Knock Off Details Pokémon AttackDex

Name Type Strength
Knock Off ★★
Hits Direction Distance
1 Close Wide
Speed Toys Needed to Teach in Axle Town
Medium 2 Toys knowing the move
Gives more money when you defeat an enemy

Pokémon Listings

No. Pic Name Type Attack Defence Speed Location
Abra •••• ••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Tower
Kadabra •••• •• •••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Tower (After Game Completion)
Alakazam ••••• ••• •••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Tower (After Game Completion)
Machop •• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Machoke ••• ••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Machamp •••• ••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Bellsprout •• ••• 2-1 Sun-Dappled Bank Treetops
Weepinbell ••• •• ••• 2-1 Sun-Dappled Bank Treetops
2-3 Soothing Shore Treetops
Victreebel ••• •• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Treetops
Tentacool ••• ••• 1-3 Echo Valley Beach
4-3 Sunny Seashore Beach
Tentacruel ••• •••• •••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Beach
Farfetch'd •• •• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Beach
Krabby ••• •• ••• 2-4 Shimmering Lake Lake
Kingler ••••• ••• ••• 2-4 Shimmering Lake Lake (After Game Completion)
Lickitung ••• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Meadow
World Axle B1F Meadow
Tangela ••• ••• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Treetops (After Game Completion)
Omanyte ••• ••• ••• World Axle B1F Beach
Omastar •••• •••• ••• World Axle B1F Beach
Kabuto •• ••• ••• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Cave
Kabutops •••• ••• ••• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Cave (After Game Completion)
Ledyba •• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Treetops
Ledian •• ••• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Treetops
Gligar •• ••• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Cave
4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Shuckle ••••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Lake
Donphan •••• •••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Desert (After Game Completion)
Wingull •• ••• 1-2 Seabreeze Trail Beach
1-3 Echo Valley Beach
1-4 Challengers' Ground Beach
3-1 Desolated Ruins Beach
Pelipper ••• ••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Beach
Makuhita •• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Desert
Hariyama ••••• •• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Desert
Sableye •• ••• ••• World Axle Underground Entry Rusty Army Lair
World Axle B1F Hauntyard (After Game Completion)
World Axle Shaft Rust Army Lair
Corphish •• •• ••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Beach
4-3 Sunny Seashore Desert
Crawdaunt •••• ••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Desert
Anorith ••• •• ••• 2-4 Shimmering Lake Cave
Armaldo •••• •••• ••• 2-4 Shimmering Lake Cave (After Game Completion)
Shuppet •• ••• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Hauntyard
4-2 Everspring Valley Hauntyard
World Axle B1F Hauntyard
Banette •••• •• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Hauntyard
World Axle B1F Hauntyard
Deoxys ••••• •• ••••• All Factorys (Each Forme)
Deoxys •• ••••• ••• All Factorys (Each Forme)
Deoxys •••• •••• ••••• All Factorys (Each Forme)
Skorupi ••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Desert
Drapion ••• •••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Desert
Lickilicky ••• •••• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Meadow
World Axle B1F Meadow
Tangrowth ••• ••• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Treetops (After Game Completion)
Gliscor ••• •••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Regigigas ••••• ••••• •••• All Deserts After game completion
Woobat •• ••• 1-3 Echo Valley Cave
2-2 Misty Edgewater Cave
2-4 Shimmering Lake Cave
Swoobat ••• •• •••• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Cave
World Axle B2F Cave
Tirtouga •• ••• •• 2-1 Sun-Dappled Bank Lake
World Axle B2F Lake
Carracosta ••• •••• ••• World Axle B2F Lake
Archen •••• ••• 2-1 Sun-Dappled Bank Treetops
World Axle B2F Treetops
Archeops ••••• ••• •••• World Axle B2F Treetops
Minccino ••• 1-1 Trailhead Field Meadow
1-2 Seabreeze Trail Meadow
World Axle B1F Meadow
Cinccino ••• •• •••• 1-1 Trailhead Field Meadow (After Game Completion)
World Axle B1F Meadow
Karrablast •• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Treetops
World Axle B2F Treetops
Escavalier •••• ••••• •• World Axle B2F Treetops
Mienfoo ••• •• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Canyon
3-2 Volcanic Slope Canyon
World Axle B1F Meadow
Mienshao ••••• •• •••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Canyon
3-2 Volcanic Slope Canyon
World Axle B1F Meadow
Vullaby ••• ••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Canyon
Mandibuzz •• •••• ••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Canyon