#0081 Magnemite
Gen VII Dex

| Nurse Joy | Ethan | Jasmine | Anthony | Alyssa | Wattson | Dr. Yung | Zero | Professor Kodama | Plasma Grunt | Rocket Grunt | Clemont | Frank | Ren | Special/Other Trainers | Wild |

Nurse Joy's Magnemite

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
103 Get Along, Little Pokémon The Vast Plain's Call Pics

Ethan's Magnemite

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
103 Get Along, Little Pokémon The Vast Plain's Call Pics

Jasmine's Magnemite

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
210 Fight for the Light Lighthouse Radiance! Olivine City Battle!! Pics
225 Throwing in the Noctowl! Fly Proud Hoothoot! Aim for Olivine!! Pics
226 Nerves of Steelix Olivine Gym! Vs. Steelix! Pics

Anthony's Magnemite

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
286 You Said A Mouthful! The Greatest Pelipper Show in History! Pics

Alyssa's Magnemite

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
314 A Different Kind of Misty! Plusle & Minun! The Mountain Lighthouse! Pics

Wattson's Magnemite

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
316 Watt's With Wattson? Mauville Gym! Wattson's Electric Shock Battle! Pics

Dr. Yung's Magnemite

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
S20 The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon The Terrifying Mirage Pokémon Pics

Zero's Magnemite

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
M11 Giratina & The Sky Warrior Giratina & The Bouquet of the Sky - Shaymin Pics

Professor Kodama's Magnemite

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
617 Sticking With You Know Who Pikachu & Piplup Keep Away! Pics

Plasma Grunt's Magnemite

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
S28 TBC Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 Introduction Pics
773 Team Plasma's Pokémon Power Plot! Colress VS Looker! The Team Plasma Conspiracy! Pics
780 Meowth, Colress and Team Rivalry! Team Rocket VS Team Plasma! Meowth and Colress!! Pics
781 Ash and N: A Clash of Ideals! The White Ruins! Ash VS N!! Pics

Rocket Grunt's Magnemite

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
G4 Pokémon Generations - The Lake of Rage To be confirmed Pics

Clemont's Magnemite

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
812 Clemont's Got a Secret! Capture Lumiose Gym! Clemont's Secret! Pics
940 Battling With a Clean Slate! We Start at Zero! Clemont's Decision!! Pics

Frank's Magnemite

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
881 Lights! Camera! Pika! Pikachu Becomes a Star!? Its Movie Debut!!
"How to Pikachu the Movie! Ready! Action!!"
The Thunderclap Hero! Super Pikachu!!
Pikachu's Thrilling Blooper Award

Ren's Magnemite

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
1100 Best Friend ... Worst Nightmare! Chloe, Yamper, and Sometimes Gengar Too! Pics
1105 A Chilling Curse! Ash Has Been Cursed...! Pics
1120 The Cuteness Quotient! Feebas and the Prism Scale! Pics
1142 Healing the Healer! Getting a Legend?! Search for Suicune, the Guardian Deity of Water!! Pics
1147 A Rollicking Roll... / Eyes on the Goal! Panic! The Gulpin Ball!!
Come On, Chewtle Turtle Race
1156 Sleuths for Truth! Pikachu the Suspect!? Pics
1163 Nightfall? Nightmares! Darkrai's Midsummer Night's Dream! Pics
1167 Detective Drizzile! The Cerise Laboratories Become a Target!! Pics
1182 It's all in the Name! Your Name is Francois Pics
1195 Radio Lulled the Mischievous Stars! A New Show! The Team Rocket Undercover Kingdom Radio!! Pics
1208 TBC Chloe and Eevee and the EV-io-lite! Pics
1210 TBC The Climax Begins: Ash's Masters Tournament Experience Pics
1215 TBC Go for Dream! Goh's Road to Mew!! Pics
1225 These Could be the Start of Something Big! Ash and Goh! Setting Off Anew!! Pics

Special/Other Trainers's Magnemite

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
88 Pikachu Re-Volts Mystery of the Disappearing Pokémon! Pics
201 Current Events Goodbye Chikorita! Dangerous Electric Labyrinth! Pics
C13 Training Daze! Team Rocket! Origin of Love and Youth! Pics
353 A Fan With A Plan Formidable Enemy!? Mother Coordinator Enters! Pics
556 Camping It Up The Pokémon Summer School Offer Pics
639 Dawn of a Royal Day! Dancing Togekiss! Pokemon Contest Princess!! Pics
750 Iris and the Rogue Dragonite Iris and the Roughneck Dragonite! Pics
804 Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin! We've Come to Kalos Region! Dreams and Adventures Begin! Pics
851 A Campus Reunion! Clemont's Campus of Memories! An Electrifying Reunion!! Pics
G2 Pokémon Generations - The Chase To be confirmed Pics
949 A Shocking Grocery Run! Zing Zap Togedemaru! Pics
G18 Pokémon Generations - The Redemption To be confirmed Pics
959 They Might Not Be Giants! A Tiny Trio on a Big Adventure!! Pics
960 Crystal-Clear Sleuthing! Alola Detective Rotom! The Mystery of the Lost Crystal!! Pics
988 Now You See Them, Now You Don't! Nebby's Panic! The Teleport Happened Suddenly!! Pics
1003 Getting a Jump on the Competition! Lillie is Soaring Through The Air! The PokéSled Jump Tournament! Pics
M21 Pokémon: The Power of Us Pokémon: Everyone's Story Pics
1026 Dummy, You Shrunk the Kids! Ash Becomes Tiny Pics
1033 Securing the Future! Connect to the Future! The Legend of the Blinding One!! Pics
1046 Heart of Fire! Heart of Stone! A Passionate Heart That Smashes Even Rocks! Olivia and Brock!! Pics
1058 The Dealer of Destruction! Guzma, Emperor of Destruction! Pics
1062 A High-Speed Awakening! Superspeed Vikavolt! The Awakening of Sophocles!! Pics
1078 The Final Four! The Semifinals! Kiawe VS Gladion! Pics
1084 Exhibition Unmasked! Final Battle! Ash VS Kukui!! Pics
1097 The Sinnoh Iceberg Race! Don't Give In, Piplup! An Ice Floe Race in the Sinnoh Region!! Pics
1127 Restore and Renew! The Colossal Restoration and the Fossil Pokémon! Pics
1135 Getting More Than You Battled For! Battling & Getting! Mewtwo Comes Back Pics
1165 All Out, All of the Time! Fully Powered! The Alola Desert Island Race!! Pics
1182 It's all in the Name! Your Name is Francois Pics
1198 Aim for the Eight! VS Raihan! A Fight with Masters Eight on the Line!! Pics
1201 Helping the Hometown Hero! A Triumphant Return! The Alola Champion!! Pics
39 Tinkatink's Ideal Hammer Tinkatink and its Choice Hammer Pics
50 Trending Terastallisation! Dance, Dance, Quaxly! Terastallize for Social Media! Dance Dance Quaxly!! Pics
59 Dance, Quaxly! The Blue Medali Step! Dance, Quaxly! Dance the Blue Medali Dance!! Pics
89 TBC At the End of the Adventures Pics

Wild Magnemite

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
30 Sparks Fly for Magnemite Magnemite! Dreams of an Electric Mouse!? Pics
P1 Pikachu's Vacation Pikachu's Summer Vacation Pics
71 Lights, Camera, Quacktion! Pokémon: The Movie Pics
M2 The Power of One Revelation Lugia Pics
P2 Pikachu's Rescue Adventure Pikachu's Exploration Party Pics
197 The Poké-Spokes Person You Can Speak To Pokémon!? Pokémon's Words and Emotions!  
C1 Legend of Thunder Raikou! Legend of Thunder! Pics
244 As Clear As Crystal Zapdos and the Crystal! Secret of the Lake! Pics
316 Watt's With Wattson? Mauville Gym! Wattson's Electric Shock Battle! Pics
334 All Torkoal, No Play! Breaking Through Steel Valley! Torkoal VS. Steelix! Pics
P7 Not Aired Pikachu's Summer Festival Pics
497 The Champ Twins! Ash & Dawn! Saved By Double Battle? Pics
578 Steeling Peace of Mind! Riley & Lucario! Pics
579 Saving the World from Ruins The Hidden Ruins of Iron Island! Pics
612 Gone With the Windworks! Dungeon Capture!? Valley Windworks!! Pics
748 Expedition to Onix Island Survival on the Island of Onix! Pics
S32 Pokémon Origins Pokémon: The Origin Pics
812 Clemont's Got a Secret! Capture Lumiose Gym! Clemont's Secret! Pics
865 The Future Is Now, Thanks to Determination! Protect the Future of Science! The Labyrinth of Electricity!! Pics
M21 Pokémon: The Power of Us Pokémon: Everyone's Story Pics
1090 Enter Pikachu! Pikachu is Born!! Pics
1129 A Crackling Raid Battle! VS Zapdos! Legendary Raid Battle Pics
1135 Getting More Than You Battled For! Battling & Getting! Mewtwo Comes Back Pics
1182 It's all in the Name! Your Name is Francois Pics
1225 These Could be the Start of Something Big! Ash and Goh! Setting Off Anew!! Pics
13 An Unexpected Picni A Sudden Picnic Pics

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