#0039 Jigglypuff
Gen VII Dex

| Marina | Lisa Mitchum | Ursala | Gena | Special/Other Trainers | Wild |

Marina's Jigglypuff

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
C1 Legend of Thunder Raikou! Legend of Thunder! Pics
M9 Pokémon Ranger & The Temple of the Sea Pokémon Ranger & The Prince of the Sea - Manaphy Pics
509 A Stand-Up Sit-Down Dawn, Zoey & A Double Performance! Pics

Lisa Mitchum's Jigglypuff

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
415 Rough, Tough Jigglypuff Jigglypuff's Song! Father's Song!! Pics

Ursala's Jigglypuff

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
629 Yes, in Dee Dee It's Dawn Pokemon Contest! Asatsuki Tournament!! Pics

Gena's Jigglypuff

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
883 Performing with Fiery Charm! Braixen and Pancham! An Entrancing Fire Performance!! Pics

Special/Other Trainers's Jigglypuff

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
45 The Song of Jigglypuff Sing! Jigglypuff! Pics
46 Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon Resurrection!? Fossil Pokemon! Pics
54 Case of the K-9 Capers Police Officer Growlithe Pics
58 Riddle Me This Heated Battle in Cinnibar Gym Pics
59 Volcanic Panic Decisive Battle! Cinnabar Gym Pics
60 Beach Blank-Out Blastoise Blastoise's Island Pics
62 Clefairy Tales Clefairy Vs. Jigglypuff Pics
71 Lights, Camera, Quacktion! Pokémon: The Movie Pics
74 The Ancient Puzzle of Pokemopolis A Battle of Ancient Pokémon Pics
84 A Scare in the Air Airship Mishap!? Pics
85 Pokeball Peril Southern Pokémon & The GS Ball Pics
86 The Lost Lapras Lapras In Bonds! Pics
90 In the Pink The Island of Pink Pokémon! Pics
96 Snack Attack! Hungry Snorlax! Great Panic! Pics
100 A Way Off, Day Off It's the Southern Islands! Everyone Gather! Pics
116 The Underground Round Up Electrode's Tremendous Blast!? Pics
117 A Tents Situation Return to Pallet Town! Pics
119 Dont Touch That 'Dile New Bark Town! Where Winds of New Beginnings Blow! Pics
151 Tunnel Vision Jigglypuff Vs. Snubbull! Pics
191 Freeze Frame Articuno Vs. Jigglypuff! In The Snowstorm! Pics
201 Current Events Goodbye Chikorita! Dangerous Electric Labyrinth! Pics
225 Throwing in the Noctowl! Fly Proud Hoothoot! Aim for Olivine!! Pics
245 Same Old Song & Dance Igglybuff Twins Vs. Jigglypuff! Pokemon Singing Concert! Pics
248 Wish Upon a Star Shape Cleffa, Clefairy, and the Shoooting Star! Pics
315 A Pokéblock Party! Sing! Pokémon Trick House! Pics
420 The Saffron Con Pokémon Contest! Saffron Conference (Part 1)! Pics
456 May, We Harley Drew'd Ya! Begin! Pokémon Contest - Grand Festival! Pics
467 Once More With Reeling Ash VS May! The Last Battle!! Pics
650 An Old Family Blend! The Eve of the Fierce Fighting! The Big Gathering of Ash's Pokémon! Pics
S39 Pokémon XY Mega Evolution III Strongest Mega Evolution ~Act III~ Pics
887 Adventures in Running Errands! Chespin! Its First Errand!! Pics
908 Party Dancecapades Ash and Serena! Getting One at a Dance Party!! Pics
928 A League of His Own! The Kalos League Begins! Mega Charizard Showdown: X VS Y!! Pics
941 The First Day of the Rest of Your Life! One Last Battle with Ash! Serena's Choice!! Pics
949 A Shocking Grocery Run! Zing Zap Togedemaru! Pics
M20 Pokémon! I Choose You! Pokémon! I Choose You! Pics
M21 Pokémon: The Power of Us Pokémon: Everyone's Story Pics
1076 Battling on the Wing! A Birdacious Battle! Brave Bird VS Sky Attack!! Pics
1079 Getting Down to The Ire! Rising Fire! More Than One Rival!! Pics
1080 The Wisdom Not to Run! Guzma the Undefeated! Pics
1083 Z-Move Showdown! Guzzlord Attacks! Decisive Z-Move Battle!! Pics
1084 Exhibition Unmasked! Final Battle! Ash VS Kukui!! Pics
1122 Trade, Borrow, and Steal! Who Wants to Trade Pokémon? Pics
1129 A Crackling Raid Battle! VS Zapdos! Legendary Raid Battle Pics
1138 To Train, or Not to Train! Chloe & The Really Mysterious Eevee Pics
M23 Pokémon: Secrets of the Jungle Pokémon: Koko
1149 Beyond Chivalry... Aiming to be a Leek Master! Aim to Become Leek Master! Stay With Me, Chivalry!! Pics
1176 Breaking the Ice! The Ice Queen and Glaceon Pics
10 Nemona and Brassius and... Nemona & Brassius Pics
39 Tinkatink's Ideal Hammer Tinkatink and its Choice Hammer Pics
58 Food Fit for a Kingambit! The Mascot Pokémon is Kingambit?! Pics
59 Dance, Quaxly! The Blue Medali Step! Dance, Quaxly! Dance the Blue Medali Dance!! Pics
61 Resonating Spirits in a Challenge to Ryme! Resound, My Soul! Challenging Ryme! Pics
66 Infiltrating the System! Naranja Academy in Danger! System Intrusion! Crisis at Naranja Academy! Pics
67 Shine on, Terastallization! Liko vs. Roy! Shine, Terastallization! Liko VS Roy!! Pics
89 TBC At the End of the Adventures Pics

Wild Jigglypuff

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
P1 Pikachu's Vacation Pikachu's Summer Vacation Pics
74 The Ancient Puzzle of Pokemopolis A Battle of Ancient Pokémon Pics
P2 Pikachu's Rescue Adventure Pikachu's Exploration Party Pics
254 Fangs for Nothin' Blackthorn City Gym's Dragon's Fang! Pics
P7 Not Aired Pikachu's Summer Festival Pics
M12 Arceus & The Jewel of Life Arceus - Towards Conquering Space-Time Pics
M15 Meloetta's Moonlight Serenade Meloetta's Sparkling Recital Pics
S32 Pokémon Origins Pokémon: The Origin Pics
985 Alola, Kanto An Alola! in Kanto! Brock & Misty! Pics
986 When Regions Collide Gym Battle! Z-Move VS Mega Evolution!! Pics
988 Now You See Them, Now You Don't! Nebby's Panic! The Teleport Happened Suddenly!! Pics
989 Deceiving Appearances! C'mon, Search for the Transformed Ditto! Pics
999 Let Sleeping Pokémon Lie! A Strong Sleeper: Komala's Secret Pics
1000 The Dex Can't Help It! Rotom Won't Stop Undergoing Forme Change! Pics
1039 Don't Ignore the Small Stufful! Team Rocket & Stufful! Pics
1055 Got Meltan? A New Species Has Been Discovered! I Got a Meltan!! Pics
1089 Thank You, Alola! The Journey Continues! Thank You, Alola! Respective Departures!! Pics
1110 Caring for a Mystery! Hit Your Mark, Aura! Ash and the Mysterious Egg!! Pics
1225 These Could be the Start of Something Big! Ash and Goh! Setting Off Anew!! Pics
35 The Wild Pair, Friede and Cap! A Duo in the Wilderness: Friede and Cap Pics
46 Welcome to Naranja Academy! How Thrilling! Naranja Academy! Pics

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