Event Only Pokémon Moves

A feature of the mainline Pokémon games has been that event distributed Pokémon would often have moves that they can't normally learn and Pokémon GO now continues this feature. In some events, the Pokémon you receive will have a special move that it can only learn. Using a Fast TM will also not work

Fast Attacks

Name Type Damage Energy Increase Duration Known By
Bullet Seed 14 12 2.1 seconds Shiftry Roserade Leafeon
Counter 12 8 2.1 seconds Alakazam
Dragon Breath 6 4 2.1 seconds Charizard
Ember 10 10 2.1 seconds Ninetales
Ice Shard 12 12 2.1 seconds Lapras
Lick 5 6 2.1 seconds Gengar
Powder Snow 6 15 2.1 seconds Walrein
Present 5 20 2.1 seconds Pikachu Delibird
Shadow Claw 9 6 2.1 seconds Leavanny
Smack Down 16 8 2.1 seconds Tyranitar
Thunder Shock 5 8 2.1 seconds Zapdos
Volt Switch 20 25 2.1 seconds Eelektross
Yawn 0 15 2.1 seconds Snorlax

Charge Attacks

Name Type Damage Critical Hit Chance Duration Energy Requirements Known By
Ancient Power 70 0% 3.5 seconds 3 Energy Mamoswine
Aqua Tail 50 0% 1.9 seconds 3 Energy Gyarados Quagsire
Blast Burn 100 0% 2.6 seconds 2 Energy Charizard Typhlosion Blaziken Infernape Emboar
Body Slam 50 0% 1.9 seconds 3 Energy Lickitung Snorlax Slaking Lickilicky
Cross Chop 50 0% 1.5 seconds 2 Energy Primeape
Draco Meteor 150 0% 3 seconds 1 Energy Dragonite
Dragon Pulse 90 0% 3.6 seconds 2 Energy Ampharos
Drill Run 80 0% 2.8 seconds 2 Energy Beedrill
Energy Ball 90 0% 3.9 seconds 2 Energy Accelgor
Fire Punch 55 0% 2.2 seconds 3 Energy Groudon
Flamethrower 70 0% 2.2 seconds 2 Energy Electivire
Frenzy Plant 100 0% 2.6 seconds 2 Energy Venusaur Meganium Sceptile Torterra Serperior
Grass Knot 90 0% 2.6 seconds 2 Energy Breloom Cresselia
Hurricane 110 0% 2.7 seconds 1 Energy Articuno Rayquaza
Hydro Cannon 90 0% 1.9 seconds 2 Energy Blastoise Feraligatr Swampert Empoleon Samurott
Hyper Beam 150 0% 3.8 seconds 1 Energy Bibarel
Ice Beam 90 0% 3.3 seconds 2 Energy Lapras Bidoof
Last Resort 90 0% 0 seconds 2 Energy Eevee Vaporeon Jolteon Flareon Espeon Umbreon Leafeon Glaceon
Megahorn 90 0% 2.2 seconds 1 Energy
Moonblast 130 0% 3.9 seconds 1 Energy Altaria
Night Slash 50 0% 2.2 seconds 3 Energy Sandslash
Origin Pulse 130 0% 1.7 seconds 1 Energy Kyogre
Outrage 110 0% 3.9 seconds 2 Energy Salamence
Precipice Blades 130 0% 1.7 seconds 1 Energy Groudon
Psychic 100 0% 2.8 seconds 1 Energy Gengar Umbreon
Psyshock 65 0% 2.7 seconds 3 Energy
Psystrike 100 0% 4.4 seconds 2 Energy Mewtwo
Scald 80 0% 3.7 seconds 2 Energy Vaporeon
Shadow Ball 100 0% 3 seconds 2 Energy Mewtwo Espeon Bidoof Dusknoir
Shadow Punch 40 0% 1.7 seconds 3 Energy Gengar
Sky Attack 80 0% 2 seconds 2 Energy Moltres
Sludge Bomb 80 0% 2.3 seconds 2 Energy Darkrai
Struggle 35 0% 2.2 seconds Beldum
Surf 65 0% 1.7 seconds 2 Energy Pikachu Slowbro Slowking
Thunder Punch 45 0% 1.8 seconds 3 Energy
Thunderbolt 80 0% 2.5 seconds 2 Energy Bidoof Magmortar
Water Pulse 70 0% 3.2 seconds 2 Energy Glaceon
Wild Charge 90 0% 2.6 seconds 2 Energy Rapidash Blissey
Zap Cannon 140 0% 3.7 seconds 1 Energy Jolteon Registeel