Pokémon Search
Pokémon Search Details |
In Pokémon GO, you can store upwards of 6,100 Pokémon. As this is a large amount, there needs to be a way to search for Pokémon. As standard, you can sort by the following: However, there is another way. You can search for Pokémon through various different options. This page is to detail all possible search terms. You can also add a ! in front of them to remove Pokémon that hit that specific constraint. You can refine this with & for Pokémon that meet multiple criterea or with a comma to denote Pokémon that meet one of multiple possible criterea |
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Search Terms
Term | Description |
0* | Pokémon with a total IV of up to 22 (49%) |
1* | Pokémon with a total IV of 23 up to 29 (64.4%) |
2* | Pokémon with a total IV of 30 up to 36 (80%) |
3* | Pokémon with a total IV of 37 up to 44 (98%) |
4* | Pokémon with a total IV of 45 (100%) |
@Move Name (eg. @Hyper Beam etc.) | Pokémon that have a specific move. Can be filtered to specific slots by adding 1, 2 or 3 in front |
@Move Type (eg. @Water etc.) | Pokémon that have a move of a specific type. Can be filtered to specific slots by adding 1, 2 or 3 in front |
@special | Pokémon that have a move they can now longer learn such as a move from an Event or a legacy move |
@weather | Pokémon that are presently Weather Boosted |
!@3move | Pokémon that have a third move unlocked |
>type | Pokémon that have moves that are Super Effective against a type. (e.g. >flying shows Pokémon with moves Flying-types are weak against) |
<type | Pokémon that have moves that are Not Very Effective against a type. (e.g. >flying shows Pokémon with moves Flying-types are resistant against) |
+Pokémon Name (eg. +Charmander etc.) | Pokémon of that name and all its evolutions |
0-4attack | Pokémon With 0 IV, 1-5 IV, 6-10 IV, 11-14 IV or 15 IV in Attack |
0-4defense | Pokémon With 0 IV, 1-5 IV, 6-10 IV, 11-14 IV or 15 IV in Defense |
0-4hp | Pokémon With 0 IV, 1-5 IV, 6-10 IV, 11-14 IV or 15 IV in HP |
Adventureeffect | Pokémon with an Adventure Effect |
age* | Age of a Pokémon starting from 0 for today and then increasing for numbers of days |
Alola | Pokémon from Alola |
Background | Pokémon with a Location Card or Special Background |
BuddyNumber (e.g Buddy 4, Buddy 5) | Search for Pokémon you are buddied with. Each value = a star rating. 0 = No history, 2 = Good Buddy, 3 = Great Buddy, 4 = Ultra Buddy, 5 = Best Buddy |
CandyXL | Pokémon over Level 40 |
CandyKM (e.g. CandyKM1, CandyKM20 etc.) | Pokémon with buddy candy requirements of the specific number |
Costume | Pokémon that have a costume e.g. Santa Hat Pikachu |
CPNumber (eg. CP3000) | Pokémon that have CP of that number |
Defender | Pokémon currently defending a gym |
DistanceNumber (eg. Distance1-150 for up to 150km) | Pokémon caught or hatched a certain distance from current location |
Eggsonly | Pokémon that can only be found in eggs |
Evolve | Pokémon currently capable of evolving |
ExRaid | Pokémon caught from an Elite or EX Raid Battle |
Evolvemega | Pokémon currently capable of Mega Evolving |
Evolvenew | Pokémon currently capable of evolving into a Pokémon with a new Pokédex entry |
Evolvequest | Pokémon currently capable of evolving into a Pokémon through a quest |
Female | Pokémon that are female |
Fusion | Pokémon that are capable of fusion or are fused |
Galar | Pokémon from Galar |
Gbl | Pokémon caught from GO Battle League |
Genderunknown | Pokémon that lack a gender |
Hatched | Pokémon that hatched from an egg |
Hisui | Pokémon from Hisui |
Hoenn | Pokémon from Hoenn |
HPNumber (eg. HP120) | Pokémon that have HP of that number |
Item | Pokémon that can evolve with an item |
Johto | Pokémon from Johto |
Kalos | Pokémon from Kalos |
Kanto | Pokémon from Kanto |
Legendary | Legendary Pokémon |
Locationbackground | Pokémon with a Location Card |
Lucky | Lucky Pokémon |
Male | Pokémon that are male |
Mega Number | Searches for Pokémon with Mega Evolution Level. Mega0 for those that haven't Mega Evolved, Mega1, Mega2 and Mega3 |
MegaRaid | Pokémon caught from a Mega Raid Battle |
Mythical | Mythical Pokémon |
National Pokédex Number (eg. 1, 251 etc.) | Pokémon of that National Pokédex Number. Can be grouped i.e. (1-151, 494-, -152 etc.) |
Paldea | Pokémon from Paldea |
Party | Pokémon caught while in a party |
Pokémon Name (eg. Bulbasaur, Celebi etc.) | Pokémon of that name |
PrimalRaid | Pokémon caught from a primal Raid Battle |
Purified | Pokémon that have been purified |
Raid | Pokémon caught from a Raid Battle |
Research | Pokémon caught from a Research Encounter |
Remoteraid | Pokémon caught from a Remote Raid Battle |
Rocket | Pokémon caught from a Team GO Rocket encounter |
Shadow | Shadow Pokémon |
Shiny | Shiny Pokémon |
Sinnoh | Pokémon from Sinnoh |
Snapshot | Pokémon caught from a Snapshot encounter |
Specialbackground | Pokémon with a Special Background |
Traded | Pokémon obtained by trading |
Tradeevolve | Pokémon currently capable of evolving for free after being traded |
Type (e.g. Flying, Water etc.) | Pokémon of a specific type |
Unova | Pokémon from Unova |
Ultra Beasts | Ultra Beasts |
UltraBeast | Ultra Beasts |
XL | Pokémon with XL Height |
XXL | Pokémon with XXL Height |
XXS | Pokémon with XXS Height |
XS | Pokémon with XS Height |
YearNumber (eg. Year2016) | Pokémon caught in a specific year |