As a concept introduced within the Pokémon Global Link in Pokémon Black & White, X & Y continues the a new method of getting events, the serial code. Here, you get given a unique serial code within certain events or releases. When you enter the Serial Code, you're connected to the Internet to download the event. The serial code will then no longer work.
Quick Ball |
Release Dates:
Japan: October 12th 2013
England: October 12th 2013
12 Quick Balls
In Japan, you could receive the Serial Code for the 12 Quick Balls for purchasing the game at the Pokémon Centers across Japan
In the United Kingdom, you can receive the Serial Code for the Quick Balls by purchasing a marked copy of Pokémon X & Y from the Tesco supermarket.
CoroCoro Garchomp |
Release Dates:
Japan: November 15th 2013 - August 29th 2014
In Japan, within the CoroCoro issue released on November 15th 2013, there is a special unique Serial Code that, once entered, gives a download of a special Garchomp. This download will only be accessible until the end of August 2014
ガブリアス ♂ |  |
Level 48 |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving Pokémon Event. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 48 | |
Walmart Garchomp & Scizor |
Release Dates:
North America: November 27th 2013 - June 30th 2014
Garchomp (X), Scizor (Y)
In North America, various Wal-Mart stores are including a special serial code for Garchomp in new Pokémon X copies and Scizor in new Pokémon Y copies.
Garchomp ♂ |  |
Level 50 |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
Scizor ♂ |  |
Level 50 |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
Lucky Egg |
Release Dates:
Japan: December 21st 2013 - December 26th
1 Lucky Egg
In Japan, you could receive the Serial Code for the Lucky Egg at the Pokémon Centers across Japan, as well as Toys 'R' Us stores, if you brought a copy of Pokémon Black, White, Black 2 or White 2 to the event as well as Pokémon X or Y
CoroCoro/GAME Charizard |
Release Dates:
Japan: March 15th 2014 - August 29th 2014
UK: July 11th 2014 - August 10th 204
Charizard with Charizardite Y (X), Charizard with Charizardite X (Y)
In Japan, the magazine CoroCoro's April issue contains a special serial code which gives played a Charizard. The Charizard comes holding the Mega Stone for Charizard that is unavailable in the game, so Pokémon X players get Charizardite Y and Pokémon Y players get Charizardite X. This distribution also ran in the UK at GAME stores where you could either download in store, or get the Serial Code
Charizard ♂ |  |
Level 36 |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 36 | |
Charizard ♂ |  |
Level 36 |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 36 | |
GAME Electabuzz & Magmar |
Release Dates:
United Kingdom: April 4th 2014 - ??
France, Germany, Italy: April 14th 2014 - ??
Netherlands: April 14th 2014 - April 30th 2014
Spain, Portugal: April 14th 2014 - June 1st 2014
Australia: April 11th 2014 - May 11th 2014
Magmar (X), Electabuzz (Y)
In Europe & Australia, to celebrate a new promotion to push Pokémon, various game specialist stores were offering free download codes for Magmar for Pokémon X players and Electabuzz for Pokémon Y players. These Pokémon come holding their evolution item.
Electabuzz ♂ |  |
Level 30 |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving Lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 30 | |
Magmar ♂ |  |
Level 30 |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving Lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 30 | |

Movie Darkrai |
Release Dates:
Japan: April 18th 2014 - September 30th 2014
United Kingdom: February 13th 2015 - May 5th 2015
In Japan, when you prebook the ticket to the movie, Cocoon of Destruction & Diancie, you will be eligible for a download of the Pokémon, Darkrai. Unlike previous pre-booking distributions, this one is distributed via a serial code found on the ticket. It has the special move of Phantom Force..
ダークライ |  |
Level 50 |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving Pokémon Movie 14. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
Master Ball |
Release Dates:
Japan: July 19th 2014 - September 30th 2014
Master Ball
In Japan, when you have the special download only title, The Band of Thieves & 1000 Pokémon and take it to see the movie, Diancie & The Cocoon of Destruction, you will have the ability to download a mission for that game. If you complete the mission, you will get access to a Master Ball. The game will give you the serial code for it which can be retrieved in X & Y. You will receive one Master Ball .
PokéBall Pattern Vivillon |
Release Dates:
Germany: August 14th to August 17th 2014
In Cologne in Germany, in the Gamescom game convention, you have the ability to go to receive a special Serial Code. This Serial Code gets you the special PokéBall Pattern of the Pokémon Vivillon.
Heracronite & Pinsirite |
Release Dates:
North America: August 18th to August 31st2014
Heracronite (X)
Pinsirite (Y)
In North America, for a short time, you can go to Gamestop stores in the USA, or through the Pokémon Trainer Club newsletter in Canada & Latin America, and receive the special gift of a Heracronite if you're playing Pokémon X or a Pinsirite if you're playing Pokémon Y. This goes in tandem with the gift being distributed over the Nintendo Network at the same time, which gives a Heracross for X and a Pinsir for Y.

Shiny Mega Gengar Event |
Release Dates:
North America: October 12th 2014 - October 26th 2014
Europe: October 15th 2014 - November 5th 2014
Shiny Gengar
In North America, for a short time, you can go to Gamestop stores in the USA, or GAME in the UK and receive a special Shiny Gengar which holds the Mega Stone, Gengarite
Gengar ♂ |  |
Level 25 |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving Pokémon Event. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 25 | |
Diancie Event |
Release Dates:
North America: October 27th 2014 - November 16th 2014
Europe: November 6th 2014 - November 28th 2014
In North America, for a short time, you can go to Gamestop stores in the USA, or GAME in the UK and receive a special Pokémon, Diancie, which cannot be obtained during normal gameplay
Diancie |  |
Level 50 |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving Pokémon Movie 14. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
Serena's Fennekin Event |
Release Dates:
Japan: February 26th 2015 - March 31st 2015
Following on from the change in Serena's appearance and the at the time upcoming evolution of Fennekin in the anime, a distribution of the Fennekin has been released on all games using a shared Serial Code revealed with the episode on February 26th 2015
フォッコ ♀ |  |
Level 15 |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 15 | |
Movie Arceus Event |
Release Dates:
Japan: March 7th 2015 - August 31st 2015
To tie in with the movie, The Archdjinni of the Rings - Hoopa, an Arceus is distributed to those who prebook the tickets. All players who pre-book tickets will get a serial code for use in Pokémon X, Y, Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire and this code downloads on of 18 different Arceus. The Arceus comes holding either the Silk Scarf or any of the 17 type plates at random, chosen when you download the Pokémon
アルセウス |  |
Level 100 |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving Pokémon Movie 15. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |
7-11 Movie Events |
Release Dates:
Japan: July 18th 2015 - July 31st 2015 & August 1st 2015 - August 16th 2015 August 17th 2015 - September 15th 2015
Pikachu, Pancham, Lugia, Latios
To coincide with the release of the movie, Hoopa & The Clash of Ages, 7-11 stores in Japan gave access to special serial codes for Pikachu and Pancham, based on Ash's Pikachu and Serena's Pancham respectively in July, and Latios & Lugia in August. These were then later given at Pokémon Centers in Japan.
ピカチュウ ♂ |  |
Level 50 |
| |
Naughty Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
ヤンチャム ♂ |  |
Level 30 |
| |
Adamant Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 30 | |
ラティオス ♂ |  |
Level ? |
OT: | ?? |
ID: | 00711 |
Ability: | Levitate |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. ? | |
ルギア |  |
Level ? |
OT: | ?? |
ID: | 00711 |
Ability: | Pressure |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. ? | |
Hoopa Distribution |
Release Dates:
Singapore: August 21st 2015 - November 30th 2015
Europe: October 16th 2015 - November 5th 2015
You can get Hoopa when you visit GAME stores in the UK from October 23rd to November 5th, Gamestop stores in Germany from October 16th 2015 to November 7th 2015. In addition to that, Maxsoft ran two Serial Code distributions for Taiwan and Singapore to receive Hoopa
Hoopa |  |
Level 50 ⬟ |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
Pokémon XY & Z - Legendary Distributions |
Release Dates:
Japan: October 29th 2015 - January 12th 2016
Shiny Xerneas, Shiny Yveltal, Zygarde
To coincide with the release of the new series of the anime, Pokémon XY & Z, a promotion runs in order to provide the three legendary Pokémon of Kalos. However, the unique feature of two of these are that they are distributed as Shiny Pokémon, which has been impossible up to now. The Pokémon are obtained via Serial Codes which are distributed during the Pokémon XY & Z episodes set to air on October 29th, November 5th and November 12th respectively
ゼルネアス |  |
Level 100 ♠ ⬟ |
OT: | XY&Z |
ID: | 10295 |
Ability: | Fairy Aura |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving ??. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |
イベルタル |  |
Level 100 ♠ ⬟ |
OT: | XY&Z |
ID: | 11055 |
Ability: | Dark Aura |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving ??. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |
ジガルデ |  |
Level 100 ⬟ |
OT: | XY&Z |
ID: | 11125 |
Ability: | Aura Break |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving ??. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |

BREAKThrough Zoroark Event |
Release Dates:
UK: November 6th 2015 - November 26th 2015
In the United Kingdom, to celebrate the release of the BREAKThrough TCG set, a Zoroark was made available in GAME via Serial Code
Zoroark ♂/♀ |  |
Level 50 ⬟ |
OT: | Sly |
ID: | 11065 |
Ability: | Illusion |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
20th Anniversary - Mew |
Release Dates:
US: February 1st 2016 - February 24th 2016 (Expires May 31st)
To celebrate the 20th anniversary, in February if you go to Gamestop during the time period, you can get a Serial Code to receive a Mew to your games
Mew |  |
Level 100 ⬟ |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |
20th Anniversary - Darkrai |
Release Dates:
US: May 1st 2016 - May 24th 2016
To celebrate the 20th anniversary, in May if you go to Gamestop during the time period, you can get a Serial Code to receive a Darkrai to your games
Darkrai |  |
Level 100 ⬟ |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |
20th Anniversary - Arceus |
Release Dates:
US: August 1st 2016 - August 24th 2016
To celebrate the 20th anniversary, in August if you go to Gamestop during the time period, you can get a Serial Code to receive a Arceus to your games
Arceus |  |
Level 100 ⬟ |
OT: | GF |
ID: | 08016 |
Ability: | Multitype |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |
20th Anniversary - Genesect |
Release Dates:
US: November 1st 2016 - November 24th 2016
To celebrate the 20th anniversary, in November if you go to Gamestop during the time period, you can get a Serial Code to receive a Genesect to your games
Genesect |  |
Level 100 ⬟ |
OT: | GF |
ID: | 11016 |
Ability: | Download |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |