Pokémon Search

Pokémon Search Details

In Pokémon GO, you can store upwards of 6,100 Pokémon. As this is a large amount, there needs to be a way to search for Pokémon. As standard, you can sort by the following:
Recent Captures
National Pokédex Number
Combat Power

However, there is another way. You can search for Pokémon through various different options. This page is to detail all possible search terms. You can also add a ! in front of them to remove Pokémon that hit that specific constraint. You can refine this with & for Pokémon that meet multiple criterea or with a comma to denote Pokémon that meet one of multiple possible criterea

Pokémon Search

Search Terms

Term Description
0* Pokémon with a total IV of up to 22 (49%)
1* Pokémon with a total IV of 23 up to 29 (64.4%)
2* Pokémon with a total IV of 30 up to 36 (80%)
3* Pokémon with a total IV of 37 up to 44 (98%)
4* Pokémon with a total IV of 45 (100%)
@Move Name (eg. @Hyper Beam etc.) Pokémon that have a specific move. Can be filtered to specific slots by adding 1, 2 or 3 in front
@Move Type (eg. @Water etc.) Pokémon that have a move of a specific type. Can be filtered to specific slots by adding 1, 2 or 3 in front
@special Pokémon that have a move they can now longer learn such as a move from an Event or a legacy move
@weather Pokémon that are presently Weather Boosted
!@3move Pokémon that have a third move unlocked
>type Pokémon that have moves that are Super Effective against a type. (e.g. >flying shows Pokémon with moves Flying-types are weak against)
<type Pokémon that have moves that are Not Very Effective against a type. (e.g. >flying shows Pokémon with moves Flying-types are resistant against)
+Pokémon Name (eg. +Charmander etc.) Pokémon of that name and all its evolutions
0-4attack Pokémon With 0 IV, 1-5 IV, 6-10 IV, 11-14 IV or 15 IV in Attack
0-4defense Pokémon With 0 IV, 1-5 IV, 6-10 IV, 11-14 IV or 15 IV in Defense
0-4hp Pokémon With 0 IV, 1-5 IV, 6-10 IV, 11-14 IV or 15 IV in HP
Adventureeffect Pokémon with an Adventure Effect
age* Age of a Pokémon starting from 0 for today and then increasing for numbers of days
Alola Pokémon from Alola
Background Pokémon with a Location Card or Special Background
BuddyNumber (e.g Buddy 4, Buddy 5) Search for Pokémon you are buddied with. Each value = a star rating. 0 = No history, 2 = Good Buddy, 3 = Great Buddy, 4 = Ultra Buddy, 5 = Best Buddy
CandyXL Pokémon over Level 40
CandyKM (e.g. CandyKM1, CandyKM20 etc.) Pokémon with buddy candy requirements of the specific number
Costume Pokémon that have a costume e.g. Santa Hat Pikachu
CPNumber (eg. CP3000) Pokémon that have CP of that number
Defender Pokémon currently defending a gym
DistanceNumber (eg. Distance1-150 for up to 150km) Pokémon caught or hatched a certain distance from current location
Eggsonly Pokémon that can only be found in eggs
Evolve Pokémon currently capable of evolving
ExRaid Pokémon caught from an Elite or EX Raid Battle
Evolvemega Pokémon currently capable of Mega Evolving
Evolvenew Pokémon currently capable of evolving into a Pokémon with a new Pokédex entry
Evolvequest Pokémon currently capable of evolving into a Pokémon through a quest
Female Pokémon that are female
Fusion Pokémon that are capable of fusion or are fused
Galar Pokémon from Galar
Gbl Pokémon caught from GO Battle League
Genderunknown Pokémon that lack a gender
Hatched Pokémon that hatched from an egg
Hisui Pokémon from Hisui
Hoenn Pokémon from Hoenn
HPNumber (eg. HP120) Pokémon that have HP of that number
Item Pokémon that can evolve with an item
Johto Pokémon from Johto
Kalos Pokémon from Kalos
Kanto Pokémon from Kanto
Legendary Legendary Pokémon
Locationbackground Pokémon with a Location Card
Lucky Lucky Pokémon
Male Pokémon that are male
Mega Number Searches for Pokémon with Mega Evolution Level. Mega0 for those that haven't Mega Evolved, Mega1, Mega2 and Mega3
MegaRaid Pokémon caught from a Mega Raid Battle
Mythical Mythical Pokémon
National Pokédex Number (eg. 1, 251 etc.) Pokémon of that National Pokédex Number. Can be grouped i.e. (1-151, 494-, -152 etc.)
Paldea Pokémon from Paldea
Party Pokémon caught while in a party
Pokémon Name (eg. Bulbasaur, Celebi etc.) Pokémon of that name
PrimalRaid Pokémon caught from a primal Raid Battle
Purified Pokémon that have been purified
Raid Pokémon caught from a Raid Battle
Research Pokémon caught from a Research Encounter
Remoteraid Pokémon caught from a Remote Raid Battle
Rocket Pokémon caught from a Team GO Rocket encounter
Shadow Shadow Pokémon
Shiny Shiny Pokémon
Sinnoh Pokémon from Sinnoh
Snapshot Pokémon caught from a Snapshot encounter
Specialbackground Pokémon with a Special Background
Traded Pokémon obtained by trading
Tradeevolve Pokémon currently capable of evolving for free after being traded
Type (e.g. Flying, Water etc.) Pokémon of a specific type
Unova Pokémon from Unova
Ultra Beasts Ultra Beasts
UltraBeast Ultra Beasts
XL Pokémon with XL Height
XXL Pokémon with XXL Height
XXS Pokémon with XXS Height
XS Pokémon with XS Height
YearNumber (eg. Year2016) Pokémon caught in a specific year