Adventure Effects

Introduced in Pokémon GO Tour - Sinnoh, Adventure Effects are a special bonus that exist if you have certain Pokémon knowing certain moves. If the Pokémon knows the move, you can exchange Candy and Stardust for a short burst of the effect. This can then be extended for as long as you want so that you can have the effect.

The effect will continue until the time runs out or you start another Adventure Effect.

Pokémon GO Adventure Effects

List of Adventure Effects

Roar of Time

Roar of Time
Base Duration: 6 minutes

This effect will pause the timer on Incense, Daily Adventure Incense, Lucky Eggs and Star Pieces for the duration of the effect

List of Pokémon that may have Roar of Time

No. Pic Name Type
Origin Forme

Spacial Rend

Spacial Rend
Base Duration: 10 minutes

This effect will increase the spawn radius for wild Pokémon on the map for the duration of the effect

List of Pokémon that may have Spacial Rend

No. Pic Name Type
Origin Forme

Sunsteel Strike

Sunsteel Strike
Base Duration: 10 minutes

This effect will make the game act like daytime for evolutions and wild spawns for the duration of the effect
Common: Pidgey, Yungoos, Cottonee
Uncommon: Helioptile Tyrunt, Fomantis and Solrock
Rare: Alolan Exeggutor
Very Rare: Rockruff
Ultra Rare: Rockruff (Dusk)

List of Pokémon that may have Sunsteel Strike

No. Pic Name Type
Dusk Mane

Moongeist Beam

Moongeist Beam
Base Duration: 10 minutes

This effect will make the game act like night for evolutions and wild spawns for the duration of the effect
Common: Gligar, Alolan Rattata, Clefairy
Uncommon: Munna, Amaura, Galarian Zigzagoon, Lunatone
Rare: Alolan Marowak
Very Rare: Rockruff
Ultra Rare: Rockruff (Dusk)

Ursaring can evolve into Ursaluna no matter the time of month

List of Pokémon that may have Moongeist Beam

No. Pic Name Type
Dawn Wings

Freeze Shock

Freeze Shock
Base Duration: 10 minutes

This effect will make it so Pokémon are immobolised and easy to capture for the duration of the effect. This includes with accessory devices
Catch Rate increase: +25%
Circle Time Speed: 50%

List of Pokémon that may have Freeze Shock

No. Pic Name Type
Black Kyurem

Ice Burn

Ice Burn
Base Duration: 10 minutes

This effect will make it so the target ring moves slower in capture for the duration of the effect. This includes with accessory devices
Catch Rate increase: +50%
Circle Time Speed: 20%
Catch Circle Speed Change: +60%

List of Pokémon that may have Ice Burn

No. Pic Name Type
White Kyurem