Genetic Apex
Release Date: October 30th 2024
Amount of Cards: 286 (226 Normal, 60 Secret)
This set is the first Pokémon TCG Pocket set with three separate booster packs designed to give you separate chances of getting the three immersive cards: Charizard, Mewtwo and Pikachu
Navigation | Card List | Booster Pack Lists | Themed Collections |
Solo Battles | Emblems |
Booster Pack List
Mewtwo | Pikachu | Charizard |
Genetic Apex - Mewtwo | Genetic Apex - Pikachu | Genetic Apex - Charizard |
Card List
Set Number | Picture | Card Name | Card Details | Available Booster Packs | |||||||
Genetic Apex 1 / 226 |
Bulbasaur |
Genetic Apex 2 / 226 |
Ivysaur |
Genetic Apex 3 / 226 |
Venusaur |
Genetic Apex 4 / 226 |
Venusaur ex |
Genetic Apex 5 / 226 |
Caterpie |
Genetic Apex 6 / 226 |
Metapod |
Genetic Apex 7 / 226 |
Butterfree |
Genetic Apex 8 / 226 |
Weedle |
Genetic Apex 9 / 226 |
Kakuna |
Genetic Apex 10 / 226 |
Beedrill |
Genetic Apex 11 / 226 |
Oddish |
Genetic Apex 12 / 226 |
Gloom |
Genetic Apex 13 / 226 |
Vileplume |
Genetic Apex 14 / 226 |
Paras |
Genetic Apex 15 / 226 |
Parasect |
Genetic Apex 16 / 226 |
Venonat |
Genetic Apex 17 / 226 |
Venomoth |
Genetic Apex 18 / 226 |
Bellsprout |
Genetic Apex 19 / 226 |
Weepinbell |
Genetic Apex 20 / 226 |
Victreebel |
Genetic Apex 21 / 226 |
Exeggcute |
Genetic Apex 22 / 226 |
Exeggutor |
Genetic Apex 23 / 226 |
Exeggutor ex |
Genetic Apex 24 / 226 |
Tangela |
Genetic Apex 25 / 226 |
Scyther |
Genetic Apex 26 / 226 |
Pinsir |
Genetic Apex 27 / 226 |
Cottonee |
Genetic Apex 28 / 226 |
Whimsicott |
Genetic Apex 29 / 226 |
Petilil |
Genetic Apex 30 / 226 |
Lilligant |
Genetic Apex 31 / 226 |
Skiddo |
Genetic Apex 32 / 226 |
Gogoat |
Genetic Apex 33 / 226 |
Charmander |
Genetic Apex 34 / 226 |
Charmeleon |
Genetic Apex 35 / 226 |
Charizard |
Genetic Apex 36 / 226 |
Charizard ex |
Genetic Apex 37 / 226 |
Vulpix |
Genetic Apex 38 / 226 |
Ninetales |
Genetic Apex 39 / 226 |
Growlithe |
Genetic Apex 40 / 226 |
Arcanine |
Genetic Apex 41 / 226 |
Arcanine ex |
Genetic Apex 42 / 226 |
Ponyta |
Genetic Apex 43 / 226 |
Rapidash |
Genetic Apex 44 / 226 |
Magmar |
Genetic Apex 45 / 226 |
Flareon |
Genetic Apex 46 / 226 |
Moltres |
Genetic Apex 47 / 226 |
Moltres ex |
Genetic Apex 48 / 226 |
Heatmor |
Genetic Apex 49 / 226 |
Salandit |
Genetic Apex 50 / 226 |
Salazzle |
Genetic Apex 51 / 226 |
Sizzlipede |
Genetic Apex 52 / 226 |
Centiskorch |
Genetic Apex 53 / 226 |
Squirtle |
Genetic Apex 54 / 226 |
Wartortle |
Genetic Apex 55 / 226 |
Blastoise |
Genetic Apex 56 / 226 |
Blastoise ex |
Genetic Apex 57 / 226 |
Psyduck |
Genetic Apex 58 / 226 |
Golduck |
Genetic Apex 59 / 226 |
Poliwag |
Genetic Apex 60 / 226 |
Poliwhirl |
Genetic Apex 61 / 226 |
Poliwrath |
Genetic Apex 62 / 226 |
Tentacool |
Genetic Apex 63 / 226 |
Tentacruel |
Genetic Apex 64 / 226 |
Seel |
Genetic Apex 65 / 226 |
Dewgong |
Genetic Apex 66 / 226 |
Shellder |
Genetic Apex 67 / 226 |
Cloyster |
Genetic Apex 68 / 226 |
Krabby |
Genetic Apex 69 / 226 |
Kingler |
Genetic Apex 70 / 226 |
Horsea |
Genetic Apex 71 / 226 |
Seadra |
Genetic Apex 72 / 226 |
Goldeen |
Genetic Apex 73 / 226 |
Seaking |
Genetic Apex 74 / 226 |
Staryu |
Genetic Apex 75 / 226 |
Starmie |
Genetic Apex 76 / 226 |
Starmie ex |
Genetic Apex 77 / 226 |
Magikarp |
Genetic Apex 78 / 226 |
Gyarados |
Genetic Apex 79 / 226 |
Lapras |
Genetic Apex 80 / 226 |
Vaporeon |
Genetic Apex 81 / 226 |
Omanyte |
Genetic Apex 82 / 226 |
Omastar |
Genetic Apex 83 / 226 |
Articuno |
Genetic Apex 84 / 226 |
Articuno ex |
Genetic Apex 85 / 226 |
Ducklett |
Genetic Apex 86 / 226 |
Swanna |
Genetic Apex 87 / 226 |
Froakie |
Genetic Apex 88 / 226 |
Frogadier |
Genetic Apex 89 / 226 |
Greninja |
Genetic Apex 90 / 226 |
Pyukumuku |
Genetic Apex 91 / 226 |
Bruxish |
Genetic Apex 92 / 226 |
Snom |
Genetic Apex 93 / 226 |
Frosmoth |
Genetic Apex 94 / 226 |
Pikachu |
Genetic Apex 95 / 226 |
Raichu |
Genetic Apex 96 / 226 |
Pikachu ex |
Genetic Apex 97 / 226 |
Magnemite |
Genetic Apex 98 / 226 |
Magneton |
Genetic Apex 99 / 226 |
Voltorb |
Genetic Apex 100 / 226 |
Electrode |
Genetic Apex 101 / 226 |
Electabuzz |
Genetic Apex 102 / 226 |
Jolteon |
Genetic Apex 103 / 226 |
Zapdos |
Genetic Apex 104 / 226 |
Zapdos ex |
Genetic Apex 105 / 226 |
Blitzle |
Genetic Apex 106 / 226 |
Zebstrika |
Genetic Apex 107 / 226 |
Tynamo |
Genetic Apex 108 / 226 |
Eelektrik |
Genetic Apex 109 / 226 |
Eelektross |
Genetic Apex 110 / 226 |
Helioptile |
Genetic Apex 111 / 226 |
Heliolisk |
Genetic Apex 112 / 226 |
Pincurchin |
Genetic Apex 113 / 226 |
Clefairy |
Genetic Apex 114 / 226 |
Clefable |
Genetic Apex 115 / 226 |
Abra |
Genetic Apex 116 / 226 |
Kadabra |
Genetic Apex 117 / 226 |
Alakazam |
Genetic Apex 118 / 226 |
Slowpoke |
Genetic Apex 119 / 226 |
Slowbro |
Genetic Apex 120 / 226 |
Gastly |
Genetic Apex 121 / 226 |
Haunter |
Genetic Apex 122 / 226 |
Gengar |
Genetic Apex 123 / 226 |
Gengar ex |
Genetic Apex 124 / 226 |
Drowzee |
Genetic Apex 125 / 226 |
Hypno |
Genetic Apex 126 / 226 |
Mr. Mime |
Genetic Apex 127 / 226 |
Jynx |
Genetic Apex 128 / 226 |
Mewtwo |
Genetic Apex 129 / 226 |
Mewtwo ex |
Genetic Apex 130 / 226 |
Ralts |
Genetic Apex 131 / 226 |
Kirlia |
Genetic Apex 132 / 226 |
Gardevoir |
Genetic Apex 133 / 226 |
Woobat |
Genetic Apex 134 / 226 |
Swoobat |
Genetic Apex 135 / 226 |
Golett |
Genetic Apex 136 / 226 |
Golurk |
Genetic Apex 137 / 226 |
Sandshrew |
Genetic Apex 138 / 226 |
Sandslash |
Genetic Apex 139 / 226 |
Diglett |
Genetic Apex 140 / 226 |
Dugtrio |
Genetic Apex 141 / 226 |
Mankey |
Genetic Apex 142 / 226 |
Primeape |
Genetic Apex 143 / 226 |
Machop |
Genetic Apex 144 / 226 |
Machoke |
Genetic Apex 145 / 226 |
Machamp |
Genetic Apex 146 / 226 |
Machamp ex |
Genetic Apex 147 / 226 |
Geodude |
Genetic Apex 148 / 226 |
Graveler |
Genetic Apex 149 / 226 |
Golem |
Genetic Apex 150 / 226 |
Onix |
Genetic Apex 151 / 226 |
Cubone |
Genetic Apex 152 / 226 |
Marowak |
Genetic Apex 153 / 226 |
Marowak ex |
Genetic Apex 154 / 226 |
Hitmonlee |
Genetic Apex 155 / 226 |
Hitmonchan |
Genetic Apex 156 / 226 |
Rhyhorn |
Genetic Apex 157 / 226 |
Rhydon |
Genetic Apex 158 / 226 |
Kabuto |
Genetic Apex 159 / 226 |
Kabutops |
Genetic Apex 160 / 226 |
Mienfoo |
Genetic Apex 161 / 226 |
Mienshao |
Genetic Apex 162 / 226 |
Clobbopus |
Genetic Apex 163 / 226 |
Grapploct |
Genetic Apex 164 / 226 |
Ekans |
Genetic Apex 165 / 226 |
Arbok |
Genetic Apex 166 / 226 |
Nidoran♀ |
Genetic Apex 167 / 226 |
Nidorina |
Genetic Apex 168 / 226 |
Nidoqueen |
Genetic Apex 169 / 226 |
Nidoran♂ |
Genetic Apex 170 / 226 |
Nidorino |
Genetic Apex 171 / 226 |
Nidoking |
Genetic Apex 172 / 226 |
Zubat |
Genetic Apex 173 / 226 |
Golbat |
Genetic Apex 174 / 226 |
Grimer |
Genetic Apex 175 / 226 |
Muk |
Genetic Apex 176 / 226 |
Koffing |
Genetic Apex 177 / 226 |
Weezing |
Genetic Apex 178 / 226 |
Mawile |
Genetic Apex 179 / 226 |
Pawniard |
Genetic Apex 180 / 226 |
Bisharp |
Genetic Apex 181 / 226 |
Meltan |
Genetic Apex 182 / 226 |
Melmetal |
Genetic Apex 183 / 226 |
Dratini |
Genetic Apex 184 / 226 |
Dragonair |
Genetic Apex 185 / 226 |
Dragonite |
Genetic Apex 186 / 226 |
Pidgey |
Genetic Apex 187 / 226 |
Pidgeotto |
Genetic Apex 188 / 226 |
Pidgeot |
Genetic Apex 189 / 226 |
Rattata |
Genetic Apex 190 / 226 |
Raticate |
Genetic Apex 191 / 226 |
Spearow |
Genetic Apex 192 / 226 |
Fearow |
Genetic Apex 193 / 226 |
Jigglypuff |
Genetic Apex 194 / 226 |
Wigglytuff |
Genetic Apex 195 / 226 |
Wigglytuff ex |
Genetic Apex 196 / 226 |
Meowth |
Genetic Apex 197 / 226 |
Persian |
Genetic Apex 198 / 226 |
Farfetch'd |
Genetic Apex 199 / 226 |
Doduo |
Genetic Apex 200 / 226 |
Dodrio |
Genetic Apex 201 / 226 |
Lickitung |
Genetic Apex 202 / 226 |
Chansey |
Genetic Apex 203 / 226 |
Kangaskhan |
Genetic Apex 204 / 226 |
Tauros |
Genetic Apex 205 / 226 |
Ditto |
Genetic Apex 206 / 226 |
Eevee |
Genetic Apex 207 / 226 |
Eevee |
Genetic Apex 208 / 226 |
Eevee |
Genetic Apex 209 / 226 |
Porygon |
Genetic Apex 210 / 226 |
Aerodactyl |
Genetic Apex 211 / 226 |
Snorlax |
Genetic Apex 212 / 226 |
Minccino |
Genetic Apex 213 / 226 |
Cinccino |
Genetic Apex 214 / 226 |
Wooloo |
Genetic Apex 215 / 226 |
Dubwool |
Genetic Apex 216 / 226 |
Helix Fossil | Trainer | |||||||||
Genetic Apex 217 / 226 |
Dome Fossil | Trainer | |||||||||
Genetic Apex 218 / 226 |
Old Amber | Trainer | |||||||||
Genetic Apex 219 / 226 |
Erika | Supporter You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn. | |||||||||
Genetic Apex 220 / 226 |
Misty | Supporter You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn. | |||||||||
Genetic Apex 221 / 226 |
Blaine | Supporter You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn. | |||||||||
Genetic Apex 222 / 226 |
Koga | Supporter You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn. | |||||||||
Genetic Apex 223 / 226 |
Giovanni | Supporter You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn. | |||||||||
Genetic Apex 224 / 226 |
Brock | Supporter You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn. | |||||||||
Genetic Apex 225 / 226 |
Sabrina | Supporter You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn. | |||||||||
Genetic Apex 226 / 226 |
Lt. Surge | Supporter You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn. | |||||||||
Genetic Apex 227 / 226 |
Bulbasaur |
Genetic Apex 228 / 226 |
Gloom |
Genetic Apex 229 / 226 |
Pinsir |
Genetic Apex 230 / 226 |
Charmander |
Genetic Apex 231 / 226 |
Rapidash |
Genetic Apex 232 / 226 |
Squirtle |
Genetic Apex 233 / 226 |
Gyarados |
Genetic Apex 234 / 226 |
Lapras |
Genetic Apex 235 / 226 |
Electrode |
Genetic Apex 236 / 226 |
Alakazam |
Genetic Apex 237 / 226 |
Slowpoke |
Genetic Apex 238 / 226 |
Diglett |
Genetic Apex 239 / 226 |
Cubone |
Genetic Apex 240 / 226 |
Nidoqueen |
Genetic Apex 241 / 226 |
Nidoking |
Genetic Apex 242 / 226 |
Golbat |
Genetic Apex 243 / 226 |
Weezing |
Genetic Apex 244 / 226 |
Dragonite |
Genetic Apex 245 / 226 |
Pidgeot |
Genetic Apex 246 / 226 |
Meowth |
Genetic Apex 247 / 226 |
Ditto |
Genetic Apex 248 / 226 |
Eevee |
Genetic Apex 249 / 226 |
Porygon |
Genetic Apex 250 / 226 |
Snorlax |
Genetic Apex 251 / 226 |
Venusaur ex |
Genetic Apex 252 / 226 |
Exeggutor ex |
Genetic Apex 253 / 226 |
Charizard ex |
Genetic Apex 254 / 226 |
Arcanine ex |
Genetic Apex 255 / 226 |
Moltres ex |
Genetic Apex 256 / 226 |
Blastoise ex |
Genetic Apex 257 / 226 |
Starmie ex |
Genetic Apex 258 / 226 |
Articuno ex |
Genetic Apex 259 / 226 |
Pikachu ex |
Genetic Apex 260 / 226 |
Zapdos ex |
Genetic Apex 261 / 226 |
Gengar ex |
Genetic Apex 262 / 226 |
Mewtwo ex |
Genetic Apex 263 / 226 |
Machamp ex |
Genetic Apex 264 / 226 |
Marowak ex |
Genetic Apex 265 / 226 |
Wigglytuff ex |
Genetic Apex 266 / 226 |
Erika | Supporter You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn. | |||||||||
Genetic Apex 267 / 226 |
Misty | Supporter You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn. | |||||||||
Genetic Apex 268 / 226 |
Blaine | Supporter You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn. | |||||||||
Genetic Apex 269 / 226 |
Koga | Supporter You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn. | |||||||||
Genetic Apex 270 / 226 |
Giovanni | Supporter You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn. | |||||||||
Genetic Apex 271 / 226 |
Brock | Supporter You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn. | |||||||||
Genetic Apex 272 / 226 |
Sabrina | Supporter You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn. | |||||||||
Genetic Apex 273 / 226 |
Lt. Surge | Supporter You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn. | |||||||||
Genetic Apex 274 / 226 |
Moltres ex |
Genetic Apex 275 / 226 |
Articuno ex |
Genetic Apex 276 / 226 |
Zapdos ex |
Genetic Apex 277 / 226 |
Gengar ex |
Genetic Apex 278 / 226 |
Machamp ex |
Genetic Apex 279 / 226 |
Wigglytuff ex |
Genetic Apex 280 / 226 |
Charizard ex |
Genetic Apex 281 / 226 |
Pikachu ex |
Genetic Apex 282 / 226 |
Mewtwo ex |
Genetic Apex 283 / 226 |
Mew |
Genetic Apex 284 / 226 |
Charizard ex |
Genetic Apex 285 / 226 |
Pikachu ex |
Genetic Apex 286 / 226 |
Mewtwo ex |
Themed Collections
Name | Requirements | Reward | ||||||
First Choice | Any Bulbasaur Any Charmander Any Squirtle |
Electabuzz and Magmar | Any Electabuzz Any Magmar |
Viridian Forest | Any Caterpie Any Metapod Any Weedle Any Kakuna Any Pikachu |
Pidgey Squad | Any Pidgey Any Pidgeotto Any Pidgeot |
A Day with the Family | Any Nidoran♀ Any Nidorina Any Nidoqueen Any Nidoran♂ Any Nidorino Any Nidoking |
Pokémon of Ancient Times | Any Omanyte Any Omastar Any Kabuto Any Kabutops Any Aerodactyl |
The Legendary Flight | Any Articuno Any Zapdos Any Moltres |
Triple Power | Any Magneton Any Dodrio Any Dugtrio Any Exeggutor |
A Big Snorlax Nuisance | 250
- Snorlax
Any Oddish Any Bellsprout Any Venonat |
Touring the Kanto region | Any Doduo Any Spearow Any Haunter Any Rattata Any Jynx Any Tentacool Any Grimer |
The Gym Leaders of the Kanto Region | 219
220 Misty 221 Blaine 222 Koga 223 Giovanni 224 Brock 225 Sabrina 226 Lt. Surge |
Different Journeys, Different Growth | Any Bulbasaur Any Ivysaur Any Venusaur Any Charmander Any Charmeleon Any Charizard Any Squirtle Any Wartortle Any Blastoise |
Safari Zone | Any Tauros Any Kangaskhan Any Chansey Any Rhyhorn Any Scyther Any Slowpoke Any Doduo Any Pinsir Any Exeggcute Any Dratini Any Dragonair |
Category: Mouse Pokémon | Any Sandshrew Any Sandslash Any Rattata Any Raticate Any Pikachu Any Raichu |
Pokémon Super Express | Any Dragonite Any Rapidash Any Zebstrika Any Arcanine |
Collect 3 Electrode Cards | Any Electrode |
Collect 5 Gardevoir Cards | 132
- Gardevoir
Collect 5 Charizard Cards | 35
- Charizard
Collect 5 Mewtwo Cards | 128
- Mewtwo
Complete the Kanto PokéDex |
The Immersive 4 | 280
- Charizard ex
281 - Pikachu ex 282 - Mewtwo ex 283 - Mew |
Genetic Apex Museum 1 (Mewtwo) | 227
- Bulbasaur
239 - Cubone 242 - Golbat 243 - Weezing 244 - Dragonite 245 - Pidgeot 247 - Ditto 249 - Porygon |
Genetic Apex Museum 2 (Charizard) | 228
- Gloom
229 - Pinsir 230 - Charmander 231 - Rapidash 234 - Lapras 236 - Alakazam 237 - Slowpoke 246 - Meowth |
Register 155 cards in the card dex | 232
- Squirtle
233 - Gyarados 235 - Electrode 238 - Diglett 240 - Nidoqueen 241 - Nidoking 248 - Eevee 250 - Snorlax |
The Legendary Flight Continues | 274
- Moltres ex
275 - Articuno ex 276 - Zapdos ex |
The Gym Leaders of the Kanto Region 2 | 266
267 Misty 268 Blaine 269 Koga 270 Giovanni 271 Brock 272 Sabrina 273 Lt. Surge |
Register 226 cards in the card dex |
Pikachu Emblem | Charizard Emblem | Mewtwo Emblem | Articuno Zapdos Moltres Emblem |
Method 100 Emblem Tickets | Method 100 Emblem Tickets | Method 100 Emblem Tickets | Method Completed Themed Collection |
Genetic Apex Emblem Event 1 Participation Emblem | Genetic Apex Emblem Event 1 Bronze Emblem | Genetic Apex Emblem Event 1 Silver Emblem | Genetic Apex Emblem Event 1 Gold Emblem |
Method From Genetic Apex Emblem Event 1 - 1 win | Method From Genetic Apex Emblem Event 1 - 5 wins | Method From Genetic Apex Emblem Event 1 - 25 wins | Method From Genetic Apex Emblem Event 1 - 45 wins |
Genetic Apex SP Emblem Event 1 Participation Emblem | Genetic Apex SP Emblem Event 1 Bronze Emblem | Genetic Apex SP Emblem Event 1 Silver Emblem | Genetic Apex SP Emblem Event 1 Gold Emblem |
Method From Genetic Apex SP Emblem Event 1 - 2 win | Method From Genetic Apex SP Emblem Event 1 - 3 wins | Method From Genetic Apex SP Emblem Event 1 - 4 wins | Method From Genetic Apex SP Emblem Event 1 - 5 wins |
Solo Battles
Picture | Name |
Step-Up Battle Beginner | |
Step-Up Battle Intermediate | |
Step-Up Battle Advanced | |
Step-Up Battle Expert |