Battle Chateau

Location: Route 7

As you travel along Route 7, you will find a lone building. This building is the Battle Chateau and, when you enter it, you will meet up with Viola who explains it. This building is filled with trainers that change every few hours. Your task here is to battle the various trainers each day.

As you progress, your own personal rank will increase. You start off as a Baron/Baroness, then a Viscount/Viscountess, then Earl/Countess, then Marquis/Marchioness, Duke/Duchess and then finally Grand Duke/Duchess. As you rank up, the Chateau will draw more and more trainers who wish to battle you in each visit. On the odd occassion, a new trainer will enter the building as you're battling through.

Rank Name Unlock Requirement Max Amount of Trainers Base Opponent Level
Baron Baronness Beginning 6 15
Viscount Viscountess Defeat 5 Trainers 7 20
Earl Countess Defeat 20 Trainers 8 25
Marquis Marchioness Defeat 40 Trainers 9 35
40-50 for Gym Leaders
Duke Duchess Defeat 140 Trainers 10 45
55 for Elite Four
Grand Duke Grand Duchess Defeat all trainers in the Chateau 10 60 for Diantha

On the odd occasion when you're at the top level, you may find gym leaders such as Korrina here to battle. These appear once you reach the rank of Marquis/Marchioness. Once you become a Duke/Duchess, the Elite Four start to appear.

Sometimes, after the end of battle, you will receive an item from the trainer you have battled. The item you receive is dependant upon the rank of the trainer rather than your own. The items are as follows

Picture Item Name Opponent
Pearl Baron / Baronness
Stardust Viscount / Viscountess
Big Pearl Earl / Countess
Star Piece Marquis / Marchioness
Pearl String Gym Leaders
Nugget Duke / Duchess
Big Nugget Elite Four
Comet Shard Diantha

One way for you to increase the amount of people in the Chateau, other than to rank up, is to write a writ. Doing this will have a specific change on the battles you have within the Chateau. However, writing a Writ only lasts until midnight of the day it is written, and it costs 50,000 per writ. As you level up, you can send out Silver and Golden writs which have increased effects

The writs are as follows
Writ of Invitation: This writ will send out a request for battles. Many more trainers will come into the Chateau over the course of the day to battle you.
Silver Writ of Invitation: This writ will send out a request for battles. Many more trainers will come into the Chateau over the course of the day to battle you.
Gold Writ of Invitation: This writ will send out a request for battles. Many more trainers will come into the Chateau over the course of the day to battle you and increases the money obtained.
Writ of Challenge: This writ will cause all the trainers you battle in the day to be of an increased level. All their Pokémon are increased in level by 5.
Blue Writ of Challenge: This writ will cause all the trainers you battle in the day to be of a decreased level. All their Pokémon are decreased in level by 5.
Red Writ of Challenge: This writ will cause all the trainers you battle in the day to be of a severely increased level. All their Pokémon are increased in level by 10.
Black Writ of Challenge: This writ will cause all the trainers you battle in the day to be of a severely increased level. All their Pokémon are increased in level by 20.

Gym Leader Matches

As you go through the Chateau, and level up, you will eventually start to encounter Gym Leaders within it. Like the trainers here, they use two Pokémon, but provide a lot of money and experience points when you defeat them

From Rank: Marquis/Marchioness

Pokémon levels are 40 standard, 45 at Writ of Challenge, 50 at Red Writ of Challenge. Replaced with stronger teams when rank of Duke/Duchess is obtained

Marchioness Viola MasquerainVivillon
Battle Type
Single Battle
Level 40Level 40

Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Marquis Grant TyrantrumAurorus
Battle Type
Single Battle
Level 40Level 40

Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Marchioness Korrina HawulchaMachamp
Battle Type
Single Battle
Level 40Level 40

Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Marquis Ramos VictreebelGogoat
Battle Type
Single Battle
Level 40Level 40

Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Marquis Clemont MagnetonHeliolisk
Battle Type
Single Battle
Level 40Level 40

Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Marchioness Valerie MawileSylveon
Battle Type
Single Battle
Level 40Level 40

Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Marchioness Olympia SigilyphMeowstic
Battle Type
Single Battle
Level 40Level 40

Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Marquis Wulfric CryogonalAvalugg
Battle Type
Single Battle
Level 40Level 40

Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item

From Rank: Duke/Duchess

Pokémon levels are 50 standard, 55 at Writ of Challenge, 60 at Red Writ of Challenge and 70 at Black Writ of Challenge

Marchioness Viola MasquerainVivillon
Battle Type
Single Battle
Level 50Level 50

Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Marquis Grant AurorusTyrantrum
Battle Type
Single Battle
Level 50Level 50

Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Marchioness Korrina HawluchaLucario
Battle Type
Single Battle
Level 50Level 50

Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:

Marquis Ramos VictreebelGogoat
Battle Type
Single Battle
Level 50Level 50

Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Marquis Clemont MagnezoneHeliolisk
Battle Type
Single Battle
Level 50Level 50

Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Marchioness Valerie MawileSylveon
Battle Type
Single Battle
Level 50Level 50

Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Marchioness Olympia SlowkingMeowstic
Battle Type
Single Battle
Level 50Level 50

Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Marquis Wulfric AbomasnowAvalugg
Battle Type
Single Battle
Level 50Level 50

Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item

Pokémon levels are 55 standard, 60 at Writ of Challenge, 65 at Red Writ of Challenge and 75 at Black Writ of Challenge

Duke Wiksttrom ScizorProbopassAegislash
Battle Type
Single Battle
Level 55Level 55Level 55

Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Duchess Malva PyroarTalonflameChandelure
Battle Type
Single Battle
Level 55Level 55Level 55

Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Duchess Drasna DragalgeNoivernAltaria
Battle Type
Single Battle
Level 55Level 55Level 55

Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Duke Siebold ClawitzerBarbaracleStarmie
Battle Type
Single Battle
Level 55Level 55Level 55

Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item

From Rank: Grand Duke/Grand Duchess

Pokémon levels are 60 standard, 65 at Writ of Challenge, 70 at Red Writ of Challenge and 80 at Black Writ of Challenge

Grand Duchess Diantha HawluchaGoodraGourgeistGardevoir
Battle Type
Single Battle
Level 60Level 60Level 60Level 60

Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
No Item
Hold Item:
