spare moment. In truth, it’s also a bit of a birdbrain, with a tendency to bungle things up. Once it makes a mistake, it sometimes gets into a desperate struggle to gloss over the situation and ends up making a bigger mess than ever.
At times, this Pokémon feels so bothered by its dirty or ruffled feathers that it can’t focus on battle. When it loses its focus, it sometimes even retires from the battle on the spot! It’s up to each Trainer to help Dartrix overcome this troublesome stage. If this Pokémon is with a Trainer who helps it through, its strength will grow hugely!
#724 Decidueye |
English Name: Decidueye
Jp. Name: Junaipa (ジュナイパー)
Type: Grass/Ghost-type
Classification: Arrow Quill Pokémon
Height: 5'03"
Weight: 80.7lbs
Ability: Overgrow
Known Moves
Razor Leaf
Spirit Shackle
This Pokémon is able to move about while completely masking its presence from others. Once an opponent has lost sight of it, Decidueye seizes the chance to attack it unawares. In a tenth of a second, Decidueye plucks an arrow quill from within its wing and sends its hurtling toward its target. Its speed is astonishing, but not more so than its precise aim, which enables the arrow quill to pierce a target through and through from half a mile or more away! Decidueye usually acts very cool, but it can become terribly flustered in unexpected situations like a surprise attack.
A skilled Decidueye can boast acrobatic curved shots. It seems some are also able to shoot arrows that reach up through the sky, only to come drilling down from above, piercing multiple targets one after another.
#725 Litten |
English Name: Litten
Jp. Name: Nyabby (ニャッビー)
Type: Fire-type
Classification: Fire Cat Pokémon
Height: 1'04"
Weight: 9.5lbs
Ability: Blaze
Known Moves
Fire Fang
Litten was revealed as the Starter Pokémon in the Alola Region. Logical but also passionate, Litten always remains coolheaded and doesn't show its emotions on the surface. Litten can attack with flaming hairballs! Its fur is rich in oils and immensely flammable. Litten grooms itself by licking its fur, and then uses the collected fur as fuel for fireball attacks!
When the time comes for Litten to shed its old fur, it all burns up in a glorious blaze.
The move Ember attacks an opponent by firing a small flame at it. Litten knows this move from the moment it becomes your partner!
#726 Torracat |
English Name: Torracat
Jp. Name: Nyaheat (ニャヒート)
Type: Fire-type
Classification: Fire Cat Pokémon
Height: 2'04"
Weight: 55.1lbs
Ability: Blaze
Known Moves
Fire Fang
The bell-like object attached at the base of Torracat’s neck is a flame sac, an organ that can produce flames. Torracat’s emotions cause a rise in the organ’s temperature, and when the organ spits flames, it rings with the high, clear sound of a bell. Torracat attacks using the flames emitted from this bell.
Torracat’s mane serves as an excellent sensory organ, and it can sense what’s going on around it—even in the dark! It can also detect the presence of hidden enemies.
Torracat has a great love for battle and will attack so relentlessly that its opponents lose the will to fight. And yet it sometimes behaves like spoiled child in front of Trainers or Pokémon with whom it has built a relationship of trust.
The cat punch that this Pokémon can dish out with its strong forelegs is extremely powerful. It can bend iron bars and knock out large men with a single blow!
#727 Incineroar |
English Name: Incineroar
Jp. Name: Gaogaen (ガオガエン)
Type: Fire/Dark-type
Classification: Heel Pokémon
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 183.0lbs
Ability: Blaze
Known Moves
Fire Fang
Flamethrower Darkest Lariat
As its fighting spirit increases, the flames that Incineroar produces within its body burst from its navel and waistline. Since the flames somewhat resemble a championship belt, they’re known as its “flame belt,” and the Pokémon unleashes moves that use flames from it. In the heat of battle, Incineroar shows no concern for its opponents—and sometimes even launches attacks that strike the opposing Trainer! As a result, many tend to dislike this Pokémon and keep it at a distance.
If a crowd watching it battle is pumped up, Incineroar’s fighting spirit will burn brighter. But a lackluster crowd can make it lose focus or fight shoddily. When it receives the admiration of young Pokémon and children, it may keep up its cold attitude on the outside, but in its heart of hearts, Incineroar is immensely happy. It loses the desire to fight when faced with a Pokémon that’s clearly weak or injured, and it sometimes gets taken advantage of as a result.
#728 Popplio |
English Name: Popplio
Jp. Name: Ashimari (アシマリ)
Type: Water-type
Classification: Sea Lion Pokémon
Height: 1'04"
Weight: 16.5lbs
Ability: Torrent
Known Moves
Pound Water Gun Growl Disarming Voice
Popplio was revealed as the Starter Pokémon in the Alola Region. Popplio's swimming speed is known to exceed 25 mph. It's better at moving in the water than on land. Still, when it's on land, it takes advantage of the elasticity of its balloons to perform acrobatic stunts and jumps. Popplio can snort out balloons made of water! Watch it spin water balloons into a playful battle strategy!
Both frivolous and hard-working, Popplio can easily get carried away—unleashing enough power in battle to make quite a spectacle! But Popplio’s determined spirit means it can usually be found practicing hard on its balloon skills.
The Water Gun move attacks an opponent by firing a jet of water. Popplio knows this move from the moment it becomes your partner!
#729 Brionne |
English Name: Brionne
Jp. Name: Oshamari (オシャマリ)
Type: Water-type
Classification: Pop Star Pokémon
Height: 2'00"
Weight: 38.6lbs
Ability: Torrent
Known Moves
Pound Water Gun Growl Disarming Voice Bubblebeam
Brionne learns its dances by imitating the other members of its colony. It sometimes even learns dances from humans. This Pokémon is a hard worker and pours itself into its efforts until it has memorized each dance. As it dances, Brionne creates balloon after balloon. In battle, it first sends its opponent into disarray with its dancing, and then slaps its balloons into its target, causing the balloons to explode and deal damage.
Brionne can dance in perfect time with others, even if they have only just met. On moonlit nights, you can sometimes see throngs of Brionne dancing as one, in perfect fluidity.
Brionne always acts cheery and positive. Even when it’s feeling sad, this Pokémon doesn’t allow its sorrow to show. It’s said that Brionne will only reveal a sad expression to a Pokémon or Trainer to whom it has opened its heart completely.
#730 Primarina |
English Name: Primarina
Jp. Name: Ashirene (アシレーヌ)
Type: Water/Fairy-type
Classification: Soloist Pokémon
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 97.0lbs
Ability: Torrent
Known Moves
Pound Water Gun Growl Disarming Voice Bubblebeam Sparkling Aria
As it dances, Primarina releases balloons of water into the area around itself, moving them using the sound waves from its voice. The sight of moonlight reflecting off its glittering balloons creates a magical scene. Since Primarina controls its balloons using its voice, any injury to its throat can become a grave problem. Its greatest enemies are arid environments and the overuse of its voice during back-to-back battles.
Among the balloons that Primarina releases, some explode when touched, while others do not. Primarina jump on the non-exploding balloons while they make sport of their opponents, and they use the exploding variety to trigger chained explosions!
Primarina’s songs have many variations, and each one changes the motions of the balloons. It has been observed that songs are shared among Primarina living together, so different colonies end up knowing different songs.
Rockruff |
English Name: Rockruff
Jp. Name: Iwanko (イワンコ)
Type: Rock-type
Classification: Puppy Pokémon
Height: 0.5m
Weight: 9.2kg
Ability: Keen Eye or Vital Spirit
Known Moves
Bite Rock Throw Odor Sleuth Howl
Rockruff was first revealed hidden away in a trailer released by CoroCoro and was revealed one week later and then fully revealed in July. Iwanko looks cute, but is really gutsy: No matter how much it gets beaten it'll keep standing up to its enemies until it beats them. It greets people by pressing the rocks attached to its neck against them, which is kind of painful for the recipient. Its body is small, but it hides a secret.
Rockruff are very friendly Pokemon but their personalities become rougher as they grow. Howling at dusk is evidence their evolution is near. When evolving, they will seperate from the trainer and return once their evolution is complete |
Lycanroc |
English Name: Lycanroc
Jp. Name: Lugarugan (ルガルガン)
Type: Rock-type
Classification: Wolf Pokémon
Height: 2'07" (Midday), 3'07" (Midnight)
Weight: 55.1lbs
Ability: Ability: Keen Eye or Sand Rush (Midday Form) | Keen Eye or Vital Spirit (Midnight Form)
Known Moves (Midday Form)
Bite Accelerock Stone Edge
Known Moves (Midnight Form)
Bite Counter Crunch Rock Throw
Lugarugan was revealed in the October 2016 issue of CoroCoro. It is the evolution of Rockruff, but has a unique feature. It has two different forms depending on the game. If it evolves in Sun, it evolves into Midday Form. If it evolves in Moon, it evolves into Midnight Form.
When Rockruff is bathed in profuse amounts of solar energy, it evolves into its Midday Form. In the world of Pokémon Sun, Solgaleo’s influence causes Rockruff to evolve into this form.
Lycanroc lives solo in mountains and deserts, not creating a pack. Each has its own territory, and they live without interfering with one another, which helps to avoid unnecessary fights.
Lycanroc obeys its Trainer’s orders dutifully. In particular, if a Trainer accepted it during its more rebellious pre-Evolution period, Lycanroc will never ever betray that Trainer and will be the most loyal of partners.
The Midday Form Lycanroc is known for speedy movements that leave its opponents bewildered. It dodges opponents’ strikes while attacking with the sharp rocks of its mane as it slips right past them.
Midnight Form Lycanroc provokes its opponents by pressing in hard and inviting their attack. When an opponent falls for this tactic and attacks, Lycanroc counters with its forte: a single devastating blow that finishes off its foe! The stronger its opponent is, the more excited for battle Lycanroc becomes. It doesn’t mind getting hurt if it means victory in battle. Battles thrill it so much that its eyes glow.
Contempt rises in this Pokémon for Trainers who give orders it doesn’t agree with or who try to force it to battle. On the other hand, it will feel a deep trust in a Trainer who can truly draw forth its power in battle.!

Komala |
English Name: Komala
Jp. Name: Nekkoara (ネッコアラ)
Type: Normal-type
Classification: Half Awake Pokémon
Height: 0.4m
Weight: 19.9kg
Ability: Comatose
Known Moves
Komala was revealed in the July 2016 issue of CoroCoro. It is a unique Pokémon in that it can only have the Sleep special condition.
No one has ever seen a Komala awake. It eats, travels, and even battles while sound asleep! Its saliva can be used as medicine for the sick or sleepless, according to ancient people. They say if you take a small amount of the saliva remaining after it eats leaves, water the saliva down, and drink it, you’ll be able to sleep well.
Komala clings to a log pillow that its parents have given to it. Once it has grasped this log, it almost never releases it. If it does lose hold of its log, the Pokémon will be unable to sleep well and will thrash about wildly. Apparently it will sometimes cling to the arm of a Trainer it trusts.
The ever-sleeping Komala’s expression sometimes changes, as if has awareness of its surroundings and the talking of people nearby. But it appears that these changes in expression are actually just a result of the dreams it’s experiencing.
Pikipek |
English Name: Pikipek
Jp. Name: Tsutsukera (ツツケラ)
Type: Normal/Flying-type
Classification: Woodpecker Pokémon
Height: 1'00"
Weight: 2.6lbs
Ability: Keen Eye / Skill Link
Known Moves
Peck Growl Supersonic Fury Attack Pluck Rock Smash
The wireframe for this bird was first shown in the trailer for Pokémon Sun & Moon. It was later shown as being available on Route 1 in the Treehouse Live @ E3. It evolves twice
Pikipek can strike 16 times a second with its beak. These strikes are powerful enough to not only drill through hard wood but even shatter stone. The noises made by their blows can signal others. Some of these signals have been identified as warning signals and greetings among allies. Pikipek Trainers have grown to recognize them as well.
These Pokémon drill holes in trees and store food in the holes. They also like small, glittering objects and will tuck them away in their food stores, too. It’s often said, "Something lost, something missed, check inside the Pikipek nest."
Pikipek will attack distant opponents by zipping seeds at them. These shots have enough strength to embed the seeds in tree trunks.
Yungoos |
English Name: Yungoos
Jp. Name: Yangoose (ヤングース)
Type: Normal-type
Classification: Loitering Pokémon
Height: 1'04"
Weight: 13.2 lbs.
Ability: Stakeout / Strong Jaw
Known Moves
Sand Attack Bite Mud-Slap Leer
This Pokémon was shown as being available on Route 1 in the Treehouse Live @ E3. It is said to always be hungry
Yungoos is a big eater that is never satisfied. The majority of its long body is given over to its stomach, and its digestion is swift, so it's always hungry. It has strong fangs, so it can crush and consume the hardest of objects.
Each Yungoos chooses its own particular route for searching out prey. It stalks along this route searching for food until it's exhausted, at which point it drops and sleeps wherever it may be. It's thought that these Pokémon decide their routes based on safety, so that there's no risk in falling asleep at any time.
Yungoos is not a Pokémon that is native to the Alola region. It was brought to the region to help deal with the explosive population of a certain other Pokémon, and now Yungoos are commonly seen around the Alola region.
Gumshoos |
English Name: Gumshoos
Jp. Name: Dekagoose (デカグース)
Type: Normal-type
Classification: Stakeout Pokémon
Height: 2'04"
Weight: 31.3 lbs
Ability: Stakeout / Strong Jaw
Known Moves
Sand Attack Bite Bide
This Pokémon was revealed in a trailer on August 1st 2016
Gumshoos’s method of targeting prey is the exact opposite of Yungoos’s strategy. While Yungoos prowls around, Gumshoos stakes out its prey’s usual routes and waits patiently for it to come by.
Gumshoos has a tenacious personality, which is why it targets one prey for so long without wavering. But when the sun goes down, it runs low on stamina, falling asleep right on the spot. Gumshoos can withstand a great deal of hunger. It’s able to stay perfectly still while waiting for its prey, keeping watch without eating a thing. |
Grubbin |
English Name: Grubbin
Jp. Name: Agojimushi (アゴジムシ)
Type: Bug-type
Classification: Larva Pokémon
Height: 1'04"
Weight: 9.7lbs
Ability: Swarm
Known Moves
String Shot
This Pokémon was shown following the Treehouse Live @ E3 event
Grubbin relies on its sturdy jaw as a weapon in battle and as a tool for burrowing through the earth. Grubbin loves electricity, which is why it can be found near power plants and substations. By wrapping tree branches in the sticky threads that it spews from its mouth, Grubbin can swing around like an actor on suspension wires!
Charjabug |
English Name: Charjabug
Jp. Name: Denjimushi (デンヂムシ)
Type: Bug/Electric-type
Classification: Battery Pokémon
Height: 1'08"
Weight: 23.1 lbs.
Ability: Battery
Known Moves
String Shot Spark
This Pokémon was leaked and then revealed officially on June 30th 2016. It is the evolution of Grubbin
Charjabug stays perfectly still in preparation for Evolution, and often spends time with its body half-buried in the earth. Charjabug is able to store up electricity. It can store enough power to run a household for a whole day. The power it stores can be provided to other Pokémon, so it can also serve as a battery! |
Vikavolt |
English Name: Vikavolt
Jp. Name: Kuwaganon (クワガノン)
Type: Bug/Electric-type
Classification: Stag Beetle Pokémon
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 99.2lbs
Ability: Levitate
Known Moves
String Shot Spark Zap Cannon
This Pokémon was leaked and then revealed officially on June 30th 2016. It is the evolution of Charjabug
Vikavolt is like a fortress that zooms through the forest, firing a beam of electricity from its mouth. Its huge jaws control the electricity it blasts out.
Vikavolt is adept at acrobatic flight maneuvers like tailspins and sharp turns. It can fly at high speeds even as it weaves its way through the complicated tangle of branches in the forest.
Vikavolt clasps Charjabug with its legs and uses it as an extra battery. Even if a battle drags on, it can use the electric power from Charjabug to continue firing off powerful moves. When Vikavolt is engaged in a fierce aerial fight, it releases Charjabug to make itself lighter and increase its mobility. |
Drampa |
English Name: Drampa
Jp. Name: Jijiiron (ジジーロン)
Type: Normal/Dragon-type
Classification: Placid Pokémon
Height: 9'10"
Weight: 407.9 lbs
Ability: Berserk / Sap Sipper
Known Moves
Dragon Breath
This Pokémon was leaked and then revealed officially on June 30th 2016.
Drampa are dragons that live alone in the mountains 10,000 feet above sea level. Since they can’t obtain the Berries they feed on at that range, they descend to the base of the mountains at dawn every day. Drampa love communicating with people and Pokémon.
Drampa are especially gentle with children and often appear at schools and parks where children gather.
While Drampa is usually a very gentle Pokémon, it can fly into a rage if a child it cares for is hurt in some way. The Dragon Breath move that it fires off at such times is powerful enough to blow down buildings! |
Bruxish |
English Name: Bruxish
Jp. Name: Hagigishiri (ハギギシリ)
Type: Water/Psychic-type
Classification: Gnash Teeth Pokémon
Height: 2'11"
Weight: 41.9lbs
Ability: Dazzling / Strong Jaw
Known Moves
This Pokémon was leaked and then revealed officially on June 30th 2016.
Bruxish emits a strong psychic power from the protuberance on its head. When its opponents are bathed in this power, they’re stricken with terrible headaches and fall unconscious. As it emits its psychic power, it grinds its teeth loudly. When nearby Pokémon hear the sound of Bruxish’s teeth gnashing, they sense danger and flee immediately.
In the Alola region, lifeguards let Bruxish remain in their area to prevent dangerous Water-type Pokémon from gathering there.
Bruxish digs holes in the seafloor, leaving just the protuberance on its head exposed, while emitting a low level of psychic power. This serves as radar, so when it detects prey, it can leap to the attack! |
Cutiefly |
English Name: Cutiefly
Jp. Name: Abuly (アブリー)
Type: Bug/Fairy-type
Classification: Bee Fly Pokémon
Height: 0'04"
Weight: 0.4lbs
Ability: Honey Gather / Shield Dust
Known Moves
Fairy Wind
This Pokémon was leaked and then revealed officially on June 30th 2016.
Cutiefly can detect the auras of living things, including people, Pokémon, and plants. They search out flowers by the color and brightness of their auras and then gather their nectar and pollen.
When living creatures are excited, it seems that their auras resemble those of flowers in full bloom. As a result, these Pokémon tend to gather near people or Pokémon feeling particularly happy or sad.
Cutiefly mostly live in the fields and meadows on the outskirts of cities, but they sometimes appear in towns and even inside buildings, drawn in by the emotions of the living beings of the community.
Ribombee |
English Name: Ribombee
Jp. Name: Aburibon (アブリボン)
Type: Bug/Fairy-type
Classification: Bee Fly Pokémon
Height: 0’08”
Weight: 1.1lbs
Ability: Honey Gather / Shield Dust
Known Moves
Fairy Wind Dazzling Gleam
This Pokémon was revealed in a trailer but not detailed. It was then revealed properly on October 14th 2016
Ribombee collect flower nectar and pollen to make into balls known as Pollen Puffs. These serve as food, and what’s more, they also can cause effects like paralysis or dizziness. Ribombee may use puffs to strike their opponents during battles. Some of the Pollen Puffs that Ribombee make also have relaxing effects or can relieve tiredness. These are distributed around the Alola region as high-priced supplements.
Ribombee hate getting rained on. They’re covered with fluffy hairs that hold the pollen they’ve gathered, and the rain makes them wet and dirty. Alolan people know that if Ribombee are busily visiting the fields of flowers, you can be sure that the fair weather will continue.
Togedemaru |
English Name: Togedemaru
Jp. Name: Togedemaru (トゲデマル)
Type: Electric/Steel-type
Classification: Roly-poly Pokémon
Height: 1'00"
Weight: 7.3lbs
Ability: Iron Barbs / Lightning Rod
Known Moves
This Pokémon was leaked and then revealed officially on June 30th 2016.
Togedemaru is the Roly-Poly Pokémon that gathers electricity and stores it. The long needle that grows from the back of its head works as a lightning rod to attract electricity. With this reservoir of electrical energy, Togedemaru is able to release powerful Electric-type attacks!
Covering its body is a pattern of fur with strands like needles. That means that Togedamaru can roll itself up, and presto—it's a ball of prickles!
Some skilled Trainers have developed the strategy of getting other Pokémon to unleash Electric-type attacks on Togedemaru, which absorbs their power to use in a response attack!
On days when lightning strikes, you can sometimes see Togedemaru gather and bristle up their needles, waiting to be struck by lightning. |
Salandit |
English Name: Salandit
Jp. Name: Yatoumori (ヤトウモリ)
Type: Poison/Fire-type
Classification: Toxic Lizard Pokémon
Height: 2'00"
Weight: 10.6 lbs
Ability: Corrosion
Known Moves
Toxic Flame Burst Sludge Bomb
This Pokémon was revealed during the Japan Expo 2016 Master Class by Junichi Masuda
Salandit emits toxic gas, together with flames, from the base of its tail. This poisonous gas has a sweet smell, and anyone who unknowingly breathes it in will become dizzy. Salandit is not a very powerful Pokémon, but its cunning nature allows it to battle fiercely by throwing its opponents off balance.
Salandit females not only release toxic gases, they can also emit pheromones that attract males of all species, including Pokémon and humans. Inhaling these pheromones may cause opponents to be controlled by Salandit’s will. |
Stufful |
English Name: Stufful
Jp. Name: Nuikoguma (ヌイコグマ)
Type: Normal/Fighting-type
Classification: Struggle Pokémon
Height: 0.5m
Weight: 6.8kg
Ability: Fluffy / Klutz
Known Moves
Take Down
This Pokémon was revealed in the September issue of CoroCoro
Stufful’s cute appearance and movements—plus the fluffy feel of its fur—all combine to make it super popular!
This Pokémon may have a small body, but its strength is extraordinary. Receiving one of its powerful hits without being prepared for it can bring down even well-trained Pokémon!
Bewear |
English Name: Bewear
Jp. Name: Kiteruguma (キテルグマ)
Type: Normal/Fighting-type
Classification: Strong Arm Pokémon
Height: 2.1m
Weight: 135kg
Ability: Fluffy / Klutz
Known Moves
Take Down Hammer Arm
This Pokémon was revealed in the August issue of CoroCoro
When Bewear is acting in a friendly fashion, just swinging its arms around, you must never dare to approach it carelessly. It is acknowledged to be a dangerous Pokémon, even within the Alola region. You may see warning signs posted near places it resides.
When Bewear grows fond of its Trainer, it may show that feeling in a fond embrace—but the force of that hug is tremendous! Trainers must teach these Pokémon how to restrain their strength when showing affection. |
Mimikyu |
English Name: Mimikyu
Jp. Name: Mimikyu (ミミッキュ)
Type: Ghost/Fairy-type
Classification: Disguise Pokémon
Height: 0.2m
Weight: 0.7kg
Ability: Disguise
Known Moves
This Pokémon was revealed in the August issue of CoroCoro
Mimikyu lives its life completely covered by its cloth and is always hidden. People believe that anybody who sees its true form beneath the cloth will be stricken with a mysterious illness. People in the Alola region are convinced that you must never try to peek beneath its covering. Mimikyu’s health fails when it’s bathed in the rays of the sun, so it prefers to stick to dark places. It’s rumored that the reason it covers itself with a cloth is to avoid sunlight.
The rising popularity of Pikachu-styled merchandise around 20 years ago is the reason that Mimikyu makes itself look like Pikachu. In fact, this Pokémon is dreadfully lonely, and it thought it would be able to make friends with humans if only it looked like Pikachu. |
Wimpod |
English Name: Wimpod
Jp. Name: Kosokumushi (コソクムシ)
Type: Bug/Water-type
Classification: Turn Tail Pokémon
Height: 1'08"
Weight: 26.5lbs
Ability: Wimp Out
Known Moves
Struggle Bug
This Pokémon was revealed in a trailer on July 19th 2016
Wimpod have a cowardly nature and are wary of noises and sudden movements. If you approach them in a group, they’ll immediately run off. When Wimpod feel threatened, they spit out a poisonous liquid. The stench of this toxic fluid signals others that danger is near. Despite their extreme cowardice, their curiosity leads Wimpod to approach people or Pokémon that are standing still.
Wimpod eat and store anything that they find fallen on the ground. They also scavenge any garbage that’s been dropped in the sea, so they’re highly valued as cleaners. They sometimes carry pearls or other valuable items, so humans or Pokémon like Murkrow may target them. |
Bounsweet |
English Name: Bounsweet
Jp. Name: Amakaji (アマカジ)
Type: Grass-type
Classification: Fruit Pokémon
Height: 1'00"
Weight: 7.1 lbs
Ability: Leaf Guard / Oblivious
Known Moves
Magical Leaf Sleep Powder
This Pokémon was revealed in a trailer on July 19th 2016
Because it exudes a delicious smell from its entire body, Bounsweet is popular with Pokémon and people of the Alola region. Bounsweet’s scent has a calming effect on humans, so many people let them live inside their homes as a sort of air freshener. Unfortunately, it’s sometimes swallowed whole by Pokémon drawn to its aroma.
When running away from other Pokémon, Bounsweet flees danger by skipping along the ground. Since its bouncy movements don’t convey to others that it’s actually in desperate flight, no one ever comes to its aid. |
Steenee |
English Name: Steenee
Jp. Name: Amamaiko (アママイコ)
Type: Grass-type
Classification: Fruit Pokémon
Height: 2'04"
Weight: 18.1 lbs
Ability: Leaf Guard / Oblivious
Known Moves
Magical Leaf Sleep Powder
This Pokémon was revealed in a trailer on October 14th 2016
The calyx on Steenee's head is harder than Bounsweet’s, so Steenee no longer worries about being stabbed by other Pokémon. As Bounsweet, this Pokémon may have preferred to run away from others, but now Steenee and other Pokémon can play together.
Upon evolving, this Pokémon’s fragrance becomes even more delectable, but it also gains a tomboy-like personality. Living together with one is quite the ordeal. As it moves around, it spins its calyx, striking nearby objects, but Steenee couldn’t care less.
Steenee unleashes combo moves using the calyx on its head and its hard legs. First it smacks opponents with the calyx on its head, and when the opponent flinches, it lands a whacking great kick. That usually does the trick! |
Tsareena |
English Name: Tsareena
Jp. Name: Amaajo (アマージョ)
Type: Grass-type
Classification: Fruit Pokémon
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 47.2 lbs
Ability: Leaf Guard / Queenly Majesty
Known Moves
Magical Leaf Sleep Powder Trop Kick
This Pokémon was revealed in a trailer on October 14th 2016
Tsareena has the nature of high-class nobility. Any Pokémon or human that approaches it with evil in mind will be punished forthwith. It even turns its fearsome glare upon its own Trainer if the two of them are not fully in sync, or if its Trainer orders it to use a move that will be ineffective. Only the strongest of Steenee are able to evolve. When this happens, the Steenee evolves with the blessing of other Steenee. It then uses its strength to protect the Bounsweet.
Tsareena is a high-kicking virtuoso. It has honed these skills beyond the level it achieved as a Steenee, and it attacks with graceful movements. At the same time, its fragrance mesmerizes its opponents, dealing them a secondary attack. |
Comfey |
English Name: Comfey
Jp. Name: Cuwawa (キュワワー)
Type: Fairy-type
Classification: Posy Picker Pokémon
Height: 0'04"
Weight: 0.7lbs
Ability: Flower Veil / Triage
Known Moves
This Pokémon was revealed in a trailer on July 19th 2016
Comfey picks flowers and always carries them around. It makes a ring of blossoms and spreads oil from its body on it, which changes the flowers so they emit a soothing fragrance. It has a habit of giving these flower rings to those it’s fond of. The aroma can soothe both itself and its allies. Comfey also helps with the treatment of people and Pokémon at Pokémon Centers and hospitals, thanks to its aroma.
When attacked by other Pokémon, it throws its flowers at them to create an opening, and then it either flees or strikes back. |
Mudbray |
English Name: Mudbray
Jp. Name: Dorobanko (ドロバンコ)
Type: Ground-type
Classification: Donkey Pokémon
Height: 3'03"
Weight: 242.5 lbs
Ability: Own Tempo / Stamina
Known Moves
Magnitude Mud-Slap
This Pokémon was revealed in a trailer on August 1st 2016
Mudbray could once be found all over the world, but it was overhunted and ended up on the verge of extinction. It’s said that the Alola region is the only place in the world where Mudbray can still be found in the wild.
Mudbray boasts superhuman strength—a surprise, considering its small body. Mudbray can carry loads up to 50 times its own weight on its back or dragging behind it.
Mudbray loves playing in the mud. It’s easy to live in harmony with this Pokémon, as long as you provide an environment where it can play in the mud. If it can’t frolic in the mire, however, Mudbray will become stressed and may stop listening to orders. |
Mudsdale |
English Name: Mudsdale
Jp. Name: Banbadoro (バンバドロ)
Type: Ground-type
Classification: Draft Horse Pokémon
Height: 8'02"
Weight: 2028.3 lbs
Ability: Own Tempo / Stamina
Known Moves
Magnitude Mud-Slap Highhorse Power
This Pokémon was revealed in a trailer on July 19th 2016
Mudsdale is known for its powerful body as well as its emotional fortitude, which keeps it from being agitated by anything. It never cries out, no matter what kind of trouble it’s in, and it defeats its opponents with a single powerful blow. Its legs are coated in protective mud, and the weight of this coating increases the force of its kicks. One kick, and a car is a pile of scrap!
Mudsdale’s running speed is not too swift, but it has excellent power and stamina. It can carry on for three days and three nights despite dragging loads of over 10 tons!
When Mudsdale gallops in earnest, the power of each hoof-clop can dig out huge holes, even in asphalt. Mudsdale is forbidden to run on some of Alola’s public roads. |
Minior |
English Name: Minior
Jp. Name: Meteno (メテノ)
Type: Rock/Flying-type
Classification: Meteor Pokémon
Height: 3'03"
Weight: 242.5 lbs
Ability: Shields Down
Known Moves
Ancient Power Power Gem Double-Edge
This Pokémon was revealed in a trailer on August 1st 2016
Minior are formed in the stratosphere and live by absorbing the detritus around them. When they’ve consumed a large quantity of particles, their bodies become heavy, and they fall toward the planet’s surface. Minior has a hard and heavy outer shell with a core inside it. The Meteor Pokémon seems to be made in such a way that if its shell breaks, it becomes lighter and can deal out quick attacks.
When its shell breaks, the core in its center is revealed. You won’t know what color will appear until this happens!
Minior’s core will change color depending on the particular color of the debris it has absorbed. Its pastel coloration has a cute look, so this Pokémon is often used as a design motif for clothing and accessories.
Fomantis |
English Name: Fomantis
Jp. Name: Karikiri (カリキリ)
Type: Grass-type
Classification: Sickle Grass Pokémon
Height: 1'00"
Weight: 3.3 lbs
Ability: Leaf Guard
Known Moves
Razor Leaf Solar Beam
This Pokémon was revealed in a trailer on August 1st 2016
Fomantis is nocturnal, and it performs photosynthesis while it sleeps during the day by spreading out its leaves in all directions. Because of the danger of staying in the same location two days in a row, Fomantis begins its search for the next day’s spot as soon as the sun sets.
For Fomantis, photosynthesis is not just a source of energy—it is a necessity to achieve the strength and brilliant coloration of its evolved form. Photosynthesis is precious to Fomantis, and it will fiercely attack those who get in the way of that process.
Fomantis excel at long-range attacks like Razor Leaf and Solar Beam. Solar Beam is indeed a powerful move, but since it uses up the energy that the Pokémon has stored through photosynthesis, Fomantis rarely uses it.
Lurantis |
English Name: Lurantis
Jp. Name: Lalantis (ラランテス)
Type: Grass-type
Classification: Bloom Sickle Pokémon
Height: 2'11"
Weight: 40.8 lbs
Ability: Leaf Guard
Known Moves
Razor Leaf Solar Beam Solar Blade
This Pokémon was revealed in a trailer on August 1st 2016
Lurantis draws opponents near to itself with its flowerlike appearance and aroma—and then it takes them down. It’s said to be the most gorgeous of all Grass-type Pokémon, due to its brilliant coloration and elegant moves. Lurantis’s appearance is maintained through detailed grooming. It will trust a Trainer who does a good job of caring for it, but it will apparently have a difficult time growing closer to a lazy Trainer.
Lurantis is the Totem Pokémon of Lush Jungle, the site of an Akala Island trial. It will overwhelm trial-goers with the powerful combos it unleashes with the Pokémon allies it calls.
Oricorio |
English Name: Oricorio
Jp. Name: Odoridori (オドリドリ)
Type: Fire/Flying-type, Electric/Flying-type, Ghost/Flying-type/Psychic/Flying-type
Classification: Dancing Pokémon
Height: 2'00"
Weight: 7.5 lbs
Ability: Dancer
Known Moves
Revelation Dance
This Pokémon was revealed in a trailer on August 1st 2016
Oricorio changes its form by sipping the nectar of certain flowers. Since it has four different forms—the same as the number of islands in Alola—it would seem that different Oricorio live on each of the islands.
The Baile Style Oricorio is very passionate, and power fills its body when it dances. It sends downy fluff flying during its intense dances. By igniting this fluff, it can unleash a fiery dance attack.
The Pom-Pom Style Oricorio is very friendly toward people, and it uses dancing to encourage Trainers who are feeling glum. When it dances, its feathers are charged with static electricity. It can attack with these charged feathers, and sometimes it unleashes a powerful electric shock.
The Pa’u Style Oricorio acts at its own pace, which sometimes makes it difficult to deal with. It sharpens its spirited moves through dance, which increases its psychic power. It’s said that this dance expresses its gratitude to the guardian deity Pokémon.
The Sensu Style Oricorio is quiet and collected. By means of its dance, it gathers the spirits drifting about in an area and borrows their power to fight. People who migrated from Kanto feel a great liking for this Pokémon because its dance reminds them of their homeland.
Baile Style |
Pom-Pom Style |
Fire/Flying-type |
Electric/Flying-type |
Pa'u Style |
Sensu Style |
Psychic/Flying-type |
Ghost/Flying-type |
Sandygast |
English Name: Sandygast
Jp. Name: Sunabaa (スナバァ)
Type: Ghost/Ground-type
Classification: Sand Mound Pokémon
Height: 0.5m
Weight: 70kg
Ability: Water Compaction
Known Moves
Sand Tomb Mega Drain
This Pokémon was revealed in the September 2016 issue of CoroCoro
A Sandygast emerges when the grudges of Pokémon and other creatures soak into the sand after they fall in battle. In essence, it’s a possessed lump of sand!
If you heedlessly grab a Sandygast’s shovel, you’ll fall under the Pokémon’s control. A Sandygast uses its power to manipulate children into gathering sand to increase the size of its body. If a Sandygast loses its shovel, it may put up a tree branch, a flag, or another item in its place. These Sandygast are wanderers in search of their own shovels.
The tunnel-like mouth of a Sandygast can suck the vitality from people and Pokémon. Apparently it’s a test of courage in the Alola region to put your hand in a Sandygast’s mouth. |
Palossand |
English Name: Palossand
Jp. Name: Shirodesuna (シロデスナ)
Type: Ghost/Ground-type
Classification: Sand Castle Pokémon
Height: 1.3m
Weight: 250kg
Ability: Water Compaction
Known Moves
Sand Tomb Mega Drain Shadow Ball Earth Power
This Pokémon was revealed in the September 2016 issue of CoroCoro
Palossand controls human adults, making them build a sand castle that provides camouflage and also raises its defensive abilities. Unlike Sandygast, if Palossand loses some of the sand from its body, it can restore itself on its own. When moving about in search of prey, the shovel on top of Palossand’s head revolves. It’s said that the shovel could be serving as some kind of radar.
Palossand loves the vitality of Pokémon and drags small Pokémon into its body so it can steal their life force. Its sandy vortex swallows them up in a heartbeat! Pokémon dragged into Palossand leave traces of their ill will behind. It’s thought that this negative energy may be the starting point of new Sandygast...
Wishiwashi |
English Name: Wishiwashi
Jp. Name: Yowashi (ヨワシ)
Type: Water-type
Classification: Little Fish Pokémon
Height: 0.2m
Weight: 0.3kg
Ability: Schooling
Known Moves
Double-Edge Aqua Tail Hydro Pump Surf
This Pokémon was revealed in the September 2016 issue of CoroCoro. It has the ability to change its form from a Single Form of a solitary fish to the School Form of a large fish made up of lots of little fish
A single Wishiwashi is tiny and weak. Measuring just eight inches from nose to tail, Wishiwashi is very small—even for a Pokémon. Yet the people of the Alola region seem to view it as a terrifying Pokémon...
When it’s in danger, Wishiwashi’s glistening eyes catch the light and shine out, sending an SOS signal to its allies!
Wishiwashi that have encountered many dangerous situations and have a lot of experience calling on their allies will be able to emit a bright light from their eyes. They can gather allies and transform into an even more powerful Pokémon! Even Gyarados flee from Wishiwashi’s School Form!

Pyukumuku |
English Name: Pyukumuku
Jp. Name: Namakobushi (ナマコブシ)
Type: Water-type
Classification: Sea Cucumber Pokémon
Height: 1'00"
Weight: 2.6 lbs
Ability: Innards Out
Known Moves
Pain Split
This Pokémon was revealed in the September 2016 issue of CoroCoro.
Due to their appearance and their lifestyle, Pyukumuku are considered unappealing to tourists. Part-time work chucking Pyukumuku back into the sea is available at tourist beaches. But no matter how far they’re thrown, Pyukumuku will always return to the same spot.
Once a Pyukumuku finds a place it likes, it won’t budge from it. If someone moves it away, back it comes to the same spot. If it runs out of food to eat in that spot, it’ll stay there—and starve. The people of Alola found this so pitiful that they developed a tradition of chucking Pyukumuku back into the food-rich sea whenever they come across any thin-bellied Pyukumuku.
Pyukumuku are covered with a slippery, viscous fluid that has a moisturizing effect. Pyukumuku can stay on land for a week without drying out. The people of Alola use this fluid for skincare products.
Pyukumuku hate to have their spikes and mouths touched, and if you step on one, it will hurl out its fist-like inner organs to strike at you.
Morelull |
English Name: Morelull
Jp. Name: Nemeshu (ネマシュ)
Type: Grass/Fairy-type
Classification: Illuminating Pokémon
Height: 0'08"
Weight: 3.3 lbs
Ability: Illuminate or Effect Spore
Known Moves
Spore Sleep Powder
This Pokémon was revealed in the August 12th trailer for Pokémon Sun & Moon.
Morelull are nocturnal Pokémon that walk around at night on their leg-like roots. They move because staying in one spot and sucking all the nutrients from the soil would cause surrounding plants to wither. Morelull uses its leg-like roots to make contact with its fellows and communicate with them.
Morelull broadcast spores that glow brightly when they burst open. Looking at their pulsing light has a soporific effect. It seems that in times of danger, Morelull broadcast these spores.
Turtonator |
English Name: Turtonator
Jp. Name: Bakugamesu (バクガメス)
Type: Fire/Dragon-type
Classification: Blast Turtle Pokémon
Height: 6'07"
Weight: 467.4 lbs
Ability: Shell Armor
Known Moves
Shell Trap Dragon Breath Explosion
This Pokémon was revealed at Gamescom.
Because Turtonator lives on volcanoes, feeding on sulfur and other materials found near volcanic craters, its shell has a layer of explosive material—mostly sulfur. When something strikes this Pokémon, sparks fly from the horns on its shell, igniting an explosion!
In areas around volcanic craters, this Pokémon camouflages itself as a rock and waits for prey. At the moment when its prey steps onto the back of its shell, Turtonator strikes its shell with its own tail, triggering an explosion!
The explosive blasts triggered from Turtonator’s back are released through an orifice located on the middle front of the Pokémon’s body. This is Turtonator’s weak point. Attacks landing on its stomach will cause it a great deal of damage.
Crabrawler |
English Name: Crabrawler
Jp. Name: Makenkai
Type: Fighting-type
Classification: Boxing Pokémon
Height: 2'00"
Weight: 15.4 lbs
Ability: Hyper Cutter or Iron Fist
Known Moves
Close Combat Crabhammer Stone Edge Dizzy Punch Power-Up Punch
This Pokémon was revealed at the 2016 World Championships.
Crabrawler has a personality that really hates to lose, and it’s driven not only to aim for a higher position than its fellows in terms of social standing, but literally to aim for a higher position in the landscape. Perhaps as a result, it’s sometimes found clinging to tall people or to the walls of buildings! If you try to remove one against its will, you’ll be met with a sound punch.
Crabrawler’s favorite food is Berries. It punches the trunks of trees to give the branches a good shake and knock any ripe Berries to the ground so it can feast! Many Crabrawler may gather around a tree, but only the one that emerges victorious in battle against all the others receives the privilege of eating the ripe Berries.
Crabrawler uses its claws to protect its face and belly while getting in close to an opponent to throw punches. Its punches are powerful enough to split tree trunks! Crabrawler’s pincers are sometimes torn off during its bouts—and they are said to be delicious.
Jangmo-o |
English Name: Jangmo-o
Jp. Name: Jarako (ジャラコ)
Type: Dragon-type
Classification: Scaly Pokémon
Height: 2'00"
Weight: 65.5lbs
Ability: Bullet Proof or Sound Proof
Known Moves
Headbutt Dragon Tail
This Pokémon was revealed in the news release on September 6th
Jangmo-o has the pride of a warrior, although it remains humble about its capabilities. In its pursuit to become stronger, it never neglects its training.
Because Jangmo-o uses the scales on its head for both offense and defense, it never turns its back to its enemies. Many Trainers see this behavior and take it as proof that Jangmo-o is a valiant Pokémon.
Jangmo-o gather in harsh locales like canyons, where no other people or Pokémon are around, to live together as they train.
Hakamo-o |
English Name: Hakamo-o
Jp. Name: Jarango (ジャランゴ)
Type: Dragon/Fighting-type
Classification: Scale Pokémon
Height: 3’11”
Weight: 103.6 lbs.
Ability: Bullet Proof or Sound Proof
Known Moves
Headbutt Dragon Tail Sky Uppercut Autotomize
This Pokémon was revealed in the CoroCoro November 2016 magazine. It evolves from Jangmo-o
When a Jangmo-o evolves into Hakamo-o, it breaks from its fellows and begins to live on its own to train itself. Wherever it can find Pokémon to battle against, it seems to appear.
Hakamo-o dances before battle to show its strength, clanging its scales together to make them ring out. When this dance reaches its climax, Hakamo-o bellows a fierce war cry to challenge its opponent.
Its scales make for fine armor, so Hakamo-o doesn’t worry about self-defense as it makes multitudes of strikes and overwhelms its opponents. But, as a result, its scales often become damaged and get torn off. They grow back immediately, so this does not cause Hakamo-o undue concern. In fact, it views the number of lost scales as proof of how ferociously it has fought, and it brandishes its bared arms in a boast of victory.
Kommo-o |
English Name: Kommo-o
Jp. Name: Jararanga (ジャラランガ)
Type: Dragon/Fighting-type
Classification: Scaly Pokémon
Height: 5'03"
Weight: 172.4lbs
Ability: Bullet Proof or Sound Proof
Known Moves
Headbutt Dragon Tail Sky Uppercut Clanging Scales
This Pokémon was revealed in the CoroCoro November 2016 magazine. It evolves from Jarango
At the end of its harsh training, Hakamo-o evolves into this overwhelmingly powerful form. It returns to the land of its birth, where it watches over the Jangmo-o from a distance.
There is a legend that says Kommo-o is covered in glittering scales in order to drive away a great darkness covering the world. The reason these Pokémon seek out battle is to gain the power needed to defeat this darkness. When it detects someone approaching, this Pokémon rings the scales on its tail to announce its presence. It has no desire to battle against weak Pokémon.
Kommo-o’s greatest move is the uppercut. It swings its arm up from below in a punch of great skill and force, sending its foe flying into the sky. By raising its arms aloft, it can generate a force powerful enough to change the face of the surrounding landscape!
Type: Null |
English Name: Type: Null
Jp. Name: Type: Null (タイプ:ヌル)
Type: Normal-type
Classification: Synthetic Pokémon
Height: 6'03"
Weight: 265.7 lbs
Ability: Battle Armor
Known Moves
Tri Attack Crush Claw
This Pokémon was revealed in the news release on September 6th
This Pokémon wearing a mask has been dubbed “Null,” meaning nothing.
The shapes of its front and hind legs are clearly different. The reason is that Type: Null was constructed to synthesize the strengths of various Pokémon, enabling it to adapt to any situation.
The mask fitted to Type: Null’s head is a piece of equipment designed to control its latent powers. It’s extremely heavy, so it also serves to hinder Type: Null’s agility.
To complete a certain mission, there was need of a Pokémon powerful enough to rival those Pokémon often spoken of in mythology.
Silvally |
English Name: Silvally
Jp. Name: Silvadi (シルヴァディ)
Type: Normal-type
Classification: Synthetic Pokémon
Height: 7'07"
Weight: 221.6lbs
Ability: RKS System
Known Moves
Tri Attack Crush Claw Multi-Attack
This Pokémon was revealed in the CoroCoro November 2016 magazine. It evolves from Type: Null
When Type: Null gains a partner it can trust, it deliberately destroys the restraining device it wears. Once released from that heavy mask, the Pokémon’s speed increases substantially. Freed of the restraining effects of its mask, Silvally’s senses are heightened, and it reverts to its natural temperament. It has a wild nature, but it will obey a Trainer that it trusts. And to protect that Trainer from danger, it will put its own life on the line. Silvally is said to have been created to oppose a threat...
By inserting exclusive items into the drive on Silvally’s head, its RKS System can be activated, causing Silvally’s somatic cells to mutate and glow. The RKS System enables it to change its type, and its cells glow with different colors of light, depending on its type.
Passimian |
English Name: Passimian
Jp. Name: Nagetsukesaru (ナゲツケサル)
Type: Fighting-type
Classification: Teamwork Pokémon
Height: 6'07"
Weight: 182.5 lbs
Ability: Receiver
Known Moves
This Pokémon was revealed in the news release on September 20th. It is exclusive to Pokémon Sun
Passimian live in troops of 20 to 30 individuals, all following a leader. This leader will take 10 of the individuals in the best condition to search for food. The troop’s teamwork is strong, and the boss of each troop decides what mark members will wear on their arms to distinguish the troops.
The boss puts the troop members through training to improve their coordination with one another and their skill in handling Berries. Apparently this training is so hard that some Passimian end up running away.
Lobbing Berries at foes is how Passimian attack. They sometimes work in coordination with others, passing Berries back and forth to bewilder their opponents. Passimian don’t just pitch hard Berries at opponents, either—they also have a technique that uses soft Berries to obscure their opponent’s ability to see.
Passimian wants its Trainer to have the qualities of a leader as well. It watches a Trainer’s form closely when he or she throws Poké Balls, and will not listen to the orders of a Trainer with poor form.
Oranguru |
English Name: Oranguru
Jp. Name: Yareyuutan (ヤレユータン)
Type: Normal/Psychic-type
Classification: Sage Pokémon
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 167.7 lbs
Ability: Inner Focus or Telepathy
Known Moves
This Pokémon was revealed in the news release on September 20th. It is exclusive to Pokémon Moon
Oranguru live solitary lives deep in the forests and do not usually take much action. Instead, they position themselves high up in the trees to meditate. Long ago, people thought that Oranguru were humans who dwelled in the forest depths, so they called them "the people of the forests." Oranguru is kind to the other Pokémon living in the forest, providing medicine for injured Pokémon and food for the hungry.
Oranguru sometimes act on their own initiative and will use items that only humans normally use. From a Trainer's perspective, they can be hard Pokémon to handle at times. Allegedly, there have been sightings of Oranguru using Poké Balls!
The fan-like objects held by Oranguru are handmade by the Oranguru themselves. These fans appear to be made of layers of leaves bound together with Oranguru's own fur.
Cosmog |
English Name: Cosmog
Jp. Name: Cosmog (コスモッグ)
Type: Psychic-type
Classification: Nebula Pokémon
Height: 0'08"
Weight: 0.2 lbs
Ability: Unaware
This Pokémon was revealed in the news release on October 27th
This extremely rare Pokémon is known to only a select few in Alola. At one time, it was known only by the kings of Alola and their heirs, and it was called “the child of the stars.” The Aether Foundation is researching this unusual Pokémon, and one of the professors at the foundation recently dubbed it Cosmog.
Cosmog is very curious and shows no fear of people or Pokémon. If you treat it with any consideration at all, it will take an immediate liking to you. This personality trait often leads it into danger.
Its gaseous body is so lightweight that it’s sent flying when the wind blows. When light falls on this Pokémon, Cosmog absorbs it and grows.
?? |
English Name: ??
Jp. Name: ??
Type: ??-type
Classification: ?? Pokémon
Height: ??
Weight: ??
Ability: ??
This Pokémon was revealed on the side of Booster Boxes for the Collection Sun Pokémon Trading Card Game set
?? |
English Name: ??
Jp. Name: ??
Type: ??-type
Classification: ?? Pokémon
Height: ??
Weight: ??
Ability: ??
This Pokémon was revealed as a mystery in the final Pokémon Sun & Moon News Release
A brand new feature of the Pokémon Sun & Moon is the special Alola Forms of Pokémon. These are alterations of existing Pokémon who have changed to adapt to the different microclimates in the Alola Region
Ultra Beasts are a new concept introduced in Pokémon Sun & Moon. The true nature of Ultra Beasts are not yet known but they possess powers that could pose a threat to humans and Pokémon