#1024 Terapagos
Gen VII Dex

| Rystal | Liko | Wild |

Rystal's Terapagos

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
2 The Pendant That Starts It All: Part Two The Pendant It All Started With! (Part 2) Pics
12 The Future I Choose! The Future I Choose Pics
13 An Unexpected Picni A Sudden Picnic Pics
16 Quaxly, We Can Do It! As Long As I'm With Quaxly... Pics
23 Fiery Galarian Moltres Galarian Moltres Blazes Up Pics
24 Reunion at the Ancient Castle! Reunion at the Old Castle Pics
25 Rivals in the Dark of Night! Rivals in the Moonless Night Pics
26 Terapagos's Adventure! Terapagos' Adventure Pics
27 As Long as I'm with My Friends As Long As I'm With My Companions Pics
28 The Stolen Treasure The Stolen Treasure Pics
29 Orla and the Poké Ball Smith Orla & The Poké Ball Craftsman Pics
30 Slip and Crash! A Mystery Pokémon?! The Mystery Pokémon Behind the Slipping and Clanging?! Pics
31 Song Within the Mist The Song in the Mist Pics
32 Lapras's Feelings for its Friends Lapras' Thoughts for its Companions Pics
33 Roar of the Black Rayquaza The Roaring Black Rayquaza Pics
34 Respective Departures Respective Departures Pics
35 The Wild Pair, Friede and Cap! A Duo in the Wilderness: Friede and Cap Pics
36 Mission: Find Oinkologne's Partner! Operation: Oinkologne Friendship! Pics
37 Fuecoco... Becomes a Crook?! Fuecoco Becomes a Bad Boy?! Pics
39 Tinkatink's Ideal Hammer Tinkatink and its Choice Hammer Pics
40 Farewell, Sprigatito? Farewell, Sprigatito Pics
41 A Wild Mom Appears! Enter the Intense Mom! Pics
43 A Challenge from the Explorers A Letter of Challenge from the Explorers Pics
44 The Plan to Capture Rayquaza The Plan for Capturing Rayquaza! Pics
45 From So Far Away To Places Far Far Away Pics
46 Welcome to Naranja Academy! How Thrilling! Naranja Academy! Pics
47 Put Your Heart into It Liko and Floragato, Put All Your Heart Into It Pics
48 Sparkle! The Glow of Fire and Art! Shine! The Glimmer of Fire and Art Pics
49 Dot and Nidothing Dot & Nidothing Pics
51 The Flower Tower A Prickly Floragato?! The Mysterious Flower Pillar Pics
52 Wattrel's High Wind Warning! Storm Warning for Wattrell! Pics
53 Hatenna and the Otherworldly Hatenna and the Unworldly! Pics
54 The Treasure of Eternity Eternal Blessings! Pics
56 Liko VS. Rika! Toward the Battle's End Liko VS Rika! At the End of the Battle Pics
57 The Terapagos I Don't Know A Terapagos I Don't Know! Pics
58 Food Fit for a Kingambit! The Mascot Pokémon is Kingambit?! Pics
60 Roy and Fuecoco's First Snow! Seeing Snow for the First Time! Fue-Fuecoco! Pics
61 Resonating Spirits in a Challenge to Ryme! Resound, My Soul! Challenging Ryme! Pics
62 A New Song for Fuecoco Me and Fuecoco's Song Pics
63 Ice Battle! Cold-Eyed Grusha An Ice Battle! Cold-Eyed Grusha! Pics
64 The Approaching Shadow! The Creeping Shadow on Glaseado Mountain Pics
65 Liko and Amethio Liko and Amethio Pics
66 Infiltrating the System! Naranja Academy in Danger! System Intrusion! Crisis at Naranja Academy! Pics
67 Shine on, Terastallization! Liko vs. Roy! Shine, Terastallization! Liko VS Roy!! Pics
68 TBC Taking to New Skies! The Brave Olivine!! Pics
69 TBC I'm a Pokémon and You're Me?! Pics
70 TBC Tinkatink's Hammer Was Not Built In A Day! Pics
71 TBC An Encounter at Crystal Pool! Pics
72 TBC Pursuit! Search for Kleavor! Pics
73 TBC Kleavor the Lone Warrior! Pics
74 TBC The Three Explorers Pics
75 TBC The Future We've Been Entrusted, the Shine of This World Pics
83 TBC The Truth Revealed? Amethio's Resolve! Pics

Liko's Terapagos

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
75 TBC The Future We've Been Entrusted, the Shine of This World Pics
76 TBC Wynaut? Sohdayo! Pics
77 TBC Ludlow Returns to His Hometown Pics
78 TBC A Fierce Fight Against Entei! The Noble Roar of Flame!! Pics
79 TBC Over the Top! Pics
80 TBC Oni-Awesome Pokémon in Area Zero?! Pics
81 TBC A Grand Battle! Earth-Gouging Fire Pics
82 TBC At the End of the Shining Rainbow Pics
83 TBC The Truth Revealed? Amethio's Resolve! Pics
84 TBC The Place Where Heaven and Earth Meet Pics
85 TBC Arrival! The Paradise of Laqua Pics
86 TBC The Rising Volt Tacklers VS The Explorers! Pics
87 TBC The Guidance of the Black Rayquaza Pics
88 TBC The White Zygarde Causes Shock Waves Pics
89 TBC At the End of the Adventures Pics

Wild Terapagos

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
71 TBC An Encounter at Crystal Pool! Pics

<--- #1023
Iron Crown