#0448 Lucario
Gen VII Dex

| Ash | Maylene | Riley | Sir Aaron | Nate | Cameron | Korrina | Gurkinn | Professor Kukui | Sorrel | Roy | Special/Other Trainers | Wild |

Ash's Lucario

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
1134 Sword and Shield: The Legends Awaken! Sword & Shield IV: Ultimate Sword & Shield Pics
1135 Getting More Than You Battled For! Battling & Getting! Mewtwo Comes Back Pics
1136 Crowning the Chow Crusher! Pokémon Champion! The Battle of Big Eaters!! Pics
1137 A Close Call... Practically Almost Pikachu Crisis! Pics
1140 Trials of a Budding Master! The Great Farfetch'd Trial! Pics
1142 Healing the Healer! Getting a Legend?! Search for Suicune, the Guardian Deity of Water!! Pics
1149 Beyond Chivalry... Aiming to be a Leek Master! Aim to Become Leek Master! Stay With Me, Chivalry!! Pics
1154 Thrash of the Titans! Dragon Battle! Ash VS Iris!! Pics
1159 Take My Thief! Please! Please Get Morpeko!! Pics
1165 All Out, All of the Time! Fully Powered! The Alola Desert Island Race!! Pics
1166 Excitement from the Ultra-Shocking Start! A Super-Electromagnetic Hyper Class Battle! Pics
1167 Detective Drizzile! The Cerise Laboratories Become a Target!! Pics
1173 An Adventure of Mega Proportions! The Lucarionite! Adventure on Mega Island!! Pics
1174 Battle Three with Bea! Rival Showdown! Ash VS Bea!! Pics
1175 A Battle of Mega vs Max! Mega Evolution VS Gigantamax! Pics
1177 Looking Out for Number Two! Trial Mission! The Deep Sea Diver Research Team!! Pics
1178 The Gates of Warp! Dialga & Palkia! The Space-time Cataclysm!! Pics
1179 Showdown at the Gates of Warp! Dialga & Palkia! The Decisive Space-time Battle!! Pics
1184 The Good, The Bad, and The Lucky! Farewell! The Wandering Team Rocket Pics
1188 Battling Turned Up to Eleven! Marnie from Spikemuth Pics
1191 Battling in the Freezing Raid! Trial Mission: A Frozen Raid Battle!! Pics
1192 The Future is Now, Thanks to Strategy! Ash & Clemont! Special Friendship Training!! Pics
1197 Catching the Aura of Fate! Lucario & Greninja! The Aura of Fate!! Pics
1198 Aim for the Eight! VS Raihan! A Fight with Masters Eight on the Line!! Pics
1201 Helping the Hometown Hero! A Triumphant Return! The Alola Champion!! Pics
1202 Chasing to the Finish! Last Mission! Get Regieleki & Regidrago!! Pics
1203 Friends, Rivals, Lend Me Your Spirit! Fire Training Battle! Ash VS Paul!! Pics
1206 The Fiery Road to Mastership! VS Cynthia! Iris' Road to Dragon Master Pics
1207 Battling as Hard as Stone! Ash Heads Into Battle! VS Steven!! Pics
1210 TBC The Climax Begins: Ash's Masters Tournament Experience Pics
1211 It's Champion Time! The Semifinals I: Sweep Pics
1212 Bewitch, Battle, and Bewilder! The Semifinals II: Dazzle Pics
1213 Valor: A Strategic Part of Battling! The Semifinals III: Valor Pics
1214 Whittle While You Work! The Semifinals IV: Impact Pics
1215 TBC Go for Dream! Goh's Road to Mew!! Pics
1216 Just a Scone's Throw From Here Goh and Cinderace! The Place Where It All Began!! Pics
1217 TBC Climax! The Night Before the Decisive Match: Ash VS Leon!! Pics
1218 A Flood of Torrential Gains The Finals I: Torrent Pics
1219 Toying With Your Motions! The Finals II: Toying Pics
1220 Paring Pokémon While Parrying! The Finals III: Smashing Pics
1221 Partners in Time! The Finals IV: Partner Pics
1224 Heroes Unite! Pokémon! I Am Glad I Got To Meet You Pics
1225 These Could be the Start of Something Big! Ash and Goh! Setting Off Anew!! Pics

Maylene's Lucario

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
534 Lost Leader Strategy! Lucario & The Aura Sphere of Rage! Pics
535 Crossing the Battle Line! Dawn's First Gym Battle! Pics
536 A Triple Fighting Chance! Veilstone Gym! Lucario VS Buizel! Pics
M13 Zoroark - Master of Illusions Phantom Champion Zoroark Pics
651 League Unleashed! Opening! Sinnoh League - Suzuran Tournament!! Pics

Riley's Lucario

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
578 Steeling Peace of Mind! Riley & Lucario! Pics
579 Saving the World from Ruins The Hidden Ruins of Iron Island! Pics

Sir Aaron's Lucario

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
M8 Lucario & The Mystery of Mew Mew & The Wave-Guiding Hero - Lucario Pics

Nate's Lucario

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
S28 TBC Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 Introduction Pics

Cameron's Lucario

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
768 Cameron's Secret Weapon! Ash VS Cameron! The Hydreigon Secret Weapon!! Pics
769 A Unova League Evolution Unova League Conclusion! Lucario VS Pikachu!! Pics

Korrina's Lucario

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
833 Mega Revelations! Korrina and Lucario! The Secrets of Mega Evolution!! Pics
834 The Cave of Trials! Lucario VS Blaziken! The Cave of Trials!! Pics
835 The Aura Storm! Mega Lucario VS Mega Lucario! A Storm of Aura!! Pics
836 Calling From Beyond the Aura! Hearts Calling Out to One Another! Go Beyond Aura! Pics
837 Bonds of Mega Evolution Mega Lucario VS Mega Mawile! The Mega Evolution Bond!! Pics
842 Summer of Discovery! Pokémon Summer Camp! Enter the Rival Trio!! Pics
846 Origins of Mega Evolution! The Tower of Mastery! The History of Mega Evolution! Pics
847 Showdown at the Shalour Gym! Shalour Gym Match! Pikachu VS Mega Lucario!! Pics
865 The Future Is Now, Thanks to Determination! Protect the Future of Science! The Labyrinth of Electricity!! Pics
915 Master Class is in Session! The Master Class Begins! A Maidens' Fight Where Sparks Fly!! Pics
916 Performing a Pathway to the Future! Aria VS Serena! Open the Door to the Future!! Pics
926 A Diamond in the Rough! Find Carbink! Goodra and Dedenne!! Pics
M19 Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel Volcanion & The Ingenious Magearna Pics
935 A Towering Takeover! Team Flare Attacks! The Zygarde at the Prism Tower!! Pics
936 Coming Apart at the Dreams! The Shocking Zygarde VS Zygarde! The Breaking World!! Pics
938 Rocking Kalos Defenses! The Megalith Advances! A Fight to Protect Kalos!! Pics
939 Forming a More Perfect Union! Zygarde Fights Back! The Final Battle for Kalos!! Pics
943 Till We Compete Again A Zero With No End! Till the Day We Meet Again!! Pics
1114 A Festival Reunion! A Battle Festival Exploding With Life! VS Mega Lucario!! Pics
1123 Solitary and Menacing! Bea, the Lone Warrior! The Grapploct Menace!! Pics
1140 Trials of a Budding Master! The Great Farfetch'd Trial! Pics
1149 Beyond Chivalry... Aiming to be a Leek Master! Aim to Become Leek Master! Stay With Me, Chivalry!! Pics
1173 An Adventure of Mega Proportions! The Lucarionite! Adventure on Mega Island!! Pics
1174 Battle Three with Bea! Rival Showdown! Ash VS Bea!! Pics
1175 A Battle of Mega vs Max! Mega Evolution VS Gigantamax! Pics
1219 Toying With Your Motions! The Finals II: Toying Pics

Gurkinn's Lucario

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
835 The Aura Storm! Mega Lucario VS Mega Lucario! A Storm of Aura!! Pics
836 Calling From Beyond the Aura! Hearts Calling Out to One Another! Go Beyond Aura! Pics
837 Bonds of Mega Evolution Mega Lucario VS Mega Mawile! The Mega Evolution Bond!! Pics
1114 A Festival Reunion! A Battle Festival Exploding With Life! VS Mega Lucario!! Pics

Professor Kukui's Lucario

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
1083 Z-Move Showdown! Guzzlord Attacks! Decisive Z-Move Battle!! Pics
1084 Exhibition Unmasked! Final Battle! Ash VS Kukui!! Pics
1085 A Full Battle Bounty! Burn with Passion! Get Filled with Intensity! A Full Battle!!! Pics
1086 Fiery Surprises! Conclusion! Incineroar VS Torracat!! Pics

Sorrel's Lucario

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
M20 Pokémon! I Choose You! Pokémon! I Choose You! Pics

Roy's Lucario

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
89 TBC At the End of the Adventures Pics

Special/Other Trainers's Lucario

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
618 Unlocking the Red Chain of Events! The Red Chain! Team Galactic Start!! Pics
846 Origins of Mega Evolution! The Tower of Mastery! The History of Mega Evolution! Pics

Wild Lucario

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
M10 The Rise of Darkrai Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai Pics
S35 Pokémon XY Mega Evolution I Strongest Mega Evolution ~Act 1~ Pics
1135 Getting More Than You Battled For! Battling & Getting! Mewtwo Comes Back Pics

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