#0183 Marill
Gen VII Dex

| Tracey | Wilhemina | Trixie | Pietra | Vivi Winstrate | Lola | Lulu | Lyra | Special/Other Trainers | Wild |

Tracey's Marill

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
89 The Crystal Onix The Crystal Onix! Pics
90 In the Pink The Island of Pink Pokémon! Pics
92 Stage Fight Dance! Pokémon Showboat! Pics
93 Bye Bye Psyduck Adios Psyduck, Hello Golduck Pics
94 The Joy of Pokémon Nurse Joy Sailing! Raging Waves! Pics
97 A Shipful of Shivers Phantom Pokémon of the Phantom Ship! Pics
99 Tracey Gets Bugged Scyther - Soldier's Pride Pics
100 A Way Off, Day Off It's the Southern Islands! Everyone Gather! Pics
102 Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon? Nidoran's Love Story Pics
106 Bound For Trouble Pikachu Vs. Meowth!? Pics
M2 The Power of One Revelation Lugia Pics
P2 Pikachu's Rescue Adventure Pikachu's Exploration Party Pics
108 Pokémon Water War Fire Extinguishing Showdown! Squirtle Vs. Wartortle! Pics
115 Viva Las Lapras Goodbye Lapras! Pics
118 The Rivalry Revival Rival Confrontation! Ash Vs. Gary! Pics
227 Bulbasaur...The Ambassador! Goodbye Bulbasaur! Adventure at Oak's Residence!! Pics
410 The Right Place at the Right Mime Oak's Laboratory! All Member's Gather! Pics
1236 The Rainbow and the Pokémon Master The Rainbow and the Pokémon Master! Pics

Wilhemina's Marill

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
134 For Crying Out Loud Crybaby Marill! Pics

Trixie's Marill

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
155 Love, The Totodile Style Dancing Totodile! Steps of Love!! Pics

Pietra's Marill

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
206 Right on, Rhydon! Chase the Swimming Rhydon! Lake of a Battle! Pics

Vivi Winstrate's Marill

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
322 Candid Camerupt! Winstrate Family! 4 Vs. 4! Pics

Lola's Marill

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
C5 A Family That Battles Together, Stays Together!! Brock! Save Pewter Gym! Pics
453 Grating Spaces Brock & Ash! Defend Pewter Gym in Tag Battle! Pics
S27 TBC Pewter Gym - The Biggest Crisis Ever! Pics

Lulu's Marill

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
605 Three Sides to Every Story Marill, Piplup & Elekid! Pics

Lyra's Marill

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
611 An Egg Scramble Johto Festa! Chikorita and Totodile Appear!! Pics
612 Gone With the Windworks! Dungeon Capture!? Valley Windworks!! Pics
613 A Rivalry to Gible On! Gible...Get! Pics

Special/Other Trainers's Marill

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
148 Tricks Of The Trade Wobbuffet and the Pokémon Exchange! Pics
149 The Fire-ring Squad Burn Squirtle Squad! Like a Fire!! Pics
170 Hook, Line and Stinker Seaking! Fishing Battle! Pics
171 Beauty and the Breeder Sayonara Vulpix! Beauty Contest! Pics
217 Octillery The Outcast! Octillery Vs. Remoraid! Whirlpool Cup Qualifying Round! Pics
218 Dueling Heroes Whirlpool Cup! Great Battle in the Water Colosseum! Pics
289 All Things Bright and Beautifly! Contest! Beautifly's Magnificent Battle! Pics
291 Gonna Rule The School! Try to Study! Pokémon Trainer's School! Pics
338 Disguise Da Limit! Verdanturf Town! Pokémon Contest Pics
362 Lights, Camerupt, Action The Film's Riding on Camerupt! Pics
392 Mean With Envy Disorderly Melee! Pokémon Contest - Pacifidlog Convention! (Part One) Pics
396 The Ribbon Cup Caper Mysterious Thief Brody & The Ribbon Cup! Pics
398 Hi Ho Silver Wind! Begin! Grand Festival! (1)! Pics
399 Deceit And Assist! Fierce Fighting! Grand Festival! (2)! Pics
420 The Saffron Con Pokémon Contest! Saffron Conference (Part 1)! Pics
428 Weekend Warrior The Rival Is A SalaryMan?? Pics
443 Curbing the Crimson Tide! The Red Inazuma SkyScraper! Pics
444 What I Did For Love Decisive Game! May VS Brock! Pics
450 New Plot - Odd Lot! Harley & Team Rocket! The Formation of the Villanious Alliance! Pics
538 Bells are Singing! Pull Yourself Together, Chingling! Pics
546 Pruning a Passel of Pals! Fierce Battles! Everyone's Respective Rival! Pics
559 One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team! The Final Showdown! Pokémon Triathlon! Pics
582 Another One Gabites the Dust Pokémon Contest! Akebi Convention!! Pics
617 Sticking With You Know Who Pikachu & Piplup Keep Away! Pics
634 The Fleeing Tower of Sunyshore! Takeoff! Sunyshore Tower!! Pics
651 League Unleashed! Opening! Sinnoh League - Suzuran Tournament!! Pics
764 Curtain Up, Unova League The Unova League Higaki Tournament Begins! Pics
766 Lost at the League! Axew Gets Lost! Pics
804 Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin! We've Come to Kalos Region! Dreams and Adventures Begin! Pics
805 Lumiose City Pursuit! Mega Evolution and the Prism Tower! Pics
808 A Blustery Santalune Gym Battle! Santalune Gym Match! The Vivillon's Elegant Dance Battle! Pics
813 Mega-Mega Meowth Madness! Chespin VS Mega Mega Meowth! Pics
819 A Jolting Switcheroo! Dedenne is Pichu and Pichu is Dedenne...!? Pics
825 Going for the Gold! Fish the Golden Magikarp! Pics
M17 Diancie & The Cocoon of Destruction The Cocoon of Destruction & Diancie Pics
845 Battling Into the Hall of Fame! Team Battle! Competing for the Hall of Fame!! Pics
876 A Fashionable Battle! We Will Have a Battle at the Fashion Show! Bagon VS Spritzee!! Pics
S41 Hoopa, the Mischief Pokémon The Minidjinni of the Word "Appear!": Hoopa Pics
883 Performing with Fiery Charm! Braixen and Pancham! An Entrancing Fire Performance!! Pics
887 Adventures in Running Errands! Chespin! Its First Errand!! Pics
894 A Performance Pop Quiz! The Happy Dance Comes After a Quiz!? The Anistar Festival Showcase!! Pics
908 Party Dancecapades Ash and Serena! Getting One at a Dance Party!! Pics
915 Master Class is in Session! The Master Class Begins! A Maidens' Fight Where Sparks Fly!! Pics
M19 Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel Volcanion & The Ingenious Magearna Pics
930 Analysis Versus Passion! Semifinal Full Battle! Ash VS Sawyer!! Pics
M21 Pokémon: The Power of Us Pokémon: Everyone's Story Pics
1073 Battling Besties! Mallow & Lana! A Fully Powered Battle of Friendship!! Pics
1097 The Sinnoh Iceberg Race! Don't Give In, Piplup! An Ice Floe Race in the Sinnoh Region!! Pics
1120 The Cuteness Quotient! Feebas and the Prism Scale! Pics
M23 Pokémon: Secrets of the Jungle Pokémon: Koko
42 Transform! Hero of the Seas, Palafin Transform! Palafin, the Hero of the Sea! Pics
57 The Terapagos I Don't Know A Terapagos I Don't Know! Pics
58 Food Fit for a Kingambit! The Mascot Pokémon is Kingambit?! Pics
68 TBC Taking to New Skies! The Brave Olivine!! Pics

Wild Marill

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
P1 Pikachu's Vacation Pikachu's Summer Vacation Pics
212 Around the Whirlpool Whirl Islands! Reaching a New Challenge! Pics
240 Nice Pryce Baby Mahogony Gym! Ice Battle!! Pics
278 A Ruin With A View Ancient Pokémon and Mysterious Teams! Pics
308 Abandon Ship! The Abandoned Ship! The Creeping Shadow! Pics
C14 Journey To The Starting Line! Pallet Town! The Setting off of the Pokémon Trainer! Pics
410 The Right Place at the Right Mime Oak's Laboratory! All Member's Gather! Pics
429 On Olden Pond! Dragonair's Lake! Pics
M9 Pokémon Ranger & The Temple of the Sea Pokémon Ranger & The Prince of the Sea - Manaphy Pics
M10 The Rise of Darkrai Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai Pics
P10 Not Aired Pikachu's Exploration Club Pics
P11 Not Aired Pikachu's Great Ice Adventure Pics
P12 Not Aired Pikachu's Great Sparking Search Pics
644 Coming Full Festival Circle! Semi-Final! Who is Heading to the Final!? Pics
M13 Zoroark - Master of Illusions Phantom Champion Zoroark Pics
P13 Not Aired Pikachu's Really Mysterious Adventure Pics
S31 TBC Mewtwo: The Prologue to Awakening Pics
805 Lumiose City Pursuit! Mega Evolution and the Prism Tower! Pics
813 Mega-Mega Meowth Madness! Chespin VS Mega Mega Meowth! Pics
S35 Pokémon XY Mega Evolution I Strongest Mega Evolution ~Act 1~ Pics
838 The Forest Champion The Forest Champion! Enter Hawlucha!! Pics
843 Day Three Blockbusters! Serena VS Shauna! PokéVision Showdown!! Pics
849 The Clumsy Crier Quiets the Chaos! The Clumsy Wigglytuff VS the Rampaging Salamence! Pics
871 Garchomp's Mega Bond! Mega Evolution is Being Targeted! The Bond with Garchomp!! Pics
P15 Pikachu & The Pokémon Music Squad Pikachu and the Pokémon Musicians Pics
M19 Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel Volcanion & The Ingenious Magearna Pics
940 Battling With a Clean Slate! We Start at Zero! Clemont's Decision!! Pics
XYZS1 The Legend of XYZ The Legend of XYZ Pics
M21 Pokémon: The Power of Us Pokémon: Everyone's Story Pics
13 An Unexpected Picni A Sudden Picnic Pics
42 Transform! Hero of the Seas, Palafin Transform! Palafin, the Hero of the Sea! Pics
75 TBC The Future We've Been Entrusted, the Shine of This World Pics
87 TBC The Guidance of the Black Rayquaza Pics

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