Interactable Pokémon
Like with the Legendary Pokémon, there are a variety of Pokémon whom are available by interacting with them on the map. These Pokémon are not legendary Pokémon but this is the main way of capturing them so it's always best to employ
#185 Sudowoodo The first Interactable Pokémon you will likely discover is Sudowoodo. Sudowoodo resides in Route 36 and blocks the way between Goldenrod City, Violet City & Ecruteak City. To awaken it, you need to receive the SquirtBottle from the girl in the Goldenrod Flower Shop after defeating Whitney. Use the item on Sudowoodo and it will battle you
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#131 Lapras The next Pokémon is Lapras. Lapras is unique in that it will appear every Friday within the Union Cave's Basement. Even if you capture it the previous week, another will appear the Friday afterwards. You need Surf to reach the Lapras so you cannot get it until after you have beaten Morty.
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#130 Gyarados The next Pokémon is Gyarados. This Gyarados is the only Alternate Coloured Pokémon that you are guaranteed to encounter in these games. Before you reach Mahogany Town, you will be informed of problems at the Lake of Rage. Once you get there, you will discover that a Gyarados is rampaging in the lake. To calm it, you need to capture it or defeat it. Once defeated, Lance will request your help in stopping Team Rocket.
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#143 Snorlax The final interactable Pokémon is Snorlax. Snorlax is blocking off the entrance to the Diglett's Cave and to the rest of Route 11. This limits your Kanto activities somewhat and you will have to go around and do a subquest to get it. When at Lavender Town, you will discover that the Radio Tower is not receiving any power so you need to go to the Power Plant to investigate. Once you go there, you will learn that the generator is missing a part and then learnof a shady character in Cerulean City. Enter the Cerulean Gym and you will encounter a Rocket Grunt. He will quickly run out and you can find him on Route 24. Battle him and he will tell you he left the Machine Part in Cerulean Gym's liferings. Collect the Machine Part and take it to the Power Plant and power will be restored. Next, head to the Radio Tower in Lavender and you'll receive the Radio Expansion. Then, go to Snorlax, put the PokéFlute station on and interact with it and it will battle you. If you defeat it without capturing, it will return in Route 12 after you have beaten the Elite Four again
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