#0525 Boldore
Gen VII Dex

| Ash | Goh | Special/Other Trainers | Wild |

Ash's Boldore

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
722 Battling the King of the Mines! Underground Gym Battle! VS Clay!! Pics
724 Evolution Exchange Excitement! Trade Evolution! Escavalier & Accelgor!! Pics
725 Explorers of the Hero's Ruin! The Black Hero's Ruins! Sigiliyph and Cofagrigus!! Pics
743 An Epic Defense Force! Movie Showdown! Sortie, Unova Defense Group!! Pics
744 Rocking the Virbank Gym! (Part 1) Fierce Fighting at the Virbank Gym! VS Roxie!! Part 1 Pics
745 Rocking the Virbank Gym! (Part 2) Fierce Fighting at the Virbank Gym! VS Roxie!! Part 2 Pics
M15 Kyurem VS The Sword of Justice Kyurem VS The Sacred Swordsman Keldeo Pics
752 Battling Authority Once Again! Power Battle! Iris VS Dawn! Pics
764 Curtain Up, Unova League The Unova League Higaki Tournament Begins! Pics
768 Cameron's Secret Weapon! Ash VS Cameron! The Hydreigon Secret Weapon!! Pics
771 The Name's N! Friend...His name is N! Pics
777 Flames of a Red-Hot Reunion! Burn, Charizard! VS Dragonite! Pics
803 Dream Continues! My Dream: Pokémon Master! Pics
1203 Friends, Rivals, Lend Me Your Spirit! Fire Training Battle! Ash VS Paul!! Pics
1207 Battling as Hard as Stone! Ash Heads Into Battle! VS Steven!! Pics
1212 Bewitch, Battle, and Bewilder! The Semifinals II: Dazzle Pics
1213 Valor: A Strategic Part of Battling! The Semifinals III: Valor Pics
1214 Whittle While You Work! The Semifinals IV: Impact Pics
1221 Partners in Time! The Finals IV: Partner Pics
1224 Heroes Unite! Pokémon! I Am Glad I Got To Meet You Pics
1236 The Rainbow and the Pokémon Master The Rainbow and the Pokémon Master! Pics

Goh's Boldore

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
1139 A Pinch of This, a Pinch of That! Galar Fossils! Stick 'em Together!! Pics
1143 Sobble Spies a Stealthy Strategy! Sobble In Possible Pics
1148 When a House is Not a Home! The Lost Grookey! Who is its Trainer!? Pics
1151 Not Too Close for Comfort! Woebegone Drizzile! Pics
1159 Take My Thief! Please! Please Get Morpeko!! Pics
1165 All Out, All of the Time! Fully Powered! The Alola Desert Island Race!! Pics
1183 Suffering the Flings and Arrows! The Heracross Loss and the Pinsir in Love Pics
1191 Battling in the Freezing Raid! Trial Mission: A Frozen Raid Battle!! Pics
1196 Big Brother to the Rescue! Help Us, Big Bro Yamper! Pics
1199 Narrowing the Chaser Chase! The Traitorous Battle Royal!! Pics
1224 Heroes Unite! Pokémon! I Am Glad I Got To Meet You Pics
1225 These Could be the Start of Something Big! Ash and Goh! Setting Off Anew!! Pics

Special/Other Trainers's Boldore

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
728 Cilan Takes Flight! Mistralton Gym Air-Battle! Challenger Cilan!? Pics
944 Alola to New Adventure! Alola! New Islands, New Pokémon!! Pics
984 Mounting an Electrifying Charge! Dash, Charjabug! Pics
1013 The Young Flame Strikes Back! Protect the Farm! The Blue Flame Strikes Back!! Pics
1033 Securing the Future! Connect to the Future! The Legend of the Blinding One!! Pics
1072 Battle Royal 151 Brawl! Battle Royal 151!! Pics
1115 Splash, Dash, and Smash for the Crown! Splash! Magikarp
Crown Yourself, Slowking

Wild Boldore

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
951 Lillie's Egg-xhilarating Challenge! Who's in Charge of the Egg? Pics
958 Rocking Clawmark Hill! Scratchmark Hill, Rockruff and Lycanroc!! Pics
989 Deceiving Appearances! C'mon, Search for the Transformed Ditto! Pics
1023 Not Caving Under Pressure! A Sandshrew's Storm! An Ice Hole Double Battle!! Pics
1039 Don't Ignore the Small Stufful! Team Rocket & Stufful! Pics
1049 Evolving Research! We Have the Sea and We Have Valleys! Pokémon Evolution Training!! Pics
M23 Pokémon: Secrets of the Jungle Pokémon: Koko
1139 A Pinch of This, a Pinch of That! Galar Fossils! Stick 'em Together!! Pics
1162 Grabbing the Brass Ring! Commander Pikachu! Head Forth, Falinks!! Pics
85 TBC Arrival! The Paradise of Laqua Pics
89 TBC At the End of the Adventures Pics

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