Ability Name |
Effect |
Figures with Ability |
(Pre 1.1)Run Away |
When this Pokémon is attacked, you may return it to the Bench. This Pokémon waits 1 turn (Post 1.1) None |
Ace |
This Pokémon can't be Paralyzed |
Aftermath Soul |
This Pokémon can MP move through other Pokémon on the field. When this Pokémon is knocked out, you may knock out one of your Drifloon on the field and all Pokémon adjacent to it. |
Aftermath Switch |
When this Pokémon is knocked out, you may knock out one of your Voltorb on the field and all Pokémon adjacent to it |
Air Lock |
While this Pokémon is on the bench, it gains +1 MP. While this Pokémon is on the field, your Pokémon do not move to the Ultra Space from the effects of Abilities and Attacks of opposing Pokémon |
Air Power |
Restored Pokémon. If this Pokémon is not affected by a special condition, it may MP move over Pokémon on the field that don't have Soar. Opposing Pokémon that are not Ghost- or Ground-type Pokémon cannot MP move through this Pokémon using the effect of an ability. If this Pokémon is on the field, opposing Pokémon cannot use the effect of Air Balloon to MP move over other Pokémon |
Antagonism |
This Pokémon spins when it attacks its battle opponent. If it spins a miss, your turn ends (in which case a battle does not occur). If this Pokémon has evolved, this Pokémon gains +1 MP |
Apex Predator |
Restored Pokémon (If evolved). If its battle opponent is not evolved, and this Pokémon is not affected by a special condition, this Pokémon cannot be knocked out in battle. If this Pokémon is knocked out, it is excluded from the duel. When this Pokémon is excluded from the duel, it returns to its previous Evolution, if possible |
Arena Trap |
Any Pokémon adjacent to it, except for Flying-type Pokémon, will be unable to use MP Move. (You can still pass by, though.) |
Arm Thrust Evolution |
If this Pokémon spins Arm Thrust three or more times in a battle, it may evolve after the battle |
Artificial Turf |
If this Pokémon is on the field and is not affected by a special condition, your MP1 Grass-type Pokémon gain +1Mp |
Assist |
Any Pokemon adjacent to this Pokemon will do +30 damage. |
Bad Dreams |
Opposing Pokémon that are asleep adjacent to this Pokémon are knocked out. (Pokémon passed while moving do not count). |
Baile |
When this Pokémon is on the field, your Fire-type Pokémon deal +1 damage for each Fire-type Pokémon on the field. |
Balloon Body |
If a Pokémon finishes an MP move next to this Pokémon, this Pokémon moves 1 space away. |
Balloon Trick |
All the Purple Attacks of the battle opponents of this Pokémon become Misses |
Band Attack |
This Pokémon deals +10 damage for each Hydreigon, Zweilous or Deino on the field. |
Barbed Horns |
This Pokémon can MP move through other Pokémon on the field. If this Pokémon is on the field, opposing Pokémon cannot tag any other Pokémon. All Gold Attacks of battle opponents with MP-reducing markers attached will all be Misses. Your Bug-ttpe and Flying-type Pokémon each deal +10 damage |
Battery |
Your Electric-type Pokémon next to this Pokémon gain +1 MP (to a maximum of MP3) |
Battle Armor |
If your battle opponent spins an Attack with 10 or more damage, you can force them top spin again once per turn |
Beat Down |
All the Blue Attacks of the battle opponents of this Pokémon become Misses |
Behavioral Prediction |
This Pokémon gains +1 ☆ |
Bide |
This Pokémon cannot battle. |
Big Chorus |
If there are 3 or more Politoed on the field (including this Pokémon), the opposing player cannot use Plates |
Bigg Eggsplosion |
Before battle, allows one of friendly Exeggcute to be choosed. If Barrage is spun, it deals +60 damage. If it does, the Exeggcute is Knocked Out |
Billows of the Fell Dragon |
When this Pokémon moves from the bench to the field, or appears as an evolution, it removes the burned condition from your Pokémon. While this Pokémon is on the field, your Pokémon cannot be burned. Your Water-type and Dark-type Pokémon each deal +10 damage |
Bite Down |
The battle opponent of this Pokémon cannot move by effects other than the Attacks of this Pokémon until the end of battle |
Bite Instinct |
This Pokémon must battle if possible after making an MP move |
Biting Movement |
This Pokémon can always attack after moving |
Black Core |
This Pokémon cannot be surrounded by your opponent's Pokémon. If this Pokémon surrounds an opponent's Pokémon, this Pokémon may evolve. While this Pokémon is on the field, effects of Energy plates are negated |
Blackout |
When this Pokémon moves to the field, the effects of Energy plats are lost, and they count as having been used. While this Pokémon is on the field, Pokémon that become Paralyzed gain Wait 3. In this Pokémon's first battle after moving to the field, Pokémon that battle it will become paralyzed. |
Blaze Boogie |
This Pokémon can MP move over other Pokémon on the field. Opposing Pokémon moved over in this way are now Burned. Your Fire-type and Fighting-type Pokémon do +10 damage. |
Blue Skies Captor |
This Pokémon can use an MP move to fly over Pokémon on the field that don't have Soar. Move opposing Pokémon surrounded by this Pokémon to your P.C. Your Fire-type Pokémon deal +10 damage and your Flying-type Pokémon deal +10 damage |
Blue Spark |
The Dodges of opposing Pokémon adjacent to this Pokémon become misses. |
Bone Bearer |
This Pokémon can MP move over opposing non-Flying-type Pokémon on the field. If this Pokémon moves its battle opponent by the effect of an Attack, you may attach a Weak Armor marker to this Pokémon. The Pokémon with that marker has MP-1 and is not knocked out in battle. The marker and any special conditions on the Pokémon are removed instead of it being knocked out |
Bone Diaper |
When this Pokémon moves from the bench to the field, attach a Weak Armor marker to it. The Pokémon with that marker has MP-1 and is not knocked out in battle. The marker and any special conditions on the Pokémon are removed instead of it being knocked out |
Breath of the Abyss |
While this Pokémon is on the field, your Dark-type Pokémon and Fire-type Pokémon each deal +10 damage for each burned Pokémon on the field. Pokémon that battle this Pokémon become burned. Your Dark-type and Fire-type Pokémon each deal +10 damage |
Bright Arrow |
Undergoes branching Evolution. This Pokémon's MP cannot be 2 or lower (except through the effects of markers). This Pokémon may evolve when it moves from the P.C. to the Bench |
Bug Trap |
This Pokémon may MP move over non-Flying-type Pokémon on the field. At the beginning of your turn, instead of MP moving, you may move adjacent opposing Bug-type Pokémon that has MP0 or lower, or that cannot MP move or battle, to your P.C. If you do, your turn ends |
Building Spite |
This Pokémon can MP move through other Pokémon on the field. This Pokémon deals +10 damage for each of your Banette and Shuppet that have been knocked out during the duel |
Bullet Speed |
This Pokémon can MP move through Pokémon that have Wait. If this Pokémon has evolved, this Pokémon on your bench gains +1MP |
Bust In |
This Pokémon can MP move from the bench past Ghost-type Pokémon and Pokémon affected by Special Conditions |
Carry Home |
This Pokémon can MP move through other Pokémon on the field. If it MP moves through opposing Pokémon that are frozen, those Pokémon move to your P.C. |
Cerebral Embrace |
Opposing Pokémon cannot MP move through this Pokémon using the effect of an Ability. At the start of your turn, this Pokémon may switch places with one of your Pokémon on the field, bench, or in a P.C. Your Psychic and Fairy-type Pokémon each deal +10 damage |
Chemical Pollen |
When this Pokémon is on the field, all poisoned and noxious Pokémon have MP-1. This effect does not stack |
Cleansing Fire |
If this Pokémon is knocked out, opposing Ghost-type Pokémon on the field spin. Those that spin a Purple Attack are knocked out. |
Come Here |
When this Pokémon moves from the bench to the field, or appears as an Evolution, each player moves one Benched Pokémon to its respective entry point (your opponent goes first) |
Compound Eyes |
If this Pokémon has evolved, and its Attack lands on Miss, it will shift to an Attack next to it instead. |
Connection |
This Pokémon's damage is increased by +10 for every Electric-type Pokémon it is connected to. |
Control Mask |
This Pokémon is not moved to the Ultra Space by the Attack effects of opposing Pokémon. If this Pokémon is not affected by a special condition, it is not knocked out by knockout-causing Attack effects |
Coral Power |
If this Pokémon is not poisoned or noxious, while this Pokémon is on the field, your non-Corsola Water-type Pokémon with MP1 gain +1 MP |
Cornerstone |
Other Pokémon can move over this Pokémon when using an MP move |
Cosmic Surfer |
Instead of an MP move, you may move this Pokémon through an adjacent of Electric-type Pokémon and a succession of Electric-type Pokémon adjacent to that Pokémon in another spot. This ends your turn |
Cotton Bird Song |
When this Pokémon is on the field, your Normal-type Pokémon and your Flying-type Pokémon take -10 damage |
Crescent Veil |
If this Pokémon is on the field and not affected by a special condition, Moonblast from any of your Pokémon deals +50 damage |
Crimson Alloy |
This Pokémon can MP move over other Pokémon on the field. If a battle opponent of this Pokémon spins an Attack of 120 or more damage, attach a Cracked marker to the battle opponent. Your Bug-type and Steel-type Pokémon deal +10 damage |
Cross Wind |
This Pokémon does not spend MP when moving from the bench to an Entry point. The 3-Pokémon limit does not apply to this Pokémon in your deck |
Cruel Blossom's Incursion |
This Pokémon can MP move over Poisoned and Noxious Pokémon. Pokémon this Pokémon moved over gain Wait 5 Your Grass-type and Poison-type Pokémon each deal +10 damage |
Crumbletop Rockshell |
If the battle opponent spins a Blue Attack, that Pokémon on the field moves to the bench after the turn end and gains Wait. Your Rock-type and Dark-type Pokémon each deal +10 damage |
Cut Off |
When this Pokémon is on the field, it can move to your goal point instead of making an MP move (ends your turn) |
Dark Arrow |
This Pokémon can MP move through your Pokémon and opposing Psychic-type and Ghost-type Pokémon. If there are opposing Pokémon onla ll your entry points, this Pokémon gains +1 MP |
Dark Light |
Can MP move through other Pokémon on the field. Attach a Branded marker to burned Pokémon that have been moved through by this Pokémon. |
Dark Slumber |
This Pokémon can MP move over non-Flying-type Pokémon on the field. While this Pokémno is on the field, the asleep condition is not removed by the effects of Abilities. If this Pokémon is not affected by a Special Condition, sleeping Pokémon within 2 steps of it can't be tagged |
Dark Stone |
This Pokémon gains Wait 9 at the start of the duel |
Darkness Crystal |
This Pokémon is not knocked out by battle damage. This Pokémon is not affected by effects of the battle opponent that would apply any markers to this Pokémon or that would inflict any special conditions on this Pokémon, and any such effects are applied to the battle opponent instead. Your Dark-type Pokémon and Ghost-type Pokémon deal +10 damage. |
Deliver |
When this Pokémon moves from a P.C. to the bench, one of your used Mega Evolution plates becomes usable. |
Desolate Land |
When this Pokémon is on the field, Ultra Beasts knocked out by its Attack damage are excluded from the duel (without moving to Ultra Space), returning to the bench if this Pokémon leaves the field. When this Pokémon is knocked out in battle, it may go back to being Groudon without moving to the P.C. |
Diamond Aura |
If this Pokémon is on the field, your Fairy-type Pokémon that are not affected by a special condition are not knocked out either by Attack damage from Dragon-type Pokémon or by knockout-causing effects from Dark-type Pokémon |
Diffuse Poison |
When this Pokémon is on the field, all poisoned Pokémon will do a further -20 damage. This effect does not stack. |
Disguise |
When this Pokémon moves from the bench to the field, attach a Disguise marker to this Pokémon. While that marker is attached to it, this Pokémon is not knocked out in battle (instead of knocking it out, remove the marker and any special conditions affecting it). This Pokémon can MP move through other Pokémon on the field |
Distort |
At the start of your turn, instead of an MP move, this Pokémon may move through an adjacent Pokémon to a point 1-2 steps away from that Pokémon. When it does, this Pokémon may change its form. If it changes its form, until the end of your next turn, any effects of its battle opponent's ability that would increase Attack damage, decrease that damage instead. Your turn ends. |
Dive Entry |
This Pokémon can move one additional space on the board when moving from the bench |
Diving Entry |
When moving this Pokémon from the bench, it can only move to one space away from the entry point. Your turn ends. |
Double-Edged Axe |
When this Pokémon sustains an effect from a battle opponent's White Attack that would knock it out, the battle opponent is knocked out instead |
Doze |
This Pokémon will wake up from Sleep condition at the start of your turn and you will be able to use it again. |
Dry Skin |
If the battle opponent is a Water-type Pokémon that does not have any other types, this Pokémon is not knocked out in battle |
Dual Brains |
If your Reuniclus, Duosion or Solosis is adjacent, deal x2 damage |
Earthen Blessings |
This Pokémon cannot win you the duel by moving to the goal point. This Pokémon may MP move through other Pokémon on the field. While this Pokémon is on the field, the start-of-turn Z-Move gauge increase of each player is boosted for each of that player's Pokémon that is affectred by a special condition |
Earthen Rage |
Opposing Pokémon cannot MP move through a point next to this Pokémon to pass it. If this Pokémon is on the field, all the Blue Attacks of opposing Pokémon that are affected by a special condition becomes Misses. |
Eartne Rapids |
This Pokémon can MP move under other Pokémon on the field. While this Pokémon is on the field, your Water-type Pokémon and Ground-type Pokémon get +1MP (up to a maximum of MP3). Your Water-type Pokémon and your Ground-type Pokémon deal +10 da,age |
Electric Fur |
If this Pokémon is not affected by a special condition, all of the Blue-Attacks of non-Ground-type battle opponents of this Pokémon become Misses. This Pokémon cannot be Paralyzed |
Electric Mat |
Other Pokémon can move over this Pokémon when using an MP move. If those Pokémon are the opponent's Pokémon, those Pokémon become Paralyzed. |
Electric Surge |
This Ability is only valid on your turn. This Pokémon can MP Move past non-Fairy-type Pokémon on the field. When this Pokémon is on the field, your Electric-type Pokémon deal +30 damage (this effect is not cumulative). It removes the Asleep condition from Pokémon within 2 steps of this Pokémon |
Electric Upsurge |
While this Pokémon is on the field, your Electric-type Pokémon deal +10 damage for each paralyzed Pokémon on the field. This effect does not stack |
Electric Web |
The opponent's Pokémon that have passed over this Pokémon by using Fly Away, Fly or Soar become paralyzed |
Electrical Charge |
If this Pokémon is paralyzed, it gains +1 MP and deals +30 damage |
Electrobind |
While this Pokémon is on the field, the effects of Abilities of opposing Electric-type Pokémon and opposing paralyzed Pokémon that allow passing by other Pokémon with MP moves are negated. At the start of your turn, instead of an MP move, this Pokémon may switch places with an adjacent Electric-type Pokémon or paralyzed Pokémon |
Electromagnetic Barrier |
This Pokémon is not subject to spin-inducing effects of Attacks |
Electroswap |
At the start of your turn, instead of an MP move, this Pokémon may switch places with an adjacent Electric-type Pokémon or paralyzed Pokémon. |
Emergency Exit |
When this Pokémon is attacked, it may switch a Pokémon on your bench that is neither Wirmpor nor Golisopod (no battles are triggered). If it does, this Pokémon and the Pokémon that it switched with both gain Wait. |
Emergent Evolution |
Restored Pokémon. After this Pokémon battles, it may evolve if it's on the field. |
Enforcer |
This Pokémon can only be set as aform in a deck. The Ability of the Pokémon that battles this Pokémon is nullified while that Pokémon is on the field. If this Pokémon is knocked out, it is excluded from the duel. When this Pokémon leaves the field, it returns to the form it was before it changed forms. |
Enhanced Core |
When this Pokémon is on the field, your Pokémon that are both Electric and Steel type deal +20 damage. If this Pokémon has evolved, it gains +1MP |
Enigmatic Signal |
For effects that move this Pokémon's battle opponent, you decide whether it is used, which Pokéon is targeted, and where the targeted Pokémon will be moved to |
Entangle |
If there are no Pokémon next to this Pokémon, instead of an MP move you can force an opposing Pokémon that is two steps away from this Pokémon to spin. If you do, this Pokémon gains Wait 3. If the spin results in a White Attack, the opposing Pokémon comes one step closer and gains Wait |
Entry Shot |
When this Pokémon moves from the bench to the field, or appears as an evolution, spin for each opposing Pokémon on an entry point. If a Purple attack is spun, knock that opposing Pokémon out. This Pokémon can MP move through other Pokémon on the field. |
Evolution to Beauty |
When this Pokémon is knocked out in battle, it may evolve without moving to the P.C. |
Fairy Powder |
Any Dragon-type Pokémon that battles this Pokémon will become paralyzed |
Family Bond |
Before battle, any effects on the battle opponent that prevent it from being knocked out in battle are negated, and the battle opponent loses any markers with effects that prevent it from being knocked out in battle. This Pokémon cannot be knocked out if it's not affected by a special condition and its battle opponent is a Ghost-type Pokémon. Your Normal-type Pokémon deal +20 damge |
Fang Trap |
pposing Pokémon next to this Pokémon cannot be moved by the Abilities or Attacks of opposing Pokémon. This Pokémon cannot be moved by the Attacks of its battle opponent. |
Fearsome Frost Tree |
While this Pokémon is on the field, opposing Flying-type and Dragon-type Pokémon each have MP -1. Your Grass-type and Ice-type Pokémon each deal +10 damage |
Fight Song |
When this Pokémon is on the field, your Dragon-type and Flying-type Pokémon deal +10 damage |
Fire Alert |
The battle opponent's Gold Attacks become Misses |
Fire Arrow |
It can MP move through your Pokémon and through opposing Grass-type Pokémon and Ice-type Pokémon. If there are opposing Pokémon on all of your entry points, this Pokémon gets +1MP |
Fire Bell |
If this Pokémon is knocked out, all Grass-type Pokémon within two steps become burne.d |
Fire Leak |
Any Grass-type Pokémon or Bug-type Pokémon that battles this Pokémon will become burned. |
Fire Rush |
Can MP Move past burned Pokémon. This Pokémon on the bench gains +1MP |
Fire Scales |
This Pokémon may MP move over non-Flying-type Pokémon on the field. If this Pokémon is evolved, any Pokémon that battle this Pokémon are burned after the battle |
Flame Acceleration |
MP+1 for this Pokémon for each Pokémon you have in your P.C. |
Flame Turbine |
Can MP move past Fire-type Pokémon and Burned Pokémon. If the battle opponent is affected by a special condition, the battle opponent's spins are shifted by one segment clockwise |
Flawless Jewel |
If this Pokémon is on the field, your Pokémon cannot become affected by special conditions, and your Fairy-type Pokémon that are not affected by a special condition are not knocked out either by Attack damage from Dragon-type Pokémon or by knockout causing Attack effects from Dark-type Pokémon. Your Rock-type and Fairy-type Pokémon each deal +10 damage |
Floating Candle |
When this Pokémon moves from the bench, it can only move to a point 1 step away from an entry point. Your turn ends. Your Pokémon on the field can pass through this Pokémon when using an MP move. If this Pokémon burns the battle opponent, it may evolve. |
Flower Carpet |
While this Pokémon is not affected by a special condition and is on an entry point, Mega Evolution does not end via passage of turns for the Pokémon of the player whose entry point it is |
Fluffy |
The damage deal to this Pokémon by its battle opponents (excluding Fire-type Pokémon) is cut in half. |
Force Balance |
When placed adjacent to this Pokémon, your Pokémon will be boosted from 0-1MP to 2 MP, and your opponent's Pokémon will be reduced from 3+MP to 2MP |
Forest Leap |
At the start of your turn, instead of an MP move, you can move this Pokémon to a spot next to an adjacent Grass-type Pokémon. If there is a succession of Grass-type Pokémon adjacent to the first, you may instead move this Pokémon to a spot adjacent to any of them. |
Forest Mischief |
On the field, this Pokémon can pass through other Pokémon. Attach a Forest Mischief marker to any Psychic-type Pokémon that battles this Pokémon. (While that marker is attached, that Pokémon is not subject to Energy effects.) |
Forest Mystery |
Pokémon that have battled this Pokémon becomes Grass-type while they are on the field (but they stop being Grass-type if they leave the field). Your Pokémon can move over this Pokémon when using an MP move |
Forest Regeneration |
When this Pokémon moves from the bench to the field, or when this Pokémon appears as a Mega Evolution, move Grass, Flying and Bug-type Pokémon from your P.C. to the bench. Your Grass-type Pokémon and your Dragon-type Pokémon deal +10 damage |
Form Herd |
The 3-Pokémon limit does not apply to this Pokémon |
Foundation |
Your Pokémon may move over this Pokémon |
Frost Arrow |
This Pokémon can MP move through your Pokémon and opposing Ground-type and Flying-type Pokémon. If there are opposing Pokémon on all your entry points, this Pokémon gains +1MP |
Frost Tag |
If this Pokémon is on the field and not affected by a special condition, opposing Ice-type Pokémon next to your Ice-type Pokémon get MP-1. This effect does not stack |
Full Metal Body |
The battle opponent of this Pokémon cannot move by effects other than the Attacks of this Pokémon until the end of battle. If this Pokémon is not affected by a special condition, markers from the Attacks of the battle opponent cannot be attached to this Pokémon |
Gale Wings |
In its first battle after moving to the field, all of this Pokémon's White Attacks become Gold Attacks |
Gaseous Form |
This Pokémon cannot surround the opponent's Pokémon, and cannot be surrounded itself. It can also move through other Pokémon when making an MP move |
Ghost Sensor |
Opposing Pokémon cannot MP move through this Pokémon using the effect of an Ability |
Gloomdweller |
This Pokémon can MP move through other Pokémon on the field. While this Pokémon is on the field, opposing Pokémon deal -20 damage for each Ghost-type Pokémon adjacent to them. This effect does not stack |
Gluttony |
When in the P.C., this Pokémon will move back to the bench if Sweet Scent is spun on the field |
Gooey |
Pokémon that battle with this Pokémon gain Wait. |
Grassy Surge |
This Ability is only valid on your turn. This Pokémon can MP move past non-Fairy-type Pokémon on the field. When this Pokémon is on the field, your Grass-type Pokémon ignore knockout and movement-causing effects of opponents' Attacks. Removes Wait Condition from Pokémon within two steps of this Pokémon |
Green Power |
This Pokémon cannot be paralyzed. If this Pokémon is on the field and not affected by a special condition, your Grass-type Pokémon deal +5 damage for each Grass-type Pokémon on the field |
Greenhouse |
This Pokémon cannot be paralyzed. If this Pokémon is on the field and is not affected by a special condition, your MP1 Grass-type Pokémon on the field gain +1 MP. |
Grounding |
This Pokémon cannot be Paralysed |
Group Attack |
If there is a Carvanha within 2 spaces of this Pokémon, this Pokémon's White Attacks become Gold Attacks. |
Grudge Stone |
When this Pokémon moves from the bench to the field, spin a Pokémon. If it spins a White Attack, attach a Curse marker to it, Your Pokémon on the field can pass through this Pokémon when using an MP move |
Guardian |
This Pokémon has MP 3 if it is confused. When this Pokémon is knocked out in battle, you can move one of your Pokémon that is in the Ultra Space to the point where this Pokémon was |
Guartop Steelshell |
This Pokémon can MP move under other Pokémon. Opposing Fairy-type Pokémon on the field that MP move within 2 stops of this Pokémon move to the P.C. after the end of that turn. Your Steel-type Pokémon deal +20 damage |
Gulp |
This Pokémon gains +1MP after moving to the bench or field until its first battle. At the start of your turn, instead of using an MP move, this Pokémon may move to a point by passing through adjacent Pokémon that have Wait. If it does, those adjacent Pokémon move to the Ultra Space outside of the field. Your turn ends. |
Guts |
If this Pokémon has a special condition, it deals +50 damage |
Hacking Gems |
This Pokémon can pass through other Pokémon when it MP Moves. When this Pokémon is on the field, opposing Pokémon deal -1 damage. |
Hallucination |
If this Pokémon is knocked out, it is removed from the duel |
Harvest Festival |
If this Pokémon is excluded from the duel, exclude Pokémon with Pumpkin markers attached to them from the duel. This Pokémon can MP move through other Pokémon on the field |
Headwind |
If this Pokémon is on the field and is not affected by a special condition, Attack damage-increasing effects on Flying-type battle opponents of your Flying-type Pokémon are negated |
Healing Seed |
When this Pokémon is on the field, your Grass-type and Poison-type Pokémon cannot become poisoned or noxious. |
High Flying |
This Pokémon can also attack Pokémon that are two spaces away, provided that there is a Pokémon between them. |
High-Speed Drill |
When this Pokémon moves from the bench, it may move to a point 1 step away from an entry point. At the start of your turn, instead of an MP move, this Pokémon may move through an adjacent Pokémon to a point 1-2 steps awy from that Pokémon. Your turn ends. |
Homeward Lights |
When this Pokémon appears as a Mega Evolution, and again when its Mega Evolution ends, you may move one of your Pokémon in the Ultra Space or P.C. next to this Pokémon. Your Electic-type and your Dragon-type Pokémon deal +10 damage. |
Hoverjet |
May MP move over your Pokémon on the field. If any of your Drive plates have been used, then, when this Pokémon is knocked out, one of them becomes usable (other than a plate still in use on that turn). |
Huge Power |
If this Pokémon is not affected by a special condition, it deals +50 damage |
Hypnotic Stare |
Any Pokémon that battles this Pokémon will become confused |
Hypnotic Voice |
The next turn after using this Pokémon, your opponent will be unable to use Plates |
Ice Breaker |
Before using this Pokémon, you can switch its position with an adjacent Ice-type Pokémon or frozen Pokémon. Your Ice-type Pokémon can move over this Pokémon when using an MP move |
Ice Scramble |
Before using this Pokémon, you may move this Pokémon on the bench next to one of your Avalugg on the field. If you do, this Pokémon's MP is 1. Frozen Pokémon next to this Pokémon cannot be tagged |
Ice Shield |
Restored Pokémon (If evolved). At the start of your turn, instead of an MP move, you may freeze one of your Restored Pokémon that has been excluded from the duel and move it to a point 1-2 steps away from this Pokémon. Your turn ends. When this Pokémon is excluded from the duel, it returns to its previous Evolution, if possible |
Ice Wall |
This Pokémon cannot be burned or frozen |
Icy Armor |
When this Pokémon is knocked out, it returns to being Glalie without moving to the P.C. Your Ice-type Pokémon deal +20 damage. |
Illusion |
When this Pokémon is on the bench or has not yet engaged in its first battle after moving to the field, and another of your Pokémon has not yet engaged in its first battle after moving to the field is attacked, before the battle, that Pokémon may switch places with this Pokémon. |
Immunity |
This Pokémon cannot be Poisoned or noxious |
Impermeable Mail |
This Pokémon can MP move over any Pokémon on the field that is not a Flying-type. After a battle, attach a Cracked marker to opposing Pokémon adjacent to this Pokémon. Add +1 spin to the spin-again attacks of your Pokémon. Your Bug-type and Fighting-type Pokémon each deal +10 damage. |
Indiscriminate Poison |
When this Pokémon is on the field, Pokémon that are not Poison-type Pokémon or Steel-type Pokémon deal 10 less damage |
Infernal Hunt |
This Pokémon and Pokémon that battle it become burned after battle. |
Inferno Ladder |
When this Pokémon appears as a Mega Evolution, remove the frozen condition from all of your Pokémon. Pokémon knocked out by the attacks of this Pokémon are temporarily removed from the duel, returning to the bench 7 turns later |
Infiltrator |
On the field, this Pokémon can pass through other Pokémon |
Inner Focus |
This Pokémon cannot enter Wait status on the field |
Insomnia |
This Pokémon can't be Asleep |
Intense Shell Cannon |
This Pokémon deals +10 damage for each Water-type Pokémon on the field. Your Water-type Pokémon each deal +20 damage |
Intimidating Aura |
If this Pokémon is on the field and is not affected by a special condition, the opposing player cannot use plates. Your Dark-type Pokémon deal +20 damge |
Invisible Wall |
Opposing Pokémon cannot pass by this Pokémon nor a continuous succession of your Pokémon adjacent to it with an MP move |
Iron Heart |
This Pokémon and your Pokémon adjacent to this Pokémon are not knocked out by Gold Attacks from their battle opponents |
Irritating Sting |
Any Psychic-type Pokémon that battles this Pokémon will become confused. |
Jet Current |
If this Pokémon is on the field, your Water-type Pokémon that are not affected by special conditions may MP move through other Pokémon. Your Water-type and Dark-type Pokémon each deal +10 damage |
Justified |
This Pokémon's deals +10 damage for each opposiing Dark-type Pokémon on the field. When this Pokémon is knocked out in battle, it may change its form to Keldeo Resolute Form without moving to the P.C. |
King Horn |
If this Pokémon is on the field, add +1 spin to the spin-again attacks of your Pokémon. While a Cracked marker is attached, the battle opponent's Blue attacks become misses |
King Spike |
Opposing Pokémon adjacent to this Pokémon cannot tag or be tagged. Gold Attacks of battle opponents that have an MP-reducing marker become White Attacks |
Land's Call |
Your Ground-type Pokémon deal +10 damage when this Pokémon is on the field, unless this Pokémon is affected by a special condition |
Lava Therapy |
This Pokémon can't be Frozen or put to Sleep. |
Leaf Arrow |
THis Pokémon can MP move through your own Pokémon, and opposing Water-type and Rock-type Pokémon. If there are opposing Pokémon on all your entry points , this Pokémon gets MP+1 |
Leaf Guard |
This Pokémon cannot be affected by special conditions other than sleep. Do not attach markers to this Pokémon from the Attacks of its battle opponent |
Light Stone |
This Pokémon gains Wait 9 at the start of the duel |
Lightning Rod |
If the battle opponent is an Electric-type Pokémon, the damage it deals to this Pokémon is reduced by 30 |
Lock On: Blue |
If this Pokémon is not affected by a special condition, then nstead of an MP move, it can force one opposing Pokémon within 2 steps to spin. If the spin results in aBlue Attack, attach a Lock-On marker to that Pokémon. Your turn ends |
Lock On: Gold |
If this Pokémon is not affected by a special condition, then, instead of an MP move, it can force one opposing Pokémon within 2 steps of it to spin. If the spin results in a Gold Attack, attach a Lon-On marker to that Pokémon. Your turn ends |
Lock On: Purple |
At the start of your turn, instead of an MP move, this Pokémon can force opposing Pokémon within 2 steps of it to spin. If the spin results in a Purple Attack, attach a Lock-on Marker to that Pokémon. Your turn ends |
Long Lick |
Instead of an MP move, you can force an opponent's Pokémon that is 2 steps away from this Pokémon to spin. If you do, this Pokémon gains Wait 3. If the result of that spin is a White Attack, that Pokémon gains Wait 3 |
Loyalty |
At the start of your turn, if this Pokémon is on the field, it may move to the bench. You can use this Pokémon immediately. If this Pokémon has evolved, this Pokémon gains +1MP |
Magic Trick_Miss |
If this Pokémon spins Miss in battle, one of your plates will switch from used to unused. |
Magnetic Body |
At the start of your turn, if any of your other Metan or Metagross are within 2 steps, you may move this Pokémon to a point 2 steps away instead of an MP move. If you do, your turn ends |
Malevolent Fire |
While this Pokémon is on the field, your Fire-type Pokémon deal +10 damage for each burned Pokémon on the field. If this Pokémon is burned, Pokémon that battle it become burned |
Marine Rage |
This Pokémon games +10 damage for each Water-type Pokémon in each player's bench |
Marked by the Aura |
While this Pokémon is on the field, and unless they are affected by special conditions, your Fighting-type Pokémon and your Steel-type Pokémon are not knocked out by Gold Attacks from their battle opponents. Your Fighting-type and Steel-type Pokémon each deal +10 damage |
Marvel Scale |
When this Pokémon moves from the bench to the field, or appears as an evolution, it removes the burned condition from your Pokémon. If this Pokémon is affected by a special condition, its opponents deal -50 damage to it |
Max Vital Spirit |
This Pokémon can MP Move as far as its MP range will allow. |
Meditative Alchemy |
Your Psychic-type Pokémon deal +20 damage. If this Pokémon is using the Twisted Spoon plate, it can attack Pokémon that are 2 steps away. While it does, this Pokémon's Attacks have Range 2. When this Pokémon moves to the field or appears as a Mega Evolution, choose a Pokémon on the field and attach an Alchemy marker to it. The White Attacks of the Pokémon with that marker become Gold Attacks and its Gold attacks become White attacks |
Memories of the Past |
This Pokémon may MP move through other Pokémon on the field. Your Pokémon next to this Pokémon cannot be affected by any new special conditions |
Metamorphosis |
If this Pokémon is not knocked out in battle, it can evolve. |
Migraine |
If your opponent spins a Purple Attack, you can force them to respin once a turn. |
Minus |
When Plusle is adjacent to this Pokémon, the White Attacks of your Electric Pokémon gain the battle opponent becomes Paralyezed |
Miraculous Cry |
This Pokémon can MP move over other Pokémon on the field. If this Pokémon is knocked out, all of your Pokémon that have been excluded from the duel and all of your Pokémon in Ultra Space move to your bench. Your Dragon-type Pokémon and Fairy-type Pokémon deal +10 damage |
Misty Surge |
This Ability is only valid on your turn. This Pokémon can MP move past non-Fairy-type Pokémon on the field. When this Pokémon is on the field, whenever your Water-type Pokémon move from the bench, they may only move to a point one step away from an entry point. This ends your turn. Pokémon within two steps of this Pokémon are not affected by new special conditions. |
Mold Breaker |
This Pokémon negates abilities that boost or lower attack damage for your opponent. |
Mud Coating |
When this Pokémon is on the field, if there are 3 or more Wster-type Pokémon on the field, your Ground-type Pokémon with MP1 or lower get +1MP |
Multitype |
When this Pokémon moves to the field, choose one Pokémon on the field. While this Pokémon is on the field, this Pokémon's type becomes the type of the chosen Pokémon. This Pokémon is not excluded from the duel by the Attack effects of opposingPokémon. This Pokémon is not moves to the Ultra Space by the Attack effects of opposing Pokémon. |
Mummy |
Your Pokémon on the field can MP move through this Pokémon. If this Pokémon is not affected by a special condition, attach a Mummy marker to non-Ghost, non-Dark-type Pokémon that battle it. The ability of the Pokémon with that marker becomes Mummy (the effects of its original ability are nullified) |
Mystic Arrow |
This Pokémon can MP move through your Pokémon and opposing Dragon-type and Dark-type Pokémon. If there are opposing Pokémon on all your entry points, this Pokémon gains +1MP |
Neuroforce |
Ultra Beast. This Pokémon can only be set as a form in a deck. In this Pokémon's first battle after moving to the field, its battle opponent's Gold Attacks become White Attacks. Any effect of this Pokémon's battle opponent's Ability that would increase Attack damage decrease it instead |
Night Stalker |
This Pokémon can pass through other Pokémon when it MP moves. If it passes through Poisoned, noxious or sleeping Pokémon, they will faint. |
No Guard: Spectral |
This Pokémon may MP move through other Pokémon on the field. If this Pokémon or its battle opponent spins a Blue Attack, shift the spin to an Attack next to it instead. |
Non-Stop |
This Pokémon cannot have Wait. Can MP Move through Pokémon on the field that are paralyzed or have Wait. |
Oblivious |
This Pokémon cannot be paralyzed. This Pokémon is not affected by Taunt |
Ocean's Gift |
If this Pokémon is on the field, your Water-type Pokémon's attacks do +30 |
Onslaught |
This Pokémon can move up to 2 steps in a straight line. |
Open Circuit |
Any Water-type Pokémon that battles this Pokémon will become Paralyzed |
Open Sea Singer |
If this Pokémon is not affected by a special condition, while this Pokémon is on the field, the effect of Round becomes: Damage is multiplied by the number of your own Pokémon on the field that also have Round or Sing. |
Otherworldly Talons |
This Pokémon can MP move past other Pokémon. Pokémon next to this Pokémon cannot move using the effects of moves, Abilities or Energy. Opposing Pokémon next to this Pokémon cannot make MP moves. Your Ghost- and Poison-type Pokémon each deal +10 damage |
Own Tempo |
This Pokémon cannot be Confused |
P'au |
When this Pokémon is on the field, your Psychic-type Pokémon deal +1 damage for each Psychic-type Pokémon on the field. |
Paper Sword |
In this Pokémon's first battle after moving to the field, it can attack Pokémon that are two steps away. When it does, this Pokémon's Attacks have Range 2. If it knocks out a Pokémon with a Cracked marker on it, that Pokémon (excluding Fire-type Pokémon) moves to the Ultra Space outside of the field. |
Parallel Arithmatic |
When this Pokémon is on the field, your Pokémon deal +1 damage for each Pokémon on the field. While this Pokémon is on the bench, it gains +1 MP |
Permafrost |
If this Pokémon is not affected by a special condition, then the frozen condition of Pokémon within two steps of this Pokémon cannot be removed by tagging |
Plus |
When Minun is adjacent to this Pokémon, the White Attacks of your Electric Pokémon gain the battle opponent becomes Paralyezed |
Poison Touch |
Any Pokémon that battles this Pokémon will become poisoned. |
Poisoning Order |
While this Pokémon is on the field, the misses of your Beedrill become the battle opponent becomes noxious. Your Bug-type Pokémon deal +10 damage and your Poison-type Pokémon deal +10 damage |
Poisonous Bunker |
This Pokémon cannot be moved by the Attacks of other Pokémon. Grass-type Pokémon and Fairy-type Pokémon cannot pass by this Pokémon by means of effects of their Abilities. When this Pokémon is on the field, the abilities of poisoned and noxious Grass-type Pokémon and Fairy-type Pokémon cease providing the capability to pass by other Pokémon |
Poisonous Evolution |
If this Pokémon makes its battle opponent poisoned or noxious, it may evolve |
Pom-Pom |
When this Pokémon is on the field, your Electric-type Pokémon deal +1 damage for each Electric-type Pokémon on the field |
Power Construct |
If your Pokémon filleither your P.C. or your opponent's P.C., this Pokémon may change its form to Zygarde Complete Forme without moving to the P.C. when it is knocked out by damage in battle |
Power Draw |
When this Pokémon is on the field, your other Pokémon deal +1 damage |
Power Spot |
If this Pokémon is at an entry point, this Pokémon deals +30 damage |
Pressure |
When this Pokémon is on the field, Wait lasts 1 turn longer for opposing Pokémon when you cause them to gain Wait |
Prey Scent |
If an opponent's Pokémon has a special condition, this Pokémon gains +1 MP |
Primal Rage |
If the opponent has Groudon, Kyogre or Rayquaza on the field, this Pokémon does +20 damage |
Primordial Sea |
While this Pokémon is on the field, Ultra Beasts do not move from the Ultra Space to the field by the effects of Abilities or Attacks. When this Pokémon is knocked out in battle, it may go back to being Kyogre without moving to the P.C. |
Prism Armor |
Ultra Beast. In this Pokémon's first battle after moving to the field, its battle opponent's Gold Attacks become White Attacks. If this Pokémon is not affected by a special condition, any effects of the battle opponent's Ability that increae or decrease Attack damage are nullified |
Prism Armor: Dawn |
Ultra Beast. When this Pokémon appears with its form changed, it may attach a Photon marker to an opposing Pokémon within X+1 steps, where X is the number of Pokémon in the Ultra Space. In this Pokémon's first battle after moving to the field, its battle opponent's Gold Attacks become White Attacks. This Pokémon can MP move through other Pokémon on the field. When this Pokémon is knocked out in battle, it may change its form to Necrozma without moving to the P.C. If it does and any of your Lunala are in the Ultra Space, move on of them to the bench. |
Prism Armor: Dusk |
Ultra Beast. When this Pokémon appears with its form changed, it may attach a Photon marker to an opposing Pokémon within X+1 steps, where X is the number of Pokémon in the Ultra Space. In this Pokémon's first battle after moving to the field, its battle opponent's Gold Attacks become White Attacks. The battle opponent's Attacks cannot attach markers to this Pokémon. When this Pokémon is knocked out in battle, it may change its form to Necrozma without moving to the P.C. If it does and any of your Solgaleo are in the Ultra Space, move on of them to the bench. |
Proactive |
In battles on your turn, this Pokémon deals +20 damage. |
Psychic Amplifier |
If this Pokémon is using the Twisted Spoon plate, it can attack Pokémon that are 2 steps away. While it does, this Pokémon's attacks have Range 2 |
Psychic Arrow |
This Pokémon can MP move through your Pokémon and opposing Fighting-type and Poison-type Pokémon. If there are opposing Pokémon on all entry points, this Pokémon games +1 MP |
Psychic Net |
You may redo battle spins up to the number of your other Reuniclus on the field. |
Psychic Sensor |
Psychic-type Pokémon have their in-battle effects of their abilities nullified. |
Psychic Surge |
This ability is only valid on your turn. This Pokémon can MP-Move past non-Fairy-type Pokémon on the field. When this Pokémon is on the field, your Psychic-type Pokémon gain +1 ☆. (This effect is not cumulative.) The Gold Attacks of Pokémon within 2 steps of this Pokémon become White Attacks. |
Pulsar Venom |
Ultra Beast. When this Pokémon moves to the field, or appears as an Evolution, it excludes each player's used plates from the duel. After its first battle since moving to the field, it poisons its battle opponent and each Pokémon that has a special condition |
Purification |
When this Pokémon moves from the bench to the field, remove any special conditions and Curse markers from all the Pokémon you have in the duel |
Purity Veil |
Your opponent's Dark-type Pokémon will do -20 damage |
Queenly Majesty |
All Gold Attacks of opposing Pokémon adjacent to this Pokémon become misses |
RKS System |
This Pokémon may MP move over non-Flying-type Pokémon on the field. When this Pokémon moves to the field or appears as an Evolution, choose one Pokémon on the field. While this Pokémon is on the field, its type becomes the type of the chosen Pokémon. This Pokémon cannot be surrounded by Ultra Beasts. This Pokémon is not moved to the Ultra Space by the Attack effects of opposing Pokémon |
Raging Wind |
This Pokémon may MP move past other Pokmon on the field. While this Pokémon is on the field, the Gold attacks of Burned opposing Pokémon become Misses. Opposing Pokémon adjacent to this Pokémon cannot change forms with an Ability |
Raid |
Instead of using an MP move, this Pokémon can move to within 3 spaces of an opponent's Pokémon |
Rally |
This Pokémon's Ember gains +20 damage for each of your Pokémon in the P.C. |
Rampager |
This Pokémon may MP move through other Pokémon on the field. Pokémon that are knocked out by the attacks of this Pokémon are temporarily excluded from the duel and can move to their P.C. after 5 turns |
Rapid Approach |
All the Blue Attacks of htis Pokémon's battle opponents become misses |
Rapid Evolution |
When this Pokémon faints in battle, you can evolve it without sending it to the P.C. |
Reckless Charge |
This Pokémon can move up to 2 steps in a straight line |
Reflective Laser |
Once per turn, you can force your opponent to spin again. The 3 Pokémon limit does not apply to this Pokémon in your deck |
Refraction |
Friendly Pokémon next to this Pokémon cannot be affected by any new status effects |
Refreshing Aroma |
When this Pokémon moves from the bench to the field, remove any special conditions from all of your Pokémon on the field |
Regenerator |
If one of your other Pokémon is knocked out, and this Pokémon is in the P.C., this Pokémon moves to the bench |
Ripped Sky Reign |
This Pokémon can MP move over other Pokémon on the field. While this Pokémon is on the field, all the Blue attacks of battle opponents of your Dragon-type Pokémon become misses. Your Dragon-type and Flying-type Pokémon each deal +10 damage |
Rocket Ride |
In its first battle after moving to the field, this Pokémon's Flamethrower becomes Flame Gun (the battle opponent and one Pokémon directly behind it are knocked out). At the start of your turn, instead of an MP move, you may move an adjacent Pokémon to a point 3 steps away from this Pokémon. If you do, this Pokémon moves to the Ultra Space. Your turn ends.. |
Rough Skin |
If this Pokémon is not affected by a special condition, attach a Cracked marker to any Pokémon that battle it. |
Rubbery Repulsion |
If the battle opponent of this Pokémon spins an Attack of 130 or more damage, this Pokémon is not knocked out. Instead. while the battle opponent is on the field, that Pokémon deals -10 damage |
Ruinous Helix |
This Pokémon is not knocked out in battle (if it would be, it moves to the bench instead). When this Pokémon battles, this Pokémon's number of Mega Evolution turns increases by 2. Your Psychic-type Pokémon deal +10 damage. Your Fighting-type Pokémon deal +10 damage |
Run Away |
When this Pokémon is attacked, it can move to the bench. If it does, it gains Wait. |
Run Off |
Before using this Pokémon, you can switch its position with another one of your own Pokémon in an adjacent space. |
Rush In |
At the start of your turn, this Pokémon may route move to a point 1-4 steps away in a straight line instead of an MP move. If it does, this Pokémon counts as having already battled. Your turn ends |
Sacred Fencer |
This Ability is only valid on your turn. When this Pokémon is on the field, Sword of Justice from your Pokémon deals +30 damage. The battle opponent of those Pokémon cannot move by effects other thanthe Attack effects of those Pokémon until the end of battle |
Sand Blizzard |
Your opponent's Fly Away effects are nullified. When this Pokémon is on the field and has evolved, the Soar effects of Pokémon on the field are nullified |
Sand Veil |
If this Pokémon is to be attacked, it may slip past the attacking Pokémon |
Sap Sipper |
If the battle opponent is a Grass-type Pokémon, this Pokémon is not knocked out in battle. |
Scarlet Bladewings |
Pokémon that this Pokémon moves over using Fly are knocked out. Your Dragon-type Pokémon deal +10 damage and your Flying-type Pokémon deal +10 damage |
Scrappy |
This Pokémon cannot be knocked out if it's not affected by a special condition and its battle opponent is a Ghost-type Pokémon |
Sensu |
This Pokémon can MP move through other Pokémon on the field. When this Pokémon is on the field, your Ghost-type Pokémon deal +1 damage for each Ghost-type Pokémon on the field |
Sentry |
This Pokémon can MP move over opposing non-Flying-type Pokémon on the field. When this Pokémon surrounds an opposing Pokémon, if there are three or more opposing Pokémon on the field with the same name as the surrounded Pokémon, the surrounded Pokémon is excluded from the duel |
Serene Light |
When this Pokémon is knocked out, all Pokémon in your P.C. are moved to the bench (this Pokémon excluded). |
Shadow Shield |
The battle opponent of this Pokémon cannot move by effects other than the Attacks of this Pokémon until the end of battle. If this Pokémon is not affected by a special condition, halve the Attack damage dealt to this Pokémon by the battle opponent. This Pokémon can move through other Pokémon on the field |
Shed Skin |
This Pokémon will recover from any status effect at the start of your turn, and the turn will end |
Shell Armor |
This Pokémon is not knocked out by the knockout-causing Attack effects of opponents |
Shelter |
This Pokémon and your Pokémon next to it will be protected from instant knock out effects of Attacks. The 3 Pokémon limit does not apply to this Pokémon in your deck |
Slime Barrier |
This Pokémon negates status effects for your opponent's White Attacks |
Slime Touch |
At the start of your turn, instead of an MP move, this Pokémon may attach a Slime marker to one of your adjacent Pokémon. If it does, your turn ends. The Ability of a Pokémon that has that marker becomes Slime Barrier (any effects of its battle opponent's White attacksthat would give this Pokémon a special condition are nullified), and the effects of its original Ability are nullified. |
Slippery |
Just once, before this Pokémon would be surrounded, it may switch places with an adjacent Pokémon |
Slow Start |
This Pokémon gets +1 MP for each species of Regirock, Regice and Registeel on the field. This Pokémon cannot be moved by plates, Abilities or other Pokémon's attacks |
Sneaky Steps |
If there are no opposing Pokémon within two steps of this Pokémon, this Pokémon has MP 3 while on the field |
Snow Cloak |
If this Pokémon is attacked, it may move under the attacking Pokémon to a point next to it. (A battle does not occur.) This Pokémon can MP move past Ice-type Pokémon on the field |
Snowy Transformation |
At the start of your turn, instead of an MP move, if this Pokémon is on the field, it may switch with a frozen Pokémon, or if this Pokémon is on the bench, it may switch with one of your frozen Pokémon. If it does, your turn ends |
Soar |
This Pokémon can fly over Pokémon that don't have Soar using an MP Move |
Soar: Aerodactyl |
Restored Pokémon. This Pokémon may MP move over Pokémon on the field that don't have Soar. |
Sonic Blast |
When this Pokémon moves from the bench to the field, remove Wait from all your Pokémon on the field. |
Sonic Tyranny |
This Pokémon can MP move under other Pokémon. If this Pokémon is attacked, it may move under the attacking Pokémon to a point next to it. (A battle does not occur) If it does, that Pokémon becomes burned. All Blue Attacks of this Pokémon's battle opponents become Misses. Your Dragon-type and Ground-type Pokémon each deal +10 damage |
Soul Burner |
If this Pokémon is knocked out, knock out opposing Pokémon that have a Branded marker. This Pokémon can MP move through other Pokémon on the field |
Soul-Heart |
This Pokémon deals +10 damage for each time one of your Pokémon has been knocked out. This Pokémon can remove Curse markers and Cracked markers by tagging |
Space Distortion |
If there are other Pokémon on your bench, this Pokémon cannot enter the field using an MP move. This Pokémon is not knocked out in battle-if it would be, it moves to the bench instead. |
Space Slide |
When this Pokémon is knocked out by damage in battle, it recovers from any special conditions, and it moves to one of your entrypoints if possible. If it does, this Pokémon gains Wait. |
Spaceborn |
Ultra Beast. When this Pokémon is on the field, at the start of your turn, your Ultra Beasts on the field are treated as though they have newly moved to the field (any special conditions and markers remain). Until it engages in its first battle after moving to the field, at the start of your turn, this Pokémon may move to a point three steps away instead of using an MP move (this ends your turn) |
Spark Noise |
When this Pokémon moves from the bench to the field, the Pokémon on the opponent's bench spin. Pokémon that spin a Purple Attack gain wait |
Special Delivery |
When this Pokémon is knocked out, you may move one of your Pokémon that has been excluded from the duel to the bench. This Pokémon is excluded from the duel (without moving to the P.C.). |
Speed Booster |
When this Pokémon evolves, it will gain +1 MP |
Speed Booster: Omaster |
Restored Pokémon. If this Pokémon is evolved, it has MP +1. When this Pokémon is excluded from the duel, it returns to its previous Evolution, if possible |
Spellbind |
While this Pokémon is on the field, the Sleep Condition is not removed by the effects of other abilities |
Spicy Scent |
This Pokémon gains +20 damage in battles in your turn |
Spinning Pattern |
This Pokémon's spin will miss by two segments in a clockwise direction |
Spiteful Maze |
This Pokémon can MP move through other Pokémon on the field. The Gold Attacks of this Pokémon's battle opponents become White Attacks. This Pokémon deals +10 damage for each of your Banette and Shuppet that have been knocked out during the duel. Your Ghost-type Pokémon deal +20 damage |
Spontaneous Evolution |
Whenever this Pokémon moves from the P.C. to the bench, it can evolve. |
Sprinkler |
If this Pokémon is on the field and is not affected by a special condition, your Water-type Pokémon can MP move through other Water-type Pokémon |
Stance Change: B |
This Pokémon can only be set as a form in a deck. At the start of your turn, this Pokémon may change its form to Shield Forme. On the turn this Pokémon appears with its form changed, this Pokémon's MP is 2, and it can attack Pokémon that are 2 steps away (when it does, this Pokémon's Attacks have Range 2). Your Pokémon on the field may MP move through this Pokémon. When this Pokémon leaves the field, its form changes to Shield Forme |
Stance Change: S |
This Pokémon may MP move through other Pokémon on te field. Before using this Pokémon, you may change its form to Blade Forme |
Static |
Opposing Pokémon that battle this Pokémon will be paralyzed after the battle |
Steel Breaker |
If a battle opponent of this Pokémon spins an Attack of 130 or more damage, attach a Cracked marker to the battle opponent. |
Stench |
Opposing Grass-type and Fairy-type Pokémon within 2 steps of this Pokémon have MP-1 |
Step Work |
This Pokémon can move over non-Flying-type Pokémon on the field using MP moves. |
Sticky Web |
Other Pokémon cannot use Fly Away to pass over this Pokémon |
Still |
This Pokémon cannot be moved by other Pokémon's Attacks (except Sweet Scent). This Pokémon can't be affected by any conditions other than Sleep |
Stormbringer's Mischief |
This Pokémon cannot win you the duel by moving to the goal point. This Pokémon map MP move through other Pokémon on the field. While this Pokémon is on the field, paralyzed Pokémon deal +30 damage. |
Stormy Anger |
This Pokémon may MP move through other Pokémon on the field. Opposing Pokémon that have MP moved next to this Pokémon on this turn cannot attack .If this Pokémon is on the field, all purple attacks of opposing paralyzed Pokémon become misses |
Streamlined Finish |
When this Pokémon is on the field, the effect of its Abilities that decrease damage that your Dragon-type and Psychic-type Pokémon deal, and the effects of abilities that increase dmaage that battle opponents of your Dragon-type and Psychic-type Pokémon deal, are nullified. Your Dragon-type and Psychic-type Pokémon each deal +10 damage |
Streamlined Mirage |
When this Pokémon is on the field, the Gold Attacks of battle opponents of your Dragon-type and Psychic-type Pokémon become White Attacks. Your Dragon-type and Psychic-type Pokémon each deal +10 damage. |
Strong Breeze |
Before using this Pokémon, you can switch its position with another one of your own Pokémon in an adjacent space. |
Sturdy |
If this Pokémon is not affected by a Special Condition, it is not knocked out by knockout-causing Attack effects |
Superjammer |
When this Pokémon moves from the bench to the field, or when this Pokémon appears as an Evolution, the Abilities of opposing Pokémon that have a cracked marker are lost while those Pokémon are on the field. Your Psychic-type and Steel-type Pokémon each deal +10 damage |
Supersonic Speed |
If this Pokémon has evolved, all the Gold Attacks of battle opponents of this Pokémon become White Attacks |
Surprise |
Ultra Beast. Until this Pokémon engages in its first battle after moving to the field, the Purple Attacks of your Fire-type Pokémon gain +1 ☆. If this Pokémon knocks out its battle opponent with one of its Attacks, the opponent's Z-Move gauge is reduced by half its max value. This Pokémon can MP move through other Pokémon on the field |
Surprise Back |
When attacked, you can move this Pokémon back two steps without battling. It gains Wait. |
Surprise Strike |
If there is an opponent's Pokémon on your entry point, and this Pokémon is on the bench, at the beginning of your turn, this Pokémon can move next to that Pokémon and battle. After the battle, if this Pokémon is not knocked out, move it to your bench |
Survive |
This Pokémon cannot be excluded from the duel (aside from movement to the Ultra Space) |
Swarm |
Instead of an MP move, this Pokémon may move on of your Ledian or Ledyba on the field next to itself. If there are no opposing Pokémon at any of your entry points, you may move one of your Ledian or Ledyba on the bench next to this Pokémon. In either case, your turn ends |
Swift Swim |
If there is an adjacent Water-type Pokémon, this Pokémon gains +1MP |
Synchronize |
When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, noxious, paralyzed, burned etc. by an Attack, the Pokémon that caused the condition will also become it. |
Team Fight |
If there is an adjacent Durant, this Pokémon's White Attacks become Gold Attacks. While this Pokémon is on the field, it can move over other Durant. The 3-Pokémon limit does not apply to this Pokémon in your deck |
Team Play |
This Pokémon deals +20 damage for each friendly Sneasel on the field |
Tectonic Tunnel |
Your Steel-type and Ground-type Pokémon each deal +10 damage. This Pokémon cannot be surrounded by your opponent's Pokémon. At the start of your turn, instead of an MP move, this Pokémon may move through an adjacent Pokémon to a point 1-2 steps awy from that Pokémon. Your turn ends. |
Teravolt |
This Pokémon can only be set as a form in the deck. The effects of Abilities of the battle opponent that increase or decrease Attack damage are nullified. This Pokémon can MP move over other Pokémon. When this Pokémon is knocked out, it can change form to Kyurem without moving to the P.C.. If it does, and there are any of your Zekrom that have been excluded from the duel, move one of the Zekrom to the bench |
Territoriality |
While this Pokémon is on the bnch, it gains +1 MP. Your opponent's Pokémon cannot pass by this Pokémon with an MP move. Any opposing Pokémon that has used an MP move to move next to this Pokémon must attack it on that turn. |
Thankfulness |
This Pokémon can MP move over non-Flying-type Pokémon on the field. While this Pokémon is on the field, MP1 or lower Pokémon on your bench, and MP1 or lower Pokémon within 2 steps of this Pokémon gain +1 MP |
Thermostat |
If this Pokémon is on the field and is not affected by a special condition, your Fire-type Pokémon take 30 less damage from the Attacks of Fire-type battle opponents. This effect does not stack |
Thicket Slip |
This Pokémon can MP Move past Grass-type Pokémon on the field |
Thunder Rush |
This Pokémon can MP Move past Paralyzed Pokémon. |
Thunder Spear |
It can MP move through your Pokémon and through opposing Water-type Pokémon and Flying-type Pokémon. If there are opposing Pokémon on all of your entry points, this Pokémon gets +1MP |
Time Distortion |
If there are other Pokémon on your bench, this Pokémon cannot enter the field using an MP move. This Pokémon is not knocked out in battle-if it would be, it moves to the bench instead. |
Time Slide |
This Pokémon cannot have Wait while it is on the field. If this Pokémon is knocked out by damage in battle, the next turn will always be yours.. |
Time Travel |
If this Pokémon is not affected by a special condition, it can MP move over opposing non-Flying-type Pokémon on the field. You may use this Ability at the start of your turn. If you do, return the duel to the start of your previous turn and exclude this Pokémon from the duel. Neither player's remaining time changes. Until the end of your opponent's next turn, neither player can use Time Travel. |
Trainee |
This Pokémon gains Wait 10 at the start of the duel. When this Pokémon faints in battle, you can evolve it without sending it to the P.C.. If you do, move 1 of the Pokémon in your PC to the bench |
Transcendant Helix |
This Pokémon cannot be moved by the Attacks of other Pokémon. When this Pokémon battles, this Pokémon's number of Mega Evolution turns increases by 2. Your Psychic-type Pokémon deal +20 damage |
Truant |
This Pokémon cannot attack in the same turn as it made an MP move |
Tunnel Construction A |
When this Pokémon moves from the bench, it may move to a point 1 step away from an entry point. If it does, your turn ends. |
Tunnel Construction B |
At the start of your turn, instead of an MP move, you may move this Pokémon to a point 2 steps away. Your turn ends. |
Turboblaze |
This Pokémon can only be set as a form in the deck. The effects of Abilities of the battle opponent that increase or decrease Attack damage are nullified. This Pokémon can MP move over other Pokémon. When this Pokémon is knocked out, it can change form to Kyurem without moving to the P.C.. If it does, and there are any of your Reshiram that have been excluded from the duel, move one of the Reshiram to the bench |
Two-Sword Strike |
This Pokémon can attack Pokémon that are 2 steps away. While it does, your Pokémon's Attacks have Range 2. Your Psychic-type and Fighting-type Pokémon deal +10 damage |
Ultra Pump Up |
Until it engages in its first battle after moving to the field, at the start of your turn this Pokémon may move to a point by moving over an adjacent Pokémon instead of using an MP move. Your turn ends. This Pokémon deals +29 Attack damage for each Pokémon in the Ultra Space |
Ultra Sprint |
In this Pokémon's first battle after moving to the field, any effects of the battle opponent's Ability that increase or decrease damage are nullified. This Pokémon gets +1 MP for each Pokémon in the Ultra Space (to a maximum of MP4) |
Ultra Stack |
Ultra Beast. Until the end of this Pokémon's first battle after moving to the field, the Blue Attacks of your Steel-type Pokémon are not lost from the effects of Abilities or Z-Moves. The added damage and number of persistent turns of Attack effects of this Pokémon are additively increased for each Pokémon in the Ultra Space |
Upside-Down Evolution |
Whenever this Pokémon moves from a P.C. to the bench, it can evolve. |
Vibrating Sound |
Your opponent's Pokémon cannot pass next to this Pokémon using an MP move. If the Pokémon your opponent moved last turn is next to this Pokémon, it cannot attack. |
Victory Star |
If this Pokémon is not affected by a special condition, it may MP move over opposing non-Flying-type Pokémon on the field. This Pokémon may respin just once in battles on your turn |
Volt Swap |
Before using this Pokémon from the bench, you may have it switch places with one of your paralyzed Electric-type Pokémon on the field. When it does, any opposing Pokémon on your entry points become paralyzed |
Voltage Zone |
If this Pokémon is on the field, opposing Pokémon become paralyzed when they move to the field. While this Pokémon is on the field, opposing paralyzed Pokémon have MP-1. Your Electric-type Pokémon each deal +20 damage |
Wall-Climb |
While on the bench, this Pokémon can MP move over non-Ghost-type Pokémon |
Water Arrow |
It can MP move through your Pokémon and through opposing Fire-type Pokémon and Ground-type Pokémon. If there are opposing Pokémon on all of your entry points, this Pokémon gets +1MP |
Water Weed |
Your Bug-type Pokémon can move over this Pokémon when using an MP Move |
Whims of the Wind |
This Pokémon cannot win you the duel by moving to the goal point but can MP move through other Pokémon on the field. While this Pokémon is on the field, burned Pokémon have MP=1 to a maximum MP of 4 |
White Noise |
When this Pokémon moves to the field, the effects of Energy plates are lost and they count as having been used. In its first battle after moving to the field, all of this Pokémon's White Attacks become Gold |
Whiteout |
Opposing Flying-type Pokémon and Dragon-type Pokémon within 2 steps of this Pokémon have MP-1 |
Wily Jaws |
Plates cannot be used on opposing Pokémon next to this Pokémon. Opposing Pokémon next to this Pokémon cannot be moved by the Abilities or Attacks of opposing Pokémon. This Pokémon cannot be moved by the Attacks of its battle opponent. Your Steel-type and Fairy-type Pokémon each deal +10 damage |
Winged Terror |
Restored Pokémon. If this Pokémon is not affected by a special condition, it may MP move over Pokémon on the field that don't have Soar. Opposing Pokémon that are not Ghost- or Ground-type Pokémon cannot MP move through this Pokémon using the effect of an ability. Your Rock-type and Flying-type Pokémon each deal +10 damage |